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Luke Salmons CJ Coach of the Year all classes
Kosar Wrote:Just think its comical, when a team has to be escorted out by the police and then the coach allows them to destroy the lockerroom after the game, that he is coach of the year. Without the dancing after wins, disrespect of eevery team they played and obvious lack of team control, I might not feel this way.

Just a simple question?
How many LC games did you see to make this judgement?
bulldog42 Wrote:I think it's comical that none of you have ever spoken the first word with him yet you get on a public message board and attack his character with ZERO accountability. Thank God the coaches know him and what he's about.
I've said 1,000 times on here what two kids did was wrong. They know they were wrong, accepted their punishment and have moved on. There is a lot to the story that I'm not getting into on here where adults from Bell Co are just as guilty as the 2 kids. They are human and made a big mistake after being tossed from the last game of their life. One of them got tossed for nothing. Their emotions got the best of them and they lost it. They both knew they were wrong...have apologized...suffered the consequences and we've moved on. If there was a dead horse award then you guys have beat it. Congrats on once again ruining another positive thread with your holier than thou attitude.
Once again congrats to Coach Salmons from your peers (the people who have actually had conversations with you opposed to those that have never spoken a word to you).

To bad the mods don't control the people who live to ruin threads. That's why ************** will always be a better board than this one. ZERO accountability on this board.

Congrats to the other coaches in the area. It was a great year for coaches in Eastern KY. Pburg, SC, SV, JC, LCC, Somerset, Pulaski and Bell to name a few.

You may very well have reason to be upset since you are close to the situation, and you may very well be 100% right, in being offended. Do I think it's alright to assassinate someone's charactor? No I dont. I dont know Coach Salmons and I'm sure that about everyone that has posted comments about him dont either. I will however take your word on how you refer to him based on me knowing what you represent and what you personally stand for. What you do have to consider though is the manner in which most of the Lawrence Co. fan base act on here and why the base of this boards's membership may draw the conclusion's that they do. Go to any Lawrence Co. sporting event and it's easy to see that the administration at Lawrence Co. has no desire to constrain the way in which the Lawrence fan base behaves or in the manner in which many of the kids that participate in the program behave. It's been that way since I was a kid, and that's been going on for over the 40 years that I can personally remember. Lawrence Co. just has a bad reputation, plain and simple. That Bulldog, is what most people's impression of what Lawrence Co. athletics is all about. I've never been an advocate of censorship, and I detest the people that you consider as being "the makeup" of the other board that you are making reference to as being accountable. I do not necessarily think that accountability can be defined as someone who says it's all right to talk about anything you want to talk about or say whatever you want to say, as long as it's something that I want to hear. I clearly remember why the creator of this site was suspended from the other site. It was ridiculous. However you do have two mods on here that do that very same thing. Let's just tell it like it is though, the other site is nothing more than a private northern Kentucky internet country club.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:You may very well have reason to be upset since you are close to the situation, and you may very well be 100% right, in being offended. Do I think it's alright to assassinate someone's charactor? No I dont. I dont know Coach Salmons and I'm sure that about everyone that has posted comments about him dont either. I will however take your word on how you refer to him based on me knowing what you represent and what you personally stand for. What you do have to consider though is the manner in which most of the Lawrence Co. fan base act on here and why the base of this boards's membership may draw the conclusion's that they do. Go to any Lawrence Co. sporting event and it's easy to see that the administration at Lawrence Co. has no desire to constrain the way in which the Lawrence fan base behaves or in the manner in which many of the kids that participate in the program behave. It's been that way since I was a kid, and that's been going on for over the 40 years that I can personally remember. Lawrence Co. just has a bad reputation, plain and simple. That Bulldog, is what most people's impression of what Lawrence Co. athletics is all about. I've never been an advocate of censorship, and I detest the people that you consider as being "the makeup" of the other board that you are making reference to as being accountable. I do not necessarily think that accountability can be defined as someone who says it's all right to talk about anything you want to talk about or say whatever you want to say, as long as it's something that I want to hear. I clearly remember why the creator of this site was suspended from the other site. It was ridiculous. However you do have two mods on here that do that very same thing. Let's just tell it like it is though, the other site is nothing more than a private northern Kentucky internet country club.

