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President Obama: Health Care Legislation Would Have Violated White House Pledges
The Tea Partiers were right. How many times did Obama lie about this issue before finally admitting critics of the healthcare reform bills were right all along? How many times did he accuse detractors of the bills of distorting their content?

This is what happens when Obama leaves the TOTUS at home. He slips up and occasionally tells the truth.

Obama will sign any healthcare "reform" bill that Democrats send to his desk, regardless of how many lies he and the Democrat leadership have tell to make it the law of the land.

Quote:[INDENT]President Obama: Health Care Legislation Would Have Violated White House Pledges to Patients

At the House Republican Conference retreat in Baltimore Friday, President Obama admitted that there were "some stray cats and dogs that got in" the health care reform legislation.

As an example, the president said, "We said from the start that it was going to be important for us to be consistent in saying to people ... 'You want to keep the health insurance you got, you can keep it,' that you're not going to have anybody getting in between you and your doctor in your decision making. And I think that some of the provisions that got snuck in might have violated that pledge."[/INDENT]
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The Tea Partiers were right. How many times did Obama lie about this issue before finally admitting critics of the healthcare reform bills were right all along? How many times did he accuse detractors of the bills of distorting their content?

This is what happens when Obama leaves the TOTUS at home. He slips up and occasionally tells the truth.

Obama will sign any healthcare "reform" bill that Democrats send to his desk, regardless of how many lies he and the Democrat leadership have tell to make it the law of the land.

What say you cavemaster?

"The man can give a speech" LOL
Once again, all together now!!!

[ame=""]YouTube- THREE DOG NIGHT Liar (Live w / lyrics)[/ame]
Really now, He thinks.....might have?
And I think that some of the provisions that got snuck in might have violated that pledge."

What about Obama telling Bush that it was time give up on passing the immigration bill he was proposing because onlly 35% of the public wanted it. My question is when will Obama take his own advice and drop thes healthcare bill because according to the latest polls only about 35% of the public want it.

BTW I hope he leave TOTUS at home more often, it seems like the only we can get the truth.
Dorothy can click her heals all she wants. No matter how many times you call Obama a liar, your mere repetition doesn't make it so, though, let's be honest, the Right Wing Flirty Party knows that if you repeat half truths and lies often enough, some traction is gained amongst the less than savvy populace.
thecavemaster Wrote:Dorothy can click her heals all she wants. No matter how many times you call Obama a liar, your mere repetition doesn't make it so, though, let's be honest, the Right Wing Flirty Party knows that if you repeat half truths and lies often enough, some traction is gained amongst the less than savvy populace.
You do not need to believe my characterization of Obama's comments. Once again, I have provided a direct quote from Obama himself.

Either the care reform bills would let everybody keep their current health care insurance plans or they would not. Either the bills would allow the federal government come between patients and their doctors or they would not.

Obama took both sides on these two important issues and both sides cannot be correct. Simple logic - all you need to do is to allow your brain to process the information that your own eyes and ears are sending it.

Joe Wilson was right. Obama lies.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You do not need to believe my characterization of Obama's comments. Once again, I have provided a direct quote from Obama himself.

Either the care reform bills would let everybody keep their current health care insurance plans or they would not. Either the bills would allow the federal government come between patients and their doctors or they would not.

Obama took both sides on these two important issues and both sides cannot be correct. Simple logic - all you need to do is to allow your brain to process the information that your own eyes and ears are sending it.

Joe Wilson was right. Obama lies.

