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07-25-2009, 08:40 AM
FRANKFORT - State officials are warning people to limit their intake of fish taken from some Kentucky waters.
The state health department is among government agencies who on Friday released a fish consumption advisory.
Officials say high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, and mercury have been found in some species of fish.
Dr. William Hacker, the state's public health commissioner, says women who are pregnant or of childbearing age and small children may be susceptible to some of the contaminants.
Lake Cumberland, Guist Creek Lake in Shelby County and Fish Lake in Ballard County have been added to the state's advisory list because of higher mercury levels
The state health department is among government agencies who on Friday released a fish consumption advisory.
Officials say high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, and mercury have been found in some species of fish.
Dr. William Hacker, the state's public health commissioner, says women who are pregnant or of childbearing age and small children may be susceptible to some of the contaminants.
Lake Cumberland, Guist Creek Lake in Shelby County and Fish Lake in Ballard County have been added to the state's advisory list because of higher mercury levels
07-25-2009, 03:54 PM
Do you know the other lakes that are on the list, SD?
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of! Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
07-25-2009, 04:52 PM
Here is the official release from Farnkfort:
The Kentucky Department for Public Health (DPH), the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and the Department of Environmental Protection today re-issued fish consumption advisories for the Ohio River.
These advisories are intended to inform the public about the possible risks of eating unrestricted amounts of some fish from the Ohio River. The advisories were issued due to elevated levels of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and mercury levels found in some species of fish sampled for these substances.
“Pregnant women, women of childbearing age, and children who consume fish as part of their diet are more susceptible to the ill effects of contaminants sometimes found in fish,” said William Hacker, M.D., DPH commissioner. “For this reason these individuals should follow the special population advisory.”
Due to recent tissue samplings of sauger and flathead catfish, the advisory for the Upper Reach of the Ohio River (mouth of the Big Sandy River to Markland Dam) was modified last year to one meal per month for the general population and six meals per year for special or sensitive populations. This advisory remains in effect for 2009. Advisories for the Middle Reach (Markland Dam to Cannelton Dam) and the Lower Reach (Cannelton Dam to Mississippi River) remain unchanged from last year’s advisory.
“Fish are fun to catch, and are a nutritious, low-fat food,” said Ron Brooks, director of fisheries with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. “Our role is to educate the public about recommended amounts of certain fish they should consume so everyone can make informed decisions.”
The reporting system used by DPH and Fish and Wildlife provides advisories for the general population and a special population, which includes pregnant women, nursing mothers and their infants, and children. Women who may be or plan to become pregnant should also consider the special population advice.
The following are consumption precautions for various tested species in three areas (upper, middle and lower) of the Ohio River bordering Kentucky. In general, if a species is not listed, this does not necessarily mean these other fish species are risk-free to consumers. Rather, it means there is no data available for that particular species.
Upper Reach (Mouth of Big Sandy to Markland Dam )
Species General Population Special Population
Paddlefish (and eggs) 6 meals / year No consumption
Carp 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Channel catfish
(Greater than (>) 21”
6 meals / year No consumption
Channel catfish
(Less than (<) 21”
1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Smallmouth buffalo 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
White bass 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Drum 1 meal / month 6 meals/ year
White crappie Unlimited 1 meal / week
Hybrid striped bass 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Sauger 1 meal / month 6 meals/ year
Flathead catfish 1 meal / month 6 meals/ year
Black basses (largemouth, etc.) 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
Middle Reach (Markland Dam to Cannelton Dam)
Species General Population Special Population
Paddlefish (and eggs) 6 meals / year No consumption
Channel catfish >21” 6 meals / year No consumption
Channel catfish <21” 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Carp 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Hybrid striped bass 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
White bass 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Drum 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Sauger 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
Black basses 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
Flathead catfish 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
Lower Reach (Cannelton Dam to Mississippi River)
Species General Population Special Population
Paddlefish (and eggs) 6 meals / year No consumption
Channel catfish 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Carp 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Blue catfish >14” 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Blue catfish <14” 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
Drum 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Hybrid striped bass 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Sauger 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
White bass 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Black basses
(largemouth, spotted) 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
White crappie Unlimited 1 meal / week
Bigmouth buffalo 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
In April 2000, a statewide mercury advisory was issued for all freshwater fish from Kentucky waters, including the Ohio River. Women of childbearing age and children 6 years and younger should eat no more than one meal per week of any freshwater fish.
DPH also reminds consumers that proper cleaning, skinning, trimming and cooking can reduce contaminant levels in the fish. Eat only skinless, boneless fillets with as much fat as possible removed. Do not eat the skin, which can contain higher levels of fat. Eggs should be discarded.
