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Oregon suspends Blount for season after sucker punch
As per cbs sportsline...

This is in the aftermatch of an altercation near the end of Oregon's 19-8 loss to Boise St. on Thursday.

I expected 2-3 games max considering he was their leading rusher last year.
If they didnt suspend him, it would have been a huge PR thing on Oregons part. Is the suspendsion alittle harsh maybe, but the punch about knocked that guy out. I cant blame Oregon for doing this.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
I agreed this was an unfair punishment and called the President of the College's office and I said that I don't ever remember someone getting this harsh of a punishment for a punch. The coaches knew thing's were getting heated and should have took a timeout to settle things down. I said he needed anger management classes and then return him in a few games because they were ruining his pro career too. I told her unless there is other history and she said there was another incident that happened last year also and they were going to put him into anger management. So who knows maybe it will be reviewable later.
idk about this, i think if he would have just walked off the field after the punch he would go 2-3 games, but everything after worsened his suspension
I am glad they took a strong stand. He hit the player after he turned his head, it was wrong and maybe the tough stance taken on this will have players thinking twice before they do something this stupid and ridiculous.
I don't agree with this, student athletes can be arrested, charged with this and that and only get 2-3 games out, they admit to smoking marijuana and get nothing, someone runs their mouth at you, smacks you, and then you pop him in the mouth and you're gone for a year? Yes I see that he went after some people after the game, but key phrase is "went after". He didn't do anything to anyone else. Oregon just doesn't want to look bad, they don't care about how the young man was being treated in that situation. I know when I played football no one was going to come up to me after a game, yell at me, smack me on the shoulder pads and just walk away. And also, when you watch it, you clearly see the Boise player go to find Blount, he should be punished just as well. Blount wasn't looking for that guy, Blount was able to walk away from the game after a lot of trash talk, but someone had to come and start talking more trash to him.
My problem wasnt so much as he dropped that Boise State punk, it was him shoving his own teammates and then going after fans in the crowd. Granted, he was a decent football player, but he was a cancer for them too. Oregon done the smart thing here by sending him on his merry way. He had been suspended just a couple of months earlier, and obviously didnt care enough not to act like an idiot on national television. Ive been in his shoes, where the adrenaline was going a thousand mph, and I wont deny throwing a punch or two in my high school career, so yeah I can see where he's coming from by decking someone taunting me after the game is over, but to go after your teammates and fans? Never, and Oregon will be better off without him. Blount is a ******* that cost himself millions last night.
He may have ruined his football career, but after seeing that punch, he should consider UFC.
ComfortEagle Wrote:He may have ruined his football career, but after seeing that punch, he should consider UFC.

I heard on SportsCenter this morning, that he went from being a late 2nd, early 3rd round pick to being undrafted and this was before the news of the suspension.
Id say if the punch was all that happened he would have just got 2-3 games. But considering that if not for a couple securtiy guards standing close. This couldve been another "Ron Artest" situation where he had all intentions of going into the stands and trying to kill someone. That is what got his season ended early.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Id say if the punch was all that happened he would have just got 2-3 games. But considering that if not for a couple securtiy guards standing close. This couldve been another "Ron Artest" situation where he had all intentions of going into the stands and trying to kill someone. That is what got his season ended early.
My favorite part of that is the fans up there yelling at him, baiting him to come over there, and he starts and they run for it lol.
Panther Thunder Wrote:I heard on SportsCenter this morning, that he went from being a late 2nd, early 3rd round pick to being undrafted and this was before the news of the suspension.

There are current NFL players who have done MUCH worse than punch somebody in the face. Is his college career over, probably, but the NFL forgives and forgets easily.
To harsh of a punishment.
well i hate to say it but he disgraced his name right now. i mean he acted like he was back on the block or something. kid had everything going for him and he blew. some people just can't handle the pressure. the suspension was right on. could you imagine having that representing your team. same thing would happen if it went on during a basketball game especially after the pistons ordeal. oh yeah he is still allowed to keep his scholly and pratice with the team.
The guy who got punched needs to be punished also for baiting and he should be a poster boy for " why you should keep your mouth shut"
Thats what I thought would happen...
I could care less really..The guy deserved to get KNOCKED DA **** Out..But do it face to face..Just a typical thug IMO...Reminded me of Steven Jackson and Ron Artest when the basketball brawl happened in the NBA, lol. There are ways to handle situations, and he sure took the wrong approach! Adios' Blount!
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:I could care less really..The guy deserved to get KNOCKED DA **** Out..But do it face to face..Just a typical thug IMO...Reminded me of Steven Jackson and Ron Artest when the basketball brawl happened in the NBA, lol. There are ways to handle situations, and he sure took the wrong approach! Adios' Blount!
Blount mouthed off before the game about what they were going to do to Boise St.
His mouth wrote a check his butt couldn't cash.
I think if the Boise st. player had left him alone it wouldn't have gone that far.
the coaches should have held Boise on the sidelines till Oregon got off the field.
The Boise player should get something, Oregon sent a message to it's players :Thumbs:
Blount got exactly what he was told he would get. What you all are not taking into consideration was the fast that he had already been suspended from the team earlier in the spring for disciplinary reasons. He was told then that he had zero tolerance and another act would get him kicked off the field. Well...... If the kid was stupid enough to run his mouth, knowing that he was stirring up locker room fodder, then already knew he had only one more strike, then it shows how stupid he was. Even his own players were telling him to cool it knowing that he was going to be in trouble and were trying to keep him from getting kicked off the team, so what does he do, he throws a punch at one of the very team mates who is trying to keep him from getting kicked off the team. Blount is obviously super genious..... Good riddance!
They should have kicked him out of school and out of the state and if i was an nfl team i would not want him because of his anger issues he would be the perfect guy to ruin team chemistry in the nfl. If they only gave him 2 or 3 games that would have been sending a message to the rest of college football oh uh you can get mad and because your a bad sportsman you can punch a guy and have a nice 2 week rest this guy should be banned for going to the nfl
I loved the post game interviews though, lol...Blount= "I sweah, I pwomise I wont do dat nooooooooo mo' if day just dont kick me off duh team. Ill be a good wittle boy fo-evah n' evah n' evah. I pwomise".
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I loved the post game interviews though, lol...Blount= "I sweah, I pwomise I wont do dat nooooooooo mo' if day just dont kick me off duh team. Ill be a good wittle boy fo-evah n' evah n' evah. I pwomise".

LOL :lmao: :Thumbs:
I agreed with the punishment. Especially after he tried to fight with the fans. Theres no place in sports for stuff like this. Thats why I think Boise should suspend the guy who started the whole deal for atleast a game. Maybe they thought the embarassment of a jab to the face on national t.v. was enough punishment.
Uh, well it's kinda like this. In the real world if you are just a regular Joe, and not a star athlete, you go to jail for stuff like this. It's called assalt, and guess what? It's a crime.

Truth is , the guy is getting off easy.
Blount got what he deserved and to the Boise State player, If you are going to be dumb, you got to be tough. You don't talk smack with your helmet off.
the guy from boise state got wat he deserved.....he should be suspended as well....wat he did after the punch is wat hes gettin in so much trouble for
You got to control your emotions

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