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Word on new arena!
Has anyone heard about the plans for the new arena? People has asked me, but I really don't know if the city has planned it or what stage it is in, but I know the lease on rupp arena is over in 3 or 4 years. What do you guys think Coach Cal will do to compete against the new UL arena?
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I heard of this rumor a few months ago, but I haven't heard of it since then. I would suppose they would build a new arena, but I would hate for them to destroy the Rupp Arena. It's a historical landmark, a place that represents the UK basketball program.
It was also mentioned about 5 years ago. Wish they would just make it happen!! It is time!!
I think the lease is up in like
No time soon will we be playing somewhere besides Rupp except on away games...
Well how long will it take to build one once you go through all the stages?
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I don't think Coach Cal has a say, but the Boosters have planned this for some time. My guess is that the economy has affected this project. There are many shareholders of the companies that the boosters who front the money who will be upset with this during these time of poor profits and loss.
How long do you think UK will sit and not build anything when this is completed.
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I dont think UK will let U of L out due then. When it comes time to get a new complex, I think UK wont let any expence fall by the way side.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
So what is the main reason they are waiting? They need to at least have a blueprint design in place to get more boosters in place.
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The wait is that the lease that UK has with Rupp doesnt expire until 2015.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
I just don't think it will EVER HAPPEN!
IMG College has completed their study for the project. The new arena will be funded by IMG & Corporate sponsors. It will be built on high street where the parking lot is now.
The current seating configuration for the Lexington Center would be downsized to 7,000-10,000 for a smaller venue. The stores and restaurants moved to the second level and scrunched in around the smaller venue. The rest of the building and rear parking would be converted into a parking garage for the arena.
I think they should make an arena that seat 40,000-50,000..Make the entire bottom section students, roughly (15000 seats)..Season ticket holders should get the second level and so on...
I agree with ya there playboy. We already have a complex that rivals most NBA complexes. Why not go bigger!
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
C.Clair Wrote:I agree with ya there playboy. We already have a complex that rivals most NBA complexes. Why not go bigger!

And watch a game with Binoculars?
Stardust Wrote:And watch a game with Binoculars?
What seperates Uk from most other programs is the fact fans will not only do this, but also pay big bucks just to do so.
As for the arena itself, UK is handicapped with the lease with Rupp.

One solution is to buy out the remainder of the lease, but that is not economically feasible.

There are already "nicer" arenas out there beyond Rupp, Pitt's arena immediately comes to mind. I think as long as UK continues to lead the nation in attendance it won't break the administration's and the fans' hearts. UL can have the nicer arena until 2015, it isn't like they will come close to competing with UK for the attendance crown. Freedom Hall is a dead zone unless the Cards are playing a marquee game. Heck, look at football for example. UL is planning to expand their stadium but last year there were games when UL probably was lucky to have a half full stadium as it is. UL banks too much on their fairweather fans, coupled with the "Little Brother" complex they have in order to try to have better facilities then UK even if it is not economically sensible.

It is not so much about UK competing with UL for facilities, it is about doing what's best economically to benefit the UK athletics department. Personally, I would rather first see UK invest money into renovating some football facilities first as they badly need some assistance with the weght room and the aesthetic value of Commonwealth, plus you would probably see an immediate return on the investment. Once the lease with Rupp is up, then UK will go full bore at building a new basketball arena, and once they build it you can rest assured it will be in a class all to itself.
Can they not go ahead and get as much done as possible so that blueprints, design, can be done. They can say it will take 3 years to build, so they will start construction in 2011, and be done by2014. That way they might go ahead and buy out the one year contract left on the lease?
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cougarpride08 Wrote:Can they not go ahead and get as much done as possible so that blueprints, design, can be done. They can say it will take 3 years to build, so they will start construction in 2011, and be done by2014. That way they might go ahead and buy out the one year contract left on the lease?

Wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too many variables in place right now to do as you said. When it comes to construction, design is a very precise thing. First and foremost a budget must be set. Forecasting a budget for a project not scheduled to be completed until 6 years later, in this economy, is a VERY dangerous act. The estimate for labor, the bill of material, and comissioning could be 2 to 3 times the cost it would be right now, or it could be 2 to 3 times less.

Additionally, architects and engineers would be very hesitant to move forward this early as well for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the trend in current commerical construction is to "Green Up" a project as much as possible, meaning, try to utilize energy efficiency and the latest technologies. The issue with that is that the recent "Green" boom is producing technology that evolving at an uncomprehendable rate. If an engineer or architect were to specify the job right now, by the time construction began the technologies used would be completely outdated . This is not only true for "Green" projects, but for any project. Additionally, in 6 years construction technologies may have advanced so far that what was thought to take 3 years to construct, may only take 2. UK would be up in arms if they had an arena complete for an entire year as it just sat there not being used. The price to buyout the final year would be elevated, and UK would be afraid to spurn the City of Lexington for many political reasons.

I work in the realm of commercial construction and design and architects and engineers are an interesting kind of monster. For them to invest so much time in a project they may have no control over the budgetary cost and a project they may have to completely redesign would throw some serious red flags up.

With that said, what will probably happen is in about 2011 you will start seeing some serious inquiries into site location and inquiries to engineers and architects to see who will be willing to come on board. UK won't wait until the lease is up to start the project, they will time it to correlate being open when Rupp's lease is up. BUT, don't think for a second that UK will risk designing this thing this early just so they can compete with UL for who has the prettiest arena.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:Wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too many variables in place right now to do as you said. When it comes to construction, design is a very precise thing. First and foremost a budget must be set. Forecasting a budget for a project not scheduled to be completed until 6 years later, in this economy, is a VERY dangerous act. The estimate for labor, the bill of material, and comissioning could be 2 to 3 times the cost it would be right now, or it could be 2 to 3 times less.

Additionally, architects and engineers would be very hesitant to move forward this early as well for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the trend in current commerical construction is to "Green Up" a project as much as possible, meaning, try to utilize energy efficiency and the latest technologies. The issue with that is that the recent "Green" boom is producing technology that evolving at an uncomprehendable rate. If an engineer or architect were to specify the job right now, by the time construction began the technologies used would be completely outdated . This is not only true for "Green" projects, but for any project. Additionally, in 6 years construction technologies may have advanced so far that what was thought to take 3 years to construct, may only take 2. UK would be up in arms if they had an arena complete for an entire year as it just sat there not being used. The price to buyout the final year would be elevated, and UK would be afraid to spurn the City of Lexington for many political reasons.

I work in the realm of commercial construction and design and architects and engineers are an interesting kind of monster. For them to invest so much time in a project they may have no control over the budgetary cost and a project they may have to completely redesign would throw some serious red flags up.

With that said, what will probably happen is in about 2011 you will start seeing some serious inquiries into site location and inquiries to engineers and architects to see who will be willing to come on board. UK won't wait until the lease is up to start the project, they will time it to correlate being open when Rupp's lease is up. BUT, don't think for a second that UK will risk designing this thing this early just so they can compete with UL for who has the prettiest arena.

just redo rupp like tenn did theres its very nice.
cuppett777 Wrote:just redo rupp like tenn did theres its very nice.

Someone else probably has more info than I do, but I thought it was considered to give Rupp an overhaul (again - it's been done at least 3 times that I know of). But suites and boxes are what's wanted. It's the suites that bring in the money, and Rupp was out of capacity.

Plus, the locker accomodations were expected to be improved considerably.
only thing i hate about a new arena is the prices. the tickets would go up even more if we had a new arena. the season ticket holders will not have second deck just cause they will not be season ticket holders anymore. one thing i do wish is they more seats for students close to the floor.
I think with all your ideas and thoughts the one thing that needs to be done that hasn't been done is information, and communication to the media, and to the rest of the community that it is going to happen, and what is the time table for at least phase1.
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