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(3)Kentucky 71 - Louisville 62
If someone knees you in the head, and you don't do something back, you're not a man, basketball or not, the head is very sensitive, you don't just let someone go taking shots at your head. Cousins is no thug for retaliating. That knee was dirty.
I am not condoning Cousins' actions, because I know for a fact that he has had these same problems off the court and PPat had to stop him from doing something REALLY stupid that would have put his season in jeopardy.

But with that said, UK and UofL were both acting like a bunch of thugs at the beginning of the game. People were jawing, getting rough, etc. Then Bledsoe gets benched by Calipari because he and a UofL player were having some words. Things were already tense.

Next thing you know, Cousins is going for a ball and he feels someone knee him in the face. Boom, you're already ****ed off and then someone sends a knee your way? Can any of you really say you would have just smiled and helped the guy up? **** no! This was a rivalry game, and game between two fan-bases and teams who despise each other.

If Cousins was just being an ******* and threw the elbow, then that's one thing, but to get a knee sent into your face and THEN throw the elbow completely changes things. It still doesn't make it right, but it makes it a bit more understandable. Whether the "knee" was part of his natural movement or not in that situation is irrelevant. What the **** is Cousins supposed to do? Sit back and say, "Ohh, you just kneed me in the face, but I won't do anything about it because during the tense battle I completely understand that it was just part of your 'natural movement.' Allow me to help you up and french kiss you." :please:
PC_You_Know Wrote:If someone knees you in the head, and you don't do something back, you're not a man, basketball or not, the head is very sensitive, you don't just let someone go taking shots at your head. Cousins is no thug for retaliating. That knee was dirty.

PC, that knee looked an awful lot like it just part of the falling motion. That elbow was flagrant and has no place in basketball. I'm a UK fan, but not to the point where I will defend a player who does that intentional.
ComfortEagle Wrote:I am not condoning Cousins' actions, because I know for a fact that he has had these same problems off the court and PPat had to stop him from doing something REALLY stupid that would have put his season in jeopardy.

But with that said, UK and UofL were both acting like a bunch of thugs at the beginning of the game. People were jawing, getting rough, etc. Then Bledsoe gets benched by Calipari because he and a UofL player were having some words. Things were already tense.

Next thing you know, Cousins is going for a ball and he feels someone knee him in the face. Boom, you're already ****ed off and then someone sends a knee your way? Can any of you really say you would have just smiled and helped the guy up? **** no! This was a rivalry game, and game between two fan-bases and teams who despise each other.

If Cousins was just being an ******* and threw the elbow, then that's one thing, but to get a knee sent into your face and THEN throw the elbow completely changes things. It still doesn't make it right, but it makes it a bit more understandable.
I see what you are saying, but that doesn't excuse intentional behavior.

PP has 100 times the class of Cousins.
Well according to Coach Cal, they were bumping into and trashtalking to our guys during pre-game warmups and that "they were trying to bait Cousins".Louisville tried everyway to get into UK's head, a Lexington reporter says they were overheard standing outside their lockerroom chanting that they were "bad mother_____s!" before they went out onto the floor.I could say alot more, but I'll retain my class as a UK fan and end it there. I am so proud of our team and equally as proud to have a man like John Calipari leading them.
We are just good a few people are still a little rough around the edges but we are a good team
TheRealVille Wrote:I see what you are saying, but that doesn't excuse intentional behavior.

PP has 100 times the class of Cousins.

So you don't think Pat would have gave that guy a little something extra too had Swopshire kneed him?
BelfryPride Wrote:Well according to Coach Cal, they were bumping into and trashtalking to our guys during pre-game warmups and that "they were trying to bait Cousins".Louisville tried everyway to get into UK's head, a Lexington reporter says they were overheard standing outside their lockerroom chanting that they were "bad mother_____s!" before they went out onto the floor.I could say alot more, but I'll retain my class as a UK fan and end it there. I am so proud of our team and equally as proud to have a man like John Calipari leading them.