Barack Obama doesn't want the working poor and the squeezed middle to go without health insurance, Hoot. And you? You tell the truth, Hoot, but you tell it at a slant... and that makes all the difference. You yourself are the greasiest kind of liar...and most dangerous... as you see yourself as standing for the truth. Meistro of the Masquerade.
thecavemaster Wrote:Barack Obama doesn't want the working poor and the squeezed middle to go without health insurance, Hoot. And you? You tell the truth, Hoot, but you tell it at a slant... and that makes all the difference. You yourself are the greasiest kind of liar...and most dangerous... as you see yourself as standing for the truth. Meistro of the Masquerade.
No links, I see. Just more rambling nonsense and Ad hominem attacks. Pitiful. :thatsfunn
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No links, I see. Just more rambling nonsense and Ad hominem attacks. Pitiful. :thatsfunn

Do you think it a worthwhile political and moral goal to see that the working poor and the squeezed middle have decent and affordable medical coverage? It seems to me that that is Priority #1 for Barack Obama. And you? I don't think he lied about that, Hoot. I don't. I think your running from that issue, straining out gnats, swallowing camels.
thecavemaster Wrote:Do you think it a worthwhile political and moral goal to see that the working poor and the squeezed middle have decent and affordable medical coverage? It seems to me that that is Priority #1 for Barack Obama. And you? I don't think he lied about that, Hoot. I don't. I think your running from that issue, straining out gnats, swallowing camels.
I believe that forcing people to pay money that they earned to buy a product that they do not want by threatening them with fines and imprisonment is immoral. I believe that forcing one American to pay for the medical insurance of other Americans, some of whom are able-bodied adult men and women who refuse to engage in an honest day's work, is immoral. Finally, I believe that Obama deliberately misrepresented the contents of the House and Senate bills in an attempt to fool the American people and incrementally nationalize our health care system. As I have demonstrated countless times, Obama is a liar.

If you do not want to believe use your own eyes, ears, and brain, then that is not my problem but I certainly do not want to pay for your mistakes. Fortunately, most other Americans are no longer willing to swallow Obama's lies hook, line, and sinker, so the chances of either of the ridiculous bills pending in Congress ever becoming the law of the land are extremely remote.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I believe that forcing people to pay money that they earned to buy a product that they do not want by threatening them with fines and imprisonment is immoral. I believe that forcing one American to pay for the medical insurance of other Americans, some of whom are able-bodied adult men and women who refuse to engage in an honest day's work, is immoral. Finally, I believe that Obama deliberately misrepresented the contents of the House and Senate bills in an attempt to fool the American people and incrementally nationalize our health care system. As I have demonstrated countless times, Obama is a liar.

If you do not want to believe use your own eyes, ears, and brain, then that is not my problem but I certainly do not want to pay for your mistakes. Fortunately, most other Americans are no longer willing to swallow Obama's lies hook, line, and sinker, so the chances of either of the ridiculous bills pending in Congress ever becoming the law of the land are extremely remote.

Hoot, the poor, the elderly, children of the poor... these folks already have medical insurance. I am talking about the working poor and the squeezed middle. For me, I think as long as private insurance is predominant, "green" matters more than adequate, affordable healthcare for all. I believe that the government is about the only entity left with the strength (if not always the will) to protect the public from corporate greed. I also believe it is the role of the people to be watchguards over the government if power becomes invasive or pervasive. The power of the corporation is at least as dangerous as the unchecked power of government. Recent history has proven both capable of atrocity, ruthlessness, deceit, etc.
thecavemaster Wrote:Hoot, the poor, the elderly, children of the poor... these folks already have medical insurance. I am talking about the working poor and the squeezed middle. For me, I think as long as private insurance is predominant, "green" matters more than adequate, affordable healthcare for all. I believe that the government is about the only entity left with the strength (if not always the will) to protect the public from corporate greed. I also believe it is the role of the people to be watchguards over the government if power becomes invasive or pervasive. The power of the corporation is at least as dangerous as the unchecked power of government. Recent history has proven both capable of atrocity, ruthlessness, deceit, etc.
Might does not make right. My money is my money. If I choose to donate any or all of it to charity, then so be it. When the government forcibly takes my money to pay for somebody else's living expenses it is not charity, it is tyranny - and theft.

