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Conservatives now outnumber liberals in all 50 states: Gallup
Thanks Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the ultra-libs! You made it happen!
People have always identified conservative over liberal for years, because of the fiscal aspect. Too bad for you libs and cons are political parties, where Dems out number Pubs by millions.
RF81 Wrote:People have always identified conservative over liberal for years, because of the fiscal aspect. Too bad for you libs and cons are political parties, where Dems out number Pubs by millions.

lol, :popcorn:
I meant they "aren't" political parties, so it doesn't really matter...liberal is seen as some "L" word too.
jetpilot Wrote:Thanks Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the ultra-libs! You made it happen!
If conservatives outnumber liberals, then conservatives elected a liberal Obama.
As long as they call themselves conservative and vote liberal, I don't mind.
The recession is probably the key to that, people have become more fiscally "conservative" with their money when things are like this. Their views on things like abortion, gay-rights, death penalty probably haven't changed.
72 million Democrats registered

55 million Republicans registered.

58 Democrats in the Senate.

257 Democrats in the House.

1 President - Democrat.

Are you laughing your *** off at those numbers? Cause I am.
Give obama time. By the end of his 4 years this country will be back and running stonger than ever
RF81 Wrote:72 million Democrats registered

55 million Republicans registered.

58 Democrats in the Senate.

257 Democrats in the House.

1 President - Democrat.

Are you laughing your *** off at those numbers? Cause I am.

You are laughing because you can't see the big picture and I am laughing because I can. :thatsfunn:thatsfunn:thatsfunn
Pond creek nation Wrote:Give obama time. By the end of his 4 years this country will be back and running stonger than ever

outdoorsman43 Wrote::thatsfunn
Beat me to it!

RF81 Wrote:72 million Democrats registered

55 million Republicans registered.

58 Democrats in the Senate.

257 Democrats in the House.

1 President - Democrat.

Are you laughing your *** off at those numbers? Cause I am.

Get somebody to explain these two graphs to you:
jetpilot Wrote:Get somebody to explain these two graphs to you:

You still using the Rasmussen poll? LMAO, thought you learned your lesson in the other thread you left?

Scott Rasmussen has received donations from the RNC and the Bush Campaign.
RF81 Wrote:You still using the Rasmussen poll? LMAO, thought you learned your lesson in the other thread you left?

Scott Rasmussen has received donations from the RNC and the Bush Campaign.

LMAO...still trying to shoot the messenger? Weak. Show me any poll that says Obama and Dems are getting more popular. All the graphs look the same, down, down, down,:flush:
jetpilot Wrote:LMAO...still trying to shoot the messenger? Weak. Show me any poll that says Obama and Dems are getting more popular. All the graphs look the same, down, down, down,:flush:

Show me any poll that's been that bad as the same old one you keep showing, he's lost a few points because of this debacle over the bill, still mid 50's and above average. They were much worse last year and the public still prefers them over the con's congress, also expanded the majority in congress as you know.
Pond creek nation Wrote:Give obama time. By the end of his 4 years this country will be back and running stronger than ever

You may be right..... but you wont live in a democracy anymore !!!! I have said it before.... if we dont stand up against this administration he will bring this nation to it's knee's, he is an idiot no questions asked , he has got no clue to what he is doing !!!!!!!
Moderates outnumber both of them combined.
Obama is sooooooo bad for us, but no one give say why. Heard the same rhetoric during the campaign when I was out..."I ain't votin for dat Mooslim", then the socialist crap...Until anyone can explain why, they're just full of it.
RF81 Wrote:Obama is sooooo bad for us, but no one give say why. Heard the same rhetoric during the campaign when I was out..."I ain't voting for dat Muslim", then the socialist crap...Until anyone can explain why, they're just full of it.

The reasons why are pretty plain....... but I forgot you are blind and gullible, the blind leading the blind !!!!!!
lil dog Wrote:The reasons why are pretty plain....... but I forgot you are blind and gullible, the blind leading the blind !!!!!!

If they are so plain, then humor me, point out the obvious that my blind eyes can't see....make sure you back it up with facts, but still inform about it.....?
RF81 Wrote:If they are so plain, then humor me, point out the obvious that my blind eyes can't see....make sure you back it up with facts, but still inform about it.....?

Someone never responded
As long as those conservatives keep putting liberals in office, I'll be happy. With liberals controlling all parts of Washington right now, I guess I need to thank the outnumbering conservatives.
RF81 Wrote:If they are so plain, then humor me, point out the obvious that my blind eyes can't see....make sure you back it up with facts, but still inform about it.....?

Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:Someone never responded

They won't because they can't. They leave threads when they don't have facts. All you will see is the usual :thatsfunn

This thread is something for "conservatives" to be proud of, they voted Obama in office. If "conservatives" truly outnumber "liberals", we will never see another liberal in office, that will prove your point jetpilot. Unless that happens, your stastics are pointless.
Don't say it to loud. Remember the conservitive movement was dead a few months ago.
these gallup polls don't matter till election time....
Polls do matter whether taken close to elections or not because even liberal representatives will respond to their constituents if they scream loudly enough. As an increasing number of voters conclude that the federal government cannot spend its way to prosperity, they will look to more conservative candidates who understand that economic and personal liberty are the principles that have made this country great. We will not thrive as a free people under the thumb of an increasingly socialist federal government.

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