I tried to edit my post to add another comment, but was too late. So I do want to add a congrats to Coach Salmons for the honor. From the way Bulldog42 describes him, he is exactly the type of people that need to be in position to be influencing our kids. You folks out there that still may question things, I can assure you that Bullgog is an outstanding coach as well as human being and should take his words as being both genuine and honest, and that's good enough for me.
barlow Wrote:Just a simple question?
How many LC games did you see to make this judgement?
I saw three, Greenup, Boyd, and Bell, but it would have only taken 1.
I appreciate the kind words Mr Kimball. I understand what you are saying as we along with other schools have our bad apples. I respect your passion for Johnson Central athletics. I've had two brother in laws coach there and I've seen a fair share of rabid fans there too.
The incident at Bell Co was the most embarassing thing I've been around in 13 years of coaching. Those kids were cussed by adults a large part of the game. Fortunatly I don't base the Bell Co program from the parents cussing our kids that night. I spent a week with host families down there for the Mountain Laural Festival and I know there's a lot of great people around there. 2 kids lost their emotion after being tossed from their last game ever. It was an embarassing incident that they learned from. They were punished but we still love them both!
Kosar if you want to define our program from that then it's your opinion and that's fine. I didn't like what happened either. I can assure you that Coach Salmons is a quality man. I can also say that you don't make the biggest turnaround in state history without A Ton of character! You all keep bringing up the bad episode. What's not talked about is the group of Sr's that stuck together after 1 win in 2 years. How about our Govenor Scholars, kids with 30+ on the ACT. The SR getting letters from Harvard and Duke etc. Every program has good and bad people around it.
I'm a believer that folks in Eastern KY should stick together. We've got enough people around the state that look down their noses at us and could care less about us. I've been around a lot of great men in this state off the field. Coach Salmons is one of the best men I know. I wouldn't be on here if I didn't 100% feel this way!
You also brought up Administration. That's another thing that makes this year special. We just got a Superintendant this week. He's the best thing that could happen to our school system! We also just got an AD in Nov. We had 1 coach in the building! It's been a major uphill battle rebuilding with no support.
The last Super sued the school board, lost millions of $$ and could care less about sports. The last Principal was in Lexington the day our baseball kids played for the state baseball championship. He didn't even stop by the championship game! People from the board office called our basketball coach to congratulate him on making it to state in baseball! The only time our kids saw the old Principal at a game was when he stormed in the lockeroom with us up on Belfry at halftime. It was sad!
Hopefully with the new Super who honestly loves our kids...that will all change!
IMO This guy was not the coach of the year. With what I way. I was there and up close the entire game. On the chain crew. I heard and saw things that I have never seen before. His peers have know idea, they just look at the numbers.

What you have in LC, Bulldog is a lot of excuses. Not once have I heard anyone from LC say that the head coach is the man running the show, until he gets an award. He was responsible for the entire mess at Bell. He is the HEAD COACH>
Once again another thread is turned into a Bell Co thread. You guys have beat that horse to death. I respect your opinion. I've said until I'm blue in the face that it was embarassing what happened. If that defines our program to you then that's your opinion and I respect it. Like I said Bell Co had adults cussing our kids the whole game. Personally I'm not narrow minded enough to let those people taint the good people I've met from Bell Co and the program there.
He's not the COY in your opinion and that's fine. You have never spoken the first word to him nor have you coached against him. His peers know him much better than you and have coached against him. THEY voted him COY. While I respect your opinion being honored by your peers speaks volumes.
First of all, this has not turned into a Bell CO. thread. ( I get sick of hearing that. If a Bell fan has something to say it becomes their thread. Thanks for that type of respect, but give it a rest. ) It is a Luke S. thread and why I believe that someone else should have won COY. The rest of your comments, thank you for respecting my opionion.
I don't usually say a whole lot on here cause frankly it gets kinda ridiculous at times....BUT.......All through football season I have gotten on threads and read other peoples posts about how bad Lawrence Co. is. A lot of things they have written I have been sitting here nodding my head in agreement. I would not want to come to LC to play a football game because we have some of the most obnoxious fans ever. HOWEVER, I have also been to a lot of away games. Guess what I see and hear???? Other teams fans being just as bad if not worse than LC. Give me a break.......Lawrence Co is NOT the worst. Seems to me you all should take a good long look in the mirror before you pass judgement on LC and clean you own house before you try to clean ours. Was the incident at Bell Co. an embarrassment? Of course it was. BUT, ask yourselves which coach was SUPPOSED to be in the locker room with those boys when the "incident" occured. Coach Salmons was on the sidelines trying to coach a game. He is by no means my favorite person in the world so I am not what people would call an ***kisser but give credit where credit is due. That being said....congrats Coach Salmons on a great year....
Coach Salmons deserved this award - even in a year where others could have easily won it. Coaching is an art that goes far beyond Xs and Os and Ws and Ls. It is about getting the best from an individual in a way that makes a team better. And despite the unfortunate actions of some of his players, Coach Salmons did a great job turning this program from the cellar to source of pride. As a Knox dad, I was one of their biggest critics when those players danced in our face after ending our season. And I was at the Bell game to witness the antics of those 2 players who got ejected. I was sitting right over the locker room and heard the banging below... So I have as good a view of this to condemn this coach and his team as anyone.