As for your ludicrous assertion that the power of a corporation is at least as dangerous as the unchecked power of government, I suggest that you read your own words, think about what you wrote, and figure try to figure out for yourself where the gaping hole in your logic is. No need for me to drive another truck through that hole if you can patch it up yourself. Here are three hints: Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

It would certainly save us both some time if you would put a little more forethought into your posts before you begin typing. :biggrin:
Corporate greed, since when does the 2% to 6% profit range constitute "greed".

Ledgers tell a different reality. Health insurance profit margins typically run about 6 percent, give or take a point or two. That’s anemic compared with other forms of insurance and a broad array of industries, even some beleaguered ones.
[INDENT]Profits barely exceeded 2 percent of revenues in the latest annual measure. This partly explains why the credit ratings of some of the largest insurers were downgraded to negative from stable heading into this year, as investors were warned of a stagnant if not shrinking market for private plans.

BTW, The latest annual profit margins of a selection of products, services and industries: Tupperware Brands, 7.5 percent; Yahoo, 5.9 percent; Hershey, 6.1 percent; Clorox, 8.7 percent; Molson Coors Brewing, 8.1 percent; construction and farm machinery, 5 percent; Yum Brands (think KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell), 8.5 percent.
Every time CM post I think of the Governor's song from "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas".
[ame=""]YouTube- Charles Durning in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas[/ame]
Matman Wrote:Every time CM post I think of the Governor's song from "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas".
:Clap: Great observation! I knew that I recognized that song and dance from somewhere.
thecavemaster Wrote:Do you think it a worthwhile political and moral goal to see that the working poor and the squeezed middle have decent and affordable medical coverage? It seems to me that that is Priority #1 for Barack Obama. And you? I don't think he lied about that, Hoot. I don't. I think your running from that issue, straining out gnats, swallowing camels.

Hail to the biggest hypocrit that's ever posted on this website.
Based on statements from the Secret Service, is Ronald Kessler's claim false?[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE]
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Hail to the biggest hypocrit that's ever posted on this website.

Based on statements from the Secret Service, is Ronald Kessler's claim false?

Of course, in that the source was Secret Service, the "official" rebuttal Secret Service, wouldn't the jury sort of still be out on this one?
thecavemaster Wrote:
Of course, in that the source was Secret Service, the "official" rebuttal Secret Service, wouldn't the jury sort of still be out on this one?

Why would the jury be out?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Why would the jury be out?

Well, for instance, Press Secretary Gibbs is an "official" source from the Obama administration. However, you guys tend to disbelieve him; thus, whenever he says something, and you guys counter say something else, the jury must still be out.
thecavemaster Wrote:Well, for instance, Press Secretary Gibbs is an "official" source from the Obama administration. However, you guys tend to disbelieve him; thus, whenever he says something, and you guys counter say something else, the jury must still be out.

Who is us guys? I dont think that I have ever made the first comment about Gibbs.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Who is us guys? I dont think that I have ever made the first comment about Gibbs.
I confess. I have called him Baghdad Bob Gibbs and I stand by my comment. Gibbs is probably the most arrogant person that I can remember at his position and he has absolutely no reason to have any confidence in his ability, let alone arrogance. :biggrin:

Just this past weekend he twice stated that KSM would be tried, convicted, and most likely meet his maker. That is a major league blunder, assuming that the administration wants to convict the guy.

Obama's entire rationale for giving KSM a civil trial is to show the Muslim world that we are a nation of laws where everybody gets a fair trial - but Gibbs has already sentenced the monster to death in advance. So what is the point of giving a man who has confessed a civil trial?

It is bad enough that Obama wants to spend tens of millions of dollars giving KSM a soapbox in a show trial, but justice will not be served in Baghdad Bob and Zero give a federal judge cause to dismiss the case on a technicality.

Aside from that, Gibbs lies to the media on a daily basis but it seems like the only ones that care are Fox News and Jake Tapper of ABC. Gibbs often claims that a question was answered previously when in fact, he dodged the question previously too.

