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Pat Forde: John Wall not yet eligible
The kryptonite to your UK sports boner, Pat Forde, says today (along with Forde’s remora, Dana O’Neill) that [ame=""]SEC commissioner Mike Slive says Kentucky freshman John Wall is battling eligibility issues - ESPN[/ame]. The issues stem from questions about Wall playing for an AAU coach who was previously certified as an agent.

UK sports relations director DeWayne Peevy, however, said “My understanding is that all 13 players on our roster are eligible at this point”.
"The video you requested is currently unavailable."
SEC Commissioner Mike Slive confirmed to that there are eligibility issues regarding both Kentucky top recruit John Wall and Mississippi State's top freshman Renardo Sidney.

Sidney's eligibility has been discussed for months, but this is the first it has been publicly acknowledged that there could be a question about Wall's eligibility.

A source also told that Kentucky has been investigating Wall's eligibility for months because his former AAU coach was a certified agent.
According to NCAA protocol, any case involving pre-enrollment amateurism issues would be investigated by the NCAA Eligibility Center.

"Those are amateur issues that arose prior to their coming to our schools," Slive said of Sidney and Wall. "Those are strictly amateurism issues. As we told our people, somebody needs to determine if they are eligible. It's not relative to you, it's relative to them."

Slive also said that he believes Wall and Sidney are the only SEC freshmen with unresolved eligibility issues.

"This is a very different thing than what I've been talking about for eight years," Slive said, referring to the SEC's outlaw image in terms of rulebreaking. "The culture is different now."

Brian Clifton, Wall's AAU coach, was a certified agent with FIBA, basketball's international governing body, for nearly a year. Under NCAA rule that equates to Wall accepting illegal benefits from an agent. Consequently Wall could have to repay any and all expenses Clifton footed during that period before he can play with Kentucky.

NCAA rule also stipulates that an athlete can be withheld from at least 10 percent of a team's games as part of the punishment.

A source told that the Kentucky compliance department had been working feverishly to clarify Wall's eligibility in recent weeks and had been going back to the 2007 to see exactly how much money is owed. Wall made two unofficial visits to Kentucky that fall while Billy Gillispie was head coach -- in September he attended a UK-Louisville football game and in October returned for the Wildcats' Big Blue Madness opening night practice.

"My understanding is that all 13 players on our roster are eligible at this point," said UK media relations director DeWayne Peevey.

Peevey said that school privacy policies prevent Kentucky from discussing the eligibility of players. When asked whether Wall might be excluded from any games, Peevey said that information would be confidential.

"We won't release anything," Peevey said.
Clifton, the president of D-One Sports, previously admitted to being a certified agent but said he forfeited his license in August 2008 so he could devote his full attention to his AAU program.

"Absolutely I was a licensed agent," Clifton told's Gary Parrish in August 2008. "But what I started and what I had given my life to was this (D-One Sports) program and I was about to watch it fall apart. Obviously I couldn't let that happen. So at that time -- after having not signed any clients -- I figured that program was the most important thing for me. … And that was the end of the agent thing."

Under the guidelines set by the Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement, agent violations can fall under two categories:

• If an individual accepts significant monetary benefits from an agent, his or her eligibility should not be reinstated.

• If an individual accepts benefits from an agent that are not significant enough to warrant permanent ineligibility, the student-athlete will be withheld for the violation and will be required to repay the value of the benefits.

The committee goes on to say that if a student-athlete accepts benefits from an agent greater than $101, the student-athlete will have to repay the money and be subject to a minimum 10-percent withholding condition -- in other words, withheld from 10 percent of a team's regular-season games.

"There can be mitigating circumstances, but the rule of thumb would be they'd have to pay back the money," NCAA spokeswoman Stacey Osburn said, declining comment on Wall's particular case. "And if it was a significant amount they could potentially be withheld from games. The line in the sand is if an agent or whatever they want to call themselves was marketing an individual student-athlete or prospective student-athlete based on their athletic abilities. If so, there are potential issues."

Osburn also cited a rule that stipulates: "to maintain amateur status and NCAA eligibility, a student-athlete or their friends and family cannot have an agreement -- oral or written -- with an agent or accept benefits from an agent until his or her eligibility expires."

i don't know why the video isnt playing
Well if he didn't accept anything and all he did was play AAu what is the deal?
1. I would like to think that during the recruiting process, we would have known this.

