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Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?
I understand that the New York Times is refusing to cover the greatest case of scientific fraud of our time. Their editorial board says that the emails and other documents that were hacked into and published on the internet were never meant for public viewing, so they are not going to cover the story. :popcorn:

[INDENT]Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?

If you own any shares in alternative energy companies I should start dumping them NOW. The conspiracy behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth (aka AGW; aka ManBearPig) has been suddenly, brutally and quite deliciously exposed after a hacker broke into the computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (aka Hadley CRU) and released 61 megabites of confidential files onto the internet. (Hat tip: Watts Up With That)[/INDENT]
Just follow the money. How do research scientist get money? though government grants. What better why to fund your project than to say it's global warming connected.
Wasn't it the New York Times that willingly printed U.S. defense secrets for the world to see, and they are now refusing to cover climategate. Thanks to Fox News the hoax has been brought out in the open, it seems they are one of the few who are willing to report on this story. Most media outlets like ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR and NBC are covering stories about Susan Boyle, the movie New Moon and a ten year old playing at Carnegie Hall, but are refusing to cover climategate.

I heard one report today that the U.S. is spending 7 Billion annually to combat Global Warming. My question is will they shift some of that money to other needs or will they continue to spend it on Global Warming.
Old School Wrote:Wasn't it the New York Times that willingly printed U.S. defense secrets for the world to see, and they are now refusing to cover climategate. Thanks to Fox News the hoax has been brought out in the open, it seems they are one of the few who are willing to report on this story. Most media outlets like ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR and NBC are covering stories about Susan Boyle, the movie New Moon and a ten year old playing at Carnegie Hall, but are refusing to cover climategate.

I heard one report today that the U.S. is spending 7 Billion annually to combat Global Warming. My question is will they shift some of that money to other needs or will they continue to spend it on Global Warming.

Better than 10B a month on a war that didn't need to be.
Old School Wrote:Wasn't it the New York Times that willingly printed U.S. defense secrets for the world to see, and they are now refusing to cover climategate. Thanks to Fox News the hoax has been brought out in the open, it seems they are one of the few who are willing to report on this story. Most media outlets like ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR and NBC are covering stories about Susan Boyle, the movie New Moon and a ten year old playing at Carnegie Hall, but are refusing to cover climategate.

I heard one report today that the U.S. is spending 7 Billion annually to combat Global Warming. My question is will they shift some of that money to other needs or will they continue to spend it on Global Warming.
:Thumbs: Obama and the government controlled media think that this issue will just go away if they do not discuss it. In fact, Obama announced today that his discussions with Indian Prime Minister Singh has brought our two countries "one step closer" to a successful outcome on the "climate change" issue. Obama will continue to try to destroy our capitalist economic system and climate change legislation is a cornerstone of his strategy.

Now that Obama and the Democrats have evidence that the global warming alarmists have propagated a hoax, if they continue to pursue cap and trade legislation, it will become painfully obvious that this issue is nothing more than a political power grab. Of course, most of those who bought into this hoax do not admit to watching Fox News or to visiting web news sites that are not Obama echo chambers, so they may never get this news.
TheRealVille Wrote:Better than 10B a month on a war that didn't need to be.

I would rather spend money to protect us from terrorist excuse me I mean man made disasters than on some hoax. Were we ever attacked on U.S. soil after 9/11? ........No

How much is the U.S. spending today in Iraq and Afganistan? and reports indicate that Barry's getting ready to send another 34,000 troops to Afganistan.
TheRealVille Wrote:Better than 10B a month on a war that didn't need to be.
So, you are okay with spending $7 billion/year on a hoax? Of course cap and trade legislation has not even passed yet, so that $7 billion/year is a drop in the bucket compared to what Obama would like to be pouring down the drain to fight this non-existent problem.
Old School Wrote:Were we ever attacked on U.S. soil after 9/11? ........No

How much is the U.S. spending today in Iraq and Afganistan? and reports indicate that Barry's getting ready to send another 34,000 troops to Afganistan.
Obamao has no problem spending money on a hoax but Democrats are threatening to levy a "war tax" to pay for the war in Afghanistan - a war that he said was "the necessary war."
Hoot Gibson Wrote::Thumbs: Obama and the government controlled media think that this issue will just go away if they do not discuss it. In fact, Obama announced today that his discussions with Indian Prime Minister Singh has brought our two countries "one step closer" to a successful outcome on the "climate change" issue. Obama will continue to try to destroy our capitalist economic system and climate change legislation is a cornerstone of his strategy.

