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Russell JFL
devilsdad67 Wrote:can my son sign up late then this saturday? he is out of state and wont be back until august.
pitchfork Wrote:Now how man kids do you have? No guesstamations. Total count then subtract ten, cause you always have some who just signed up for the heck of it. Thing is with the middle school. I hope they ran the same offense and defense that the high school runs or close to it. This gives the kids two years with the system and a better understanding. Now your going to have daddies coaching, asst. coaching, playing the favortism thing and all that goes with it, and every year your coaching staff will change. Total confusion for the kids and the new coaches every year.
Has the Middle school funded the program. Don't get me wrong. I think Russell JFL is the best in the area and it is proved on every Friday night. But when the kids get to the middle school level they need to be playing other area teams. Just my opinion.

I have been through the Middle School program and they purchased new helmets for the 7th and 8th graders 3 years ago. They also provided transportation to and from the games. Where the fine line was between JFL and the middle was the school used the JFL's equipment, basically footballs, and the JFL field for games. We have always had to sign up for JFL and pay the fee to play Middle School football. One reason as to why the numbers have been low the last couple of years is due to the coaching staff. I don't have a dog in the fight now and I am glad I don't, but I don't agree with the changes that are being made. These boys have played against each other since they have been 8 years old, and by the time they get in the 8th grade, they all need to come togehter as one team and play as one team.
JFL field that the teams play on IS school owned property. The JFL is allowed to play there and do improvements for the program.
School provides helmets and transportation to and from games in the 7th and 8th grade division.
The JFL got the gate and the concessions, the school made nothing out of the program and all kids paid JFL registration to play all the way up to 8th grade.
The kids had to have KHSAA physicals to participate inthe league if you are a Middle School kid.

Dont get me wrong,, the JFL program is a great program, it makes money to put toward the BEST junior football field in the area,,,,the people who run it have continued to make drastic improvements to the facility and alot of work goes into the place.....Great place to be.. just rather played in grades like we had it...and still been able to compete at a higher level. Thats all!!
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
The JFL is paying for lights for the field right now. Those helmets and the bus rides were all the school had in it. The JFL always provided game officials and people to work the games.

The school does lease the JFL the land for the field. Either way it is played it is a cooperative effort between the school and the JFL. The bottom line is to provide a place and a format for kids to play football and continue to develope for the Russell football program as a whole. Nothing there has changed.
I just moved here from Northern Ky and have a son that is 11 that loves to play football. Who do I need to contact to get him signed up?
I just moved here from Northern KY. Who can I contact to get my 11 year old signed up?
nicholsj Wrote:I just moved here from Northern KY. Who can I contact to get my 11 year old signed up?

I sent you a pm.
I am from Raceland, and I will have to agree with F-ball on this one. We were just talking the other night about what a big mistake Greenup is making combining Mckell and Wurtland. Yes they will win Jr. high games but, at what cost to the program. They will have 11 kids on the field and 30 on the sidelines not getting to play and there numbers will decline because of that. My son will be a 7th grader this year and we finally have enough this year for a seperate 7th and 8th grade schedule. Between the two teams there are 59 kids. All of the kids will get to play because Raceland does not worry about winning Jr. high games. Don't get me wrong.......They try as hard as they can to win, but not at any cost to the kids. It's all about developement. if you have 30 kids on one team and only 11 of them play most of the time you will lose kids. You will lose your marginal talent kids who if they get to play may develope into a kid who is going to help your highschool team in the future and add depth to your lineup. You can't depend on just 11 kids all the time. Ultimately I'm from Raceland and you can do what you want. We will take all the transfers that you send us. Because of what Greenup is doing with there Jr. high we will start getting even more of there kids. We got 6 more this year.
F-Ball.....Stop stirring up all of this mean cabbage!!!
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:I am from Raceland, and I will have to agree with F-ball on this one. We were just talking the other night about what a big mistake Greenup is making combining Mckell and Wurtland. Yes they will win Jr. high games but, at what cost to the program. They will have 11 kids on the field and 30 on the sidelines not getting to play and there numbers will decline because of that. My son will be a 7th grader this year and we finally have enough this year for a seperate 7th and 8th grade schedule. Between the two teams there are 59 kids. All of the kids will get to play because Raceland does not worry about winning Jr. high games. Don't get me wrong.......They try as hard as they can to win, but not at any cost to the kids. It's all about developement. if you have 30 kids on one team and only 11 of them play most of the time you will lose kids. You will lose your marginal talent kids who if they get to play may develope into a kid who is going to help your highschool team in the future and add depth to your lineup. You can't depend on just 11 kids all the time. Ultimately I'm from Raceland and you can do what you want. We will take all the transfers that you send us. Because of what Greenup is doing with there Jr. high we will start getting even more of there kids. We got 6 more this year.
No you cannot have our kids we would like to keep all of them. That is why this move was made. I believe we are around 80 middle school kids signed up right now and expect to have more as school gets started up.