Yeah they really are some bad mother whatevers. The most thug guy on their team is little white Mike Marra. lol.
BelfryPride Wrote:Well according to Coach Cal, they were bumping into and trashtalking to our guys during pre-game warmups and that "they were trying to bait Cousins".Louisville tried everyway to get into UK's head, a Lexington reporter says they were overheard standing outside their lockerroom chanting that they were "bad mother_____s!" before they went out onto the floor.I could say alot more, but I'll retain my class as a UK fan and end it there. I am so proud of our team and equally as proud to have a man like John Calipari leading them.

Looks like this website is thinking Pitino had his players doing all of this!!
Check out this perspective on the Louisville Mind games: http://nationofblue.com/conspiracy-theory-pitino/
Not even the Cardinals were able to fly over the Great Wall of Kentucky!!
PC_You_Know Wrote:If someone knees you in the head, and you don't do something back, you're not a man, basketball or not, the head is very sensitive, you don't just let someone go taking shots at your head. Cousins is no thug for retaliating. That knee was dirty.

Yeah! Totally agreed! Louisville seems to be the team loaded with thugs!!
That is nonsense, Pitino wouldn't do that. I'm a die-hard UK fan but we all need to stop blaming it on Pitino and Swopshire and take responsibility for what Cousins did as Big Blue Nation and figure out how this can be prevented in the future. Earlier in this thread someone pointed out that if you wouldn't retaliate you're not a man, in my playing days I had a similar situation to Cousins come upon me where I took a foot, not a knee, but a foot to the kisser and was kicked pretty hard, I always had a bad temper and knew if I went after him I'd kill him, I knew it was a close game and I wasn't going to cost my team the game, so I didn't do anything except walk over to the bench and get the blood cleaned out of my mouth and then continued playing; that is what a real man would've done, not retaliating and nearly costing his team the game with a stupid act like that. Saying Pitino did it is complete nonsense.
From what I have read, Cousins did not even accuse Swopshire of kneeing him in the head, although after reading the excuses that a few UK fans are making for him, he may use that excuse later. Does anybody think that if Cousins had taken a hard knee to the head that he would not have been pleading his case yesterday to the referees, his teammates, and his coach? Cousins is already averaging less than 20 minutes a game, the last thing Cousins needs is for UK fans making excuses for him. The sooner he matures and learns to keep his composure, the sooner UK will be ready to win another title.

U of L knew that its best chance of winning was to get UK's freshmen to lose their composure and I think to some extent Pitino's game plan worked for about a half. Wall had a sub-par first half, Bledsoe took himself out of the game in less than a minute, and Cousins nearly got himself ejected. After yesterday's game, Cousins can expect even more rough treatment, especially when the 'Cats hit the road in the SEC.
LClion4life Wrote:That is nonsense, Pitino wouldn't do that. I'm a die-hard UK fan but we all need to stop blaming it on Pitino and Swopshire and take responsibility for what Cousins did as Big Blue Nation and figure out how this can be prevented in the future. Earlier in this thread someone pointed out that if you wouldn't retaliate you're not a man, in my playing days I had a similar situation to Cousins come upon me where I took a foot, not a knee, but a foot to the kisser and was kicked pretty hard, I always had a bad temper and knew if I went after him I'd kill him, I knew it was a close game and I wasn't going to cost my team the game, so I didn't do anything except walk over to the bench and get the blood cleaned out of my mouth and then continued playing; that is what a real man would've done, not retaliating and nearly costing his team the game with a stupid act like that. Saying Pitino did it is complete nonsense.

You really think Pitino didn't want to get into the heads of UK's young players? Pitino doesn't play all nice like people like to think.
I really do not think Pitino would concoct a plan to get into opposing players heads to get a win. We really need to start blaming the UK players for acting as they did, not anyone else.
Stardust Wrote:^ He can be. When he channels his head on the game, he is a beast. Too often he is wearing his "Rasheed Wallace" pajama's which is going to cost him someday if he doesn't get it together. His stupid act in the first minute of the game could have cost his team the victory. Had the ref's ruled his elbow an ejectionable action, I don't know that UK wins this game. He is a stud, but he is also a headcase that is in complete contrast to one of the classiest UK players of all time PPat.