Roasting, baking or broiling has been found to reduce the levels of PCBs and chlordane more than other cooking methods.
“Cooking does not destroy the contaminants, nor does it lower their toxicity,” said Guy Delius, director for the public health protection and safety division in DPH. “The heat melts some of the fat in the fish, removing some of the contaminants at the same time, but do not eat or reuse the fat and juices that cook out of the fish. Also, remember that cooking fish will not reduce levels of mercury in fish.”
The Kentucky Department for Public Health (DPH), the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and the Department of Environmental Protection today re-issued fish consumption advisories for the Ohio River.
These advisories are intended to inform the public about the possible risks of eating unrestricted amounts of some fish from the Ohio River. The advisories were issued due to elevated levels of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and mercury levels found in some species of fish sampled for these substances.
“Pregnant women, women of childbearing age, and children who consume fish as part of their diet are more susceptible to the ill effects of contaminants sometimes found in fish,” said William Hacker, M.D., DPH commissioner. “For this reason these individuals should follow the special population advisory.”
Due to recent tissue samplings of sauger and flathead catfish, the advisory for the Upper Reach of the Ohio River (mouth of the Big Sandy River to Markland Dam) was modified last year to one meal per month for the general population and six meals per year for special or sensitive populations. This advisory remains in effect for 2009. Advisories for the Middle Reach (Markland Dam to Cannelton Dam) and the Lower Reach (Cannelton Dam to Mississippi River) remain unchanged from last year’s advisory.
“Fish are fun to catch, and are a nutritious, low-fat food,” said Ron Brooks, director of fisheries with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. “Our role is to educate the public about recommended amounts of certain fish they should consume so everyone can make informed decisions.”
The reporting system used by DPH and Fish and Wildlife provides advisories for the general population and a special population, which includes pregnant women, nursing mothers and their infants, and children. Women who may be or plan to become pregnant should also consider the special population advice.
The following are consumption precautions for various tested species in three areas (upper, middle and lower) of the Ohio River bordering Kentucky. In general, if a species is not listed, this does not necessarily mean these other fish species are risk-free to consumers. Rather, it means there is no data available for that particular species.
Upper Reach (Mouth of Big Sandy to Markland Dam )
Species General Population Special Population
Paddlefish (and eggs) 6 meals / year No consumption
Carp 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Channel catfish
(Greater than (>) 21”

Channel catfish
(Less than (<) 21”

Smallmouth buffalo 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
White bass 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Drum 1 meal / month 6 meals/ year
White crappie Unlimited 1 meal / week
Hybrid striped bass 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Sauger 1 meal / month 6 meals/ year
Flathead catfish 1 meal / month 6 meals/ year
Black basses (largemouth, etc.) 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
Middle Reach (Markland Dam to Cannelton Dam)
Species General Population Special Population
Paddlefish (and eggs) 6 meals / year No consumption
Channel catfish >21” 6 meals / year No consumption
Channel catfish <21” 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Carp 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Hybrid striped bass 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
White bass 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Drum 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Sauger 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
Black basses 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
Flathead catfish 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
Lower Reach (Cannelton Dam to Mississippi River)
Species General Population Special Population
Paddlefish (and eggs) 6 meals / year No consumption
Channel catfish 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Carp 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Blue catfish >14” 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Blue catfish <14” 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
Drum 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Hybrid striped bass 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Sauger 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
White bass 1 meal / month 6 meals / year
Black basses
(largemouth, spotted) 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
White crappie Unlimited 1 meal / week
Bigmouth buffalo 1 meal / week 1 meal / month
In April 2000, a statewide mercury advisory was issued for all freshwater fish from Kentucky waters, including the Ohio River. Women of childbearing age and children 6 years and younger should eat no more than one meal per week of any freshwater fish.
DPH also reminds consumers that proper cleaning, skinning, trimming and cooking can reduce contaminant levels in the fish. Eat only skinless, boneless fillets with as much fat as possible removed. Do not eat the skin, which can contain higher levels of fat. Eggs should be discarded.
Roasting, baking or broiling has been found to reduce the levels of PCBs and chlordane more than other cooking methods.
“Cooking does not destroy the contaminants, nor does it lower their toxicity,” said Guy Delius, director for the public health protection and safety division in DPH. “The heat melts some of the fat in the fish, removing some of the contaminants at the same time, but do not eat or reuse the fat and juices that cook out of the fish. Also, remember that cooking fish will not reduce levels of mercury in fish.”
07-25-2009, 04:53 PM
The Kentucky Department for Public Health (DPH), the Department for Environmental Protection and the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources today issued fish consumption advisories for bodies of water in Kentucky.