You guys always get kids from Greenup. But I agree with you about them combining teams. Is it really more important to win middle school games than to develop all of your talent for a more successful high school program? You know where I stand on this matter. Yes you compete and try to win but not by sacrificing the development of your players. I think you did a pretty job of explaing that with this post. Maybe you should run for president.
Greenup has been losing kids @ the middle school level for years. The main reason for that is because no kid likes to play on losing teams. Mckell has always put out good numbers and good teams. 99 percent of the transfers and kids that quit are from the Wurtland end, because many of them get tired of playing on average to below average teams. I dont know what made Raceland the experts in structuring football prorgrams, but to be honest real honest, We could care less what you think. The main reason for combining is to eliminate the seperation and hard feelings that has always exsited between the two middle schools. We are now GC not wurtland and Mckell and it will do nothing but build friendships and a close-knit team in high school.
Kosar Wrote:Greenup has been losing kids @ the middle school level for years. The main reason for that is because no kid likes to play on losing teams. Mckell has always put out good numbers and good teams. 99 percent of the transfers and kids that quit are from the Wurtland end, because many of them get tired of playing on average to below average teams. I dont know what made Raceland the experts in structuring football prorgrams, but to be honest real honest, We could care less what you think. The main reason for combining is to eliminate the seperation and hard feelings that has always exsited between the two middle schools. We are now GC not wurtland and Mckell and it will do nothing but build friendships and a close-knit team in high school.

You bring up an interesting point. That is that Greenup County has always had that rift between McKell and Wurtland and the different communities within the county. I hope combining them helps with that. In the end everyone has to deal with their own set of cicumstances and do what they feel is best for all of the kids and the football program as a whole.
No you cannot have our kids we would like to keep all of them. That is why this move was made. I believe we are around 80 middle school kids signed up right now and expect to have more as school gets started up.

We lost 4 to Raceland this year. A starting running back that will be an 8th grader 6'2" 180 pounds...... Great kid.. We also lost our top receiver and starting point guard from our 6th grade team that will be a 7th grader. We also lost another running back from the 7th grade group and a multi-purpose player that is the second fastest kid in the school system......

I agree,, we do not want to lose kids but it seems like Raceland will benefit the most this year from all the changes inthe area.. We better hurry if we want to get a spot,,,, positions are going FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just think I just had sliced bread yesterday and then today ....this,,,,,,!!
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
Kosar Wrote:Greenup has been losing kids @ the middle school level for years. The main reason for that is because no kid likes to play on losing teams. Mckell has always put out good numbers and good teams. 99 percent of the transfers and kids that quit are from the Wurtland end, because many of them get tired of playing on average to below average teams. I dont know what made Raceland the experts in structuring football prorgrams, but to be honest real honest, We could care less what you think. The main reason for combining is to eliminate the seperation and hard feelings that has always exsited between the two middle schools. We are now GC not wurtland and Mckell and it will do nothing but build friendships and a close-knit team in high school.

