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Letcher Central Freshman 09/10
Any thoughts on the Letcher Central Freshman of the 09/10 season. There suppose to be good. Any thoughts or comments?
I am really not that familiar with the freshman this year. I know Cowan won the county championship, but that is all I know. Can anyone fill us in who knows these kids?
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Dewey Baker (Cowan)
Cody Gregory (Whitesburg)
Matt Neace (cowan)
Casey Hall (Fleming-Neon)
Mikie Stidham (Whitesburg)
Corey Brock (MJP)
Jarvis Sokolowich (cowan)
Nick Boggs
Dustin Gilliam
Keaston Hall (MJP)
David Duke
Taylor Johnson (fleming-Neon)
They be ok
What kind of size are we talking about?
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3)Cougar Athletics!

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They'll be decent, may go deep in district only time can tell.
Matt Neace is about 6'4 and has pretty decent skills..They will be O.K..
WOW a 6'4 freshman!
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

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With a solid frame.
Looks like someone that might get a Varsity spot. Does Coach Hammonds know his entire roster yet or has some football players haven't decided on who is coming out?
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

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yea matt neace is a dissent player when he trys u just got to get him to....
our varsity team will be ok by the end of the year...
Any other freshman that might step up and contribute?
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

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