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11-02-2009, 11:00 AM
Was he intentionally doing this? And if so, what disciplinary action, if any, should he receive?
11-02-2009, 11:10 AM
If intentional, banned for life.
11-02-2009, 11:13 AM
At least a 5 game suspension. That shows a total disregard for the human condition and no respect for the game that he plays.
11-02-2009, 11:18 AM
This ****ed me off when I saw this...And I could care less about either..
11-02-2009, 11:25 AM
The NCAA should make Florida fold the program forever. And forever after that.
Brandon Spikes is a thug. Hopefully someone (preferably somebody from the Tide) will return the favor to him and get away with it......while we're up 41-0.

11-02-2009, 11:44 AM
I am sure the NCAA will overlook it since Tim Tebow was on the field..Even if it was the sidelines...Tebow will heal the eye anyways

11-02-2009, 12:52 PM
The only ball he was trying to get was an eyeball. bannish him for life.
11-02-2009, 01:01 PM
I don't think he should be banned for life, but I would be content with a 2-3 game suspension.
11-02-2009, 01:16 PM
Banned for life? Do you people realize players have punched people in the kidneys, clinched people's testicles, spit on people, stepped on their testicles, stepped on players faces(Tenn in NFL) and get a lot less than life suspension. This is football, it's heated, and people get carried away, you don't ban someone for life for anything in a sport(the Pete Rose thing is ridiculous also).
11-02-2009, 01:27 PM
This makes me sick to my stomach. I would have liked to seen this guy bit spikes finger off.
11-02-2009, 02:46 PM
Florida does no wrong.. And obviously we'll all get a reprimand if we talk about it. I know these things happen, but if an official saw that and didn't call something, then theres a real problem.
Urban Meyer has suspended him for a half against Vandy, according to ESPN. Meyer said he was retaliating for getting his eye poked earlier in the game. Is this a joke or something? This just adds to the fact that Florida and their coach are trash and will always be trash.
Urban Meyer has suspended him for a half against Vandy, according to ESPN. Meyer said he was retaliating for getting his eye poked earlier in the game. Is this a joke or something? This just adds to the fact that Florida and their coach are trash and will always be trash.
11-02-2009, 02:58 PM
This made me literally mad. He should have to miss the next 3 games. Dez Byrant gets a year for lying about a non-violation.
11-02-2009, 03:03 PM
Anyone see hoe mad Merrill Hoge was after seeing it on Sportscenter this morning?
11-02-2009, 03:21 PM
Its Crazy. I'm Pulling for BAMA now.
11-02-2009, 03:24 PM
He's suspended for the first quarter of the next game...:please:
11-02-2009, 05:08 PM
Way to absolutely send a message Urban...I am sure with a suspension like this, that IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!
11-02-2009, 05:19 PM
Panther Thunder Wrote:This made me literally mad. He should have to miss the next 3 games. Dez Byrant gets a year for lying about a non-violation.
He lied to the highest investigating officials of the NCAA, that would be like being a member of the secret service and telling a lie to the President.
11-02-2009, 05:39 PM
He didn't lie..He fibbed, lol..
11-02-2009, 05:57 PM
Urban Meyer is a b*tch. Seriously, he's just a little b*tch. A coach with some type of morals wouldnt make excuses for this. Suspended for a half? Against Vanderbilt? Well, at least that gives Spikes a half to get his eyes gouged out, and hopefully his NFL career down the drain. Ive not been this mad in a long time watching something like this, and then we get to see Urban making excuses for why he did it. Bring on the Gators!
11-02-2009, 06:07 PM
Hey TideHoss, looks like we were wrong, we do agree on something. LOL. I just hope Meyer gets ripped as much as other coaches would for the lack of punishment. I won't hold my breath though.
11-02-2009, 06:12 PM
BloodyHarlanVOL Wrote:Hey TideHoss, looks like we were wrong, we do agree on something. LOL. I just hope Meyer gets ripped as much as other coaches would for the lack of punishment. I won't hold my breath though.I was thinking the exact same thing...a Bama fan and a Vols fan agreeing on something is like the Cold War ending lol...but your right, you KNOW the SEC isnt going to say anything to Meyer. I mean, come on, its VANDERBILT. Meyer could have saved a little face by suspending him for that game, but mocks the whole thing by suspending him 30 minutes and making him pinky swear not to gouge the eyeballs out of another player again. Thats insulting.