Now that Obama and the Democrats have evidence that the global warming alarmists have propagated a hoax, if they continue to pursue cap and trade legislation, it will become painfully obvious that this issue is nothing more than a political power grab. Of course, most of those who bought into this hoax do not admit to watching Fox News or to visiting web news sites that are not Obama echo chambers, so they may never get this news.

I agree, Just like he thought the all of the citizens that's been protesting since this summer would go away, which they've not. IMO if the problems he has incurred during 2009, continues throughout 2010 he will realize that he is more than likely a one term president and if so he will go further to the left during his last two years. One thing is for sure, Obama will seize every opportunity to gain power if it's with cap and tax, obamacare or whatever's up his sleeve.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So, you are okay with spending $7 billion/year on a hoax? Of course cap and trade legislation has not even passed yet, so that $7 billion/year is a drop in the bucket compared to what Obama would like to be pouring down the drain to fight this non-existent problem.
What, a so called Fox news and some blogger(Europe) "hoax", what else is new?

BTW, who is James Delingpole?

Stuff like this makes me glad Kentucky doesn't have much say in who becomes President.
TheRealVille Wrote:What, a so called Fox news and some blogger(Europe) "hoax", what else is new?
Judging from this post, either you did not bother to read the article to which I linked or you failed to understand what you read.

Hackers have posted hundreds of emails and other documents written by some of the most respected, widely published climatologists in the world - including the creator of the "hockey stick" graph that has been featured so prominently by former VP Gore in his climate "lectures" and his ridiculous movie. That is what is new.

All Fox News did was air news of a gigantic scandal. The bloggers provided the server space on which the hackers (most likely a whistle blower) posted the devestating evidence of the hoax.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Judging from this post, either you did not bother to read the article to which I linked or you failed to understand what you read.

Hackers have posted hundreds of emails and other documents written by some of the most respected, widely published climatologists in the world - including the creator of the "hockey stick" graph that has been featured so prominently by former VP Gore in his climate "lectures" and his ridiculous movie. That is what is new.

All Fox News did was air news of a gigantic scandal. The bloggers provided the server space on which the hackers (most likely a whistle blower) posted the devestating evidence of the hoax.
Post what you know from a legitimate source then.
TheRealVille Wrote:Post what you know from a legitimate source then.
I will post what I want. I would be glad to provide a link to a New York Times article, but that rag is very selective about what stories it chooses to cover. If you only trust left wing sources like the New York Times, Robert Gibbs, etc., then you are going to miss out on many legitimate news stories. If you are interested, you can find articles posted in newspapers around the world with a simple Google search. If you are not interested, then why post?
I have reconsidered. Here are some additional links related to the unveiling of the global warming hoax. If none of these news sources are acceptable to any of you left wingers, I suggest that you email the New York Times or other Obama media outlets and ask them why they are not covering this story.

CNN - Hacked e-mails fuel climate change debate

Minneapolis Star-Tribune - Hackers leak climate change e-mails from key research unit, stoke debate on global warming

Fox News - Key GOP Senator Pushes for Probe Into Climate Change Research

The Australian - Hackers expose climate brawl
TheRealVille Wrote:Post what you know from a legitimate source then.

Gee, when even the Communist News Network reports it, I would think that that would be all the proof that you would need. That is the liberalist bible network,isn't it?
Hoot Gibson Wrote::Thumbs: Obama and the government controlled media think that this issue will just go away if they do not discuss it. In fact, Obama announced today that his discussions with Indian Prime Minister Singh has brought our two countries "one step closer" to a successful outcome on the "climate change" issue. Obama will continue to try to destroy our capitalist economic system and climate change legislation is a cornerstone of his strategy.

