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where is chuke?????
Chuke may be one of the most over rated coaches in the history of mountain football.

He definitely has his good qualities, but overall, he isn't there . . . .
Superman Wrote:I look at it this way..over chukes coaching career he has been blessed with talent. Ive seen his coaching technique, and how he talks to the kids that play under him. He's not that great of a coach, i'll put it this way...i would hate to see how many titles that coaches like phillip haywood or dudley hilton would have had if they had the talent that chuke had during his coaching career.


That's why we always called him choking chuke. Only big game that he really ever won was when they stopped the Breathitt County streak.
I personally know Chuke and he is NOT with the Paintsville school system anymore. He lives in Johnson county and has gotten a different job than coaching. He is a great guy and diserves repect for his accomplishments. He has done a lot more than most coaches in this state. People need to quit with the RUMORS!Confusedecret:
What rumors?
Matney's Prodigey Wrote:Sheldon Clark's first year they played a JV schedule. He did not make SC the program it is. Jim Matney, his coaching staff, and the people of Martin county did. Chuke Williams had nothing to do with football at Sheldon Clark besides being the first coach. Trust me my friend.

Thats exsactly right matney made sheldon clark
I miss ole' Chuke's "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems" lifestyle... haha but, really Chuke is by far one of the best if not the best offensive coaches around here... I miss him
Can't agree. If he was then he would be willing to change things up when someone has stopped his game plan. He's just so positive in his system that he won't change even when he should.
TERMINATOR X Wrote:I miss ole' Chuke's "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems" lifestyle... haha but, really Chuke is by far one of the best if not the best offensive coaches around here... I miss him
His offense was the downfall of Paintsville last year.

Anyone that thinks Paintsville would be where they're at this year with Chuke, is just plain brain dead.
First of all this thread says where is Chuke. Second. Matney had nothing to do with the making of Sheldon Clark. Way back when SC played nothing but Basketball. Earl Hutchinson Fought Tooth and Nail to get Football started. He told the Football players that the board was going to get rid of him. He said that it was OK because he done what he set out to do Start a Program that will one day be a great one. CHUKE came in next. He had a great season. 9/2.That was his best. Then came Matney who also had impressive seasons
Who really cares where Chuke is? Not being mean, It's just I've gone all season and haven't really noticed he was missing.
i miss chukes presonality but his coaching style was pathetic....
Well let me put my two cents worth in on the argument. The best coach in the area maybe, the best offensive minded coach maybe there two. But for what all you people on here seem to forget about, yea if it wasnt belly read then it wasnt anything? Well what you forget is he sent kids on to college. The other thing is we had a little guy named PARKER who just happened to sit STATE and National records in Receving yards and TDS, but no one ever remembers that do they. Yea his offensive was belly but he also would throw it up more than people realize. He had a great coach staff with buggs, revees, ratliff, Johnny Ray. The man could coach, he had is flaws just like everyone does, he did somethings that i did not agree with but again dont we all? I wish him and his family the best of luck what ever he may do.

Sorry for spelling in a hurry
batpuff Wrote:Well let me put my two cents worth in on the argument. The best coach in the area maybe, the best offensive minded coach maybe there two. But for what all you people on here seem to forget about, yea if it wasnt belly read then it wasnt anything? Well what you forget is he sent kids on to college. The other thing is we had a little guy named PARKER who just happened to sit STATE and National records in Receving yards and TDS, but no one ever remembers that do they. Yea his offensive was belly but he also would throw it up more than people realize. He had a great coach staff with buggs, revees, ratliff, Johnny Ray. The man could coach, he had is flaws just like everyone does, he did somethings that i did not agree with but again dont we all? I wish him and his family the best of luck what ever he may do.

Sorry for spelling in a hurry
Sorry to disagree but the belly may have been the system Chuke ran primarily but he can't take credit for it. Hillard ran it, Haywood ran it and many others.
I really believe Chuke was a coach that was fortunate to have great athletes around him at oppurtune times.
If he was coaching the offense at Paintsville last year,I can't call him a great coach because their offense was nothing special in '04.
fox sports Wrote:Sorry to disagree but the belly may have been the system Chuke ran primarily but he can't take credit for it. Hillard ran it, Haywood ran it and many others.
I really believe Chuke was a coach that was fortunate to have great athletes around him at oppurtune times.
If he was coaching the offense at Paintsville last year,I can't call him a great coach because their offense was nothing special in '04.

Yeah what he said, let's be honest Hilliard and Haywood don't run the same offense as Chuke. Being from Paintsville, I like Chuke but his offense was nothing to be desired last year at Paintsville. He rarely passed the ball last year, and don't tell me Paintsville can't pass the ball because they have this year.
I really believe a lot of it had to do with the talent we had at Lawrence during those times. But as you know Bat it worked great during the regular season but you had to be willing to change things up a bit when you started facing bigger faster teams in the playoffs. Remember the Bourbon game do we need to say more.

Great having you here Bat about time.
Fox Sport to start with i never said he created the belly , i was just simply stating that was his offense. Its your your right not to like what offense he ran but we were putting up the points and winning games then. I',m not saying i agree with the way he coached in the big games, other than the big one that stopped that little streak. Yea he did not throw a lot, some did not like it but then you have the mind he did for the belly and how to call the play when and how he did ( take a way a few big games) he was great at calling a game.
To have him and Billy together with BILLY calling the show that would be great.
Catdawg, i am not going to disagree with you, he seem to some times choke in the big game. But be honest, as much as i wanted to think we could beat highlands, most teams barley scored on them, and we put up the most points against them, than any other teams. It wasnt our offense then but our D couldnt stop them and we all know he did not coach the D. Yea i do remember Bourbon game and was about to pull my hair out (LOL) but what people tend to forget about during that game was our big fullback was out, and as many knows in the belly system the fullback plays a very big part, and the other guy we all know and love was just starting to come into his own.:wieghts:
Yea that would be cool to have them together but we all know that will never happen
batpuff Wrote:Catdawg, i am not going to disagree with you, he seem to some times choke in the big game. But be honest, as much as i wanted to think we could beat highlands, most teams barley scored on them, and we put up the most points against them, than any other teams. It wasnt our offense then but our D couldnt stop them and we all know he did not coach the D. Yea i do remember Bourbon game and was about to pull my hair out (LOL) but what people tend to forget about during that game was our big fullback was out, and as many knows in the belly system the fullback plays a very big part, and the other guy we all know and love was just starting to come into his own.:wieghts:

Good post.

I can't disagree with you there. I forgot about that part of the Bourbon game. So what do you think. Send me a PM.
batpuff Wrote:Yea that would be cool to have them together but we all know that will never happen

I know but it doesn't hurt to dream.:AngelPray

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