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Class 3A District 7/8 Playoff Matchups
I don't see Breathitt coming out of their region, not with Somerset. As for this region I see a really,really good match up brewing between Mason Co. and Belfry that is if they make it that far (this is the playoffs and ANYTHING can happen).
well I think if we are talking about winning records then ER opp have the best winning pct. at 71%

opp record is....50-37

I mean I dont see er winning the playoffs but I do think the whole comparing records is silly.. I mean the only record to look at is that if belfry and breathitt both win their regionals. They will meet in the semi finals @ belfry.

And let us looking at that... Breathitt is 1-0 and belfry is 0-1 when playing each other @ belfry in the semi finals.

GOOD LUCK both teams
Janitor_32 Wrote:well I think if we are talking about winning records then ER opp have the best winning pct. at 71%

opp record is....50-37

I mean I dont see er winning the playoffs but I do think the whole comparing records is silly.. I mean the only record to look at is that if belfry and breathitt both win their regionals. They will meet in the semi finals @ belfry.

And let us looking at that... Breathitt is 1-0 and belfry is 0-1 when playing each other @ belfry in the semi finals.

GOOD LUCK both teams

Belfry beat Breathitt 62-28 in the 2007 semifinals...pretty sure that makes each team 1-1 over the past 2 seasons....
The state championship WILL go through Belfry again this year. I look for them to return to the title game.
Janitor_32 Wrote:well I think if we are talking about winning records then ER opp have the best winning pct. at 71%

opp record is....50-37

I mean I dont see er winning the playoffs but I do think the whole comparing records is silly.. I mean the only record to look at is that if belfry and breathitt both win their regionals. They will meet in the semi finals @ belfry.

And let us looking at that... Breathitt is 1-0 and belfry is 0-1 when playing each other @ belfry in the semi finals.

GOOD LUCK both teams
ER also has been dismantled by all the good teams on their schedule.. comparing records and schedules has merit when you factor in level of competition and the actual results.
BobcatStuckInPowell Wrote:We "lost" 6-0 against SC and by 1 to P-burg.We are defending East champs and will be till someone can put us out.We can and will be there.Don't fear us and see what happens.

You also lost to Perry Central 14-37, Lexington Christian 21-63, and to Johnson Central 14-36, one of your wins is a forefit, you only beat Hazard by 4 points, and you beat terrible Mercer Co, Estill Co, and Powell Co teams for your other wins
You may be defending East champs, but you will get put out before you have the oppotunity to reclaim it, and you can be there at state, but you wont
Pburg,Sheldon Clark, Perry Co, Lex Christian and Johnson Co didn't fear you and we've seen what happens, so get off your high horse and come down to reality:lmao:
Janitor_32 Wrote:well I think if we are talking about winning records then ER opp have the best winning pct. at 71%

opp record is....50-37

I mean I dont see er winning the playoffs but I do think the whole comparing records is silly.. I mean the only record to look at is that if belfry and breathitt both win their regionals. They will meet in the semi finals @ belfry.

And let us looking at that... Breathitt is 1-0 and belfry is 0-1 when playing each other @ belfry in the semi finals.

GOOD LUCK both teams

Hey janitor, you need to clean up your post a little. They would actually meet at Breathitt if Breathitt is indeed the champion of Region 3.:biggrin:
yep if belfry makes it to the semis it will be on the road
AandB Wrote:Think a lot of people are overlooking a team that really outplayd Belfry and dominated Sheldon Clark. Have to say It will be a great rematch for the region title between Belfry and PCC. Should be a great game if all is healthy.

You guys need to slow down....and take one game at a time. PCC has virtually no playoff experience to play off of in terms of preparation and the mental aspects of playing in a one and done contested environment. The mental prepardness and execution needed in the playoffs increases exponetially and PCC certainly cannot take "any team" for granted.

Before you can run with the "big dogs" you gotta get off the porch......both physically and mentally.
AandB Sorry to bust your bubble about dominatin with Sheldon Clark, I wouldnt be bragging to much they had 3 of thier starters that was suspended from the Belfry game and another 3 out with injuries not to mention you guys went as far to try to have more suspended buy crying to khaa over the fight that went on in the Belfry game wich wasnt any of PCC buisness to me you got one of the most disrespectful coaching staffs I have every seen as they set on the press box cursing out loud not to mention when the quarter back was injured in the last part of the game the coaching staff shouting out stay down stay down for that reson I have no respect for PCC im just sorry the kids have to be subjected to this kind of behvior SO KEEP BREGGING I hope the Sheldon clark meets up with youguys again with a healthy team to even the score and to bring them down a couple notches
THE ROCK11 Wrote:AandB Sorry to bust your bubble about dominatin with Sheldon Clark, I wouldnt be bragging to much they had 3 of thier starters that was suspended from the Belfry game and another 3 out with injuries not to mention you guys went as far to try to have more suspended buy crying to khaa over the fight that went on in the Belfry game wich wasnt any of PCC buisness to me you got one of the most disrespectful coaching staffs I have every seen as they set on the press box cursing out loud not to mention when the quarter back was injured in the last part of the game the coaching staff shouting out stay down stay down for that reson I have no respect for PCC im just sorry the kids have to be subjected to this kind of behvior SO KEEP BREGGING I hope the Sheldon clark meets up with youguys again with a healthy team to even the score and to bring them down a couple notches

