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Prestonsburg 28 - Belfry 21
Entertaining game. Young Pirates fought hard, but Pburg made the plays. Nice performance by Burchett, the Blackcat QB.
Congrats PBURG! Good win, keep it up. And Belfry will be more than fine this season.
sounded like a great game.... Glad to see P-burg get a win in this series......
Who was the receiver that got ejected and what happened?
Story of the Game:
- Belfry cut the lead to 21-14 after a long drive and had Pburg forced into a 3rd and Long, Burchett completed a long pass to convert. Later that drive, Belfry once again forced a 3rd and Long which Pburg converted with a 20 yard TD pass to push the lead back to 14 after eating alot of clock.

- Belfry had 7 or 8 Illegal Procedure Penalties. Pirates had two deep drives into Blackcat territory that stalled due to penalties or fumbles. On both drives Belfry had what appeared to be sure TD runs that the RB slipped making their cut.

- On Pburg's final drive of the night they converted a couple critical 1st Downs to help eat critical clock. They then had a very nice punt that was downed on the 6 yard line, pinning the Pirates deep.

Bottom line:
Both teams played young. Lots of mistakes on both sides as expected. Pburg made the plays and drives when they needed and forced Belfry to make mistakes with their defense. Expect both teams to look completely different in about 5 weeks.

Congrats Blackcats! They end "The Streak".
Corey Charles was ejected, as was a Pburg player.. I don't know what happened, the internet feed went out. Supposedly the Pburg player struck him in the helmet and he retalliated which is always going to be called.
If there was one word I can use describe this game, it would be "wow''. Prestonsburg absolutely made a believer out of me and plenty of others that watched the game. The Blackcats are tough, hard-nosed, and lightning quick. First year player, Tyler Hall really impressed me tonight. Hall has really bulked up this past summer, and caught nearly every ball that came his way this evening. Quarterback, Michael Burchett really made great decisions tonight and was as aggressive as he should be. Joseph Jamerson, Josh Blackburn, Alex Griffith, Austin McKinney, Josh Craynon, and Alex Garner had great games as well. It was just an overall great team effort by the Blackcats.

Belfry didn't impress me as much as I thought they would, other than Thomas Varney. If Varney is going to have to carry the load like he did tonight at several positions, the Pirates may lose three or four games this season. Varney is a heck of an athlete, but I would like to see a better team effort out of the Pirates.

All in all, it was a great game to watch and it is going to be a heck of a year of high school football in the Bluegrass. Congrats to the Blakcats on the victory!
uhhhhh, wow?!?!
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Belfry didn't impress me as much as I thought they would, other than Thomas Varney. If Varney is going to have to carry the load like he did tonight at several positions, the Pirates may lose three or four games this season. Varney is a heck of an athlete, but I would like to see a better team effort out of the Pirates.

All in all, it was a great game to watch and it is going to be a heck of a year of high school football in the Bluegrass. Congrats to the Blakcats on the victory!

Belfry may lose 5 games in the regular season. They are VERY young and will be a work in progress.
#9 Josh Blackburn was the PBurg player who was ejected. both teams played a great game and can only get better as the season goes on. Alex Griffth #51 make a great defensive play on an option!
Smallest Belfry team i have seen in a while. The line played alot better in the second half. Can't wait to see how Prestonsburg matches up with some other teams. They seem small but the offense really looked good.
BoondockSaint Wrote:Who was the receiver that got ejected and what happened?

Josh Blackburn was the ejected player for Prestonsburg. He shoved a Belfry player after the play was dead.
What a fantastic performance by Prestonsburg. They never trailed in this game and pulled it out at the end. Their new spread offense is unbelievable and one that will give eastern KY schools fits this year because teams from this area aren't used to teams spreading the field and throwing the ball. This offense is probably the best looking offense I have seen come through Prestonsburg in quite some time.

As far as Belfry goes, a lot of option plays for big gains and plenty of runs up the gut out of the wishbone. They had one pass play for about 60 yards for a TD and never passed the ball again. Once P-burg got the 2 score lead in the 2nd half, Belfry's offense just didn't have a quick offensive scheme to get them back in the game. I do feel that Belfry didn't seem to give it their all on the final drive. They took too long in between plays and seem content on running it up the middle every play.

