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Shelby Valley will Start Interviews 6/9
Yes, it has been said that 3 ppl have been made offers....but does anyone know what limitations were placed on the folks being offered the position ie. will they be permitted to hire at least 1 assistant of their own, will their contract only be 1 yr or so? Was it made so that they would refuse? Secondly, if Eric Ratliff was the 4th choice - what does that tell you?????? I sure don't want my son coached by the 4th best choice....
I am hearing now that there will not be a site based meeting Fri to allow parents to speak but the principal is opening his door today for all interested parties who would like to speak to him.
Again, I would encourage everyone to go speak on behalf of this program.
I have also heard that one of the site base folks said to someone that Roberts did not have an app in and could not be considered...we all know that is not the whole truth. They could in fact accept, interview and hire him.
Wildcat FB Parent Wrote:Yes, it has been said that 3 ppl have been made offers....but does anyone know what limitations were placed on the folks being offered the position ie. will they be permitted to hire at least 1 assistant of their own, will their contract only be 1 yr or so? Was it made so that they would refuse? Secondly, if Eric Ratliff was the 4th choice - what does that tell you?????? I sure don't want my son coached by the 4th best choice....
I am hearing now that there will not be a site based meeting Fri to allow parents to speak but the principal is opening his door today for all interested parties who would like to speak to him.
Again, I would encourage everyone to go speak on behalf of this program.
I have also heard that one of the site base folks said to someone that Roberts did not have an app in and could not be considered...we all know that is not the whole truth. They could in fact accept, interview and hire him.

Why would they hire someone who has not put an application in? I think he knows the job is open. Maybe he does not want to be head coach, at least that's what it appears to me and if he doesn't that's fine. You can't make the man take the job. Secondly, if Eric Ratliff is the fourth choice how can you say the plan from the beginning was to hire him.
After reading the posts here and hearing the talk around the community I wonder if the coaches that interviewed were aware of the turmoil surrouunding our fb program. I have always thought a new coach could bring his own asssistants as well. People he already knows and trusts. It would be difficult to come into a program not being wanted in the first place or to be from somewhere else and have no ties or knowledge of your staff. Too much risk there for most coaches. Micheal is already in place but actually may not want the position at this time. I do however think he may have planned on a future as head coach here. Which would be a great thing for us. Maybe not so much for interested coaches as their stint here may not be as long as they would want.
pikewildkat Wrote:After reading the posts here and hearing the talk around the community I wonder if the coaches that interviewed were aware of the turmoil surrouunding our fb program. I have always thought a new coach could bring his own asssistants as well. People he already knows and trusts. It would be difficult to come into a program not being wanted in the first place or to be from somewhere else and have no ties or knowledge of your staff. Too much risk there for most coaches. Micheal is already in place but actually may not want the position at this time. I do however think he may have planned on a future as head coach here. Which would be a great thing for us. Maybe not so much for interested coaches as their stint here may not be as long as they would want.

I agree pikewildkat that Roberts has a future at SV but may not be ready for the HC position at this time, otherwise he would have applied. Roberts is the logical choice but all I am saying is if he doesn't want it you can't make him take it. I do not agree that a new HC will be able to bring in his own assistants. I just don't think Valley has the teaching positions open for a new coach to hire whomever he wants. From what I have heard there are non tenured teachers in Pike County that will not be hired back and the school system is hurting just like everyone else with the current economy.

Whoever the new coach is the community needs to get behind him for the sake of the kids. If parents bad mouth someone before they are even hired how do you expect the players to respect their new coach. Saunders was thick skinned and didn't care what they said about him and I think the kids respected him for that.
Was not aware that there are teachers without jobs at this time. My point was that coches coming in would like to bring someone with them. But if there is no place to put (hire) them it would not be logical to do so. So you are right and yet that may discourage some from coming here. I think so anyway.
Saunders is thick skinned. I think most good coaches are). He has been doing this for a long time. He was good at it too.. But he left and now here we are struggling for a new coach. Very late in the season.

Micheal is the logical choice but you are right in the fact we cannot make the man take the job. I think he may not feel he is ready to be a head coach either. At least not at this time. I think Saunders felt he was a great asst. and has the potential to be a great head coach. He is very well liked by players and community. That is a plus. But he is devoted and encouraging as well. I hope for SV he will eventually be head fb coach. I think he knows what he wants to do and when he wants to do it. I commend him for his devotion to our players. But again I agree with you valley blue it may have to do with timing on his part.
pikewildkat Wrote:Was not aware that there are teachers without jobs at this time. My point was that coches coming in would like to bring someone with them. But if there is no place to put (hire) them it would not be logical to do so. So you are right and yet that may discourage some from coming here. I think so anyway.
Saunders is thick skinned. I think most good coaches are). He has been doing this for a long time. He was good at it too.. But he left and now here we are struggling for a new coach. Very late in the season.

