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Henry County
Read on another site that a coach from the mountains is the front runner for this job. Does anyone know who this could be.

I have heard from others that I checked with that it is either, Alan Hatcher, Justin Amburgey or Jeff Honeycutt
Jeff Honeycutt from Cordia was offered the job but have no idea if he is going to take it.........
Derek Springate...
Kudo's to Henry's assistant coaches for getting the players in the gym and playing several summer games.
If i may say i have heard alot of good things about springate and this team and i look foward to hearing about them as the season goes by
Henry County suprised alot of people around kentucky and in the 8th region i look for henry county to suprise alot of people this year as they return all region swingman conner jeffries and his 6'4 stature along with seniors trevor rasior tommy gray lance timberlake pete baldwin and others good luck to the wildcats and new coach springate! Smile
ill have to say springate is a very good coach and knows what he is doing
Henry will look good this year will their good guard play and their defense. They will be a tough oppoent
Chuck Taylor Wrote:Derek Springate...

where did he last coach???
Strikeout King Wrote:where did he last coach???

Assistant at West Jessiamee
Old Henry Man Wrote:Assistant at West Jessiamee

From what ive seen this new coach is pretty good
keep an eye on this team through the season, dont count them out.
Look for another difficult season for the Wildcats. I watched them play several times throughout the Summer. The two bright spots on this team will be Connor Jeffries and his cousin (Freshman) Derek Jeffries. However, it will take more than this for a successful season.
Spencer66 Wrote:Look for another difficult season for the Wildcats. I watched them play several times throughout the Summer. The two bright spots on this team will be Connor Jeffries and his cousin (Freshman) Derek Jeffries. However, it will take more than this for a successful season.
i dont know what henry county team you were watching this summer.Derrick never played any varsity and started for the jv team this summer. You obviously wasent watchin Henry County..This team has alot of talent returning.This senior class has been playing together since 4th grade.This is a team alot of people will sleep on an they will make some noise.:Thumbs:
2Legit2Quit Wrote:i dont know what henry county team you were watching this summer.Derrick never played any varsity and started for the jv team this summer. You obviously wasent watchin Henry County..This team has alot of talent returning.This senior class has been playing together since 4th grade.This is a team alot of people will sleep on an they will make some noise.:Thumbs:

Spencer66 Wrote:Look for another difficult season for the Wildcats. I watched them play several times throughout the Summer. The two bright spots on this team will be Connor Jeffries and his cousin (Freshman) Derek Jeffries. However, it will take more than this for a successful season.