These advisories are intended to inform the public about the possible risks of eating unrestricted amounts of some fish retrieved from Kentucky’s waterways. The advisories were issued due to elevated levels of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and mercury levels found in some species of fish sampled for these substances.
“Pregnant women, women of childbearing age and children who consume fish as part of their diet are more susceptible to the ill effects of contaminants sometimes found in fish,” said William Hacker, M.D., DPH commissioner. “For this reason, these individuals should follow the special population advisory.”
Many states are discovering elevated mercury levels in fish tissue and are issuing advisories to better inform the public of the potential risks of frequently eating fish associated with an advisory. The 2009 advisories for Kentucky remain unchanged from last year. In 2008, three additional bodies of water were added to the advisory list because of elevated mercury levels. They were:
− Lake Cumberland in Pulaski, Wayne, Russell and Clinton counties
− Guist Creek Lake in Shelby County
− Fish Lake in Ballard County
“This risk-based advisory system allows Kentuckian to have the information needed in making good nutrition decisions,” said Guy Delius, director of the division of public health protection and safety. “Fish are fun to catch, and many people now practice catch and release, which helps ensure our lakes and rivers have good populations of larger, higher quality fish. If you decide to keep and eat your catch, just keep in mind the frequency for consumption.”
“Fish are a nutritious, low-fat food and good for you when eaten in moderation,” said Ron Brooks, director of fisheries with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife. “Cooking may reduce some contaminants in fish, but will not reduce mercury levels.”
The following are consumption precautions for various tested species in these bodies of water. If a species is not listed, this does not necessarily mean it is risk-free to consumers. Rather, it means data may not be available for that particular species.
Lake Cumberland
Lake Cumberland is approximately 47,680 acres and impounds the Cumberland River in south central Kentucky. This advisory is considered to be a lake-wide advisory and will include the waters from the confluence of Laurel River and Cumberland River to the Wolf Creek Dam on Lake Cumberland.
Fish Groups Contaminant General Population Sensitive Population
Black Bass Mercury 1 meal/month 6 meals/year
Crappie/Rock Bass Mercury 1 meal/week 1 meal/month
Guist Creek Lake
Guist Creek Lake is approximately 321 acres and impounds Guist Creek and Tick Creek in Shelby County. This advisory is considered to be lakewide from the headwaters of the lake to the dam.
Fish Groups Contaminant General Population Sensitive Population
Black Bass Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Fish Lake
Ballard Wildlife Management Areas, Fish Lake, is an approximately 30-acre natural lake in Ballard County. This advisory is considered to be lake-wide from the headwaters of the lake to the outflow of Shawnee Creek.
Fish Group Contaminant General Population Sensitive Population
Black Bass Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Suckers/Carp Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Green River Lake
Green River Lake is approximately 8,210 acres and impounds Robinson Creek and the Green River in Taylor and Adair counties. The current advisory for PCBs is lake-wide and lists channel catfish and common carp as “do not eat.” The advisory for both PCBs and mercury is considered lake-wide from the headwaters of the lake to the dam. Due to decreasing levels of PCBs in the Green River Lake, the advisory is modified from “do not eat” to one meal per month for the general population and six meals per year for the sensitive population. Channel Catfish are being removed from the PCB advisory.
Fish Group Contaminant General Population Sensitive Population
Suckers/Carp PCB 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Black Bass Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Catfish/Drum Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Knox Creek
There are approximately 7.8 miles of Knox Creek in Pike County. The headwaters of Knox Creek are located predominantly in Buchanan County, Va. Virginia issued a similar fish consumption advisory for its section of this creek. This fish consumption advisory will include all of Knox Creek from the Virginia-Kentucky state line to the Tug Fork River.
Fish Group Contaminant(s) General Population Special Population
Black Bass PCB, Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Crappie/Rock Bass PCB, Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Catfish/Drum PCB 6 meals per year No Consumption
Flathead Catfish PCB, Mercury No Consumption No Consumption
Fishtrap Lake
Fishtrap Lake is approximately 1,100 acres and impounds the Levisa Fork River in Pike County. This advisory will include the Levisa Fork River from the Kentucky-Virginia state line to the dam on Fishtrap Lake. Virginia issued a similar fish consumption advisory for a portion of the Levisa Fork River in its state.
Fish Groups Contaminant(s)* General Population Special Population
Black Bass PCB, Mercury 1 meal per week 1 meal per month
White Bass PCB, Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Catfish/Drum PCB, Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Suckers/Carp PCB, Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Flathead Catfish PCB, Mercury 1 meal per week 1 meal per month
The Kentucky Department for Public Health (DPH), the Department for Environmental Protection and the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources today issued fish consumption advisories for bodies of water in Kentucky.
