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What to Do with Refs?
Stardust Wrote:Good God, people actually think Refs blow games on purpose, sad state we are all in then. There may be bad refs, they may miss calls, but to insinuate that they blow games on purpose, pathetic!

happy for you if you live in an area where refs don't cheat, good for you guys. I don't care if their fined, but ,But if their quilty, Shame on a man who would knowingly hurt a young man or women. Because the higher powers wants their team to win.It Happened and has been proven, they have admitted it. So my guestion is what to do to them. Slap them on the wrist or fine or ban. Should they go to court. Whose going to take them. Sorry man it happens in college, it happens in high school, It happens in little league. It happens in the pros.It happens in every Region around the 14 too.So where is your perfect region where stuff doesn't happen. And my guestion is still the same.What to do.You can't let the daddys take care of it that would be a mess.
Ring'Em Up Wrote:Yeah. And one was voted by his peers to be the assigning secretary of officials in the 15th and the "older one", as you call him, has been on the crew that's been consistently graded as the #1 crew in the 15th for the last couple years.

Well then I guess that the 15th is ahurtin for a while, for quality officiating:HitWall:
Sometimes things can be done if it's bad enough.

A 13th region official was banned from calling post season games outside the 13th for 2 years after the KHSAA reviewed 2 game films of his offciating in the 1997 56th district tournament in the 14th region. The staffs of 2 schools took their game film to the KHSAA and they responded with the ban.
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:Why dont you get your license and show them how to do it then?
Who says I don't? You know me personally??? I think not... :dontthink
I know everyone on here can think of a school that "their" team plays against that they can say with some certainty that the refs are at least a little biased and there should be rules to handle this sort of thing. I think that was the OP's thinking behind this.
Creeker Wrote:Who says I don't? You know me personally??? I think not... :dontthink
You are right, I dont , but usually the ones who complain about terrible calls that are made in games have never been in the position to know how hard it is to call a game. The view of the game is much different standing on the court than it is sitting up in the bleachers.

If you are a ref, why dont you say it? I myself, I am a licensed ref. I have not called a game this season because my son plays. I dont want anyone to be able to say there was a conflict of interest on my part.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Let me start off by saying I yell more than anyone at the referees, however, I believe, for the most part, they are trying to do the best job they can. They are only human beings, and we all expect a perfection from them that we don't even expect of ourselves. I have, on occassion, caught myself saying, "I would have let that go." Only to turn around and say, "Rules are rules, and need to be enforced across the board." I know I miss calls when I'm watching the game, and it's impossible to see every little thing. I don't think most referees come with the intention to "cheat" one side or the other.

That being said, I have witnessed games that I do not think were called fairly, and I do think the officials were not completely objective. (The ones I am thinking of are not ones in which Lee County were playing, for the record). I realize these guys get little pay and little respect, but that is not an excuse to do a poor job either. No one has forced them to put themselves in the position they are in, they have willingly chosen it, so I don't think it's unreasonable to have an "oversight" committee, or someone to complain to; which I believe there already is. I will say that I do think a majority of "blown" calls are either not really "blown calls" or are just something as a fan, three or four rows in the stands we can say that a referee may not have the perspective to see. We, as fans, can focus in on one or two individuals, while the officials have to try to keep an eye on all 10 players on the court, the guys on the bench, And the two coaches.

I hope the 14th region officials are reading this (and realize I do have mad respect for them) so the next time I get on their case they know it's all in good fun. :o)
We might as well be honest with ourselves people, instead of all the politically correct post about no respect and low pay that I've seen so far. I've seen it happen too many times when teams from out of the region visit a school and get hosed big time by the home region stripes. It happens, and we all know it does. If it's senior night or a night honoring former coaches, etc, it's even more obvious.

And it's even worse if the coach is a legend. Bobby Keith had some great teams with Richie and that bunch at Clay, but there were years that he didn't have much more talent than other team in the area, and you still couldn't have taken UK into their gym and beaten them, especially if Kirk and his like were calling. Just an opinion.
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:You are right, I dont , but usually the ones who complain about terrible calls that are made in games have never been in the position to know how hard it is to call a game. The view of the game is much different standing on the court than it is sitting up in the bleachers.

