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Marijauna legalized?
DevilsWin Wrote:[quote=Mr.Kimball]
I'm sorry but you clearly don't understand the issue.

"The bad side of the drug" - That hand is overplayed and old science

"Freely and uncontrolled into society" - I advocate strict licensing, permits and regulation, hardly uncontrolled.

"Nothing Dangerous about it" - Find where I said that. There are long term personality effects but those are minor and only occur in chronic use over and extended period of time. Not a problem for people fighting fatal disease.

Disastrous Consequences" - The wording here is at least sensationalism and overstated. Nothing more than rhetoric a la Hannity" A terrorist attack is a disaster.

Wasn't me. I don't think so.
I believe we have got it all wrong on this plant and the whole perspective needs to change.

If you want to know the real reason I advocate Medicinal marijuana its very simple and I hope this is the last time I have to explain myself on this matter.

A very dear friend of mine has MS and it is killing her. Slowly but surely. The only relief she gets (because she doesn't do pain pills- she has a daughter to raise) is from marijuana.

Walk a mile in her shoes then come talk to me.

Is it prescribed for her?

Also the comment with he pain pills. They can be used as prescribed and be fine. Not every body who takes them are addicts.
Notorious Wrote:[quote=DevilsWin]

Is it prescribed for her?

Also the comment with he pain pills. They can be used as prescribed and be fine. Not every body who takes them are addicts.

Listen up here Junior. There are only 7 people in the United States that get Prescription Marijuana. Those people have been getting that prescription filled for nearly 20 years. The original number was 14 but those other 7 patients eventually died.

Pain pills are addictive and if taken as prescribed by a Dr over an extended period of time you become addicted. Not to mention how expensive they are.

So to answer your question, no she doesn't have a prescription for Medical Marijuana and that is the real crime here. Its all just a big racket ran by drug companies like Lilly, Perdue Pharma and the like. Its them that keep medical marijuana illegal because if it were legal BIG PHARMA would take a hit in the wallet. While all along the Appalachian Region more and more people become additcted to pain pills.
DevilsWin Wrote:[quote=Notorious]

Listen up here Junior. There are only 7 people in the United States that get Prescription Marijuana. Those people have been getting that prescription filled for nearly 20 years. The original number was 14 but those other 7 patients eventually died.

Pain pills are addictive and if taken as prescribed by a Dr over an extended period of time you become addicted. Not to mention how expensive they are.

So to answer your question, no she doesn't have a prescription for Medical Marijuana and that is the real crime here. Its all just a big racket ran by drug companies like Lilly, Perdue Pharma and the like. Its them that keep medical marijuana illegal because if it were legal BIG PHARMA would take a hit in the wallet. While all along the Appalachian Region more and more people become additcted to pain pills.
Actually if you think about it , it might obtained cheaper right now, (though obviously illegally), than what it would cost if the government or the phamacuetical companies had their claws involved in it. If the government is involved with it in any fashion, you know it would be red tape ladened and expensive. You already have mentioned the cost of pills if it's prescribed. You think that would be different if they were prescribing pot? You'll certainly have to pay out the ying-yang that way. Looks like one of those cases where you better be careful what you wish for.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:[quote=DevilsWin]
Actually if you think about it , it might obtained cheaper right now, (though obviously illegally), than what it would cost if the government or the phamacuetical companies had their claws involved in it. If the government is involved with it in any fashion, you know it would be red tape ladened and expensive. You already have mentioned the cost of pills if it's prescribed. You think that would be different if they were prescribing pot? You'll certainly have to pay out the ying-yang that way. Looks like one of those cases where you better be careful what you wish for.

Look what they do in California. Whats wrong with that?

Why couldn't she be given a permit to grow a certian amount for herself indoors.
From my understanding of the new events, the Attorney General stated that federal agents would no longer seize/raid marijuana labs in California as long as they were within state laws....Big picture: states will have the right to choose how to police marijuana.
I don't smoke it. But if it will boast the ecomomy, i say legalize it!
DevilsWin Wrote:[quote=Notorious]

Listen up here Junior. There are only 7 people in the United States that get Prescription Marijuana. Those people have been getting that prescription filled for nearly 20 years. The original number was 14 but those other 7 patients eventually died.

Pain pills are addictive and if taken as prescribed by a Dr over an extended period of time you become addicted. Not to mention how expensive they are.

So to answer your question, no she doesn't have a prescription for Medical Marijuana and that is the real crime here. Its all just a big racket ran by drug companies like Lilly, Perdue Pharma and the like. Its them that keep medical marijuana illegal because if it were legal BIG PHARMA would take a hit in the wallet. While all along the Appalachian Region more and more people become additcted to pain pills.

I agree with what you are saying about medical marijuana and if you can recall any of our debates about the Presidental election you know I am not on your side of the isle. However, I agree with you about the harsh affects of pain pills. If someone can use marijuana and it effectively treat their pain, why not? It's cheaper, non-addictive and much less damaging in the long run.
On another note, I do not think Lilly reps narcotics, atleast the rep in Eastern Kentucky does not.
Udon'tKnowMe Wrote:[quote=DevilsWin]

I agree with what you are saying about medical marijuana and if you can recall any of our debates about the Presidental election you know I am not on your side of the isle. However, I agree with you about the harsh affects of pain pills. If someone can use marijuana and it effectively treat their pain, why not? It's cheaper, non-addictive and much less damaging in the long run.
On another note, I do not think Lilly reps narcotics, atleast the rep in Eastern Kentucky does not.
Thank you. I don't understand why it is so hard for others to get past the 1950s mindset and the stigma it attached to marijuana.
i dont care im just makin this post to see how many ive made total. but i would like to say too devilswin, when did you jump on the lakers ban wagon?? dude thats weak. ive got a ban wagon for everyone to jump on.Since football and basball already have America's teams in their respective sport the NBA's Americas team the Toronto Raptors!!!!!!!!
sherman14 Wrote:This is retarded. So I guess murder will be alright next week. Anything for Obama to make more money for what wasteful spending he's already done.

Republicans always shout "Give the power to the states.", then when they get that power turned over to them, they bash him for it. :biggrin:
Udon'tKnowMe Wrote:From my understanding of the new events, the Attorney General stated that federal agents would no longer seize/raid marijuana labs in California as long as they were within state laws....Big picture: states will have the right to choose how to police marijuana.

Again, this is a big Republican rant on a variety of issues, from abortion to gay marriage and marijuana, "Let the individual states decide whats best on these issues", yet when they get this power turned over to the states, they bash Obama for it.
Ah-nold AKA The Governator wants to Legalize it for Fun!
Things like this happens when you put the governator in charge.
IMO, alcohol is worse and its legal.
TheRealVille Wrote:Republicans always shout "Give the power to the states.", then when they get that power turned over to them, they bash him for it. :biggrin:

well look at that like this.. if you make it legal, there will be a bunch of pot heads running around in pike county. never mind there already are a bunch of pot heads in pike county. MAKE IT LEGAL Smile
^ Lol
its the least harmful drug out there, i say legalize it there is so much drugsthat are worse than weed that are prescribed like oxycotton or loratabs plus it will give a boost to the economy i mean look at it this way you can die from oxycotton not weed
mullinstiger55 Wrote:well look at that like this.. if you make it legal, there will be a bunch of pot heads running around in pike county. never mind there already are a bunch of pot heads in pike county. MAKE IT LEGAL Smile

You said it right there buddy

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