Now that Obama and the Democrats have evidence that the global warming alarmists have propagated a hoax, if they continue to pursue cap and trade legislation, it will become painfully obvious that this issue is nothing more than a political power grab. Of course, most of those who bought into this hoax do not admit to watching Fox News or to visiting web news sites that are not Obama echo chambers, so they may never get this news.

It is a classic case of 'smoke and mirrors' - focus on the method that the emails were obtained to take the attention away from the devastating details contained in the emails. Liberals are extremely good at this because this has worked well for them in the past. As you know a lie will run around the world before the truth can get on its running shoes. I wonder if Al will have the decency to hand back his nobel peace prize. Ironic isn't it, if Al hadn't invented the internet we wouldn't be talking about this. :eyeroll:
Joe Friday Wrote:It is a classic case of 'smoke and mirrors' - focus on the method that the emails were obtained to take the attention away from the devastating details contained in the emails. Liberals are extremely good at this because this has worked well for them in the past. As you know a lie will run around the world before the truth can get on its running shoes. I wonder if Al will have the decency to hand back his nobel peace prize. Ironic isn't it, if Al hadn't invented the internet we wouldn't be talking about this. :eyeroll:
:Clap: Great observation. It had not occured to me that, in Al Gore's mind, he has become a victim of his own invention.

As for Gore's Nobel Prize, I do not think that any of the more deserving nominees who were passed over have any reason to get their hopes up. For one who would place the yoke of socialism around our collective necks, Gore is one greedy capitalist pig.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Gee, when even the Communist News Network reports it, I would think that that would be all the proof that you would need. That is the liberalist bible network,isn't it?
For some lefties, it ain't so until MSNBC's Keith O says it is so. :biggrin:
Old School Wrote:I would rather spend money to protect us from terrorist excuse me I mean man made disasters than on some hoax. Were we ever attacked on U.S. soil after 9/11? ........No

How much is the U.S. spending today in Iraq and Afghanistan? and reports indicate that Barry's getting ready to send another 34,000 troops to Afganistan.
very good observation. I would prefer to see the war fought over there then here any day:Thumbs:
For those of you who think that the only right-wingers are bothered by the contents of these documents, think again.

[INDENT]Scientist in climate change 'cover-up' storm told to quit

The scientist at the heart of the climate change scandal was under growing pressure to quit last night.

George Monbiot, a leading environmentalist, said Phil Jones should resign from the Climatic Research Unit over leaked emails that appear to show researchers suppressed scientific data.

More emails came to light yesterday, including one in which an American climatologist admitted it was a travesty that scientists could not explain a lack of global warming in recent years.

In another note, UK researchers dismissed the work of scientists challenging global warming as 'crap'.

Another appeared to call for pressure on the BBC after a reporter suggested that evidence for rising temperatures since 2001 was thin.

In one of the most ****ing messages, Professor Jones appeared to respond to the death of a climate sceptic with the words 'in an odd way this is cheering news!'.

The leak has been a huge embarrassment to the climate unit at the University of East Anglia, which is a global leader in its field.

Read more:[/INDENT]
Obama plans to attend the opening of the U.N. climate change meeting set for December 9th. I guess he's hoping to revive the global warming debate. BTW he is stopping on his way to pick up his Nobel Peace prize at a ceremony in Olso.
The following is from a blog, so it will surely be dismissed by those who still support Obama's agenda. However, if not for the blogosphere, John Kerry would have been our last president and nobody would have alerted the general public to the blunders, data manipulation, and flat out lies perpetrated by Al Gore and his cohort about "climate change." Bloggers have become the free press in this nation as the mainstream media have been absorbed into the Democratic Party machinery.

