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Russell JFL
Man go on vacation and miss everything!!! How many kids signed up in the 6-8th grade Saturday?? Just wondering I was not there...
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
Nonsense???? I guess your position is better than Bill Gates position? (I THINK NOT). Im not surprised you dont get it. See, its not just about football, its about life, careers, education and everything our children do. Competition, is about competeing with "like" competition. Would you allow an 8th grader to be on a 6th grade academic team to get better? I think not! Would you allow an 8th grader to play with 6th graders on a basketball team to get better? I think not! Would you allow an 8th grader to play football with a 6th grader to get better? I hope not. Now if it is just to have fun, OK. But what I understand your league has done away with playing competitive football, with other schools, with children of the same age and grade. Hopefully your doing more good than harm for your school.
What is the total sign ups for the 6-8 th grade so far??????
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
Sports Junky Wrote:Nonsense???? I guess your position is better than Bill Gates position? (I THINK NOT). Im not surprised you dont get it. See, its not just about football, its about life, careers, education and everything our children do. Competition, is about competeing with "like" competition. Would you allow an 8th grader to be on a 6th grade academic team to get better? I think not! Would you allow an 8th grader to play with 6th graders on a basketball team to get better? I think not! Would you allow an 8th grader to play football with a 6th grader to get better? I hope not. Now if it is just to have fun, OK. But what I understand your league has done away with playing competitive football, with other schools, with children of the same age and grade. Hopefully your doing more good than harm for your school.

Sorry but I think you are the one that doesn't get it. We've already been through this about the grades and A team and B team. We are not lining up kids that cannot compete with other kids. Its not watered down and its not noncompetetive. It is kids of the same age and abilities playing against each other only with more teams and more spots so everyone gets more game experience. If that is not teaching kids how to compete than I don't know what is.

We have gone back to a system that has proven itself to be a good fit for teaching kids how to play and win football games. Thats it. And yes, we believe that we are doing more good for our kids and our school.
DEVILOLOGIST Wrote:What is the total sign ups for the 6-8 th grade so far??????

Right now I think it is around 55-60. I'm not sure of the exact number but there was a very good turnout Saturday. There have been several new ones come out as well. I don't think we should have any problems.
DEVILOLOGIST Wrote:I hear Racelands numbers are up this coming year too. I have friends at church and they seem to think the numbers will continue to improve and help the program at Raceland in the future!!

They are up every class seems to get bigger but FBALL I doubt they will go to what we now have in place here.
devilhorns05 Wrote:They are up every class seems to get bigger but FBALL I doubt they will go to what we now have in place here.

I know they won't because they can't. But I do know a few high school coaches that would prefer it if they had the numbers to do so.

A friend from Raceland told me they had 20 some 8th grade kids and around the same amount in the 7th grade. I think this is the first time they have had enough to field seperate teams without 7th graders playing up or having to have 8th graders play down so they could have a 7th grade team.
FBALL Wrote:Sorry but I think you are the one that doesn't get it. We've already been through this about the grades and A team and B team. We are not lining up kids that cannot compete with other kids. Its not watered down and its not noncompetetive. It is kids of the same age and abilities playing against each other only with more teams and more spots so everyone gets more game experience. If that is not teaching kids how to compete than I don't know what is.

We have gone back to a system that has proven itself to be a good fit for teaching kids how to play and win football games. Thats it. And yes, we believe that we are doing more good for our kids and our school.

Great! Keep up the good work!
60 kids divided into 4 teams gives you 15 on a team. not what we expected!!!! And 40 kids shy of the so called 100 kids who wanted to play football. Sounds like we are going to be a little short...............
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
Yeah yeah
Just out of curiousity, is the youth league funded differently than the middle school team?

What I mean by that is if they have a middle school team, it assume it would be funded by the school and the school would hold some liability. But if it is a youth league team, then does the league hold the funding and liability.

Kinda like in wrestling between having a club team and a school team.
DEVILOLOGIST Wrote:60 kids divided into 4 teams gives you 15 on a team. not what we expected!!!! And 40 kids shy of the so called 100 kids who wanted to play football. Sounds like we are going to be a little short...............

