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If George Bush was an idiot
Wildcatk23 Wrote:1. Not Really sure. Thought He Needed it, Thanks for the info.
2: Didnt know it was faulty, misleading, a lie...... well sorry to hear that,
3: To be executed not tortured.
So it would have been OK with you if we executed all the prisons at GitMo instead of making them uncomfortable for hours at a time? interrogating them with techniques that included sustained isolation, sleep deprivation, nudity and prolonged exposure to cold
By the way of those released so far 18% have gone back to terrorist activities including American soldiers
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I just want to thank you for actually reading what im saying and not making personal remarks to age and such, yes congress is to blame as well and should not be looked over.
age means nothing to me. It's your wisdom to take information and draw reasonable conclusions
By the way back to the topic- I think history will be kind to President Bush unlike the media has been the last 7 years
As for Iraq lets not forget Scott Ritter he did everything in his power to stop military action in Iraq. He was a former Marine and the head UN weapons inspector for Iraq. He had the guts to go out on a limb and tell everyone prior to any conflict that it was not justified and that they had nothing. Heck I even wanted him tried for treason, however, with time we've learned that he was exactly right. Iraq was not justified only created for their own gain. Both parties have done similiar in the past the US government will do it again. We do as we want to justify our means. We don't want you to do something but we will justify it for ourselves. As for Bush getting approval yes he did but he was the executive of this country and the buck stops with him either right or wrong he was the leader and has the responsibility for whatever happens. The same goes with Pres. O. like him or not what decisions he makes he becomes responsible for and for the decision made under him. Doesn't mean either were responsible for what occurred or was started prior to their arrival but anything that they decided or promoted while there is their baby to handle.
nky Wrote:So it would have been OK with you if we executed all the prisons at GitMo instead of making them uncomfortable for hours at a time? interrogating them with techniques that included sustained isolation, sleep deprivation, nudity and prolonged exposure to cold
By the way of those released so far 18% have gone back to terrorist activities including American soldiers

I would rather be killed than tortured thats just me. 18% that we tortured than released?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I would rather be killed than tortured thats just me. 18% that we tortured than released?

You need to quit watching tv. The torture techniques we use are not that bad. They resemble severe hazing. The torture techniques our enemies use are devastating.
Matman Wrote:You need to quit watching tv. The torture techniques we use are not that bad. They resemble severe hazing. The torture techniques our enemies use are devastating.

I didnt see this on TV. I was reading some articles and websites. when i think of torturing im thinking of being stretched and whipped Smile,
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I just want to thank you for actually reading what im saying and not making personal remarks to age and such, yes congress is to blame as well and should not be looked over.

So there you go. Exactly what I am trying to tell you.When it came right down to it, you didn't have the first clue as to what you were even talking about. There is nothing wrong with stating an opinion on something if you know the score, but it seems that the only thing you do is just google stuff up and post it. You automaticly assume it's all truth and fact. Then you start your rebuttal of conflicting posts by spouting off stuff like typical republican, typical conservative, etc. When it comes right down to it, you dont have a clue as to what either one of them means anyways.

Just take it a little slower, try to learn stuff, and then make educated posts. You have not been around long enough yet, to understand a tenth of what you rattle on about. Maybe it'll come in time, but for now just stop trying to be the expert.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:So there you go. Exactly what I am trying to tell you.When it came right down to it, you didn't have the first clue as to what you were even talking about. There is nothing wrong with stating an opinion on something if you know the score, but it seems that the only thing you do is just google stuff up and post it. You automaticly assume it's all truth and fact. Then you start your rebuttal of conflicting posts by spouting off stuff like typical republican, typical conservative, etc. When it comes right down to it, you dont have a clue as to what either one of them means anyways.

Just take it a little slower, try to learn stuff, and then make educated posts. You have not been around long enough yet, to understand a tenth of what you rattle on about. Maybe it'll come in time, but for now just stop trying to be the expert.

And what makes your opinion correct?? so you dont use other resources for information? does it just come to you naturally? I use google, yahoo, fox, cnn, to further my info into politics. you mostly state your opinion and one side of the story like others on here. it doesnt make either correct. so dont tell me i dont know what im talking about. and if u look at my typical republican remarks they came after you or someone else made a remark to my age or such.
Wildcat you know so little, I do like the fact you are on here getting involved but you still know so little.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I would rather be killed than tortured thats just me. 18% that we tortured than released?
18% of the released detainees went back to their terrorist activities
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I would rather be killed than tortured thats just me.
interrogating them with techniques that included sustained isolation, sleep deprivation, nudity and prolonged exposure to cold. You would prefer death to these interrogation techniques used at GitMo? So much for wisdom:eyeroll:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Have you not turned on your tv or drove down the street in 8 years? You think Obama caused all the stuff thats happening? NO!. he was handed it. We went to war with IRAQ over weapons of mass destruction that didnt exist. Gas was 5$ a gallon. And everything thats happening now or recently is evolved from most of this.

