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Gas down to $2.28 in Lexington
in corbin 2.04 on the north end on the east side of the interstate and 2.14 on the west side... i don't understand that but whatever and 2.09 on the south end
I paid $2.19 for gas a couple nights ago in Paintsville
$2.03 on Versailles Rd in Lex
You guys suck In Pikeville its $2.33
Ranging between $1.99 and $2.03 in Lexington
Hopefully we'll all see it under 2 dollars soon.
Its 2.09 in corbin.
Saw it for 2.27 in Louisa today.
2.19 at davis market on auxier road
CatDawg Wrote:Saw it for 2.27 in Louisa today.

Sounds like they're tryi to rip you off in
Gas shot up to over 2.20 in Lexington today
Hmmm..wonder why?
Was waiting for that Alfus. It leveled out on the market about a month ago then spiked a little now as dropped very little more and is leveling out again. But good news today for the January shipments oil dropped below I think down to $57 today.

Just south of Louisa saw it for 2.17 today.
Still haven't seen it that low.. 2.35 last time i saw it...
Makes me feel better CTD.
Its hard to believe that gas prices has jumped so high since 5 years ago
December shipments fell to 1.48 on the market today. Oil down to 57.33 I think was the exact price.
Hopefully we see the under 2 dollar mark going up on signs all over.
We can only hope.
That's my New Year's resolution for George W. Bush and everyone with any power in America, make gas under 2 dollars. lol
I filled-up this morning in Johnson County and gas was 2.13, 2.18 & 2.23 per gallon
Anyone remeber when Gas was around 1.05 a gallon, Haha I could remeber My grand Pa getting mad when it went up to 1.10 but it would drop back down in a week. Good times Good times.
I remember that people thought that gas was outrageous when it was like $1.79 after the September 11th attacks happened.
Cheem I can remember paying as low as 76 cents and thats not been that long ago.
CatDawg Wrote:Cheem I can remember paying as low as 76 cents and thats not been that long ago.

I actually remember those days CD ....
Really hasn't been that long.
I remember when gas started spiking.. and i went to paintsville and it was 1.14 compared to 1.25 in pikeville..
How I wish it was 1.25 now.
Don't we all CD Sad
76 cents?? wow thats ridiculous

we were in lexington wednesday for the uk game and there was one place it was $1.99
thats pretty good compared to what it is in pikeville right now

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