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Billy G's press conference
Does anyone know what he is saying? Can't get it on my cable?
reds44 Wrote:Does anyone know what he is saying? Can't get it on my cable?

Can't find it anywhere.
its on ABC...they are just asking him questions about the current situation in which he is doing a great job at answering them. No reporter has been out of line with question nor has Billy been out of line with any responce its a really respectful conference.
my ABC is out of huntington
i cant get it it isnt on WYMT/WKYT and it isnt on ABC
oh well then idk...He has stated he has no regreats, just spoke about the Jeanneine incident at stated it was a mistake but its not a regret. He also stated that he called her and apologized and he could have answered it diffrently...However, he wanted to protect his players and they were winning the game and thats the type of person he is...Since that moment he and Jeannine have kept their friendship...
Also stated that this team in his eyes pending people staying and the incoming recruits stay with their commitments that this team just go deep into next years tournament...Someone asked about Barhhart and he said there are no hard feelings and that he has alot of respect for both Todd and Barnhart and there are no hard feelings...
also he said as of now he has not talked to any one about a new job...Stated that he took a "vacation" from 2:15 yesterday the time when he cleaned out his office up untill the time he woke up which he joked around about its the latest he has slept in the past two years and woke up at 9:30 am
just spoke out about Keightley and about his respect for Mr. K
some one asked if he liked it here he stated "I love it here, want to buy my house, its on the market" everyone laughed.
thanks buddy for the info. sounds like he is being classy.
Just ended with Gillespe stating he has alot of respect for the media and that even though he may not have shown that over the years that he does not read what they say but that he realizes hard work when he sees it and for that he says just keep on doing what your doing...thats not verbatium
reds44 Wrote:thanks buddy for the info. sounds like he is being classy.

no problem i am sure it will be on WKYT or WYMT later on this evening just keep looking lol check out the site it may something about a tape delay showing
Just got done watching it! He handled his self great!
He has kept me hethe reporter asked him something and he said sure you ant to buy my house its on the market.....He was asked about the season next year and he wished he was there but they shouldn't loose a game, and if they did they should ride the coach real
whas was streaming it but it sucked cause you couldnt here what he was saying
Sounds like the way he handled himself was all class. IMO, if he would have been as media savvy over the last 2 years, as he was today, he'd still be at UK. I for one could care less about Media Savvy. I didn't need someone that I "liked". he was not my buddy or my friend. he was the coach of my favorite team. I wasn't going to sit down to dinner with him, and we were not going to exchange Christmas cards. All i wanted and expected was for him to build a program. He was on his way to doing just that. But, the mass that wanted him to "understand what it means to be from kentucky" (BS), wanted the polish and pizazz. Oh well, I hope we get polish and pizazz for those people, but not at the expense of giving whomever takes this job a chance to put in his system. As every media pundent that has covered this on the television today, he was not given the time to build his program. Good luck to the next coach!
I watched it on WKYT and he seemed to think we would have a really good team next year.
And like someone else said, he seemed upset that he wouldn't be here to see it.
He represented himself well this time though.
Told the players his number wouldn't change if they wanted to call him and he would be there for them the rest of his life.

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