11-02-2009, 06:21 PM
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I was thinking the exact same thing...a Bama fan and a Vols fan agreeing on something is like the Cold War ending lol...but your right, you KNOW the SEC isnt going to say anything to Meyer. I mean, come on, its VANDERBILT. Meyer could have saved a little face by suspending him for that game, but mocks the whole thing by suspending him 30 minutes and making him pinky swear not to gouge the eyeballs out of another player again. Thats insulting.
Yeah, saw on ESPN that the SEC had signed off on the punishment, which is an absolute joke. Mike Slive appears to be an absolute moron from what I've seen so far.
11-02-2009, 06:30 PM
BloodyHarlanVOL Wrote:Yeah, saw on ESPN that the SEC had signed off on the punishment, which is an absolute joke. Mike Slive appears to be an absolute moron from what I've seen so far.Yeah and I have to say that he picks on Lane Kiffin. Dont get me wrong, I dont like Kiffin, but Slive is trying to make an example out of Kiffin. That example? Dont say anything negative about Urban Meyer. I actually love when Lane just picks at Urban just to get under his skin..its great lol:lmao:
11-02-2009, 06:35 PM
Ridiculous what Florida can get away with!! I hate the entire school and athletics program. Obviously my opinion is biased...but this action should not be tolerated. It was clearly intentional so I think a "remainder of season" suspension would be fair punishment.
11-02-2009, 08:24 PM
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Yeah and I have to say that he picks on Lane Kiffin. Dont get me wrong, I dont like Kiffin, but Slive is trying to make an example out of Kiffin. That example? Dont say anything negative about Urban Meyer. I actually love when Lane just picks at Urban just to get under his skin..its great lol:lmao:
LOL.. Yeah hearing Kiffin poke at Meyer could never get old. I can't stand that guy. I think Meyer's day is coming, really soon. No Timmy Tebow next year. One thing is for sure, he's showing his true colors when it comes to the lack of discipline on that team.
11-02-2009, 08:42 PM
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Urban Meyer is a b*tch. Seriously, he's just a little b*tch. A coach with some type of morals wouldnt make excuses for this. Suspended for a half? Against Vanderbilt? Well, at least that gives Spikes a half to get his eyes gouged out, and hopefully his NFL career down the drain. Ive not been this mad in a long time watching something like this, and then we get to see Urban making excuses for why he did it. Bring on the Gators!
haha you (A tide fan) are talking to a coach about morals? Who is your coach again? Isn't that the same Nick Saban who completely lied to the Miami Dolphin organization and leave out on a midnight train to tuscaloosa when nobody was watching???:devilflam:devilflam
But anyways, from a guy who played college football, this really isn't that surprising to see. It happens a lot more then people see, and while is is a bush league move, it is something that happens a lot.
11-02-2009, 08:46 PM
PC_You_Know Wrote:Banned for life? Do you people realize players have punched people in the kidneys, clinched people's testicles, spit on people, stepped on their testicles, stepped on players faces(Tenn in NFL) and get a lot less than life suspension. This is football, it's heated, and people get carried away, you don't ban someone for life for anything in a sport(the Pete Rose thing is ridiculous also).
So that condones someone else blinding somebody for the rest of their life, huh? Just cause it's football, that makes it no big deal and stuff like that is supposed to happen, right?
Kinda tells a lot about yourself, IMO.
11-02-2009, 09:03 PM
TidesHoss32 Wrote:The NCAA should make Florida fold the program forever. And forever after that.Brandon Spikes is a thug. Hopefully someone (preferably somebody from the Tide) will return the favor to him and get away with it......while we're up 41-0.
:ChairHit: :Thumbs:
11-02-2009, 09:59 PM
OldTymer Wrote:haha you (A tide fan) are talking to a coach about morals? Who is your coach again? Isn't that the same Nick Saban who completely lied to the Miami Dolphin organization and leave out on a midnight train to tuscaloosa when nobody was watching???:devilflam:devilflamYeah I said that..I guarantee you if a Bama player done that, Saban would have their heads on a platter. Sabans players dont pull that crap. Ask Jimmy Johns. A starting linebacker that got kicked off the team because of some junk he pulled before the season started.
But anyways, from a guy who played college football, this really isn't that surprising to see. It happens a lot more then people see, and while is is a bush league move, it is something that happens a lot.
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