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Does Any One Know If PHS Won Golf Tourney In Paduca?
Max Lester a team mate for the PHS golf team was killed lastnite in a plane crash along with his mom & dad, I was just wondering if his team won the tournament in Paduca which was where they were coming home from. I hope so! God Bless The Whole Team & His Family!:Sad04: I Hope Max & His Team Won! I Know Max Was Very Happy If They Did! BTW Im not jus worried about whether or not they won i just hoped they did because it was very important to Max!
Yeah I know how you feel...
Honestly I don't know if they won or not...this whole weekend we've all been so tore up b/c of Max that nobody thought to ask anyone...
But if I find out I'll let you know
Unfortunately, the guys didn't make the first a team they were 17 over the teams 353 par...
um joe and bell were like 15 over, and max was like 35, and griffin was 21...
but thats still really good for them just to make it that far-
It was the state golf tournment and as gp said, they missed the cut to make it from first day to second day.
Thanx everyone, I wish they would have made it tho, I know Max would have been very happy, but now he is happier than ever. GOD BLESS THE LESTER FAMILY & FRIENDS & PHS!!!!!
Yea Panters, I know what ya mean everyone is so devestated about this whole situation, remember to keep Vanessa & Wes in your prayers also.

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