This is probably the dumbest thing ive ever heard. You obviously dont know henry county basketball or the players nor talent they have "Mr. Spencer66" Umm did you see what they did last year?? They won the All A Rergion and went to state and made to it to the second round of the region knocking off south oldham in the opening round. Derek is an incoming freshman and has ZERO varsity experience so what ever team you were watching was wrong. and they will prove you wrong so i hope you do sleep on them.. They are a very taleneted ball club so stay tunded to see how much noise they make in the 31st district and 8th region this year..TongueirateSho
Spencer66 Wrote:Look for another difficult season for the Wildcats. I watched them play several times throughout the Summer. The two bright spots on this team will be Connor Jeffries and his cousin (Freshman) Derek Jeffries. However, it will take more than this for a successful season.
:please: Derrick Jeffries will be lucky to even touch the floor this season. Henry has 7 seniors this year, and a couple of talented underclassmen as well, which does not include Derrick, and they will be a tough team if they show up to play. Trust me they will make some noise and will have a successful season especially with the help of their new coach. :moon:
Derrick Jeffries might have a chance to be good in 2 or 3 years, as a freshmen i highly doubt he will see the floor over these 7 seniors or any upperclassmen for that matter.
Henry County will not be as good as last year. Thats just that. Connor Jeffries and Pete Balwdin. That is absolutely it. With the lose of the big man Hinkle and shooter Stephen it looks pretty bad for the Cats this year. They have absolutely nobody to fill those shoes. Not one big man other than jeffries. And not one shooter that has the confidence to take a 3 on pressured situations. Gonna be a disappointing year.
henry has 3 or 4 players that have a lot of varsity experience so that isnt a big concern for this team. they also have a lot of very talented and athletic kids. BackAt0 you are not even giving this team a chance, you are actually telling me they only have 2 players that are any good? the only thing this team is missing is a big man, and sometimes a smaller guy who isnt afraid to get in there and bang with the bigs is just as good.
IceBox thats true, but ive been there in that little guy's shoes and the little guy might be banging around and thats about it. What problem will a 6'6 boy have dropin one over one of henry's 5'10-6'0 boys. Im not putting then down by any means but the boys with the varsity experience on HC dont have the varsity skill that is needed for the players they will be up agaisnt
yea i will have to agree with you on that one 6'6 is hard to guard. but i doubt henry will play many teams who have that height, and a lot of big guys like that play kind of soft on the court. from what i hear henry is working on a little project for the center position. you may not know him but the all state football player for HC Erick Butler is suiting up for the hardwood. he is about 6'3 or 6'4 with an unrealistic vertical, we shall see....
Glad to hear the reports on Henry County. Do not forget that there is a sophmore transferr from North Carolina.
Spud Baldwin, Jeffriess and Pete Baldwin will lead this team.
There may be a 8th grader helping after the Christmas Break, but I do not see a Freshman even dressing varsity, but Henry has a new coach and see what he wants on the Floor.
I have no idea what you people dont understand.. Yes ICEBOX butler will help..some. And sorry old man, the transfer will not. Henry County will not be competing in the All A tournament this year, they will only be playing in the real deal this year. Sure henry county has 7 seniors, butler, and the tranfer.. But experience, thats the one thing they dont have. You really cant expect butler to make a HUGE difference. Has the kid ever played basketball? I know for a fact he never has at the varsity level, and nor can he or anybody else come in from 0 years experience and expect to make a change. As i said before, Connor Jefferies & Pete Baldwin. That is IT.
BackAt0 you sure seem to know a lot about this henry county squad. either you live in the county or you have done your research.
BAckatO, may wish he was from Henry County.
You are correct Conner Jeffries and Pete Baldwin are the best players on the team, but Spud Baldwin and Trevor Raisor have alot of experience. Watch out for Tommy Gray that has exploded under the new Coach.

The District is about the same as last year. Gallatin has good guards, Owen is Big and slow, and Carroll is capable of beating anyone.
i dont care who plays on this henry team or who the coach is..this team may win some games in the "all A" but come early march they can focus on baseball cuz henry is not going to "surprise" anyone in the region and they will be lucky to get out of the district.cant tell you how many times i have been to the regional tourney at henry co high school and always wondered why the hosting school was not participating?...this year will be no different...and yes spencer sucks also,so pls spare me the "spencer sucks retaliation post":zzz:
im guessing you didnt make the regional tournament last year because Henry was in it they made it to the final four and lost to a very good shelby county team. spencer county didnt make it to the tourney maybe that explains why you werent there. i have never read a post GoBlueSC has wrote that said anything positive about HC, whether its football or basketball. you are the definition of a hater.....
thats not totally true,i said henry had a very nice football team.i also think it will be good next year as well and i hope luke magness has a speedy recovery.i just picked central to beat henry,if thats hating im i still dont think henry will have a good basketball season.come march if i am wrong i will tip my hat to you,like i just did with your football team.and no i didnt realize henry lost to shelby in semi last year.i only came to watch final with anderson vs.shelby.i see that as this years final as well.
Well i mean if you think that Erick Butler is gonna make there season your far from right my friend. To throw a person into the pile that has absolutely zero experience at the varsity level in basketball he's not gonna make absolutely any difference. Now old man.. you just needa sit back and watch this year.. henry is gonna be nowhere that they was last year, and there is no way to help that.. the absolutle bottom line is they dont have the experience and the talent to go to together

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