2. If we had known this, wouldn't we have cleared it with the NCAA?

I honestly don't think this is that big of a deal. But, in this time when the NCAA has an obvious agenda on coach Cal, I would certainly think we wouldn't have not checked into this.
its a big bunch of BS IMO if he didnt except anything then what is the big deal so what if his former coach was or is an agent that would actually make every other player he has had since he has been an agent to be looked into i just dont think nothing will come of it
I dont understand!!!
The most that could happen here is that Wall will have to pay back some of the money that was used when the AAU team went on trips...but my question is how come Wall and Kentucky are the only ones being singled out of this? Ryan Kelly (Duke Commit) played on the as AAU team (D-1 Sports) and his name hasn't been mentioned. This is obviously just Pat Forde crawling out of his hole, and trying to start something negative about Kentucky basketball
I can see this been important...but why now and not a month ago...season is ready to start...I think he will pay back some and may miss a game or two at the most...
Hey, I'm not a UK fan. I'm a tar-heel.....but all of this is a bunch BS, I'm like the other guy ,what about all the other guys that played on that team, where is the questions about their eligibility??? This is a guy that wants to keep UK and their program down......he might as well get over it UK and their basketball program is back, and I'm glad they are !!!!!!
I think this will end up being nothing.
Pat Forde is just bringing this bs out to shake up things. He don't like UK anyways from what I have been told.
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
As long as he pays back anything he accepted hes fine.
^ or first 3 games.... is reporting there are eligibility issues regarding Kentucky's top recruit John Wall.
The report quotes SEC Commissioner Mike Slive as saying it's an amateur issue that arose before Wall came to UK.
It all goes back to Wall's AAU coach Brian Clifton being a certified agent with FIBA, basketball's international governing body. Under NCAA rule that equates to Wall accepting illegal benefits from an agent. He would have to repay expenses that Clifton footed.
Slive told ESPN it's his understanding the matter is being handled by the NCAA's agents and mateurism group and not NCAA enforcement.
NCAA rule says an athlete can be witheld from at least 10 percent of a team's games as punishment.
UK spokesman Dewayne Peevey tells ESPN it's his understanding all 13 palyers on the roster are eligible at this point, he said the school won't release anything.
Wasn't this AAU coach trying to get him to go to Duke? Doesn't majority of the players he coaches go to Duke? Someone needs to investigate some more the players that have played for him on the AAU circuit.

We UK fans have nothing to worry about. If Wall misses any games it would be no more than three games.
NCAA rules are as followed if more than $101 in benifits were given the person in question wolud have to pay the money back before eligibilty will be restored and that person would miss 10 percent of teams regular season games, but could practice withe the team. If what the NCAA deems as too much of a fincial boost that player colud be ineligible for all there career in college. Source
One more thing on this subject UK and Walls aren't the "only people" being named in this; Miss St. F Renardo Sidney is also named in this as well. As of right now it's the NCAA's agents and amateurism group and not NCAA enforcement group.
If this was Duke with Wall as a player it wouldn't even be an issue.....double standard. Remember Cory Maggette? He was ruled ineligible in 1999 Final Four and Duke didn't have to vacate the game, banners or anything. Selective enforcement:HitWall:
RAMSPORTS Wrote:If this was Duke with Wall as a player it wouldn't even be an issue.....double standard. Remember Cory Maggette? He was ruled ineligible in 1999 Final Four and Duke didn't have to vacate the game, banners or anything. Selective enforcement:HitWall:
Just to further prove your point, top 20 player Ryan Kelly who signed with the Dukies in the fall, also played on D1 sports, the same AAU team John Wall played for. Why is he not being investigated?
Why are Duke fans allowed to post here?
Matt Jones of KSR does a good job of summing it all up.

The issue basically boils down to this:

1. Players cannot take money from agents for the purpose of getting them to later sign with the agent and stay amateurs.

2. Brian Clifton, John Wall’s AAU coach, was a registered (although not practicing) agent up until 2008.

3. During that time, Clifton coached AAU basketball and as part of those coaching duties, accompanied his players on various unofficial visits to schools.

4. As with many AAU coaches, Clifton potentially paid some expenses on those trips (or that is a possibility…I dont think anyone publically knows for sure yet what was paid when) for his player.

5. While that is a common practice for AAU (and high school) coaches to pay expenses on such trips, Clifton’s role as a registered agent, makes it complicated.

