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Is this Fair?
Recently I know player a few games back get ejected and have to set out on a 1 game suspension for throwing a punch and in this punch it wasn't landed just thrown, but in another incident I hear of a player landing a punch and sending a kid to the hospital and putting him out for the season, but also only receives a one game suspension. What is wrong with this picture? it seems to me that the KHSAA is very inconsistent with punishment due to fights and suspensions and on this seems very inconsistent with their transfer rules in the mountains?
P.S glad to see pike county got 2/3 of their schools in the region tourney as well:flush:
Lets make sure that we keep this on the rule and not the incidents.
It's not fair but what can you do about it, we can't do anything. The KHSAA makes questionable calls all the time.
In my opinion a punch is a punch, both were intended to hurt the other player. One player shouldn't be punished more because his shot landed and the other didn't. Punishment should be the same in both cases, assuming it was only one punch.
what team/player are you referring to for putting an opposing player in the hospital? just curious as this was not known to me....
Pikeville OT Wrote:what team/player are you referring to for putting an opposing player in the hospital? just curious as this was not known to me....

I believe he is referring to a player from Johnson Central, but let's not talk about it any more so this thread doesn't get closed.
Pikeville OT Wrote:what team/player are you referring to for putting an opposing player in the hospital? just curious as this was not known to me....

We aren't supposed to mention the specific events.
not trying to stir the pot or break any rules here.... but really just started to follow the season as the district tourney started....

is there a place to read about the incident without it breaking board policies?
Pikeville OT Wrote:not trying to stir the pot or break any rules here.... but really just started to follow the season as the district tourney started....

is there a place to read about the incident without it breaking board policies?
I would just PM the thread starter.
no its not fair at all. the khsaa should look into each incident and decide the outcome of the punishment based on what took place.
Look,the KHSAA had the tape and made their ruling. You are not the KHSAA let it go. That's what they are for. Not their problem like mentioned earlier that one punch was more effective.
gtowntiger Wrote:Look,the KHSAA had the tape and made their ruling. You are not the KHSAA let it go. That's what they are for. Not their problem like mentioned earlier that one punch was more effective.

Look the thread was for people to talk about incidents so let it be.. My self it the player that got injured and is done for the season or career then the player that caused the injury should be as well.
Batpuff Wrote:Look the thread was for people to talk about incidents so let it be.. My self it the player that got injured and is done for the season or career then the player that caused the injury should be as well.

Again, you arent the decision maker. And I dont think the time the injured player is out should affect punishment at all.
when did the mentioned incident occur? and if the KHSAA has already ruled on it, then what would an appeal hope to achieve?
gtowntiger Wrote:Again, you arent the decision maker. And I dont think the time the injured player is out should affect punishment at all.

And you are? Let me guess your from Johnson Co... I think if the kids career would have ended that the player causing it should end as well.
Throwing the punch is what caused the ejection and the 1 game suspension. Any time you get ejected from a game, you sit out a game. If a players gets T'ed up twice in a game, guess what, out that game, and the next. Even after a suspension, the coach of the said player has to petition the KHSAA for eligibility before they can play. The same goes for coaches. If a coach gets 2 t's in a game, he sits out the next one and has to petition the KHSAA before he can coach the game after the suspension.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
InstantOffense Wrote:In my opinion a punch is a punch, both were intended to hurt the other player. One player shouldn't be punished more because his shot landed and the other didn't. Punishment should be the same in both cases, assuming it was only one punch.
so what you are saying is that if a kid gets hurt its no different than one whom was not hurt? makes sense to me funny everybody has really agreed with me but some JC fans :eyeroll:
The KHSAA has some discrection on these matters. Yes everyone automatically gets 1 game if they dont appeal without the KHSAA getting involved. Then if taken to the KHSAA the penalty may be increased. This is my understanding in talking to someone in Louisville last week. The KHSAA has some lattitude on all subjects and must decide what is in the best interest of all high school basketball. But they are very careful in setting precedent, to avoid constant calling and appeals.
the 1 the only Wrote:]
so what you are saying is that if a kid gets hurt its no different than one whom was not hurt? makes sense to me funny everybody has really agreed with me but some JC fans :eyeroll:

Its just my opinion, but if a blow is threw it should be a standard penalty for everyone. A kids MMA skill shouldn't factor into the punishment.
It's called Assault/Battery. What if a 19 year old punches a 15 year old ?
gtowntiger Wrote:Again, you arent the decision maker. And I dont think the time the injured player is out should affect punishment at all.

There is no place in basketball for a sucker punch that puts a kid out for the season i blame the coach as much as i do the player that kid should have never played high school sports again.
InstantOffense Wrote:Its just my opinion, but if a blow is threw it should be a standard penalty for everyone. A kids MMA skill shouldn't factor into the punishment.
Should the cowardness count, if thier fighting skill dont. That fact if a trained fighter could factor in big time
alleycat53 Wrote:It's called Assault/Battery. What if a 19 year old punches a 15 year old ?

great post this is how it is no question about it so we will just wait and see what happen there is power bigger than khsaa.,,,,,,,
I do not believe that it's fair to let a kid play who ended another kids season or career. That would be just humiliating knowing that your done for the season and the guy who did it is still playing.
alleycat53 Wrote:It's called Assault/Battery. What if a 19 year old punches a 15 year old ?

great post this is how it is no question about it so we will just wait and see what happen there is power bigger than khsaa.,,,,,,,
King_23 Wrote:I do not believe that it's fair to let a kid play who ended another kids season or career. That would be just humiliating knowing that your done for the season and the guy who did it is still playing.

I can agree with that. If it was a foul or a legal play that resulted in the injury it may be different, but if it's intentional, the responsible party should be sitting out.
Throw a punch get suspended. It doesn't matter if it lands or not. That is the rule and it is fair.

If a kid doesn't want to get suspended show some sportsmanship and don't throw a punch.
courtdog Wrote:There is no place in basketball for a sucker punch that puts a kid out for the season i blame the coach as much as i do the player that kid should have never played high school sports again.

What should happen to a player that starts a fight gets punched in retaliation. Should that player be allowed to play again. :HitWall::graduate: Need to be studying, don't you!!
imo if a player throws a punch and it misses then it is a one game suspension and if the punch lands and the other player is injured then the player that threw the punch should out however long the injured player is out.
Its all too obvious as to the incident that was origianlly referred to.

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