DEVILOLOGIST Wrote:No you cannot have our kids we would like to keep all of them. That is why this move was made. I believe we are around 80 middle school kids signed up right now and expect to have more as school gets started up.

We lost 4 to Raceland this year. A starting running back that will be an 8th grader 6'2" 180 pounds...... Great kid.. We also lost our top receiver and starting point guard from our 6th grade team that will be a 7th grader. We also lost another running back from the 7th grade group and a multi-purpose player that is the second fastest kid in the school system......

I agree,, we do not want to lose kids but it seems like Raceland will benefit the most this year from all the changes inthe area.. We better hurry if we want to get a spot,,,, positions are going FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just think I just had sliced bread yesterday and then today ....this,,,,,,!!
Yes.....and we are hoping that the fastest kid in that class decides to come down as well.
It sounds like to me u shouldnt give any advise on how to run a program, if u developed enough talent in your great program, why do you guys need GC transfers, & brag about how great they are? Your arrogance and disrespect toward anything not orange is the reason Raceland has become one of the most hated teams in the area.
Well D, I hate that some kids may have switched schools but if the sole reason was middle school football than I believe that decision was misguided.

Russell's numbers are up and that is all we should concern ourselves with.
Kosar Wrote:It sounds like to me u shouldnt give any advise on how to run a program, if u developed enough talent in your great program, why do you guys need GC transfers, & brag about how great they are? Your arrogance and disrespect toward anything not orange is the reason Raceland has become one of the most hated teams in the area.

Why shouldn't I be able to give advice? My school can keep it's players and coaches. We don't need there transfers, but we sure aren't going to turn them away. You guys ran them off. we are just taking them in and giving them a good Raceland Ram brain washing. We have to get them to drink the orange koolaid to get the GC attitude out of their system.
hahahahaha Orange koo-aid.. I thought it was a joke until we played the 6th grade team in basketball and everyone had an orange gator-aid on there chair before the game started.. LOLOL Its the blue kool-aid to stay away from Jim Jones,, no more kool-aid at all !!!!!!

I guess with all the kids going to Raceland this year the orange gator-aid will surpass the red gator-aid as the HOT SELLER!!!!!!!!

Too Funny.. OH and ram-a-devil,, the fast kid has a cousin at Raceland and many friends...... I have heard that rumor also!!!!!!!!
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
DEVILOLOGIST Wrote:hahahahaha Orange koo-aid.. I thought it was a joke until we played the 6th grade team in basketball and everyone had an orange gator-aid on there chair before the game started.. LOLOL Its the blue kool-aid to stay away from Jim Jones,, no more kool-aid at all !!!!!!

I guess with all the kids going to Raceland this year the orange gator-aid will surpass the red gator-aid as the HOT SELLER!!!!!!!!

Too Funny.. OH and ram-a-devil,, the fast kid has a cousin at Raceland and many friends...... I have heard that rumor also!!!!!!!!

To bad it's just a rumor. we would be loaded in all 3 sports if that happened. Drrriiinnk Thhhheeee KOOOOlaaaaid!!! Gooooo Innntooo TThHHEE LLiiiggghhtt Little Red Devil children.
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:Yes.....and we are hoping that the fastest kid in that class decides to come down as well.

You just hush. You are giving me feelings of ennui. Don' make me go all acrimonious and report you to marty moogit.
FBALL Wrote:You just hush. You are giving me feelings of ennui. Don' make me go all acrimonious and report you to marty moogit.

Leave me alone!!! You acrimonious crumudgeon!! Can't you see that I am trying to do a little illeagle recruiting! We don't want any kids wearing those Magneta uniforms up there.:lmao:
Kudos to the Russell football program. JFL made the right move and the high school program will greatly benefit from it.
So whats gonna happen to these 80+ kids next year when Freshman ball comes around and only about 20 of them play?