who said everyone had already signed up? There will be another sign up at the JFL field this comming Saturday from 9-12.
Might be off the topic but does anyone know when that anual equipment sale is that Russell normally has? I have a friend who has a son who will be playing tackle football and they were asking. Oh yea they also wanted to know if it was new or used.
I would like to know how all of this got passed when your league does not have a meeting for 6 mths and then all of a sudden we have no Middle school ball and 14 yrs old playing down. I believe it takes 3 readings that would be 3 mths of meetings. Shame on the board members and those that have been with that league long enough to know better, unless they are in cuhoots also. According to what I read on your RussellJFL website that everything that has been done since Nov has been against your own by- laws and if someone pressed it. It all would have to done over again and then it would all go back to the way it was.
I believe the FBALL has a kid that will be 14 yrs old. So that sums that up.
If I can contact some of the middle coaches and see if they would be willing to go to the school and talk to the priciple or AD and have Middle schooll sign ups. The kids want to play for the school just like they do in soccer, baseball, etc... but a few choosing whiners has made the decision for them. Does any one know when the next meeting is, cause anyone can attend or will this be done in secret also.
Very Interesting Pitchfork:
I went to the Russell JFL website and sure enough, the by-laws are there. Here is a copy and paste from the bylaws

Article VI
Section 2. QUORUM:
A majority of members shall constitute a quorum to conduct any meeting. This is defined by 51% of the population consisting of the 5 league officers and 2 representatives from each team. An officer, who also acts as a league coach may limit the number of team reps needed per team to one.

I saw in past posts that the vote was 7 yes and 5 no for moving the middle school team back to interleague play. Is 12 Quorum?
pitchfork Wrote:I would like to know how all of this got passed when your league does not have a meeting for 6 mths and then all of a sudden we have no Middle school ball and 14 yrs old playing down. I believe it takes 3 readings that would be 3 mths of meetings. Shame on the board members and those that have been with that league long enough to know better, unless they are in cuhoots also. According to what I read on your RussellJFL website that everything that has been done since Nov has been against your own by- laws and if someone pressed it. It all would have to done over again and then it would all go back to the way it was.
I believe the FBALL has a kid that will be 14 yrs old. So that sums that up.
If I can contact some of the middle coaches and see if they would be willing to go to the school and talk to the priciple or AD and have Middle schooll sign ups. The kids want to play for the school just like they do in soccer, baseball, etc... but a few choosing whiners has made the decision for them. Does any one know when the next meeting is, cause anyone can attend or will this be done in secret also.
I'll tell you what chief. Since you know who I am and think you have some clue as to what is going on, why don't you come see me and we can discuss this matter in more deatail.

Yes, my son is one of those eighth graders that just turned 14. I told him he would have to play freshman football. It wasn't me who made that motion or even seconded it.

So you can think what you want and you can complain all you want. Either way it doesn't really matter. I will be waiting for your call although I doubt I recieve it. I would be more than happy to try to help you understand exactly what has taken place instead of just ranting about partial facts from a few disgruntled people.

That does a better job explaining it better than I could. Most of the time to pass things unless there is something in the bylaws you can get a quorom together with special meetings. This is often done when things need to be passed quickly.
Yes it was quorum.
This has been a very interesting thread to follow. Here is one element that is yet to be addressed: Russell Middle School has already scheduled games with all of the NEKC schools. With this rushed vote by the Russell JFL, all of the other middle school teams are left high and dry with a hole in the schedule and the season about to begin. If this is truly for the overall good of the program and not just to give certain children preferential treatment, then why the need to push this through at this moment in time? It seems to me that the program would benefit more by honoring this season's commitments and then making a smooth transition into the JFL in the 2010 season.
Pull back the reigns FBALL. It seems your son will benifit from this decision, and I don't have a problem with that. The problem I have is how such a rush and hush job this was when your leagues By Laws clearly states the proper procedure to have by law changes. Don't have a meeting for six mths and then this.???????? This is not the proper way.
And Squint Paladores I believe the scheduling took place months ago ( Feb or Mar) with all the local Middle schools. This eight grade progam started with Russell Middle with a teacher by the name Zimmerman. Fact is the kids want to play for a school team and each year look forward to playing other schools. The 2005 State Champs benifited from the school program and this gives the kids 2 more yrs at running the High school system. This Middle school program has been in place for about 8 yrs and officially with the Russell Middle School name for 5 yrs.
FBALL, if this is all about playing time and developing players.
If your JFL team has a 6th or 7th grader and is better than an 8th grader, who do you start?????? A team or B team game it doesn't matter. This will happen cause you won't have 24 players per team.
If you start the better player over the eight grader what confidence are we doing to the player and he is more likely to step away from the game all together. As to if he plays and practices with his peers he is more appt to try and earn that starting spot. Just want to get clarification on this.
This wasn't a rushed decision or one that was kept hushed up. It is a subject that has come up numerous times over the past few years.

