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Reds sold
I was reading in the paper today that the Cincinnati Reds controlling interest was sold to a few business men in the Cincinnati area. Do you guys think this will change anything in the way the team is run or will it be the same ole same ole too cheap to pay the good players and being like a farm club to other major league teams by getting in players developing them into all stars and then letting them go by trade or not signing them? The guys that bought it was said to have been family of the owners of the big red machine.
I think they'll spend the money to get a winning product on the field however be ready to pay for it when you go watch them play.
I hope it turns them in the winning direction and changes things that way for em
maybe this will change the way that the reds play
I would pay a little more to see them spend some money on good starting pitchers.
I think a lot of people would if they would pay to see the teams they have fielded Im sure they would pay for a winning team. Like to see "the big red machine II" dont think anyone could ever duplicate that team with an all star at ever position
But it would be nice if they tried.
I don't know how it will effect everything. Hopefully if things do change, it will be in the right direction.

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