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UK Basketball releases three Walk-ons
I don't give a flying rats *** who they cut. If they aren't UK material or help the team in any way, then they need to be released. We have been mired in mediocrity since 1998 and now we're going to gripe because a couple of useless people were let go? Listen to yourselves and you will realize exactly why no one wants to coach the University of Kentucky. We want to win yet we want terrible players taking up practice time. "But we just can't let them go because they have heart and would die for this team", well you know what? So would I, but that doesn't mean I belong as a walkon at the University of Kentucky. Back in the Pitino era, we had walkons that contributed to our success. Cameron Mills was a walkon and he played solid minutes and hit one of the biggest shots in Kentucky history against Duke in the 1998 tournament. People like Dwight Perry don't belong walking on at Morehead let alone UK. Let them go and give us some real players to compete with.
BCF4L Wrote:I don't give a flying rats *** who they cut. If they aren't UK material or help the team in any way, then they need to be released. We have been mired in mediocrity since 1998 and now we're going to gripe because a couple of useless people were let go? Listen to yourselves and you will realize exactly why no one wants to coach the University of Kentucky. We want to win yet we want terrible players taking up practice time. "But we just can't let them go because they have heart and would die for this team", well you know what? So would I, but that doesn't mean I belong as a walkon at the University of Kentucky. Back in the Pitino era, we had walkons that contributed to our success. Cameron Mills was a walkon and he played solid minutes and hit one of the biggest shots in Kentucky history against Duke in the 1998 tournament. People like Dwight Perry don't belong walking on at Morehead let alone UK. Let them go and give us some real players to compete with.

Are being serious? That's stupid. If a player MADE THE TEAM, then how is that player terrible. Again, a very shortsighted view of what every college Baseball, Football, and Basketball team in the Nation does. Your comment has no understanding that UK had walk-ons during every era of college basketball at the university. Oh, so now we change our history? One that obviously has not MIRED the program in the past!

These kids made the team through work and dedication. Your comment about Perry is completely unfounded, completely. If you wnated to be a walk-on, you would have had to prove you deserved to be a walk-on. Walk-ons on just just GIVEN a spot, they have to beat out several players who have been given the opportunity to PROVE they belong. It's not a Freebie! It's not a Charity Case. It's not a RIGHT, it's EARNED, more EARNED than any other player on the roster! That's bull about the practice session. Been there, these guys are the one's that are running harder than any other player on the court because the HAVE TO! They were not given a spot, so they work 10 times harder than any of the scholarship athletes that were GIVEN a spot. This is not about who gets minutes. The Walk-on's at dUKe, UNC, Kansas, they don't play any more than the ones at UK, but they got there the EXACT same way. They Deserved it because the earned it!
I agree with Stardust here. A walk-on has more respect in my eyes when he earns playing time than someone who gets to go out on the floor not really caring what happens with his team, he's just passing through. Landon Slone was a walk-on and I can guarantee you that he got just as many, if not more applause at times, than some others on the team. These are the guys who give 110% and work their tails off because they are trying to prove something, trying to earn some time, trying to stand out, trying to get a little respect from a coach, they don't take these things for granted. Walk-ons should have been giving the choice to stay or go, as they knew what would be in store for both options. I don't feel as though they are hurting the team, they don't have to be used in practice situations where more time should be taken scrimmaging the starting five or anything. It's not even about tradition here, they earned their right to be there every bit as much as anyone else on that team.
just because i give a 110% of myself and work my *** off everyday doesnt mean i should be on a kentucky squad,
If you had the opportunity to be there as a walk-on you wouldn't think that way.
thetribe Wrote:If you had the opportunity to be there as a walk-on you wouldn't think that way.

noone would but that doesnt give them the right to play, you guys sound like mothers crying about your kid being kicked off of the high school JV team, this is college basketball and we all love the uk program, but you heard coach cal say that it will just slow down his practices,
Wildcatk23 Wrote:just because i give a 110% of myself and work my *** off everyday doesnt mean i should be on a kentucky squad,

What of this are you not un derstanding? If you are a Walk-On, You tried out and Made it! You obviously are good enough if you made it! Are you thinking that Walk-On's are seen standing in the Cafeteria line and someone comes up and says, "hey, wanna be a Wildcat"? How do you think they got on the squad?
thetribe Wrote:I agree with Stardust here. A walk-on has more respect in my eyes when he earns playing time than someone who gets to go out on the floor not really caring what happens with his team, he's just passing through. Landon Slone was a walk-on and I can guarantee you that he got just as many, if not more applause at times, than some others on the team. These are the guys who give 110% and work their tails off because they are trying to prove something, trying to earn some time, trying to stand out, trying to get a little respect from a coach, they don't take these things for granted. Walk-ons should have been giving the choice to stay or go, as they knew what would be in store for both options. I don't feel as though they are hurting the team, they don't have to be used in practice situations where more time should be taken scrimmaging the starting five or anything. It's not even about tradition here, they earned their right to be there every bit as much as anyone else on that team.