Pitchfork, I don't need to pull back the reigns. You constantly state the kid want to play for grade teams. Well I am sure some do. But we have had alot of kids that are excited about JFL. Quite a few that said they would not have played And a few that have signed up that have never played before. The only reason why We would not have enough kids is if some parents are childish enough to keep them from playing. That would be a shame.

Also, no, my kid does not benefit from this. I encouraged him to play freshman but when given the choice he wanted to play with the kids in his grade. I know it's horrible that he and two other boys have birthdays in July and the cut off date is august 1st. It's not like these kids are being held back. I would have preferred he moved up but we don't always get our way now do we.

Still in all of this alot of you are still not getting the fact that the school system has not fielded a middle school football team since the mid 1970's. The JFL has been responsible ever since and many of us feel it is time to go back to the system that in all honesty worked much better than the one that we were forced into. And no the 2005 state champs were the last group to go all the way through before we made an 8th grade team.

Schedules were made. Things change. The Greenup schools combined to make one team. That left holes in peoples schedule. Raceland joined the conference. That filled some holes. In the end you do what you feel is right and this is what the majority of those that had a vote felt was right.

As for a 6th grader playing on the A team above an 8th grader. Well, I am not coaching one of these teams but if a 6th grade kid is better than he would play on the A team for me. It's still football and still competetive. What this system does is give more kids a chance to compete IMO.

I will be waiting for that call.
I have a good friend who has 2 kids on the Boyd Co. 6th grade team and I believe he said they were joining a different league as well. As I have posted, I am all for the merging the grades, but if the numbers were not there I would be all for the graded teams. I just want to see some football. I do believe IMO that some people think that this is a huge change when its not. Its only a huge change to people who havent grown up in the community. It also wasnt rushed. Its been talked about just about every year that I know of. The graded teams was just a temporary solution when the numbers dropped. I bleed maroon and I know my son will play for Russell(and I use the word play loosely...lol) until he graduates whether Russell is 11-0....or 0-11.
Have you know I am from this community. And if this was such a problem with the Middle School why wasn't it taken care of long before this. A conference was set, scheduling was made, and know all has to be do away with. Has the school put any finances into the program? The kids want to play for the maroon & gold.
Enough said, FBALL if I hurt your feelings "SORRY".
I'm for the Middle School Team cause it forms comirodory, team, and the bonding of the players forthe next 5 yrs. Plus learn the system early and it gets these kids ready for the next level. It does not get any easier. I just don't like the way the JFL just up and changes things every year just to suit a handful. Heck they even started Middle School baseball, and now the one sport that brings in a lot of revenue that the school enjoyed. It comes to a holt ?????????????
pitchfork Wrote:Have you know I am from this community. And if this was such a problem with the Middle School why wasn't it taken care of long before this. A conference was set, scheduling was made, and know all has to be do away with. Has the school put any finances into the program? The kids want to play for the maroon & gold.
Enough said, FBALL if I hurt your feelings "SORRY".
I'm for the Middle School Team cause it forms comirodory, team, and the bonding of the players forthe next 5 yrs. Plus learn the system early and it gets these kids ready for the next level. It does not get any easier. I just don't like the way the JFL just up and changes things every year just to suit a handful. Heck they even started Middle School baseball, and now the one sport that brings in a lot of revenue that the school enjoyed. It comes to a holt ?????????????

Please don't say you're sorry. My feelings are not hurt but you have insulted myself and all of the other coaches and board members by questioning our integrity and the integrity of the league. That is something that I have tried to defend by replying to all of these questions that are based on hearsay instead of fact. I guess my writing skills just aren't up to par.

This last post says all I need to know. If you are truly concerned and want to know all of the details that offer still goes. Give me a call and I will try to help you.
KYMSFA rules state that a player can play inthe 8th grade unless they turn 15 before Aug 1st of the playing year. A player can not turn 14 before Aug 1st and play in the 7th grade.

Sounds like all the kids in question could play in the 8th grade if we played school ball and played in the NEKC conference..

NEKC scheduleing was made in December and January with all the area coaches and schools. Greenup Wurtland and McKell were in the process of combining at the time and so only 1 school was scheduled with every school..

No game was dropped when they combined..

Raceland did not fill the empty slot because they were there making their schedule along with everyone else.