But I refuse to do that. Advesity is never a welcome addition to a situation but when it rears its ugly head it provides the best opportunity to evaluate leadership. Here, Coach Salmons leadership was best proved by the actions of the majority of his players - not the 2. Players like Josh Mills #11 who made a couple of the best catches I have seen in years at the Bell game define that teams spririt. This senior leader shook everyones hand after the Knox game and took time to speak personally to several of our players about what a fine team we had. He and several LC players were on the field long after the Bell game had ended leading their team in prayer and showing the type of character you only hope your son might have in a similiar situation.

Not only do I not condemn this team and their coach and staff - I applaud the amazing job they have done impacting the lives of their players, breathing life into a small community, and dealing with the challenges they have faced as a result of some difficult situations. Well done Coach.
Nice turnaround and numbers from a ho-hum schedule and a weak district. You either have control of your team or you don't. The buck stops with you.
"Nice turnaround and numbers from a ho-hum schedule and a weak district. You either have control of your team or you don't. The buck stops with you. "-Tica

...If only life were so black and white. I understand your point about where the buck stops but the point you and those who hold your perspective are missing is a simple one: the leader must handle the situations that are presented - they can't control what happens 100%. Coaches, especially second year ones who take over horrid losing teams, cannot stop players from doing stupid things. They can however deal with those stupid actions in a way the shows others that such behavior will not be tolerated - and clearly LC's coach did that here. These are his players - not his children.

As a young Army officer I learned this lesson early. My commander and my collegues created an environment in our company where discipline was swift for stupid behavior. Still, solidiers did stupid things. Was that our fault? I think not. Had we failed to discipline unruly behavior our superiors would have removed us. Now, if half the soldiers in our company were missing formations and generally disregarding rules - we would have been relieved. But 2 soldiers doing the wrong thing does not endite leadership so long as they are dealing with them.

This is a good thread though as such things should be discussed and lessons learned from these situations dissemenated to other coaches. And to say that this coach does not deserve this honor due to what happened at Bell is to ignore one of the finest pieces of coaching that has been done in this state. To this coach and his staff I have two things to say: Knox will win next year (LOL) and congrats!
Football1 Wrote:Coach Salmons deserved this award - even in a year where others could have easily won it. Coaching is an art that goes far beyond Xs and Os and Ws and Ls. It is about getting the best from an individual in a way that makes a team better. And despite the unfortunate actions of some of his players, Coach Salmons did a great job turning this program from the cellar to source of pride. As a Knox dad, I was one of their biggest critics when those players danced in our face after ending our season. And I was at the Bell game to witness the antics of those 2 players who got ejected. I was sitting right over the locker room and heard the banging below... So I have as good a view of this to condemn this coach and his team as anyone.

But I refuse to do that. Advesity is never a welcome addition to a situation but when it rears its ugly head it provides the best opportunity to evaluate leadership. Here, Coach Salmons leadership was best proved by the actions of the majority of his players - not the 2. Players like Josh Mills #11 who made a couple of the best catches I have seen in years at the Bell game define that teams spririt. This senior leader shook everyones hand after the Knox game and took time to speak personally to several of our players about what a fine team we had. He and several LC players were on the field long after the Bell game had ended leading their team in prayer and showing the type of character you only hope your son might have in a similiar situation.

Not only do I not condemn this team and their coach and staff - I applaud the amazing job they have done impacting the lives of their players, breathing life into a small community, and dealing with the challenges they have faced as a result of some difficult situations. Well done Coach.

[SIZE=2]This has to be one of the classiest post I have read on this sight. Considering were it is coming from and the way Knox fan felt about LC after that game but just to be able to look beyond and see the big picture that shows this person knows a little about character and people in general. In my opinion did Luke deserve the award ? Sure he did it was the biggest turn around in state history. Did I have a vote in it? NO he was voted on by his piers which would mean more to a coach then any other award he could win. Only his piers knows the road it takes to do what was done at Lawrence Co this year . All I know is that the road was strait up hill from start to finish. Thanks again for the great post Football 1

It was hearfelt I assure you.
barlow Wrote:And the world is flat and all dogs have fleas!

My dog don't have fleas!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Coach Salmons.
Congrats to Luke excellent man and coach. My son is a team member. He recognizes each young man and commends them on a job well done either at game or practice..usually with a personal text. Instead of coaching by intimdation and humilation.. Thank you for all you have done for my son!!

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