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04-05-2009, 08:20 PM
Today was a pretty good day to play some paintball. 13 I belive is how many ended up showing. That may be the last time I'll be playing for a while, Easter is next weekend and then after that turkey season comes in. Its been a good run though and had alot of fun. But if everyone still decides to play about a month from now and its not too hot I'll be there. :Thumbs:
04-06-2009, 01:42 AM
I Agree i think that we need to have 1 more big turn out where everyone that has played these past few mouths get 2 gather and play 1 more big game
04-07-2009, 11:37 AM
Maybe play one big pick up game to end the season, Try to get everyone out to play one last game till fall would be nice
04-07-2009, 05:38 PM
I'm game......
04-07-2009, 07:28 PM
I am in for that.
04-07-2009, 10:46 PM
We should see if everyone wants to pitch in and over the summer buy that HPA compressor may save us a lot of money this fall. Wouldn't have to worry about guns quiting either. Just a suggestion
04-08-2009, 06:38 PM
Don't tell the Judge or he will buy it himself.
04-11-2009, 10:36 AM
Are we going to play this Sunday or wait until after Easter?
06-06-2009, 03:12 AM
07-22-2009, 08:01 PM
Cant wait till fall, i have been counting the days until the young guns pistol whip the old farts again. Now that mongo is married he can keep his mind on the game and not how he is gonna plz his woman that night. With mongo's cat like quickness and the sharpshootin of jackfrost the young guns will once again be on top. I know that Ringo can't wait to take out those low life, scum suckin, have to cheat and still cant win elders. As for me im gunnin for the one they call Wyatt. He is but 1 of many on my hit list, although he is #1 on the list the sniper and judge isn't to far behind. And now that I know i wont have to listen to them wine when they get beat, me nor none of the young guns will hold ANYTHING back.
07-24-2009, 08:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-25-2009, 12:28 AM by Wyatt Earp.)
Remourceful One, A year older but certainly no wiser. You can run back and forth from Eastern and the spankins will still be the same. Amun-Ra didn't seem to teach any of you little ones that lesson in accepting defeat graciously. It won't be very little time before it happens again.:devilflam Which one am I talking to, it could be Remourceful 2,3, 4, or 5!!!!!
07-24-2009, 08:20 PM
Well Wyatt I thought you had been put out ot pasture....
When we getting it started this year?
When we getting it started this year?
07-25-2009, 12:02 AM
And to think we took it easy on the remorceful one last year. Of course that was only to protect our jobs. This year we don't have to worry about that so remorceful will get a good and proper spanking from the great ones!

07-25-2009, 12:22 AM
Amun-Ra Wrote:Well Wyatt I thought you had been put out ot pasture....
When we getting it started this year?
or the Sniper will pimp slap right here & now! the Sniper won't even wait til the fall
Don't you ever talk to Wyatt like that again you low life, scum sucking, good for nothing, nose pickin, snott licking, booger eatin, crack scratchin, finger sniffin, maggot that lives off the splattered guts of road kill along the side of the road!
07-25-2009, 12:26 AM
Well said Sniper. Perfect!!!!!!!:devilflam I think I will leave the trash comebacks to The Sniper AmoonRahRah because The Sniper shot then shut you up last year. Shut up Cordell before you even think about talking, Stay in Ashland where the Smiley Faces are all over the place. In fact Little ones every one of you shut the trap before you get started.
07-25-2009, 12:34 AM
Still didn't answer me... When we getting it all started again?
07-25-2009, 12:50 AM
Just as soon as The Judge gives the OK.
07-25-2009, 12:54 AM
Wyatt Earp Wrote:Just as soon as The Judge gives the OK.He been on snake patrol?
07-25-2009, 12:56 AM
The Judge does keep track of the evil slithers.
07-25-2009, 02:09 AM
anyone know where i can get a cheap A5. im going to sell the gun i have now and was wanting a cheap A5.
07-25-2009, 05:33 PM
Its all in your game plan, and the young guns have a goon one. Not only will it obliterate the old men, but also annihilate, desomate, desolate, devesate and simply destroy them. The Young Guns got a year older, that means were stronger, smarter, and more athletic than last year. The Old Farts get a year older and that means, osteoporosis, alzheimers, and hip displazia. Gonna be a good year for the Young Guns, and as for Wyatt and his crew you'd better go ahead and start think up some dasterly ways to try to beat us, beacause lord knows your gonna need it. The Old Farts are goin down. And as i once heard from my futile opponent "Plain talk is easy understood."
07-26-2009, 12:46 PM
Remorcefull Raider Wrote:Its all in your game plan, and the young guns have a goon one. Not only will it obliterate the old men, but also annihilate, desomate, desolate, devesate and simply destroy them. The Young Guns got a year older, that means were stronger, smarter, and more athletic than last year. The Old Farts get a year older and that means, osteoporosis, alzheimers, and hip displazia. Gonna be a good year for the Young Guns, and as for Wyatt and his crew you'd better go ahead and start think up some dasterly ways to try to beat us, beacause lord knows your gonna need it. The Old Farts are goin down. And as i once heard from my futile opponent "Plain talk is easy understood."This is from #2 I presume.
07-26-2009, 03:48 PM
Raider_Nation09 Wrote:anyone know where i can get a cheap A5. im going to sell the gun i have now and was wanting a cheap A5.
Bull Creek Trade Center :rockon:
07-26-2009, 06:02 PM
JackFrost Wrote:Bull Creek Trade Center :rockon:
seriously? do they really have paintball guns
07-26-2009, 09:56 PM
Remorcefull Raider Wrote:Its all in your game plan, and the young guns have a goon one. Not only will it obliterate the old men, but also annihilate, desomate, desolate, devesate and simply destroy them. The Young Guns got a year older, that means were stronger, smarter, and more athletic than last year. The Old Farts get a year older and that means, osteoporosis, alzheimers, and hip displazia. Gonna be a good year for the Young Guns, and as for Wyatt and his crew you'd better go ahead and start think up some dasterly ways to try to beat us, beacause lord knows your gonna need it. The Old Farts are goin down. And as i once heard from my futile opponent "Plain talk is easy understood."
:eyeroll:You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance." ha ha :dontthink
07-26-2009, 10:54 PM
Raider_Nation09 Wrote:seriously? do they really have paintball guns
They got everything else
07-27-2009, 01:02 AM
oh boy, its almost time...hahaha Can't wait to shoot some yella bellys....
07-27-2009, 10:17 PM
When are we going to get started. Sum of the guys at universal was wanting to play sum paintball on the 8th of august if anyone wants to play. Gonna try to play around 10 or so, so it isn't to hot. Should be pretty fun while its still green.
07-28-2009, 12:51 PM
Were they waintin to play up at Rileys Branch, or what
07-28-2009, 09:02 PM
Yea were gonna try to play at rileys branch about 10.00 in the morning sunday
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