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East Ky Expo Center....
Does anyone besides me think the 15th region could be held there? or will be held there?
I mean it would be nice, just wanted some opinions...
I heard that the 15th region tournament was going to be held there along with the east ridge warrior classic.
Anyone have pics of it?
"504 boy" Wrote:I heard that the 15th region tournament was going to be held there along with the east ridge warrior classic.

:thanks: Do you know this to be true or is it just something you heard?
"504 boy" Wrote:I heard that the 15th region tournament was going to be held there along with the east ridge warrior classic.

:thanks: Do u know this for sure or is it just a rumor?
"Baller 12" Wrote::thanks: Do u know this for sure or is it just a rumor?

Could be a rumor because ive heard it before
Yeah I've heard it a couple of times too thats why i created this thread but it would be nice and id say this region would get a little more recognition playing in the expo center, if they publicized it as much as they are the concerts and other events
It's true. That's a fact.
"Basketballer" Wrote:Anyone have pics of it?

[size=2]Main Site:

Photo Gallery:

I don't know, I can see good and bad in having it at the Expo Center.

Leaving the tourney alone and rotating it is nice. There is something about a packed high school gym and the crowd that is magical. Will that same magic be present at the Expo?

What about the loss of revenue for the host school? I know a few years ago the host school allowed various school clubs/teams to have concession. Each group sold something different so as not to compete with one another. Does any one know where the gate revenue went? Did the host school get 100% or was split between the participating schools?

What about the cost of a ticket at the Expo versus the cost of a ticket at the school gym? How about the cost of a soft drink and maybe a snack? You could purchase a soft drink and a hot dog for $2.00 to $3.00. What kind of price will we be paying at the Expo? Will we be paying for parking in addition to the admission price?

The schools that are farther away from Pikeville, they will always be facing that hour or hour and a half drive. How long does it take to drive from the far side of Magoffin County to the Expo center, or from Louisa to the Expo Center? Of course we all see the one obvious plus to the Expo holding this tournament. No home court advantage. Face it, there is a big difference in playing in a high school gym and Rupp Arena. WIll the expo help prepare these teams for Rupp? I guess only time will tell on all of this. We'll just have to wait and see.
Good post WOW. I agree.
at the expo center, different clubs and groups from schools can host a consession stand, not just for ball games, but for almost any event being held there. That is one way that clubs in schools can get some money from the center being there. I see a bigger problem would be getting people from the clubs to work it. No one wants to work consessions even at there home ball games.
I think they should because Pikeville is in the center of the 15th region schools and its better than driving 30 or 50 miles to a Ball game. Especially the way gas prices are.
I think it would be another good idea to have a a Tournement there like the Mountains Classic or somthing. Bring some big schools from western and central ky in to the mountains. And maybe even bring Oak Hill Academy in to play some of these east ky teams !
I don't see downtown Pikeville as the center of the 15th region, of course I'm no judge of distance by any means. How about some feedback here on the time it takes from each area to drive to the Expo Center? Of course Pikeville High School will be just a few minutes away. How far is it for Magoffin, Allen Central and Lawrence County? We know of course that some schools take in an entire county; some of these kids live 30 minutes or more away from the school. They could be closer or in some cases further away from the Expo than their respective school is.

Of course, this is like everthing else- YOU CANNOT PLEASE ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME.
It will be a long drive for anyone, no matter where the Region is held and like another post read, all schools could work different booths and raise money and IMO it would be great to have other big schools to come in here and play for the mountain classic, this could be big but i also agree with WOW i mean when u play in jam packed gyms with the crowds going wild theres something about it thats pretty amazing,but i appreciate everyones opinions
Here is another tid bit of info on the Expo hosting the 15th region tourney. I understand that as of right now admission will be $11.00 for lower arena/floor and $8.00 for all other seats.

A family of 4 is looking at minimum $32.00 for admission. Possibly a fee to park. Probably $15.00 in gas (assuming you don't drive a full size SUV). Lets assume you have to drive 30-45 minutes each way- you are probably gonna get hungry at some point.
The best you can do at McDonalds or Wendy's on the value menu would be about $4.00 per person- for a total of $16.00. I'm not going to attempt the cost of a meal at the Expo Center or even Nachos and a Soft drink. But just on admission, gas and a fast food meal- you have spent a total of $61.00. If you are a die hard basketball family or you are lucky enough that your home team has made it to the finals- $$$$$$$$. I'd say you are looking at 3 nights of this at $61.00 a night. There goes a weeks worth of income for some familes.
I for one don't look forward to driving from northern Lawrence County to Pikeville for the tourney each and every year.
But then again its about the same drive as it is for us when we were in the 16th and had to travel to Morehead for that tourney.
Catdawg - - Was the 16th region tourney held on campus at MSU? What was the price of admission?
I haven't gone in about four years so I can't really remember.
I agree that the region tournament could get expensive if held at the Expo Center.
District will be held at East Ridge this year.
And yes, the Warrior Classic will be held in the Expo Center and schools do get profit from it.
i personally would love for it to be there i mean it could fit a lot more people then in a high school gym, and if it makes good money who knows what could be brought in and put there
If tickets are the same prices and food and stuff is the same, then it would be a great spot. People from Pikeville wouldn't have to drive very far but neither would anyone else. The year that Regional was held at P-burg, ER fans drove like an hour to every night. This way, P-burg fans can drive 30 minutes, ER fans can drive 30 minutes, SF fans still about 30 minutes or's a good central location for most.
I believe the region stretches further than pburg....Paintsville has to drive an hour....South Floyd and Hazard both an hour.

Not saying that it shouldn't be there if the $$$$ is right....I think that it would be a great place. And as for the atmosphere, at the girls All-A State last year (EKU) it wasn't bad at all being in a bigger arena.
Depending on where you live in Magoffin County, Lawrence County and Johnson County you are looking at more than 30 minutes. THe same goes for the AC section of Floyd. SFHS--depending on where you live --can cut through to 979, it would save a little time. As for Beef's post, Hazard is in the 14th region. Of course you could have been referring to the Mountain Classic or just tournaments in general at the Expo.

Will the price of food be the same for the Regional Tourney as it has been for the other shows there? From what I've been told the prices are a little high.
Sorry.... :Hammer3: ...just tryin to remember who all was in the region...but just making the point that Pikeville isn't the center of the region. But still to have it at the Expo center would be awesome!
"WOW" Wrote:Here is another tid bit of info on the Expo hosting the 15th region tourney. I understand that as of right now admission will be $11.00 for lower arena/floor and $8.00 for all other seats.

A family of 4 is looking at minimum $32.00 for admission. Possibly a fee to park. Probably $15.00 in gas (assuming you don't drive a full size SUV). Lets assume you have to drive 30-45 minutes each way- you are probably gonna get hungry at some point.
The best you can do at McDonalds or Wendy's on the value menu would be about $4.00 per person- for a total of $16.00. I'm not going to attempt the cost of a meal at the Expo Center or even Nachos and a Soft drink. But just on admission, gas and a fast food meal- you have spent a total of $61.00. If you are a die hard basketball family or you are lucky enough that your home team has made it to the finals- $$$$$$$$. I'd say you are looking at 3 nights of this at $61.00 a night. There goes a weeks worth of income for some familes.
This post is a little pre-mature.
NOTHING has been decided about ticket prices!!!
I would think the ticket prices would go down but they may not and i dont know im just saying...
Keep in mind a corporate sponsor could jump in and pick up some or all of the costs.
Therefore, tickets could possibly be the same as they have been.

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