Micheal is the logical choice but you are right in the fact we cannot make the man take the job. I think he may not feel he is ready to be a head coach either. At least not at this time. I think Saunders felt he was a great asst. and has the potential to be a great head coach. He is very well liked by players and community. That is a plus. But he is devoted and encouraging as well. I hope for SV he will eventually be head fb coach. I think he knows what he wants to do and when he wants to do it. I commend him for his devotion to our players. But again I agree with you valley blue it may have to do with timing on his part.

Good Post.
Anyone who has watched Roberts with these young me can see they respect him and can see these young men are on board with his plans and that he is building upon the skills they have while continuing to teach them techniques to strengthen their program. We need a head coach that will respect the vision that Roberts has for the program and will respect the dedication he has portrayed the end of last year and during this interim period.


Wildcat FB Parent Wrote:I think Michael should go ahead and submit an application. They should allow him to hire 2 assistants of his own....and the program will be fine. .

Wildcat FB Parent Wrote:\I have also heard that one of the site base folks said to someone that Roberts did not have an app in and could not be considered...we all know that is not the whole truth. They could in fact accept, interview and hire him.
I am probably wrong, but it seems that you are pushing your agenda the same as you are acusing others of, maybe not conciously. I can't decide if you are more Pro-Roberts or anti-everyone else
I have a question, what if the new coach and Mr. Roberts don't get along?? Or the new coach has diff views of football than being taught to the kids at this time?? Opinions?
That's kind of what I was thinking.
GOOD POINT!!!! I wonder the same thing too. I like Micheal and think he is a great asst. coach. No doubt he has gone the extra mile for our fb program and kids. But the reality is not many head coaches are going to come in and be answering to an assistant coach on everything. They are going to have a different coaching style than Saunders or Micheal Roberts. They would want and appreciate the input of an asst.. But I cannot imagine they would refer to an assistant coach throughout the entire season because we fans and parents want them too. Maybe administration is voicing the same thing as us and no coach is going to do it. There is some reason these coaches are not interested in our program.
With the facilities and football rich area that Shelby Valley is nestled in, why have these other coaches who have been offered the job turned it down?

Coaching stipend? Teaching positions available? Not being allowed to bring in other assitant(s)? Or is it just because with it being so late in the year, that's it's hard for most coaches to pick up their families and move, basically cramming a few month process into a two week or less process?
FYI I am impressed and respect Roberts dedication and I also think Anthony Hampton would do well.
Oh I am impressed with his dedication too, but I agree that a new HC is not going to answer to an assistant. Things will be done the way the new HC wants them to be done not Mike Roberts or any other assistant. If Mike wants the HC job he needs to apply and let it be known just like everyone else. I don't think Hampton or Branham are either one in the running or an announcement would have already been made. In my opinion they still don't have a coach and they want someone from outside the community. They could fill the job, they just can't get the applicants they want to say "yes".
I agree....the longer it goes the more nasty it is going to get. They need to def get someone on board. I also agree that the head coach will not follow an assistant and should not be expected to.
What's going on that's causing people not to take this job?
It has gotten too late in season for many changes a new coach would bring. It is late to uproot families, find homes and such for candidates if they are not local. Alot to expect on short notice you could say. Plus we have our dead period in June and July. Nothing they can do with the kids at that time. Valley Blue is right in what they say and so is Harry Doyle. Just too late in the season and they may in fact want to hire outside of the community. Trying to cram a few months process into a few weeks. I am afraid will not be too applealing to most head coaches that have been hc for along time.

Not to mention the fact that our tenure here for a teacher is 5 years. Unless you are very new to teaching and coaching you won't want to come into a program where there is absolutely no job security. It's a big chance to take. Maybe we won't like him or the staff won't or the kids won't or the parents won't and so on.

Kevin could deal with it because he was driving here everyday and he most likely never planned to stay in the first place.
pikewildkat Wrote:It has gotten too late in season for many changes a new coach would bring. It is late to uproot families, find homes and such for candidates if they are not local. Alot to expect on short notice you could say. Plus we have our dead period in June and July. Nothing they can do with the kids at that time. Valley Blue is right in what they say and so is Harry Doyle. Just too late in the season and they may in fact want to hire outside of the community. Trying to cram a few months process into a few weeks. I am afraid will not be too applealing to most head coaches that have been hc for along time.

Not to mention the fact that our tenure here for a teacher is 5 years. Unless you are very new to teaching and coaching you won't want to come into a program where there is absolutely no job security. It's a big chance to take. Maybe we won't like him or the staff won't or the kids won't or the parents won't and so on.

Kevin could deal with it because he was driving here everyday and he most likely never planned to stay in the first place.