What is it about PPat that so many people think is so classy? To me, he comes across as one of the most aloof players. Do not get me wrong, I am glad he is a Wildcat and think he is a great talent. I just think he comes across as very aloof.
Do some of you really think that Cal doesn't like the way Cousins is a loose cannon? Because he does. It scares the **** outta the opponents, didn't you notice Samuels play soft the entire game after that incident? Yeah, it was an intentional elbow, but he received a knee to the head while emotions where exceptionally high and just overreacted. Like others have said, if your hit in the head, your going to react with some violent behavior. If you don't well then your probably still on the bottle.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Do some of you really think that Cal doesn't like the way Cousins is a loose cannon? Because he does. It scares the **** outta the opponents, didn't you notice Samuels play soft the entire game after that incident? Yeah, it was an intentional elbow, but he received a knee to the head while emotions where exceptionally high and just overreacted. Like others have said, if your hit in the head, your going to react with some violent behavior. If you don't well then your probably still on the bottle.

Hit the nail on the head with that one BCA.
To put your team in danger of losing the game would be very selfish though. I'm just glad the refs didnt eject him.
LClion4life Wrote:To put your team in danger of losing the game would be very selfish though. I'm just glad the refs didnt eject him.

So I'm guessing when someone is beating you up in a basketball game you just keep taking it hoping the refs will sometime see it, right?
LClion4life Wrote:To put your team in danger of losing the game would be very selfish though. I'm just glad the refs didnt eject him.

I honestly don't believe Cal will allow Cousins to do this again. I'm sure he's fine with his actions versus Louisville because of all that was said and done before the game even started by the Louisville players. I'm not saying he likes the fact that Cousins delivered an elbow, but he likes the aggressive behavior that Cousins has.

Just watch versus Georgia. Their big guys will just lay down for him as Louisville did.
PC_You_Know Wrote:So I'm guessing when someone is beating you up in a basketball game you just keep taking it hoping the refs will sometime see it, right?

I dont think the knee looked that intentional anyway.
LClion4life Wrote:I dont think the knee looked that intentional anyway.

So if I accidentally punch you it's okay?
LClion4life Wrote:I dont think the knee looked that intentional anyway.

The point is, you still react with aggression when your hit in the head whether it was intentional or not.
The more I look at the picture the more his position looks unnatural for a fall. The knee might have been intentional on second thought.
Cousings needs to grow up or leave, IMO. I am tired of his antics. He is the biggest baby I have ever seen.

Back to the game, it is great to see we can win against a good team even without our "A" game.
Bottom line is...UL wanted a physical game and to be the aggressors, we took their hit, but hit right back.I am glad the UK players took up for themselves and that Coach Cal had his teams back on the justified actions. I don't like or condone violence, but I hate a bully.
Very ugly game neither team looked very good in the first half, I think that alot of UL's tactics were part of the gameplan wanting to bait some of UK's freshmen, especially Cousins(who is a loose cannon) into doing something to take him out of the game and it almost worked but it didn't and it may have got Cousins going because it looked like a man playing against boys and like someone else stated Cal loved it. Cal probably needs to try and have Cousins tone it down a little but he probably don't want to take away from his aggressiveness. This was one of them games you like to see a young team win because there will be more of them this year, with teams trying to use their experience against them. Well it wasn't pretty and I wish it would've been a larger margin of victory but a win is a win 15-0 keep'em coming. GO BIG BLUE. :Thumbs::Thumbs:TongueirateSho
pc_you_know Wrote:if someone knees you in the head, and you don't do something back, you're not a man, basketball or not, the head is very sensitive, you don't just let someone go taking shots at your head. Cousins is no thug for retaliating. That knee was dirty.

agreed go cats:1:
justabballfan Wrote:Very ugly game neither team looked very good in the first half, I think that alot of UL's tactics were part of the gameplan wanting to bait some of UK's freshmen, especially Cousins(who is a loose cannon) into doing something to take him out of the game and it almost worked but it didn't and it may have got Cousins going because it looked like a man playing against boys and like someone else stated Cal loved it. Cal probably needs to try and have Cousins tone it down a little but he probably don't want to take away from his aggressiveness. This was one of them games you like to see a young team win because there will be more of them this year, with teams trying to use their experience against them. Well it wasn't pretty and I wish it would've been a larger margin of victory but a win is a win 15-0 keep'em coming. GO BIG BLUE. :Thumbs::Thumbs:TongueirateSho

Went to a basketball game, and got a hockey game.
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