Kept are country safe......what a load of sh.. from a biased republican.

Wildcat,President Bush had nothing to do with the price of gas. Supply and demand plays a big part in the cost of gas. Of course, the tax on gas does not help. The first thing the democrats did when they took control of congress in 2006 was to raise the import tax on oil and then raise the tax on gasoline at the pump. Environmental regulations and opposition to more oil refineries in the States by the tree-huggers and their opposition to oil exploration in the Gulf and Alaska certainly did and do not help with lowering gas prices. Sarah Palin said it best, "Drill baby, Drill !" ( Go Palin 2012 ).

The decision to authorise the use of U.S. Armed Forces against Iraq had the support of the Democrat party leadership. 29 Democrat Senators, to include Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Joe Biden, and John Kerry, voted to use military might against Saddam Hussein. President B. Hussein Obama was in the Illinois State Senate at the time and in 2004 said," I am not privvy to Senate Intelligence Reports. What would I have done ? I don't know." ( wimp !)

Wildcat, it is a known fact that as Americans become older they become more conservative. This probably has something to do with working hard to support a family, educating their children, and in their quest to fulfill the American Dream of becoming successful and owning their own home. Older Americans have worked hard and paid their taxes for years just to see liberal democrats squander their taxes on social programs that have created generations of 'free-loading' Americans who do not and will not work, yet, it is the liberals' belief that everyone should be the same - thus socialism. The working American sees 18 - 25% of his income going to illegal immigrants, SSI, and free-loaders and NOW Government Health Care. God, will it never end. As Americans see more and more taxes taken from their hard-earned paycheck by people who think they know how to spend it better. Spending it better means the redistribution of the money to lazy, unmotivated people who think it is their right to have what you have without earning it. Young ideologs who are responsible only for themselves and spend money on themselves and self-gratifying toys ( such as muscle cars or trucks, Blackberries, etc.) eventually grow up and see the light.

I prefer to think of myself as a Conservative Patriot armed with facts. :biggrin:
CatDawg Wrote:I do have a minor problem with your 8 years of protection. Did you forget about 9/11, yes Clinton had to take some blame for that but he had 9 months in office prior. Lord knows Obama has gotten credit good and bad for everything that has happened since he's been in there and if that is the case then Bush has to own 9/11.

Well CatDawg, I was including the first 9 months of this year in my 8 years of protection. Much to the chagrin of the left, President B. Hussein Obama is pursuing almost the same security policies as President Bush. I will give him credit for keeping the SECDEF Robert Gates in place and alson large numbers of political appointees in the Department of Defense. He also made the right decision to suppress the release of photos of "mistreated prisoners;" and the Obama Justice Department has adopted a legal stand identical to President Bush on wire-tapping. I do believe, however, President B. Hussein Obama is now responsible for our safety from this point on due to his demoralization of the CIA and his "waffling" ( Go Cheney ) in his indecisive policy in Afghanistan and his RIDICULOUS decision to close Gitmo.

Osama Bin Laden and his murderous thug terrorists are responsible for 9/11 !
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I would rather be killed than tortured thats just me. 18% that we tortured than released?

The terrorists have no mercy for our people when they are captured. Their preferred method of torture is to cut your head off. Oh, did I mention they like to post the horrendous act on the internet.
Joe Friday Wrote:Well CatDawg, I was including the first 9 months of this year in my 8 years of protection. Much to the chagrin of the left, President B. Hussein Obama is pursuing almost the same security policies as President Bush. I will give him credit for keeping the SECDEF Robert Gates in place and alson large numbers of political appointees in the Department of Defense. He also made the right decision to suppress the release of photos of "mistreated prisoners;" and the Obama Justice Department has adopted a legal stand identical to President Bush on wire-tapping. I do believe, however, President B. Hussein Obama is now responsible for our safety from this point on due to his demoralization of the CIA and his "waffling" ( Go Cheney ) in his indecisive policy in Afghanistan and his RIDICULOUS decision to close Gitmo.

Osama Bin Laden and his murderous thug terrorists are responsible for 9/11 !
Exactly why we should have had everyone in Afghanistan and Pakistan and not IRAQ. We've had more justification to attack North Korea than Iraq, especially since that country was already contained by no fly zone in both the north and south.
nky Wrote:18% of the released detainees went back to their terrorist activities

ok ty
NEXT Wrote:Clinton and de-regulation caused the mess we are in right now.....Democrats.

I thought Republicans are big supporters of de-regulation.
CatDawg Wrote:Exactly why we should have had everyone in Afghanistan and Pakistan and not IRAQ. We've had more justification to attack North Korea than Iraq, especially since that country was already contained by no fly zone in both the north and south.

