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Rush: "The replacement for coal doesn't exist."
jetpilot Wrote:

I hate to stoop to Rush's level(arguing with a pill head), but I have personally worked on nuclear and gas fired powerhouses. They work fine without coal.
^Didn't take long for the incredibly uniformed to resort to name calling.
It is factual, he has been a pill head and if we are going to call oxyheads in eastern kentucky pillheads, then Rush needs to be called a pillhead. No he is a hypocritical pillhead. Now that is "fair and balanced."
^LOL nothing of value to add by the incredibly uninformed. Don't bother to read the article, you might learn something. That would suck.:flush:
jetpilot Wrote:^LOL nothing of value to add by the incredibly uninformed. Don't bother to read the article, you might learn something. That would suck.:flush:

Nothing of value? I said I have worked on, and built nuclear and gas fired powerhouses. They work fine, and without coal. I don't need Rush's article to know the facts I state are true. I am an expert on coal fired, nuclear, and gas fired powerhouses. Don't think for a second that this country can't survive without coal fired powerhouses.
Listen, as I have told jetpilot in PM, I don't lay around and b***h and whine and depend on politicians to provide for my family. I work several different industry's to make my money. There is very good money to be made away from eastern Kentucky if you go get it. I have traveled as far west as New Mexico and as far north as Michigan to make money. My wife and I have a very trusting relationship and I don't have to lay around eastern Kentucky, depending on coal to feed me. There is very good money to be made out there, you just can't lay here in eastern Kentucky b***hing about politicians and expect to make it. I go where I need to, to provide a VERY good lifestyle for my family. You might even find out as I have, that you can afford to take off 6 months to be with the family, just because you can. You can get out there and make money, or b***h and whine about Obama, it's your choice. As much as I travel, and I haven't even traveled in the last 3 years, I never fail to be home on weekends to be with my family.
Oh Snap!
If Rush said it, then I gotta believe it. :yikes:
Make no mistake though with my posts, I don't want coal done away with as an energy source. It is cheap energy. If the EPA determines that the powerhouses are overly polluting, they need to take steps to clean the emissions coming out of their stacks up. I know they can do it, because for the last 3 years I have been working on projects that do just that. After the scrubbers and SCR's are installed, the emissions coming out of the stack are almost 100% clean.
Like the Freshman Senator from the state of Minnesota said, Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot!

Of course we didn't know at the time that Rush was also a Oxy snortin' pillhead junkie in desperate need of an intervention. He bought 1,000s of pills from his cleaning lady for Pete's sake!
^Knew I could count on ol' DW for some thorough, thoughtful analysis of this important topic. Not! You liberals are too easy. Only name calling, not even an attempt to discuss the article. I didn't expect any less from you. That's why you guys are and remain horribly uninformed on the issues. Let our crappy far-left media do your thinking for you. Get in line sheeple!:thatsfunn

Jetpilot, you won't get anybody, even some conservatives, to take anything Rush says seriously. He is a joke of the highest order. If you expect to be taken seriously, don't use Rush as your mouthpiece.
TheRealVille Wrote:Jetpilot, you won't get anybody, even some conservatives, to take anything Rush says seriously. He is a joke of the highest order. If you expect to be taken seriously, don't use Rush as your mouthpiece.

Again shows your ignorance. If YOU want to be taken seriously, actually take a few minutes to read the article and try discussing the points it makes instead of making stupid personal attacks. Again, no decent discussion of the issues, only more wasted bandwidth from you...:flush:
jetpilot Wrote:Again shows your ignorance. If YOU want to be taken seriously, actually take a few minutes to read the article and try discussing the points it makes instead of making stupid personal attacks. Again, no decent discussion of the issues, only more wasted bandwidth from you...:flush:
I have read the article, it is full of Rush copying and pasting a couple of people that I don't know have any validity whatsoever. Where is their proof of 90% higher energy bills? Asking ANYBODY to read Rush and take him seriously, is like asking a baptist, to read Benny Hinn and take anything he says serious. Rush says CA won't get energy from nuclear power as long as Hayden and Fonda are alive, yet there are two nuclear powerhouses in CA, totaling 5 units at both sites. You tell me why I should take Rush serious, when he lies outright?
Quote:'LADWP will deliver 40 percent renewable power, with the remainder coming from natural gas, nuclear, and large hydroelectric,' said Villaraigosa." Nuclear? Not as long as Tom Hayden is still alive; not as long as Jane Fonda still live. ****, you don't even need those two.
If you look at all the gas-fired powerhouses being built across the country right now vs. the coal units being built, you would see that new coal units are the very small minority at present. If the power companies that use coal units don't clean up their act as far as the EPA is concerned, Obama won't have to push to hard IF he wants them gone. AEP at the Big Sandy Plant in Louisa, has stated that they can pay the fines until 2014 and still come out ahead, rather than clean up the emissions coming out of their stack. That is the kind of disregard that will cause the downfall of coal units. They will do it to themselves and the coal industry.