If you are a ref, why dont you say it? I myself, I am a licensed ref. I have not called a game this season because my son plays. I dont want anyone to be able to say there was a conflict of interest on my part.
No, I am not a licensed ref, but I have reffed many games that did not require you to be licensed. Everyone complains about the refs... if you say you don't/haven't you are full of it...
everyone complains, all refs make mistakes (they are human), some might show favoritism but most dont or try not to, the ones that get caught should be punished, and like ive said before give them a break. i try not to complain anymore, but i still do, ever since i reffed a game that didnt even matter. i have a lot of respect for every referee that has the courage to step on the court and referee a game in eastern ky.
Creeker Wrote:No, I am not a licensed ref, but I have reffed many games that did not require you to be licensed. Everyone complains about the refs... if you say you don't/haven't you are full of it...
I do complain about them. The point I was trying to make is that things look different on the court than they do sitting up in the bleachers. Maybe the "bad calls" that happen over and over look a little different from their point of view. It would be much easier to call a game from sitting up in the cheap seats. At least that is my opinion.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:I do complain about them. The point I was trying to make is that things look different on the court than they do sitting up in the bleachers. Maybe the "bad calls" that happen over and over look a little different from their point of view. It would be much easier to call a game from sitting up in the cheap seats. At least that is my opinion.

i agree 100%:Thumbs:
If anyone thinks that the officials in this state or at least eastern KY do a good job or even a decent job, you are wrong a majority of the time. I can name one instance where the coach of prestonsburg was so far out on the court where a johnson central player handling the ball had to stop to avoid running into him on several occasions and nothing was even said to him about it let alone a technical foul which is supposed to be automatic when a coach is on the floor last i checked. This isn't to mention the large amount of fouls in every game that aren't called. To say they do a ggod job is a joke.
JCHS05 Wrote:If anyone thinks that the officials in this state or at least eastern KY do a good job or even a decent job, you are wrong a majority of the time. I can name one instance where the coach of prestonsburg was so far out on the court where a johnson central player handling the ball had to stop to avoid running into him on several occasions and nothing was even said to him about it let alone a technical foul which is supposed to be automatic when a coach is on the floor last i checked. This isn't to mention the large amount of fouls in every game that aren't called. To say they do a ggod job is a joke.

Why don't you sign up and show us how its done!:ChairHit:
JCHS05 Wrote:If anyone thinks that the officials in this state or at least eastern KY do a good job or even a decent job, you are wrong a majority of the time. I can name one instance where the coach of prestonsburg was so far out on the court where a johnson central player handling the ball had to stop to avoid running into him on several occasions and nothing was even said to him about it let alone a technical foul which is supposed to be automatic when a coach is on the floor last i checked. This isn't to mention the large amount of fouls in every game that aren't called. To say they do a ggod job is a joke.

if everything in a game was called games would take forever and every player on the team would foul out.
I'm a big fan of the coach's box rule for a multiple of reasons, but I also feel that the majority of high school gyms have such small coaches boxes it's truly unreasonable to expect any coach who is mobile to stay within the margins, especially when the benches sometime are on the floor themselves due to small gyms or poor design, or whatever.

Again, we all have rules we are more familiar with and know what to look for, but the referees have to know all the rules and are probably more concerned with the players' positions than the coaches a majority of the time. The case you have cited would be an instance where I think I would have liked to have at least seen a warning, but I wasn't there and don't know the context.

We can all get on the site and cite different examples of where officials appeared or actually were showing biases, calling easier on one side than another, etc, but we have to live with the guys who show up. The sad thing is, that no matter what solution is offered, if a game is beyond a shadow of doubt being "blown" for one side or the other or due to someone who really shouldn't be officiating period, there isn't much recourse for the teams who have played. The officials may be penalized, not permitted to call again, but the players are just out a game.

Again, though, while I believe I have seen it happen, I don't believe a majority of the games are "blown" by the referees. We fans are just passionate advocates on behalf of our teams. :o)
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:Sometimes things can be done if it's bad enough.

A 13th region official was banned from calling post season games outside the 13th for 2 years after the KHSAA reviewed 2 game films of his offciating in the 1997 56th district tournament in the 14th region. The staffs of 2 schools took their game film to the KHSAA and they responded with the ban.

thank you..and no matter what region where from.I hope we all have one common interest the young teens And kids . I hope no ref will noingly try to hurt ones fillings again.And one more thing GO KENTUCKY WILDCATS.
Refs make bad calls no matter where you are. Its just one of those things thats going to happen and we can't really do nothing about it.
I think the judgement of refs depends on if your team won or lost the game. As far as i can remember every game my team has lost has been based on bad It didn't matter if they couldn't hit the side of a barn standing 3 feet away. As long as these men/women are not doing anything against the law or holding a grudge and taking it out on the kids then what can you say. Except, hey ref you %^&*( @#$%, are you blind? Which most of the time does not help your blood pressure.
no but some of these refs are reffing the games like a little league game and it ridiculous!!!!!

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