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." - President Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983." - Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb. 18, 1998

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998.

"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies." - Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999.

"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue and may be back to pre-Gulf war status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems ans is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develope longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and ou allies." - Letter to President Bush, signed by Sen,Bob Graham (D, FL ) and others, Dec.5, 2001.

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is developing weapons of mass destruction." - Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA ), Sept. 27, 2002.

"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." - Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002.

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members.It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develope nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY ), Oct. 10, 2002.
All good statements but yet the person in charge of doing the inspection came out and TOLD EVERYONE in BOTH parties that they didn't have the weapons but it didn't matter President Bush had his mind made up. Who ended up being correct Scott Ritter not President Bush. But as I was saying we needed to be after Bin Laden and his location not in Iraq. The reason for Iraq could be justified for North Korea except we know they have the weapons and have been testing missles against warnings yet we have done nothing to them. If the threat was real enough to justify attacking Iraq it has certainly been real enough to attack North Korea.
CatDawg Wrote:All good statements but yet the person in charge of doing the inspection came out and TOLD EVERYONE in BOTH parties that they didn't have the weapons but it didn't matter President Bush had his mind made up. Who ended up being correct Scott Ritter not President Bush. But as I was saying we needed to be after Bin Laden and his location not in Iraq. The reason for Iraq could be justified for North Korea except we know they have the weapons and have been testing missles against warnings yet we have done nothing to them. If the threat was real enough to justify attacking Iraq it has certainly been real enough to attack North Korea.

Agreed. They have flat out said they have weapons of mass destruction..

Here is your great president.


[YOUTUBE="Bush is an idiot"]Sm73wOuPL60[/YOUTUBE]

Just some things i found interesting. Not saying there true. Just thought it was rather confusing,.
CatDawg Wrote:Exactly why we should have had everyone in Afghanistan and Pakistan and not IRAQ. We've had more justification to attack North Korea than Iraq, especially since that country was already contained by no fly zone in both the north and south.

The injustice done to the the people of that country was enough for me to go to Iraq. Weapons of mass destruction would have been nice but we found plenty of other weapons they weren't supposed to have since the first gulf war.
CatDawg Wrote:All good statements but yet the person in charge of doing the inspection came out and TOLD EVERYONE in BOTH parties that they didn't have the weapons but it didn't matter President Bush had his mind made up. Who ended up being correct Scott Ritter not President Bush. But as I was saying we needed to be after Bin Laden and his location not in Iraq. The reason for Iraq could be justified for North Korea except we know they have the weapons and have been testing missles against warnings yet we have done nothing to them. If the threat was real enough to justify attacking Iraq it has certainly been real enough to attack North Korea.

Obviously the Democrats, as demonstrated in the previous posts containing key democratic leadership quotes, agreed with President Bush. We will not know for some time all of the information they were briefed about Iraq, Saddam Hussein, WMDs, Al Qaeda, et al. Sadly, in the years following the approval of military action in Iraq, the democrats politicized the war and successfully eroded public opinion with the willing help of the MSM. President Bush put America FIRST, was despised by third-world countries but also feared and respected because he said what he meant and meant what he said; more importantly, he kept us safe!

The original post by Beef exposes the continuing hypocrisy of the democrats and the MSM.

Matman Wrote:The injustice done to the the people of that country was enough for me to go to Iraq. Weapons of mass destruction would have been nice but we found plenty of other weapons they weren't supposed to have since the first gulf war.
And the first time we should have finished the job, but when we stopped and didn't that didn't give us a green light to decide to whenever we wanted. What he did to his citizens should have been handled then, additionally does this mean we need to attack every such place around the globe. Look at the areas that we could be entering if that was the case.
Joe Friday Wrote:Obviously the Democrats, as demonstrated in the previous posts containing key democratic leadership quotes, agreed with President Bush. We will not know for some time all of the information they were briefed about Iraq, Saddam Hussein, WMDs, Al Qaeda, et al. Sadly, in the years following the approval of military action in Iraq, the democrats politicized the war and successfully eroded public opinion with the willing help of the MSM. President Bush put America FIRST, was despised by third-world countries but also feared and respected because he said what he meant and meant what he said; more importantly, he kept us safe!

The original post by Beef exposes the continuing hypocrisy of the democrats and the MSM.

The administration flat out didn't give all the facts to congress. That is both parties of congress. No matter which side your on politically if you were in congress you were not given all the facts and you backed what your President was giving. That is how it should be you should back your President no MATTER what when it comes to security issues. However, once it has been shown that the details were incorrect, false, made up or whatever you want to call them they speak for themselves. Scott Ritter was proven to be correct and so was the UN.
CatDawg Wrote:The administration flat out didn't give all the facts to congress. That is both parties of congress. No matter which side your on politically if you were in congress you were not given all the facts and you backed what your President was giving. That is how it should be you should back your President no MATTER what when it comes to security issues. However, once it has been shown that the details were incorrect, false, made up or whatever you want to call them they speak for themselves. Scott Ritter was proven to be correct and so was the UN.

