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How did you hear about BGR?
Espically when you get in your little moods...I can't stand them! You kill me sometimes...
A mod told me about it on the other site.

This one seems more fun!
98NCCalum Wrote:A mod told me about it on the other site.

This one seems more fun!

A mod told you. :Clap:

Well they better hope Guru don't find out or they'll be on the "outside looking in" :CE_DP_Ste Smile
Yea I was thinking the same thing Q......hahahahah I guess that MOD will be coming over here once RU finds out......HAHA......or maybe it sounds like he is on here already:bounce: Confusedhh:
torQQue Wrote:A mod told you. :Clap:

Well they better hope Guru don't find out or they'll be on the "outside looking in" :CE_DP_Ste Smile
football05 Wrote:Yea I was thinking the same thing Q......hahahahah I guess that MOD will be coming over here once RU finds out......HAHA......or maybe it sounds like he is on here already:bounce: Confusedhh:
I doubt this one. He didn't speak too highly.....but I am checking it out anyway.....
Well who cares what he thinks....If he wasnt speaking too highly WHY even mention it, it sounds like he is trying to see if you post over here to suspend you like he is doing everyone else?
So do you like this site?
We need to get more NKY members on here so spread the word 98 if you don't mind.
98NCCalum Wrote:I doubt this one. He didn't speak too highly.....but I am checking it out anyway.....

:BigLaugh: Figures! Guru servants:please: Smile
football05 Wrote:Well who cares what he thinks....If he wasnt speaking too highly WHY even mention it, it sounds like he is trying to see if you post over here to suspend you like he is doing everyone else?
So do you like this site?

He said he liked it in his introduction. What would be the chance of a guru mod admitting he likes a site run by a mountain boy. :Nodding: Smile
what site is everyone talking about
torQQue Wrote:He said he liked it in his introduction. What would be the chance of a guru mod admitting he likes a site run by a mountain boy. :Nodding: Smile
This guy is a really great guy.

But I'm glad he turned me on to you guys, great site!! I like it! Much more to do than read some people bow down to the almighty.
torQQue Wrote:He said he liked it in his introduction. What would be the chance of a guru mod admitting he likes a site run by a mountain boy. :Nodding: Smile

About the same chances as Phelps winning Region 4.
PHSFAN Wrote:About the same chances as Phelps winning Region 4.

man_wealth Wrote:what site is everyone talking about

Its a site that charges you to post. 15 dollars to be exact. Its a heavily monitored site as well. Meaning if you make one slip up you can kiss your 15 dollars down the drain.
you have to pay to join?
Here is a article that you will like QQ...its about the guru. Its in the Ashland paper and I think yo have to register to read it but do it QQ because you will get a good laugh out of it.
man_wealth Wrote:you have to pay to join?

:Nodding: :Nodding:
PHSFAN Wrote:Here is a article that you will like QQ...its about the guru. Its in the Ashland paper and I think yo have to register to read it but do it QQ because you will get a good laugh out of it.

I registered, But I still havent received an activation link. Can you copy and post the article and PM it to me. Im dying to read it.
It wont let me copy and paste the story for some reason is a direct link to the story...maybe this will help.
Nevermind that is the same link I provided earlier...I will try to copy and paste it again but for some reason it wont let me.
Ok.. I got to read it. This is a good article about guru. Obviously he is a good person. I respect his love for his family and his love for the game. But I don't 100 percent agree that he is not in it for the money. They claim server costs. A virtual dedicated server that cost about 100 a month could easily host 5,000 at a time without much server overload. 2,500 members multiply that by 15 dollars thats 37,500 a year. Thats not counting 10 bux per picture. Which he probably sells about 500 a year. Thats another 5,000. Now we are up to 42,500. Then your throw in the advertising cost. Which he probably generates another 5,000 a year off of. Then we are up to 47,500..

Your making 50,000 a year off of other peoples words. I can offer the same, plus tons more for free.

The article talks about if they start expanding they will have to start charging more.

I make 0 off this site. Because I do it for the love of the game and I respect people. I too am an family man. I too love sports. I dont charge.

He is in it for the money regardless of what he or anybody says. The last line of that article clearly stats this.

How come BGR can offer, everything for free, with many extras such as the arcade.

BGP hosting cost Guru no more than 1200 a year. (that is if he is on a Dedicated server) Otherwise he is probably out only like 30 a month. So what is he doing with the other 45,000 a year. He is sitting back living/banking it up.
Good post QQ.
That article was hilarious espically when they were talking about "sometimes even having to ban members", yea a daily thing that is! For lots of stupid reasons too.

He can't stand it when people switch over and he knows it. He IS in it for the money like QQ already said and we all know that. BGP is still a joke no matter how good Guru wants to make himself look for the people, we all know what scum he has been and will continue to be. I wonder if he is such a prick on the police force and how many tickets he writes a day????
Yeah I read that in the paper here locally yesterday but didn't figure many people would be happy about it so I hadn't made mention of it. He had attended the Ashland/Mason County game this past weekend.
If he is making 45000 a year on a message board then the man is a sheer genius. Kudos to anyone who can do that. Torqque that could be some good income for you and your family. If everyone love the board like they say they do, we could all chip in and help with the server expenses.
TheRevelation Wrote:If he is making 45000 a year on a message board then the man is a sheer genius. Kudos to anyone who can do that. Torqque that could be some good income for you and your family. If everyone love the board like they say they do, we could all chip in and help with the server expenses.

I dont call making 45,000 a year off a message board genius. Alot of luck is involved. He didnt do anything special. He bought a VB for about 100 bux and bought a domain. There happen to be audience for what he had to offer. But monopolys are not good in any business. There always needs to be competition. Some boards make in the millions. Now thats genius. Im not in for the money.
Im truely in it for the companionship.
THe google ads pay for the server. THe more that joins the more google ads will get clicked and the more money will be available to upgrade servers.

My wife and I run several sites that make good money that are not personal like this one. I wouldnt charge even if people were willing to pay. That would defeat my whole purpose. A community should be free, friendships should be free and most of all peoples opinions should be free.

Its not like theguru is doing something spectacular. He makes money off his members knowledge. Not his own knowledge. I have nothing againt a man wanting to make extra money for his family and his retirement. Not a thing wrong with it.

At the same time there shouldnt be anything wrong with a person that cares about his fellow humans. I like making people happy.. I like to give to the best of my abilities. I even demonstrated this when I was a member at BGP were I was often mistreated because of where I was from. I constantly made avatars, and helped people with computer problems. I even went out of my way to make special avatars to a member that lost his son in a tradgic accident. To me thats caring. To me thats what matters most. I dont see Guru doing anything from his heart.. Do you?

I really care about these people on BGR. I spend countless hours trying to come up with things that will make them happy. I want them to feel appreciated. Because I really appreciate their support. I wouldnt trade my friendships this board had made me for a 100,000 a year. The friendships to me are priceless.
well said big guy:Nodding: :Thumbs:
The only reason he attended the APB game was because he knows he has just about totally lost EKY and starting to see more and more of APB fans come over. He doesn't want to lose NKY so he's making himself seen in our area. GUESS WHAT


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