Yes, yes, Bob Gibbs is the only Press Secretary in recorded history who tap dances at times amongst the White House Press Corps. Let's see: give the dude a fair trial; I, Bob Gibbs, think he's guilty, will get a death sentence at the conclusion of the festivities. Thus, we grant a fair trail and the like to appease the Muslim world? Or, because it is consistent with the highest principles within us? regardless of outward winds?
thecavemaster Wrote:Yes, yes, Bob Gibbs is the only Press Secretary in recorded history who tap dances at times amongst the White House Press Corps. Let's see: give the dude a fair trial; I, Bob Gibbs, think he's guilty, will get a death sentence at the conclusion of the festivities. Thus, we grant a fair trail and the like to appease the Muslim world? Or, because it is consistent with the highest principles within us? regardless of outward winds?
Do you see know problem with President Obama and his Press Secretary, Baghdad Bob proclaiming that KSM is guilty and will be executed before a jury has even been seated? Do you think that a judge might just agree with KSM that such statements might prejudice the jury pool? Do you think that the pre-trial guilty proclamation by this administration might be an impediment to the same administration's stated goal of showing the world that everybody accused of a crime in this nation gets a fair trial?

Keep in mind, that I think a fair trial in this case should consist of a military judge accepting KSM's guilty plea, followed by the prompt delivery of a 21 gun salute to KSM's head. That is the justice that he deserves, swift, sure, and cheap. Afterwards, I favor giving KSM a nice funeral at taxpayer's expense. (After carefully wrapping him in fresh bacon.)
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Do you see know problem with President Obama and his Press Secretary, Baghdad Bob proclaiming that KSM is guilty and will be executed before a jury has even been seated? Do you think that a judge might just agree with KSM that such statements might prejudice the jury pool? Do you think that the pre-trial guilty proclamation by this administration might be an impediment to the same administration's stated goal of showing the world that everybody accused of a crime in this nation gets a fair trial?

Keep in mind, that I think a fair trial in this case should consist of a military judge accepting KSM's guilty plea, followed by the prompt delivery of a 21 gun salute to KSM's head. That is the justice that he deserves, swift, sure, and cheap. Afterwards, I favor giving KSM a nice funeral at taxpayer's expense. (After carefully wrapping him in fresh bacon.)

:Thumbs: Very well put! May I suggest a pork chop enema to go with the fresh bacon? :biggrin:
Joe Friday Wrote::Thumbs: Very well put! May I suggest a pork chop enema to go with the fresh bacon? :biggrin:
:thatsfunn That would be a nice touch.
thecavemaster Wrote:Yes, yes, Bob Gibbs is the only Press Secretary in recorded history who tap dances at times amongst the White House Press Corps. Let's see: give the dude a fair trial; I, Bob Gibbs, think he's guilty, will get a death sentence at the conclusion of the festivities. Thus, we grant a fair trail and the like to appease the Muslim world? Or, because it is consistent with the highest principles within us? regardless of outward winds?

Yes others have done it. So does that make it right for Gibbs to do it? Why do you always try to justify someones actions by pointing out the failure of others?
Matman Wrote:Yes others have done it. So does that make it right for Gibbs to do it? Why do you always try to justify someones actions by pointing out the failure of others?

Because he cant do any better than that. It's either that or a bunch of meaningless jibber jabber that goes round and round in circles. That is the very best he has to offer.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Because he cant do any better than that. It's either that or a bunch of meaningless jibber jabber that goes round and round in circles. That is the very best he has to offer.

What a bunch of cry babies...
thecavemaster Wrote:What a bunch of cry babies...

Where did this come from? You truly are a poster child for politics in this country today. You are full of rhetoric and strive to devide the parties even more. Now you resort to name calling.
Matman Wrote:Where did this come from? You truly are a poster child for politics in this country today. You are full of rhetoric and strive to devide the parties even more. Now you resort to name calling.

Words and ideas are rhetoric. You should try them. Strive to divide? Obama is like Hitler is like Mao? Obama is the most clueless President ever? Obama is a lyin' African? As Paul Simon said, "Who do, who do, who do you think you're foolin'? Come on, Man.

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