My point, exactly. in post #82. Your most desired coaching candidates aren't going to want to deal with all this at this late date.
Thanks mandan....
Saunders was the right man for the job.To much back stabbing caused him to leave.As long as that goes on things will not work.T o many parents want to baby their kids a nd Saunders was tough on them.No assistants should be considered.They were the problem.Good luck with the hire.
I bet Derosett is smiling and hoping one of he assistants gets it!!
Any news from the valley of big blue today?
I heard Jack Compton and Greg Rowe and Jeremy Ward from Grundy where gonna be the new coaches........
I think it will be an outsider at this point. I just figured it may be a little late to get an established coach at this point. I still think Hampton should get the job. I dont have a stick in the fire!!!!!!!!!!!
Wildcat FB Parent Wrote:Yes, it has been said that 3 ppl have been made offers....but does anyone know what limitations were placed on the folks being offered the position ie. will they be permitted to hire at least 1 assistant of their own, will their contract only be 1 yr or so? Was it made so that they would refuse? Secondly, if Eric Ratliff was the 4th choice - what does that tell you?????? I sure don't want my son coached by the 4th best choice....
I am hearing now that there will not be a site based meeting Fri to allow parents to speak but the principal is opening his door today for all interested parties who would like to speak to him.
Again, I would encourage everyone to go speak on behalf of this program.
I have also heard that one of the site base folks said to someone that Roberts did not have an app in and could not be considered...we all know that is not the whole truth. They could in fact accept, interview and hire him.

I want to know what your problem is with Coach Ratliff? You have done nothing but critize him. He is a good man and a great coach. I have known him for years. IMO he is better then Saunders. Remember the 06 Valley game? Valley won that by 8 points. against East Ridge. That should tell you enough. Coach Ratliff is exactly what these kids need. If the kids dont want to play for him let it be. They will be 11 kids in that building that will play for him. Eric has coached with some of the best around here. Trust me when I say Eric is a good man and a great choice. Valley would be lucky if Ratliff didnt turn the job away by now. But now dont get me wrong. Theres other good canadites, Like Branham. Also a good choice.
I dont have a problem with any of the 4 inside candidates. I think either of them would work hard and would be a better choice that someone who was begged to take the job as an outsider.
By the way I dont consider coach Ratliff an outsider. He is well known and respected in the county.
Indiser / Outsider we will be lucky if we can get anyone to take the positon at this point. There will turmoil surrounding no matter who gets the position now. Have waited too long to make a decision. Does anyone know what happened at site based meeting?
Real Badman Wrote:I want to know what your problem is with Coach Ratliff? You have done nothing but critize him. He is a good man and a great coach. I have known him for years. IMO he is better then Saunders. Remember the 06 Valley game? Valley won that by 8 points. against East Ridge. That should tell you enough. Coach Ratliff is exactly what these kids need. If the kids dont want to play for him let it be. They will be 11 kids in that building that will play for him. Eric has coached with some of the best around here. Trust me when I say Eric is a good man and a great choice. Valley would be lucky if Ratliff didnt turn the job away by now. But now dont get me wrong. Theres other good canadites, Like Branham. Also a good choice.

LOL dude you actually think eric ratliff is what valley needs? That made my life right here, has Eric Ratliff ever had a winning season? nah he is a joke, and you think he is better then saunders LOL look at what eric ratliff is now and look where saunders is now, Eric Raliff and Bobby Branham may be the biggest jokes around here for the job, If they get the job good luck having a losing season again. Or a team lol :Cheerlead
Well said onelittlepig. And...would like to add...good men don't always make good coaches just as good players don't always make good players. Again, I say...we don't know what offers or limitations were made to the other folks or why they don't want to come to Valley...However..if they don't want to be here we definitely don't want them. As far as Roberts, he has chosen not to apply but continues to being a committed assistant coach and I think he will work well with whomever is appointed head coach. I don't think there will be a power struggle as Roberts is a very level headed individual with his only objective being the boys. IMO this only leaves Hampton as a suitable candidate. I think the majority of the players, parents and community interests will get on board with Hampton and support he and Roberts as a team. Hampton gets along well with the players and will have the ability to build the team bringing on additional players.

I just wish the powers that be would just do what they are going to do and let everyone deal with it before this season begins.
Onelittlepig Wrote:LOL dude you actually think eric ratliff is what valley needs? That made my life right here, has Eric Ratliff ever had a winning season? nah he is a joke, and you think he is better then saunders LOL look at what eric ratliff is now and look where saunders is now, Eric Raliff and Bobby Branham may be the biggest jokes around here for the job, If they get the job good luck having a losing season again. Or a team lol :Cheerlead

Yes I do. Ratliff is an terrific coach. But look at Ratliff at East Ridge while Saunders was at Shelby Valley. Ratliffs best record at ER is 4-6 while Saunders best at SV is 6-6. Only 2 win more then Ratliff and of course Ratliffs 4-6 season was in 02 when ER and SV were in a tougher district as too SV in 07 in a 4 team district. But ER isnt the only place Ratliffs coached. Ask anyone who has played for the man, He knows what hes doing. Branahm on the other had has only been a head coach 2 times in his over 17 years of coaching. And both times hes been in bad situations.
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