So thats where the issue arises. These visits did not take place under Calipari (take note Forde), but actually were under Gillispie. It isnt clear whether it just is an issue about visits to Kentucky or other schools/events. That is what has been/is being investigated. No one alleges, including the NCAA, that Clifton paid such expenses to get Wall to sign with him as an agent. But NCAA rules may require Wall to pay such monies back, if they were in fact paid for his expenses. If so, the question of how much must be found and it taken care of, in order for Wall’s amateurism to be verified and his eligibility approved by the NCAA.

So that is where we are. This isnt a case of Wall taking money, or anything of the sort. It is the case of an AAU coach who should have been more careful in doing two jobs that can lead to situation like this, that of Agent/AAU coach. Now Wall will have to pay back whatever expenses were paid by his AAU coach and the media, who are looking for anything with UK/Calipari to feast on, have something to write about.

So with what we know now, it looks as if the worst case scenario is this…some amount of expenses or “benefits” are found to have taken place and the NCAA decides to enforce the rule provision that requires sitting out 10 percent of UK’s games…which I believe would be the first three. Best case scenario is that there are found to be no, or few, expenses and Wall is not suspended for any games after paying back any potential money that may have been spent on his behalf.
BCF4L Wrote:Just to further prove your point, top 20 player Ryan Kelly who signed with the Dukies in the fall, also played on D1 sports, the same AAU team John Wall played for. Why is he not being investigated?

is he playing this year or next....the Kelly kid...
Well I dont understand why they wait til now though....I as a VILLE fan dont understand this whole thing...He is cleared to practice but compete until all expenses are paid...I heard that on wymtnews last night at 11...
theVILLE Wrote:is he playing this year or next....the Kelly kid...
This year. Same class as Wall.
theVILLE Wrote:Well I dont understand why they wait til now though....I as a VILLE fan dont understand this whole thing...He is cleared to practice but compete until all expenses are paid...I heard that on wymtnews last night at 11...
According to UK officials, all 13 players are eligible until proven otherwise. Apparently, UK either doesn't think it's a big deal or they're not going to elaborate on the subject.

This story has been out for a while that Wall still wasn't completely "eligible" but it has never been stated why. This is also the reason CJ Leslie didn't attend Uk's Big Blue Madness last Friday was because he also played on D1 Sports therefore he didn't want to be caught up in the same mess Wall is in.
thats what I thought...if the NCAA is investigating Wall they should the other players also...cant blame it all on Pat Forde this time, he is not investigating...however he can blow a UK thing out the roof and make it worse than it is....
This could be very interesting....
Wall not been elgible...that looks bad on calpari and UK....but I think he is or will be
theVILLE Wrote:thats what I thought...if the NCAA is investigating Wall they should the other players also...cant blame it all on Pat Forde this time, he is not investigating...however he can blow a UK thing out the roof and make it worse than it is....
This could be very interesting....
Wall not been elgible...that looks bad on calpari and UK....but I think he is or will be
That's the thing that most people don't realize is the time in question was before August of 2008, which is when Clifton gave up his agent license. During that period, Billy Gillispie was coach. So in reality, Calipari has nothing to do with this. It all happened while the drunk was coaching. But you can't blame anything on anyone. I don't see how this is an issue to be honest. Wall was associated with Clifton back when Walls father died and before Clifton even knew that Wall would be a great basketball player. Clifton is more of a father figure than a coach to Wall and I don't have a clear understanding on how that works out. What would happen if Patterson's dad happened to be a pro scout ever since Patterson was born? Would Pat be held accountable for that? This is how I'm looking at the situation.
BCF4L Wrote:That's the thing that most people don't realize is the time in question was before August of 2008, which is when Clifton gave up his agent license. During that period, Billy Gillispie was coach. So in reality, Calipari has nothing to do with this. It all happened while the drunk was coaching. But you can't blame anything on anyone. I don't see how this is an issue to be honest. Wall was associated with Clifton back when Walls father died and before Clifton even knew that Wall would be a great basketball player. Clifton is more of a father figure than a coach to Wall and I don't have a clear understanding on how that works out. What would happen if Patterson's dad happened to be a pro scout ever since Patterson was born? Would Pat be held accountable for that? This is how I'm looking at the situation.

Calapari was here in august????im confused....but the whole thing doesnt make since....Wall should speak out about this...we all know calapari has a history of this type stuff...When this begins to make since to anyone let me
theVILLE Wrote:Calapari was here in august????im confused....but the whole thing doesnt make since....Wall should speak out about this...we all know calapari has a history of this type stuff...When this begins to make since to anyone let me
2008 bub. This is 2009. :biggrin: All of the questions are directed before Clifton suspended his license in August of 2008.

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