BTW, gas fired units of the co-gen type, are 100% emission free.
jetpilot Wrote:^Knew I could count on ol' DW for some thorough, thoughtful analysis of this important topic. Not! You liberals are too easy. Only name calling, not even an attempt to discuss the article. I didn't expect any less from you. That's why you guys are and remain horribly uninformed on the issues. Let our crappy far-left media do your thinking for you. Get in line sheeple!:thatsfunn


No offense to you jetpilot, but you are giving everybody a hard time for not attempting to discuss the article, when in fact all you did was post a link to the article. You seldom make attempts yourself to discuss the article, and I found it comical that you are calling people out in this thread for not discussing when you never attempted to discuss it yourself.

If "discussing" the article in your mind only includes posting a link and sitting back and watching then by all means, "discuss" away.
alfus21 Wrote:No offense to you jetpilot, but you are giving everybody a hard time for not attempting to discuss the article, when in fact all you did was post a link to the article. You seldom make attempts yourself to discuss the article, and I found it comical that you are calling people out in this thread for not discussing when you never attempted to discuss it yourself.

If "discussing" the article in your mind only includes posting a link and sitting back and watching then by all means, "discuss" away.

No offense to you either, but you join the long list who posted yet added nothing of value to the thread. Obviously I agree with the points raised by the article, that's why I posted it. In return I get no meaningful discussion of the article, which I just what I expected.
jetpilot Wrote:No offense to you either, but you join the long list who posted yet added nothing of value to the thread. Obviously I agree with the points raised by the article, that's why I posted it. In return I get no meaningful discussion of the article, which I just what I expected.

I know I am. I am also not bashing everybody for not contributing useful thoughts into the thread like you.

You are bashing people for not "discussing" the article, yet you say you agree with it and that is ok. Yet when people simply disagree with it, that is somehow not ok?
jetpilot Wrote:No offense to you either, but you join the long list who posted yet added nothing of value to the thread. Obviously I agree with the points raised by the article, that's why I posted it. In return I get no meaningful discussion of the article, which I just what I expected.
You have yet to discuss the article. I, on the other hand, have refuted all points of the article. You my friend, are the one that isn't adding anything but ad hominem to the discussion.
I have reread several threads that you are involved in, jetpilot. You claim nobody adds any meaningful discussion in any of them, yet all you ever say is "bad Obama" and ad hominem everybody that disagrees. You never bring a single point up for discussion. As the Geico commercial says, "even a caveman can do" what you are doing, ......."bad Obama, bad Obama".

Quote:Let our crappy far-left media do your thinking for you. Get in line sheeple!
Which is exactly what you do with the "far right" media, ie. Rush, you might as well get in line too, you are a right wing "sheeple".
TheRealVille Wrote:You have yet to discuss the article. I, on the other hand, have refuted all points of the article. You my friend, are the one that isn't adding anything but ad hominem to the discussion.

Refuted all the points of the article? Are you serious? All you have said other than personal attacks is nuclear and gas work without coal. Duh, second graders know that.
jetpilot Wrote:Refuted all the points of the article? Are you serious? All you have said other than personal attacks is nuclear and gas work without coal. Duh, second graders know that.
If second graders know that, it shouldn't be a problem for Rush. This country can survive without coal, and if the power companies don't clean up their act, you will see it happen. BTW, I personally know of two new coal units in this area that have been scrapped in the planning stage. Let me see if I can find more.
Quote:Crystal River power plant to retire two coal-fired units

The Associated Press

Published: Sunday, December 21, 2008 at 4:17 p.m.
Last Modified: Sunday, December 21, 2008 at 4:17 p.m.
CRYSTAL RIVER, Fla. — An energy company has agreed to retire two coal-fired units at a power plant north of Orlando.

The Crystal River power plant is run by Progress Energy Florida and has a total of four units. Environmentalists say the plant is one of the dirtiest in the nation. An executive with Progress Energy Florida says shutting down the units will cut emissions of carbon dioxide by 5.5 million tons a year.
The two units were built in the 1960s and can generate enough power for 53,000 homes. They'll be retired after the utility builds a nuclear plant 10 miles away. The plant is expected to open in 2016.
Quote:Coal plants cancelled in 2007
From SourceWatch
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This article is part of the Coal Issues portal on SourceWatch, a project of CoalSwarm and the Center for Media and Democracy.
Between 2000 and 2006, over 150 coal plant proposals were fielded by utilities in the United States. By the end of 2007, 10 of those proposed plants had been constructed, and an additional 25 plants were under construction. But during 2007 a large number of proposed plants were cancelled, abandoned, or put on hold: 59 according to the list below. Several conclusions can be drawn from this tally.