I know i would have backed my president. Bush, Clinton, Obama, It Didnt matter at the time, but congress was fed false information and acted on that information.
Heck, I voted for the man the second time just because of everything that he was doing and telling. However, I wouldn't do it again. I learn when I'm wrong. Lie to me once shame on you, lie to me twice shame on me.
Back on topic to answer the question, he is not an idiot he doesn't have the most common sense but he is very intelligent. Heck he pulled the wool over a ton of eyes for many years that alone shows just how smart he is.
CatDawg Wrote:The administration flat out didn't give all the facts to congress. That is both parties of congress. No matter which side your on politically if you were in congress you were not given all the facts and you backed what your President was giving. That is how it should be you should back your President no MATTER what when it comes to security issues. However, once it has been shown that the details were incorrect, false, made up or whatever you want to call them they speak for themselves. Scott Ritter was proven to be correct and so was the UN.

Even though WMD may not have been discovered, has anyone not listened to anything that matman had to say? He is probably the only one on here that was actually there, other than obviously congressman. I know we have all seen footage on TV of what Huessein did to his own people, and they did in fact have weapons that they were not supposed to have.

Huessein made a game out of the UN inspector visits. He purposely wanted to leave a cloud of suspicion to the world. His intent was to leave everyone thinking, "Well does he have them, or does he not". Plain and simple, this is how he got his kicks playing "cat and mouse". His game was to just see how far he could push the UN into enforcing the set post Persian Gulf War policies before they would push back. If he wanted the world to know that there were no WMD there, then UN inspectors would have been let in to do do the inspections when they were scheduled and would have been given free access to all places they wanted to visit, instead of being denied access to certain areas. Have you all forgotten how he shot at the UN aircraft trying to enforce the UN mandated "No Fly Zones"? It wasn't like he was not warned time and time and time again, to comply with all mandated restrictions and given fair warning of the consequences.

Remember how he sold oil to buy weaponry, mocking the UN allowance to sell oil for the purpose of buying food for his people?

Are most of you people forgetting any of this? And Wildcat, I know your gonna get your little feelings hurt once again, but yes, your not old enough to remember any of it. [Thank God for google though, huh, where one can become an instant expert.] It just seems that everyone else that should be able to remember all this stuff has suddenly forgotten the reasons that we had. Heck, just throw the WMD factor out of it, we still had validity. I remember Bush, at the time as having the highest approval ratings in history. Ya'll forget about that too?

It's not so much the fact that we went in, because I think there was very just cause to go in. I think there was a good basis for that even though WMD were never discovered. It would take a very foolish person to not realize that left unchecked, Huessein with all his oil wealth would have untimately ended up with nuclear weaponry, and would have terrorized and held the middle east hostage. He surely would have backmailed the entire free world. He had to be taken out and neutralized. He certainly would have had no conscience in exterminating millions and millions of lives.

I dont like the fact that we are still there with seemingly little getting accomplished, and the fact that untold billions are still being spent either. But something had to be done. Unfortunate that it is a complicated and deadly process where it seems there is no visable early solution to. It's messy, ugly, deadly and expensive, but what would have ultimately happened if nothing had ever been done? I thought the whole Idea was to rid the Iraqi people of the cruel oppressive dictator that ruled hand and fist over them and to give them the opportunity to elect their own leaders. Was that not accomplished?

One has to first realize that fighting and dieing is a way of life to these people. It has been since the beginning of time, and when time ends it will remain unchanged. Their culture offers beliefs that there are rewards and glory for dieing for the sake of Allah. There is a faction of Iraqi people that will fight and die just the sake of dieing fighting the hated US. They dont even have to have a cause other than that. It's like a deadly football game to some. The US vs. the Shiites (or whomever it is) in this week's rival game of the week. THEY ENJOY IT!!! How do you fight that mentality? How do you restore stability to people that dont want stability?

We were spending billions and billions before just trying to enforce UN regulations, and we're are still spending billions and billions. What is different? It's a quagmire , no matter what you do.
The gas attack on the Kurds in Northern Iraq happened in the last 80's and is yet another reason why the job should have been finished the first time but not a justification for the 2nd. Yes he was straight forward with the UN Inspectors, however, Scott Ritter U.S. Marine and HEAD UN Weapons Inspector spoke of how they did finally gain access to all interested sites and that he had NO WMD's. I hated Ritter and backed Bush but time has proven Ritter correct and myself and Bush wrong.

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