[INDENT]Climategate: the scandal spreads, the plot thickens, the shame deepens…

Wow! The scandal just gets juicier and juicier. Now it seems that the Kiwis may have been at it too – tinkering with raw data to make “Global Warming” look scarier than it really is. (Hat tip: Watts Up With That; Ian Wishart)

The alleged villains this time are the climate scientists at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NiWA) – New Zealand’s answer to Britain’s Climate Research Unit. And to judge by this news alert by the Climate Science Coalition of NZ, both institutions share a similarly laissez-faire attitude to scientific accuracy.[/INDENT]
Even after the thousands of e-mails came out about the data being manipulated, our climate czar Ms. Browner still considers the sicence settled as per a Nov. 25 interview.
"I'm sticking with the 2,500 scientists. These people have been studying this issue for a very long time and agree this problem is real," said Ms. Browner. I should add these 2,500 scientist based their opinions on manipulated data.
Have any of the "reputable" news outlets reported on this yet?
lawrencefan Wrote:Have any of the "reputable" news outlets reported on this yet?

By "reputable" if you mean NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC......then the answer is NO.:biggrin: I ask a family member who relies on these news outlets for his information, what he thought about the emails and he said he was unaware of the e-mails.

The link below give a little more info. on our climate czar Ms. Browner.

Well, here’s yet another thing the unconfirmable Obama “Climate Czarina” Carol Browner got around disclosing thanks to, and one more reason for being stuffed into, a position of influence through the backdoor of a phony job not subject to Senate confirmation, even while lording over Senate-confirmed constitutional officers:
She was on the board of one of the leading carbon offset trading companies, APX.
That makes for one really big conflict of interest in her role guiding the administration’s efforts to regulate carbon dioxide and force emitters to buy CO2 ration-coupons.
TheRealVille Wrote:Better than 10B a month on a war that didn't need to be.

You are 100% right, couldn't agree with you more. I for one had absolutely zero issue with Al-Queda and the Taliban continuing to build strength, gain 1,000's of short range weapons, and continue to train assasins and murderers. What a huge waste of money!
Old School Wrote:By "reputable" if you mean NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC......then the answer is NO.:biggrin: I ask a family member who relies on these news outlets for his information, what he thought about the emails and he said he was unaware of the e-mails.

The link below give a little more info. on our climate czar Ms. Browner.

Well, here’s yet another thing the unconfirmable Obama “Climate Czarina” Carol Browner got around disclosing thanks to, and one more reason for being stuffed into, a position of influence through the backdoor of a phony job not subject to Senate confirmation, even while lording over Senate-confirmed constitutional officers:
She was on the board of one of the leading carbon offset trading companies, APX.
That makes for one really big conflict of interest in her role guiding the administration’s efforts to regulate carbon dioxide and force emitters to buy CO2 ration-coupons.

Oh, those reputable outlets....:biggrin:

Great job OS:Thumbs:
What scientist does not keep his/her original data? How can reports be peer reviewed without original data?

Scientists at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have admitted throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based.
It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years.

The UEA’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) was forced to reveal the loss following requests for the data under Freedom of Information legislation.

In a statement on its website, the CRU said: “We do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (quality controlled and homogenised) data.”
You what is sickening to me about this whole thing, is they are so focused on the fact that these companies might be letting out too much CO2 that it may or may not cause climate change, but they couldnt care less about the chemicals that are put in our water by these same plants. Absolute joke. If you wanna make a difference crack down on companies for that. Of course the Dems wouldnt do that is it would put so many companies out of business, costing union workers jobs, and thus costing Democrats votes, which is all they truly care about.
Data? What data?

Notice how quiet those who have previously insisted that man-made global warming is settled science have grown on this forum? You know, the ones who attempted to paint skeptics as Luddites.

Now we learn that much of the raw data on which the Hadley Climate Centre had supposedly based its dire global warming predictions no longer exists. How convenient.

I confess that I had never even heard of the University of East Anglia before this recent controversy. This group is frequently referenced as the "Hadley Climate Center" when global warming alarmists want to bolster their arguments. I wonder why the name switch now that the frauds have been exposed? Has the University of East Anglia been tossed under the bus so that "Hadley" can continue to be used to confuse this issue?

[INDENT]Climate change data dumped

SCIENTISTS at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have admitted throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based.

It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years.

The UEA’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) was forced to reveal the loss following requests for the data under Freedom of Information legislation.

The data were gathered from weather stations around the world and then adjusted to take account of variables in the way they were collected. The revised figures were kept, but the originals — stored on paper and magnetic tape — were dumped to save space when the CRU moved to a new building.[/INDENT]

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