Climate concerns have begun to play a major role in plant abandonments and cancellations: Concerns about global warming played a major role in 15 cases. These included five proposed Florida plants (Glades, Taylor, Seminole, Polk, and Stanton), seven proposals in Western states that have newly implemented strict carbon regulations on coal (Avista's unnamed unit, Sunflower's Holcomb unit 3; Idaho Power's unnamed unit; Energy Northwest's Pacific Mountain Energy Center; PacifiCorp's Intermountain Power, Bridger IGCC demonstration, and Bridger expansion); and Sunflower's Holcomb units 1 and 2.

Coal plants are being eliminated from long-range plans: Increasingly, coal plants are disappearing before they can even be named, due to increasing regulatory scrutiny of long-range integrated resource plans. In addition to the plants abandoned by PacifiCorp and Idaho Power Company, it is likely that other utilities around the United States have eliminated coal plants from their long-term planning rosters without public announcement.
Renewables are elbowing out coal: Regulators in several states have begun favoring utility-scale renewables over coal. In Delaware, regulators cancelled a coal power plant proposed by NRG Energy in favor of an alternative proposal that combined wind and natural gas. In California, the combination of a strict carbon emissions standard and a renewable portfolio standard has prompted utilities to enter into contracts for large thermal solar projects sponsored by Ausra, BrightSource, and Solel. Solar thermal companies have found success in recruiting top utility executives such as Robert Fishman, who left an executive VP position at CalPine to take the helm at Ausra.

More plants are being abandoned than rejected: Of the 59 projects listed below, only 15 were rejected outright by regulators, courts, or local authorities. In the remaining 44 cases, the decision was made by utilities themselves. Reasons for abandoning plants include (1) rising construction costs, (2) insufficient financing or failure to receive hoped-for government grants, (3) lowered estimates of demand, and (4) concerns about future carbon regulations.

Quote:The two coal-fired units at
Martins Creek, which were built in
the 1950s, shut down permanently
in September as part of an
agreement with environmental
agencies in Pennsylvania and New
Jersey to reduce sulfur dioxide

I've done all the leg work for you that I'm going to, just type in "coal fired units scraped" and you will see a lot more than I can post here. Let's see is Rush is right.

You win, :igiveup:

The one good thing is, my eggs aren't just wrapped up in the coal basket, I can help build gas and nuke units if they do away with coal units. Where are all your eggs?
alfus21 Wrote:I know I am. I am also not bashing everybody for not contributing useful thoughts into the thread like you.

You are bashing people for not "discussing" the article, yet you say you agree with it and that is ok. Yet when people simply disagree with it, that is somehow not ok?
He has yet to provide even one single point about the article to this discussion.
jetpilot Wrote:No offense to you either, but you join the long list who posted yet added nothing of value to the thread. Obviously I agree with the points raised by the article, that's why I posted it. In return I get no meaningful discussion of the article, which I just what I expected.

There is no value in the link Jetpilot. It's foolish blubbering from an insane megalomaniac.

You are plainly one of his followers. If this was the Third Reich I think I have a good idea what you'd be doing on the Night of Broken Glass.

You follow a Celebrity(Rush) and believe everything he says.

We support our President and question his decisions when we disagree.

That's the difference between Sheeple like us and Sheeple like you!:biggrin:
DevilsWin Wrote:There is no value in the link Jetpilot. It's foolish blubbering from an insane megalomaniac.

You are plainly one of his followers. If this was the Third Reich I think I have a good idea what you'd be doing on the Night of Broken Glass.

You follow a Celebrity(Rush) and believe everything he says.

We support our President and question his decisions when we disagree.

That's the difference between Sheeple like us and Sheeple like you!:biggrin:

LOL! Show me any post from you where you disagreed with Obama. And while Rush is only one of dozens of sources I follow, he is smarter than all the uninformed ultralibs out there. If you want other links exposing how idiotic the cap and trade is, I'll be glad to post them for you. Then instead of actually reading them, you can make up names for the authors because you have nothing of value to add. Or you can just come back with a "bada bing" or "oh snap.":thatsfunn
jetpilot Wrote:LOL! Show me any post from you where you disagreed with Obama. And while Rush is only one of dozens of sources I follow, he is smarter than all the uninformed ultralibs out there. If you want other links exposing how idiotic the cap and trade is, I'll be glad to post them for you. Then instead of actually reading them, you can make up names for the authors because you have nothing of value to add. Or you can just come back with a "bada bing" or "oh snap.":thatsfunn

:lmao: I liked that JP!!!!!!:Thumbs:
jetpilot Wrote:LOL! Show me any post from you where you disagreed with Obama. And while Rush is only one of dozens of sources I follow, he is smarter than all the uninformed ultralibs out there. If you want other links exposing how idiotic the cap and trade is, I'll be glad to post them for you. Then instead of actually reading them, you can make up names for the authors because you have nothing of value to add. Or you can just come back with a "bada bing" or "oh snap.":thatsfunn

Cant you formulate your own argument? That's the point here JP. Not only are you incapable of formulating your own position and defending it you chose to post the ramblings from someone with questionable motives and judgment.


BTW Good luck on that "Celebrity Worship" issue.

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