Gollee, I ran out of breath trying to read this. One comma. How about a little bit of punctuation and grammar?:biggrin:
THE ROCK11 Wrote:AandB Sorry to bust your bubble about dominatin with Sheldon Clark, I wouldnt be bragging to much they had 3 of thier starters that was suspended from the Belfry game and another 3 out with injuries not to mention you guys went as far to try to have more suspended buy crying to khaa over the fight that went on in the Belfry game wich wasnt any of PCC buisness to me you got one of the most disrespectful coaching staffs I have every seen as they set on the press box cursing out loud not to mention when the quarter back was injured in the last part of the game the coaching staff shouting out stay down stay down for that reson I have no respect for PCC im just sorry the kids have to be subjected to this kind of behvior SO KEEP BREGGING I hope the Sheldon clark meets up with youguys again with a healthy team to even the score and to bring them down a couple notches

First of all I respect your opinion, however with or without the starters we DID indeed dominate SC in that game. Second I am not on the coaching staff, just a proud parent, I had no idea PCC said anything to KHSAA. Third I have never heard any foul language come from anyone on the coaching staff and IMO that staff is the best thing to ever happen to PCC. Finally you need to check your grammer and spelling. Thank you and have a nice day.
I thought we were grading football and not grammar. But at any rate, I am pleased that PCC has such educated parents, SC does also. It's funny how others grasp at such petty points when there is a loss for words. I grant you that PCC did dominate that game, but it was played with most of SC's JV team. This isn't much to brag about considering PCC beat a JV team, with their varsity squad.
THE ROCK11 Wrote:I thought we were grading football and not grammar. But at any rate, I am pleased that PCC has such educated parents, SC does also. It's funny how others grasp at such petty points when there is a loss for words. I grant you that PCC did dominate that game, but it was played with most of SC's JV team. This isn't much to brag about considering PCC beat a JV team, with their varsity squad.

It is not us. According to the rules of the site, you should use appropriate grammar and punctuation. I am not pretending to be perfect, but just make the posts so everyone can read and understand them.
THE ROCK11 Wrote:I thought we were grading football and not grammar. But at any rate, I am pleased that PCC has such educated parents, SC does also. It's funny how others grasp at such petty points when there is a loss for words. I grant you that PCC did dominate that game, but it was played with most of SC's JV team. This isn't much to brag about considering PCC beat a JV team, with their varsity squad.

I was told that there were only two starters out. It doesn't matter now though the past is exactly that, the past. SC needs to focus on their game this Friday on Pond Creek and stop whining about PCC. As far as the parents go, I never insinuated that SC parents were not educated, just that you yourself had made quiet a few errors. I'm not the only one that noticed.
AandB Wrote:Finally you need to check your grammer and spelling. Thank you and have a nice day.

What about the spelling of "grammar" ? Confusedhh:

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Buc-a-roo Wrote:What about the spelling of "grammar" ? Confusedhh:

Sorry, couldn't resist.

LOL...your right.
i like this feed
AandB Wrote:LOL...your right.

Glass houses, AandB, glass houses...
Buc-a-roo Wrote:Glass houses, AandB, glass houses...
I agree with you, but come on did you read that post?
After much time evaluating posts, I feel I must correspond to your post, "the rock". It is quite noticeable there are some apparent divergences between many members who are on here. After reading your initial post with careful evaluation, I did find some grammatical errors, as with many other posts from other members. I don't think grammar is the issue at hand here, rather than an attempt to discourage each other. Your post appeared to be strong in nature, and obviously must have struck the central nerve of the opposing party. Keep your spirits held high. All that is good will conquer. Let us all behave in the appropriate manner, and not in one that is reasonably juvenile. I certainly did not find any justification to draw upon the rules of grammar with your posting, when I have witnessed some other postings which clearly appear to be relatively appalling to the inherent rules and regulations of grammar and spelling.

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