Thanks tribe, great post :Thumbs:
Stardust Wrote:What of this are you not un derstanding? If you are a Walk-On, You tried out and Made it! You obviously are good enough if you made it! Are you thinking that Walk-On's are seen standing in the Cafeteria line and someone comes up and says, "hey, wanna be a Wildcat"? How do you think they got on the squad?

Lol, i understand what u guys are saying, im just not going to whine over spilled milk,
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Lol, i understand what u guys are saying, im just not going to whine over spilled milk,

lol, :Thumbs:
The walk-ons tried out for the last coach, and made it. They are a waste of space in the new coaches eyes. He has no obligation to keep them around. He is trying to create an atmosphere which creates maximum efficiency to ensure the well being of this year's team, and give this year's team the best opportunity to succeed.

Coach Cal has every right to dismiss who he sees unfit for this team. The walk-ons are not owed anything. they understand what their role is when they go into the team. Even scholarships are one year and are made renewable the next. That's life.

The players who were cut "get it". I truly don't understand why some people are having such a hard time with 3 walk-ons who weren't athletic enough to practice with UK in the first place being cut. They aren't efficient anymore. When you are no longer considered efficient, despite your hard work ethic. You are cut. That's the real world. The "real world" isn't all that great. People who work hard but just can't cut it, are let go everyday. Efficiency is the key here. It is his team, and he can't run a truly efficient, and optimum level practice with weak walk ons taking up space.

He is doing what he thinks is best for the University, and what he thinks will help us win more games.

You want to root for walk ons, that's fine, but I'd rather win.
alfus21 Wrote:The walk-ons tried out for the last coach, and made it. They are a waste of space in the new coaches eyes. He has no obligation to keep them around. He is trying to create an atmosphere which creates maximum efficiency to ensure the well being of this year's team, and give this year's team the best opportunity to succeed.

Coach Cal has every right to dismiss who he sees unfit for this team. The walk-ons are not owed anything. they understand what their role is when they go into the team. Even scholarships are one year and are made renewable the next. That's life.

The players who were cut "get it". I truly don't understand why some people are having such a hard time with 3 walk-ons who weren't athletic enough to practice with UK in the first place being cut. They aren't efficient anymore. When you are no longer considered efficient, despite your hard work ethic. You are cut. That's the real world. The "real world" isn't all that great. People who work hard but just can't cut it, are let go everyday. Efficiency is the key here. It is his team, and he can't run a truly efficient, and optimum level practice with weak walk ons taking up space.

He is doing what he thinks is best for the University, and what he thinks will help us win more games.

You want to root for walk ons, that's fine, but I'd rather win.

Extremely strong post.:Thumbs:
alfus21 Wrote:The walk-ons tried out for the last coach, and made it. They are a waste of space in the new coaches eyes. He has no obligation to keep them around. He is trying to create an atmosphere which creates maximum efficiency to ensure the well being of this year's team, and give this year's team the best opportunity to succeed.

Coach Cal has every right to dismiss who he sees unfit for this team. The walk-ons are not owed anything. they understand what their role is when they go into the team. Even scholarships are one year and are made renewable the next. That's life.

The players who were cut "get it". I truly don't understand why some people are having such a hard time with 3 walk-ons who weren't athletic enough to practice with UK in the first place being cut. They aren't efficient anymore. When you are no longer considered efficient, despite your hard work ethic. You are cut. That's the real world. The "real world" isn't all that great. People who work hard but just can't cut it, are let go everyday. Efficiency is the key here. It is his team, and he can't run a truly efficient, and optimum level practice with weak walk ons taking up space.

He is doing what he thinks is best for the University, and what he thinks will help us win more games.

You want to root for walk ons, that's fine, but I'd rather win.