Coach Mike Jones the Middle School Athletic Director was at the first meeting and met with everyone before he retired as the AD.. I know because I too was there........ The NEKC schedule was set in January and was delivered to the school then.
You ask me why I was at the meeting to begin with is because I was there to help promote the KYMSFA,, As a coach and as a parent I feel that the program will be a great benefit for OUR Kids. more exposure to area schools, which means more exposure for all kids who wish to maybe play in college. The KYMSFA also pays the schools who make the playoffs and the state championship. In each playoff game the schools get 40% of the intake and the KYMSA gets 20% to help pay for the state championships.... MORE PLAYING TIME...

I just want to say that people think parents are mad and will not let their kids sign up,,know what ,, if it is true,, then it is there right as a parent.... They fund the programs and raise their kids.. It should be their choice.. If they dont feel that a program will beneift their child then again it is their choice.....
But to say that the reason for decreased sign ups is from disgruntled parents may not be far from the truth. My son signed up to play because there is no alternative.. but given the choice,,, 100% Middle School Football and 100% NEKC and 100% KYMSFA !!!!!!!!

I hear the draft is the 27th, will be interesting...
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
No dog in the fight but from the outside..
It is a shame to see Russell not have a MS program. One of the great things about the KYMSFA is the chance for the kids to play against top programs like Bell Co, Bowling Green, John Harden's feeder program, LCA, Lexington Cath to name a few. A chance for our players to have the chance to play against some of the best players in the state.

As far as who plays were when you have a 7th grader who is better than an 8th. Best player plays but that does not mean the other kid does get playing time. I do not think over the past 3 years or so we have put the best 11 on the field all the time. Some just played defense and some offense. It has worked well for us though our 7th grade teams have taken the beating at times. Though they did get plenty of time to develope.
can my son sign up late then this saturday? he is out of state and wont be back until august.
If you actually look at how many of us are posting on this thread we are just a handful of parents who have some type of interest in topic. Seems FBALL and myself seem to be the few on here that like the split teams. I hear of talk of kids wanting to play grades and we hear of ones that dont. I cant speak for any 8th graders because I know very few. I have pretty much figured out who Devilogist is and I love him to death. He is a great guy, a great friend and loving parent. I know his views on the topic differ greatly from my own along with some others and I wouldnt have it any other way. I believe its just one of those situations where you have to agree to disagree. I think FBALL and I have very valid points. Now I am not one to straddle fences, but standing on the other side I can see very valid points as well. I am not one who thinks that a middle school state championship is the best thing for kids at that age, but hey thats just me. No matter what what stance one takes on this topic you have to admit that the one thing we do agree on is that we care for our kids and community.(this sounded so much better with the National Anthem playing in the background of my head...lol)
FBALL Wrote:Please don't say you're sorry. My feelings are not hurt but you have insulted myself and all of the other coaches and board members by questioning our integrity and the integrity of the league. That is something that I have tried to defend by replying to all of these questions that are based on hearsay instead of fact. I guess my writing skills just aren't up to par.

This last post says all I need to know. If you are truly concerned and want to know all of the details that offer still goes. Give me a call and I will try to help you.

FBALL, its good that you said your feelings are not hurt because they shouldnt be. No one is questioning integrity just stating facts. If you feel that it is more than that, than that it is your business, and it is personal. You are the one that has to try and sleep at night and I know you will say you can sleep quite well. It seems that the only thing that still remains is that 7 people decided this for an entire system. The fact is that there are several kids and parents that desired a Middle School Team, no matter how many wanted it the other way. Now you can say, which you have, that it doesn't matter "either way", but it does to the kids that wanted to play Middle School Ball. You just need to make sure that you do your due dillegence in making sure that everyone is happy regardless if you like it or not. That is the role you chose when you decided to vote that way and sit on the board. You keep offering pitchfork to make a call, just do your job and he wont have to. Its been said that your son will benefit from this, I dont know if that is true or not, but from your response with the "LISTEN HERE CHIEF" more than likely it is. Just YOU make sure that that you know there are 60+ children involved including yours, and your ego should fly out the window. Make it a good league, do everything in your power to make it competitive and fair, and I dont think anyone will say anything. Dont make it one sided but fair for everyone and everyone will agree with you. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
Now how man kids do you have? No guesstamations. Total count then subtract ten, cause you always have some who just signed up for the heck of it. Thing is with the middle school. I hope they ran the same offense and defense that the high school runs or close to it. This gives the kids two years with the system and a better understanding. Now your going to have daddies coaching, asst. coaching, playing the favortism thing and all that goes with it, and every year your coaching staff will change. Total confusion for the kids and the new coaches every year.
Has the Middle school funded the program. Don't get me wrong. I think Russell JFL is the best in the area and it is proved on every Friday night. But when the kids get to the middle school level they need to be playing other area teams. Just my opinion.
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