Our High school has 2 middle school teams AND a youth league team that feeds into them. This season it brings close to 80 kids to freshman ball, (which they cut to 50 kids.)

At what point do you not need to seperate those that can play, over those that can't?
plantmanky Wrote:So whats gonna happen to these 80+ kids next year when Freshman ball comes around and only about 20 of them play?

Our High school has 2 middle school teams AND a youth league team that feeds into them. This season it brings close to 80 kids to freshman ball, (which they cut to 50 kids.)

At what point do you not need to seperate those that can play, over those that can't?

RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:I am from Raceland, and I will have to agree with F-ball on this one. We were just talking the other night about what a big mistake Greenup is making combining Mckell and Wurtland. Yes they will win Jr. high games but, at what cost to the program. They will have 11 kids on the field and 30 on the sidelines not getting to play and there numbers will decline because of that. My son will be a 7th grader this year and we finally have enough this year for a seperate 7th and 8th grade schedule. Between the two teams there are 59 kids. All of the kids will get to play because Raceland does not worry about winning Jr. high games. Don't get me wrong.......They try as hard as they can to win, but not at any cost to the kids. It's all about developement. if you have 30 kids on one team and only 11 of them play most of the time you will lose kids. You will lose your marginal talent kids who if they get to play may develope into a kid who is going to help your highschool team in the future and add depth to your lineup. You can't depend on just 11 kids all the time. Ultimately I'm from Raceland and you can do what you want. We will take all the transfers that you send us. Because of what Greenup is doing with there Jr. high we will start getting even more of there kids. We got 6 more this year.

So what your saying is when Raceland has 30 each (as has been posted have come out) playing in 7th and 8th grades its ok and they'll all play of course but when Greenup goes together and has 30 kids each and 7th and 8th grades its unfair to the kids because they all wont get to play.

Games are longer than in jfl and they'll be plenty of playing time and for development. Will some kids play more than others? Sure, just like on any team. Between special teams and backups, there is PLENTY of opportunity for development. Heck, the tougher competition in practices alone will push the advancement process along.

We have some fine coaches and these kids, though they havent gone to school together (although alot have through 5th grade), have known each other for years. Should be a fun middle schoool season this year and theres alot of excitement amongst the boys to be together.
Hey steelermatt, I willplay you with our team when ever we have one..... I will have some 8th graders but there will only be around 6 or so the rest will be 7th and 6th graders.. If we just practice and set something up that would be good...... Let me know what you think,, I will play you guys whenever you want.....
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:To bad it's just a rumor. we would be loaded in all 3 sports if that happened. Drrriiinnk Thhhheeee KOOOOlaaaaid!!! Gooooo Innntooo TThHHEE LLiiiggghhtt Little Red Devil children.

Three of his friends are there already, with one -two possibly transferring.. He has asked about himself and has spoken to a couple of his friends already. I had another parent call me today out of the blue to ask me If I would let him go, I said it was up to him.... I just know that he is still talking about it, but not sure what will happen......Getting close to decision time......
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
DEVILOLOGIST Wrote:Hey steelermatt, I willplay you with our team when ever we have one..... I will have some 8th graders but there will only be around 6 or so the rest will be 7th and 6th graders.. If we just practice and set something up that would be good...... Let me know what you think,, I will play you guys whenever you want.....

I will talk with the coaches. Would be great for a preseason scrimmage thing. We started practicing today and our 7th and 8th are practicing somewhat together (at same time and place with same coaches). Im not sure if they have something like this already scheduled or not (havent seen a schedule) but it will be up to them and i'll throw it by them. I know you know several of them (all the 6th grade coaches from last year are involved mostly as position coaches).
Fred Sanford Wrote:Kudos to the Russell football program. JFL made the right move and the high school program will greatly benefit from it.

I think so too. It's the big picture that some seem to be missing hear. RAM-A-DEVIL stated it very well earlier. I would be more interested in developing players and depth in middle school and winning championships at the high school level.
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