All you people that support these walk on's and say they deserve to be on the team are forgetting one little thing. A walk on's status is renewed each year just like scollarship players are. You can't name one of the walk on's that Calipari let go, that contribuited one thing positive in a game that meant something last season. H_ _ _, i'll go one better than that, in the 51 seasons I've listened and watched the cats, other than Cameron Mills there hasn't been one that has contribuited anything. UK has been a mediocre team for 10 years or so. As long as you people want these walk on's to get playing time that's what it will remain. We finally have a coach that obviously knows that walk on's bring nothing to the program. They are walk on's, which mean no other school wanted them or they would have gone somewhere to play. A walk on is a glorified manager IMO. As far as I'm concerned Cal did the right thing by letting them go. On another note not one of the walk on's could compete for any minutes with this group coming in.
Support the team, Calipari's the new sheriff in town.
kyrifle Wrote:All you people that support these walk on's and say they deserve to be on the team are forgetting one little thing. A walk on's status is renewed each year just like scollarship players are. You can't name one of the walk on's that Calipari let go, that contribuited one thing positive in a game that meant something last season. H_ _ _, i'll go one better than that, in the 51 seasons I've listened and watched the cats, other than Cameron Mills there hasn't been one that has contribuited anything. UK has been a mediocre team for 10 years or so. As long as you people want these walk on's to get playing time that's what it will remain. We finally have a coach that obviously knows that walk on's bring nothing to the program. They are walk on's, which mean no other school wanted them or they would have gone somewhere to play. A walk on is a glorified manager IMO. As far as I'm concerned Cal did the right thing by letting them go. On another note not one of the walk on's could compete for any minutes with this group coming in.
Support the team, Calipari's the new sheriff in town.

Pretty sure Ravi Moss Was A Walk on being a four-year point guard, perhaps one of the most accomplished walk-ons in the program's history
kyrifle Wrote:All you people that support these walk on's and say they deserve to be on the team are forgetting one little thing. A walk on's status is renewed each year just like scollarship players are. You can't name one of the walk on's that Calipari let go, that contribuited one thing positive in a game that meant something last season. H_ _ _, i'll go one better than that, in the 51 seasons I've listened and watched the cats, other than Cameron Mills there hasn't been one that has contribuited anything. UK has been a mediocre team for 10 years or so. As long as you people want these walk on's to get playing time that's what it will remain. We finally have a coach that obviously knows that walk on's bring nothing to the program. They are walk on's, which mean no other school wanted them or they would have gone somewhere to play. A walk on is a glorified manager IMO. As far as I'm concerned Cal did the right thing by letting them go. On another note not one of the walk on's could compete for any minutes with this group coming in.
Support the team, Calipari's the new sheriff in town.

You have no clue what the point of the posts were about. You obviously didn't see that this wasn't about minutes, contribuiton, or whether they should be in the team!
I hated to see Perry leave because he would be a senior but lets face it Coach Cal doesn't like more than 13 players so that really doesn't leave much room for anyomore. Its not like these guys were going to play big minutes but for you that want to holler about them leaving is that the same way you felt when Stewart, Williams, Slone, Galloway and Pilgrim all left. Look Coach Cal is the coach and if wants to relase walkons thats his business because his goal is to make UK basketball strong again and lets leave it like that.
Stardust Wrote:You have no clue what the point of the posts were about. You obviously didn't see that this wasn't about minutes, contribuiton, or whether they should be in the team!

I think I got your meaning of the post. Look just because you want to play for UK dosen't give you the right to be there. You think just because a player that has very little basketball skill's, because he works really hard that he should be on the team. Wrong!!! If they don't fit the criteria of the coach he dosen't need them around. You have your opinion and I have mine. Evidently Calipari feels the same way.
I am sympathtic to the walk ons that got cut and I am in no way trying to be harsh or heartless with what I am about to say. The bottom line to all of this is that this is now Coach Cal's team and he must adjust the roster to reflect what he believes will present the best opportunity for this team to succeed. It is he who will take the heat if they lose and credit if they win so he must have the team around him that he wants. No disrespect to any of those young men, this is just a fact.
Down and Out Wrote:I hated to see Perry leave because he would be a senior but lets face it Coach Cal doesn't like more than 13 players so that really doesn't leave much room for anyomore. Its not like these guys were going to play big minutes but for you that want to holler about them leaving is that the same way you felt when Stewart, Williams, Slone, Galloway and Pilgrim all left. Look Coach Cal is the coach and if wants to relase walkons thats his business because his goal is to make UK basketball strong again and lets leave it like that.

I felt exactly the same way when they left. We have been stuck with mediocre players for to long.
While I do agree that the walk-ons aren't "owed" anything, that's missing the point. My point is that there wasn't a downside to keeping them on; I don't agree that having the walk-ons around the other players hurts the team in any way. If you don't want to give them practice time, then don't. Let them sit on the side and play cards. But if a couple players are banged up and need a rest during practice, it might be nice to have a guy log some time and give up his body for the good of the team.