All in all, a great game by 2 teams that absolutely despise one another. I do hope this series is continued every year because the atmosphere is truly amazing.
I can't say I am really surprised by this. Belfry lost alot of talent and no matter how good of a program you have there will be seasons and games where young kids have to grow into it and learn the ropes. Belfry this year is not going to be the same as they have been the last 5 or so years. You just can't stay on top every single year.
Good game both teams! Congrats too Prestonsburg on a hard fought win over the Pirates.
Nice win for Prestonburg
This game showed a lot of promise for both teams. Prestonsburg had a nice advantage with their quick passing game and really exploited Belfry's lack of experience at several defensive positions. Burchett and Craynon and McKinney all played real well, as did Hall and Jamerson and Blackburn and the big ole #51. Belfry played real well at times and shot themselves in the foot at other times. Little miscues, like a bunch of illegal procedures and just slipping and not fielding the ball well really hurt the Pirates. Maynard ran well and Thomas played awfully hard as did the fullback Carroll. What is really a bright spot was the play of Tyler Williams. For maybe the first time in Belfry history, or at least in a long time, a sophomore started the first game of the season at QB. He definitely got better on his reads, speed of huddles and managing the game, and his overall decision making was much better as the game went on. Belfry will be a work in progress and they will be a fun team to watch develop. Pburg will cause a lot of teams trouble if they play as smooth as they did tonight.
One footnote....I believe Ryan Preston got to start the Pike County Bowl when he was a sophomore, but it was because Jordan Phillips was hurt and Phillips came back to QB the rest of the season in '05, but Elkins did not start until the 3rd game of his sophomore year, and I don't believe Dwayne Francisco started at the beginning of his sophomore year. Good Luck to both teams.
Congrats to Pburg, they played well tonight.
Belfry will be good but it will take some time.
On one final note.. Sports Overtime just proved what I saw from the stands, the ball hit the ground and was not a TD when Pburg went up 28 -14. But it doesn't take away from the great effort by Pburg, congrats again and keep your head up Pirates.
We got beat, its that simple. And if you weren't impressed by Nathan Carroll you're crazy. That kid is an animal. I didn't watch the line close, and the defense all did good, but outside the norm (Tom, Chase, Chancey, etc.) Nathan is great.

I'll say this. Don't expect any more losses, and don't expect the Belfry crowd to be any less louder, it'll only be uphill from here!
Good win p-burg!! Good luck the rest of the season.
Sounded like a barn burner, Belfry should be fine this season. Pburg is going to be exciting to watch this year.
I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok -Shaquille O'Neal
Belfry could start the season 0-5. Has this ever happened?
I watched the news and they did not say anything questionable about that score.
Pburg played very well. I was impressed by thier passing offense. Belfry's youth showed. The first game is under thier belt the butterflies go away and players settle down. Look for improvement every week to follow. Also i heard someone say that both players that were ejected have to sit out next week also, does anyone know if there is any truth to this?

Go Pirates!!
Actually they did question whether the one play in paydirt was caught or not... I was looking at the computer so i don't know if he caught it or not.
firechief Wrote:I watched the news and they did not say anything questionable about that score.
You must not have watched closely enough, Derek Forest actually laughed about it and wasn't sure whether it was a catch or not. The replay shows it come out and tap the ground before he regains control.... Either way it doesn't matter, as I have said, congrats Pburg, good win!
Belfry_99 Wrote:You must not have watched closely enough, Derek Forest actually laughed about it and wasn't sure whether it was a catch or not. The replay shows it come out and tap the ground before he regains control.... Either way it doesn't matter, as I have said, congrats Pburg, good win!

I stand corrected, but ymt said it was the play of the night. It is questionable but I agree, it was ruled a catch.
I agree it was questionable, but the one thing I want to point out is for it to be the first game, Pburg looked surprisingly polished on offense, Belfry was a total different team in the second half and I was glad to see them in that light after they played a horrid first half. These two teams are at two different stages, Belfry will be fine, their major problem right now is getting everyone on the same page, I love the fact that Tyler Williams is a Sophomore, his play was promising. I can't wait to see how this team progesses.
After seeing that catch, that was an incomplete pass. Doesn't excuse 4 turnovers from the QB position. Give us time.

And btw, congrats to Josh Francis and Tom just because that catch at the end was sweet, Tom looked like Michael Vick scrambling the opposite direction, turning and throwing and nailing Josh, while he got away and got OB. Sweet play.
not to sound negative but that is the worst Belfry team I have seen in my life time...I was really impressed with the composure of them however in the second half and they adjusted really well to being down. I though P-Burg was a little to conservative with the play calling in the second half. Great game to open up the year. Good Luck to both teams. Belfry will be fine Haywood will have them ready to go by playoffs, its just been a rocky regular season for them I am afraid.

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