These advisories are intended to inform the public about the possible risks of eating unrestricted amounts of some fish retrieved from Kentucky’s waterways. The advisories were issued due to elevated levels of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and mercury levels found in some species of fish sampled for these substances.
“Pregnant women, women of childbearing age and children who consume fish as part of their diet are more susceptible to the ill effects of contaminants sometimes found in fish,” said William Hacker, M.D., DPH commissioner. “For this reason, these individuals should follow the special population advisory.”
Many states are discovering elevated mercury levels in fish tissue and are issuing advisories to better inform the public of the potential risks of frequently eating fish associated with an advisory. The 2009 advisories for Kentucky remain unchanged from last year. In 2008, three additional bodies of water were added to the advisory list because of elevated mercury levels. They were:
− Lake Cumberland in Pulaski, Wayne, Russell and Clinton counties
− Guist Creek Lake in Shelby County
− Fish Lake in Ballard County
“This risk-based advisory system allows Kentuckian to have the information needed in making good nutrition decisions,” said Guy Delius, director of the division of public health protection and safety. “Fish are fun to catch, and many people now practice catch and release, which helps ensure our lakes and rivers have good populations of larger, higher quality fish. If you decide to keep and eat your catch, just keep in mind the frequency for consumption.”
“Fish are a nutritious, low-fat food and good for you when eaten in moderation,” said Ron Brooks, director of fisheries with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife. “Cooking may reduce some contaminants in fish, but will not reduce mercury levels.”
The following are consumption precautions for various tested species in these bodies of water. If a species is not listed, this does not necessarily mean it is risk-free to consumers. Rather, it means data may not be available for that particular species.
Lake Cumberland
Lake Cumberland is approximately 47,680 acres and impounds the Cumberland River in south central Kentucky. This advisory is considered to be a lake-wide advisory and will include the waters from the confluence of Laurel River and Cumberland River to the Wolf Creek Dam on Lake Cumberland.
Fish Groups Contaminant General Population Sensitive Population
Black Bass Mercury 1 meal/month 6 meals/year
Crappie/Rock Bass Mercury 1 meal/week 1 meal/month
Guist Creek Lake
Guist Creek Lake is approximately 321 acres and impounds Guist Creek and Tick Creek in Shelby County. This advisory is considered to be lakewide from the headwaters of the lake to the dam.
Fish Groups Contaminant General Population Sensitive Population
Black Bass Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Fish Lake
Ballard Wildlife Management Areas, Fish Lake, is an approximately 30-acre natural lake in Ballard County. This advisory is considered to be lake-wide from the headwaters of the lake to the outflow of Shawnee Creek.
Fish Group Contaminant General Population Sensitive Population
Black Bass Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Suckers/Carp Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Green River Lake
Green River Lake is approximately 8,210 acres and impounds Robinson Creek and the Green River in Taylor and Adair counties. The current advisory for PCBs is lake-wide and lists channel catfish and common carp as “do not eat.” The advisory for both PCBs and mercury is considered lake-wide from the headwaters of the lake to the dam. Due to decreasing levels of PCBs in the Green River Lake, the advisory is modified from “do not eat” to one meal per month for the general population and six meals per year for the sensitive population. Channel Catfish are being removed from the PCB advisory.
Fish Group Contaminant General Population Sensitive Population
Suckers/Carp PCB 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Black Bass Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Catfish/Drum Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Knox Creek
There are approximately 7.8 miles of Knox Creek in Pike County. The headwaters of Knox Creek are located predominantly in Buchanan County, Va. Virginia issued a similar fish consumption advisory for its section of this creek. This fish consumption advisory will include all of Knox Creek from the Virginia-Kentucky state line to the Tug Fork River.
Fish Group Contaminant(s) General Population Special Population
Black Bass PCB, Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Crappie/Rock Bass PCB, Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Catfish/Drum PCB 6 meals per year No Consumption
Flathead Catfish PCB, Mercury No Consumption No Consumption
Fishtrap Lake
Fishtrap Lake is approximately 1,100 acres and impounds the Levisa Fork River in Pike County. This advisory will include the Levisa Fork River from the Kentucky-Virginia state line to the dam on Fishtrap Lake. Virginia issued a similar fish consumption advisory for a portion of the Levisa Fork River in its state.
Fish Groups Contaminant(s)* General Population Special Population
Black Bass PCB, Mercury 1 meal per week 1 meal per month
White Bass PCB, Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Catfish/Drum PCB, Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Suckers/Carp PCB, Mercury 1 meal per month 6 meals per year
Flathead Catfish PCB, Mercury 1 meal per week 1 meal per month
07-25-2009, 07:47 PM
Thanks for the info, SD.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of! Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
07-26-2009, 02:12 AM
Yeah, Thanks SD!
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