I especially don't think it made any sense to can Dwight Perry, who was going to be a senior. Tell me, what harm would there have been in keeping him around?

More Cowbell Wrote:While I do agree that the walk-ons aren't "owed" anything, that's missing the point. My point is that there wasn't a downside to keeping them on; I don't agree that having the walk-ons around the other players hurts the team in any way. If you don't want to give them practice time, then don't. let them sit on the side and play cards. But if a couple players are banged up and need a rest during practice, it might be nice to have a guy log some time and give up his body for the good of the team.

I especially don't think it made any sense to can Dwight Perry, who was going to be a senior. Tell me, what harm would there have been in keeping him around?

:Thumbs: Great post
Walk-on's from last year with what class they would've been in this year:
Dwight Perry SR. Durham, NC (Bobby Perry's cousin)
Matt Scherbenske SR. Lexington, KY (Hometown kid that went to Oak Hill)
Mark Krebs SR. Newport, KY (Northern KY)
Landon Slone SO. Paintsville, KY (Eastern KY)
Adam Delph SO. Louisville, KY (Another KY kid)

See a pattern? They all have close ties to either the state or the team (Perry). This goes into the heart and soul of the true blue fan. To have a kid on the team who the fans can say proudly, I know him. I went to high school with him. I played against him, etc. They represent the state, the school, and the fans. The hard working kids, who wouldn't have changed their jersey if you paid them the salary of an NBA player. It touches the hearts of the UK fans. Let's be honest now, how many blue chip basketball players are in the state of KY? Not many, I doubt we even have players that Coach Cal will even fart at. I'm not saying I don't like the man, because I'm very happy and proud to have him as our coach but there's not going to be so and so cousin on the team or the hometown kid on our team without walk-on's.
Down and Out Wrote:I hated to see Perry leave because he would be a senior but lets face it Coach Cal doesn't like more than 13 players so that really doesn't leave much room for anyomore. Its not like these guys were going to play big minutes but for you that want to holler about them leaving is that the same way you felt when Stewart, Williams, Slone, Galloway and Pilgrim all left. Look Coach Cal is the coach and if wants to relase walkons thats his business because his goal is to make UK basketball strong again and lets leave it like that.

Stewart, Williams and Pilgrim are not from the state of KY and were taking up scholarship space. Yes when Landon left I felt the same way, but Landon left for his own good. He still has hope of salvaging a successful collegiate career just as Adam Delph. Krebs is still on the team, and I hope they give him the last scholarship since he will be a senior this year. We'll get it back for next year's recruiting class. I just didn't see the need in letting two other senior to be's with close ties to the state and team stay on in Perry and Scherbenske . I'm not even 100% sure where Scherbenske went or what happened to him but I'm really bothered by Perry's departure.
The Blue Blur Wrote:Stewart, Williams and Pilgrim are not from the state of KY and were taking up scholarship space. Yes when Landon left I felt the same way, but Landon left for his own good. He still has hope of salvaging a successful collegiate career just as Adam Delph. Krebs is still on the team, and I hope they give him the last scholarship since he will be a senior this year. We'll get it back for next year's recruiting class. I just didn't see the need in letting two other senior to be's with close ties to the state and team stay on in Perry and Scherbenske . I'm not even 100% sure where Scherbenske went or what happened to him but I'm really bothered by Perry's departure.

It's a shame that a Sr. was let go
what will he do if he gets a couple of injuries, GOD forbid????
bigjim4packers Wrote:what will he do if he gets a couple of injuries, GOD forbid????

I don't think injuries necesarily hurt the team from an in-season game situation. His rotation won't be more than 10 players anyhow. But walk-ons are great for practice when there areinjuries. To give PP an opportunity to rest, but still have enough fresh bodies for practice is a need. Since you are limited to the number of scholarship players, you do need to be covered for injuries and practice situations.
Stardust Wrote:It's a shame that a Sr. was let go

Two seniors if you count Scherbenske, but I can't for sure say what happened to him. It is a shame about Perry, seemed like a good kid, who didn't have the tools but had the effort. I've been following his tweet since this happened, and he's not said the first ill word. He's just went on with life like nothing has happened, talking about his last night out in lexington etc.
The Blue Blur Wrote:Two seniors if you count Scherbenske, but I can't for sure say what happened to him. It is a shame about Perry, seemed like a good kid, who didn't have the tools but had the effort. I've been following his tweet since this happened, and he's not said the first ill word. He's just went on with life like nothing has happened, talking about his last night out in lexington etc.

It would be nice if some on this thread could do the same.:biggrin:
kybaseball Wrote:It would be nice if some on this thread could do the same.:biggrin:


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