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how well of a team do you all think south floyd is goin to be next yr?
good or bad and who do u think is gonna b their best players?
I think that they will be decent...I'm not going to say that they are going to be outstanding or even better than the team this year because that's something that you just don't know until the time far as best players...I can't say because you don't know who could transfer in and who is going to improve or get an injury or anything to affect their game.
Amber Tackett looked great against Pikeville in the regional
Steph Slone played well till injuried
and Billie Stumbo will have to step up if they are to continue with the program
I saw their Jv play 3 times and I think they have some big girls that will step up as well. I think thye will play several girls next year. but those will be the big three.
I agree with you d-h if those 3 players step up and show real team work that they will b the big 3.
i bleive that amber tackett will lead sf's team this year if she keeps her head up.. they will also have sum talented underclassman...
I agree with you r-b20 Amber Tackett is an outstanding player...SF does have some talented underclassmen coming up also...Good Luck South Floyd!!
What about Steph Slone she's a really good player also and she was starting for the Raiders at the first of the season
Yea true about Steph but if she wants to b one of the big things next yr she will have to work extra hard because of her injury she is a lil rusty on her playin skills...but after a few pract. she should b alright.
steph slone is goin to also lead the team next yr
well my opinion i think steph slone is goin 2 b an outstanding player for the raiders she was awsome until her injury she may look a lil rusty at first then she will b back and better than ever so my opinion steph slone will probley b their best player and they will probley do better than this yr's team if they stick 2gether and give it all they have!
I think that SF's team this yr will be all around good...The off season is what will really make or break the team...All of SF's team is going to have to step up and want to win...
i agree with u candy_cane
I also agree with u candy_cane...with out all the players working together and showing that they each want to win the game not just play that will make or break the team. And one more thing...I don't get on here and talk about myself, how good or bad i am but i think its real funny how some people get on here and talk so good about theirselfs sayin they're the best players sf will have and everyone knows who they oh well that just makes them look stupid.

How do you get that everyone knows who they are? I don't know who everyone is and I've been on here since Febuary and I'm a mod so I'm curious to hear this. Keep it down in here and don't get violent.
i agree wit u raidervolley.. they shouldnt talk about thereselves..
Keep this thread clean. I haven't seen one post of someone stating that they're the best player South Floyd has or had. thanks!:Thumbs:
Who has been talking about how good they are??
Beats me 15th...I'm on here all the time and I haven't seen anyone state that they themselves will dominate or anything...but I'm with Balla...this thread needs to be kept clean and on the beginning iit was asked if people thought the Raiders would be good or let's stay with that and not go off on a rant because your mad that someone is saying that someone will be a better player than the next person so let's keep it clean and stay on topic.
I think the Raiders will do ok
I think they will have to work hard to follow in the footsteps of the past 2 teams.
They appear to have some young talent that will allow them to play a differnt style than this years team.
I actually think they will be quicker and bigger but not as experienced.
They will go thru growing pains, but with no seniors around and only 2 returning starters SS & AT, and Stumbo stepping in to the setter position it appears to be wide open. I look for a lot of girls to be playing and sharing time as they did a couple of seasons ago.
Pburg should be good Allen Central will be real strong again , and besty layne will have to rebuild.
But also with no seniors that gives the girls extra time to get settled into their places and learn to work together and hopefully by time their senior season ends they can pull off a district and who knows maybe a reginal title.
thank you raiders basketball20.....umm ok im leaving everything down in here..but i know who u are just as well as a couple more...its called PROFILE u click on their name and click view public profile...and well i rest my case.......any way this is suppose to be about sports and anyway umm south floyd is gonna be just as good as last years team or better!!! GOOD LUCK RAIDERS!
This WAS suppose to be about sports until some got off topic, so I think it's best if we close the thread.
ok i opened this thread back up for those who want to put quality input on this subject.
If you know who someone is on this site you should keep it to yourself and not try to call them out on it. we dont need this kind of petty bickering on here.
Keep it clean and stay on topic.
I actually thought most comments were on topic.

The development of the player and how hard they work on their game in the off season will determine how well they do
you are right about players earning a spot in the offseason. hard work means a lot in the eye of the coach.
no they shouldn't but there are several people who do...
"sfhs_raider_girl" Wrote:no they shouldn't but there are several people who do...

Several people who do what?
I think that what sfhs_raider_girl is trying to say is that people get on here and talk about themselves...But once again that's gettin off topic. I think that Amber Tackett, Steph Slone, and Billie Stumbo will step up and make SF absolutly dominate. Of course, with some help from the others on the team. But once again, the off season will make or break this team.
exactly thanks candy cane...but i think that SF's volleyball team will be awsome next year but candy cane was right the off season will make or break this team...but they do have great potential...

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