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What to Do with Refs?
Should a ref be fined, banned or what if they knowingly call a unfair game. We have seen bad called games , walks missed, hard fouls let go. Some refs even break a teams momentum. So should they be penalized?
bluebloodedcatfan Wrote:Should a ref be fined, banned or what if they knowingly call a unfair game. We have seen bad called games , walks missed, hard fouls let go. Some refs even break a teams momentum. So should they be penalized?

who exactly is going to penalize them? the refs are paid to ref the game, and thats exactly what they do. they make bad calls, but hey, ****t happens
There is an officials association and coaches within that specific area have a voice with the assigning secretary. If a coach feels a game was unfairly called they can send game film to that scretary or the KHSAA. But to be honest most officials do a good job and I would bet most every official trys to call the best game they can. We as fans are usually biased as to who we want to win a game and judge officials based on that and if we think they are wrong well then by gosh they are wrong. The officials read the rule books, take at least 1 test per season and have meetings within their association to disvuss rules and how to apply them and even what points of interest for that season are. I think often us fans get caught up in the game and even sometimes don't actually know the actual rules only what we think the rule is and when the fouls in a game don't even up or our team was beat, well the refs cost us the game. When actually if we look at a teams style of play for reason of fouls discrepancy or your team just did not play as good or even the other team just wanted it more and played harder is reasons your team lost. I will agree officials miss calls and make mistakes but I do not think the majority of officials make calls to influence a winnier of a game.

I will admit I was at one time pretty tough on officials but then once I started going to games as a fan of basketball and not a particular team then things looked a lot different and you hear fans say all sorts of thing about officials to put the blame on someone for the loss or bad game.
Stay Out Of It They Do The Best They Can
bluebloodedcatfan Wrote:Should a ref be fined, banned or what if they knowingly call a unfair game. We have seen bad called games , walks missed, hard fouls let go. Some refs even break a teams momentum. So should they be penalized?

Based on opinion, or based on fact? How could you ever prove a ref "knowingly" called an unfair game.

I don't know how often it happens in Basketball, but in Football more than half of the games are supervised from the sidelines with someone grading the refs (especially the White Hat).
everybody really needs to give refs a break. it is harder than everybody thinks to ref a basketball game. Refs try their best but nobody is perfect everyone of them is gonna miss a call every once in a while. every person who is brave enough to go out and ref a high school basketball game, i wish you the best
:Clap: :Clap:
Low pay and low respect from alot of fans. Still it is a mark of dedication to the players and the sport. I feel its a very small isolated problem in reference to favortism or fianance!!!!!!!
Hey the refs have some big balls to do what they do. I mean, this is basketball country. Ain't enough money, I would never do what they do. And they all miss calls and parents get mad, myself included, but we can't see what they see. I do think some are biased tho, and they are obvious about it. Morgan County or West Liberty has the worst for that I think. I don't know which it is but it's one of those, or are they the same?
bluebloodedcatfan Wrote:Should a ref be fined, banned or what if they knowingly call a unfair game. We have seen bad called games , walks missed, hard fouls let go. Some refs even break a teams momentum. So should they be penalized?
Before I reply, I'm gonna rest a bit from calling games this evening and think this over.
Seriously, unbelievable.
Glad to see tho, that all the posters so far have thought this thread was about as ridiculous as it is. The "fined" idea takes the cake.
Colonel Kill Wrote:There is an officials association and coaches within that specific area have a voice with the assigning secretary. If a coach feels a game was unfairly called they can send game film to that scretary or the KHSAA. But to be honest most officials do a good job and I would bet most every official trys to call the best game they can. We as fans are usually biased as to who we want to win a game and judge officials based on that and if we think they are wrong well then by gosh they are wrong. The officials read the rule books, take at least 1 test per season and have meetings within their association to disvuss rules and how to apply them and even what points of interest for that season are. I think often us fans get caught up in the game and even sometimes don't actually know the actual rules only what we think the rule is and when the fouls in a game don't even up or our team was beat, well the refs cost us the game. When actually if we look at a teams style of play for reason of fouls discrepancy or your team just did not play as good or even the other team just wanted it more and played harder is reasons your team lost. I will agree officials miss calls and make mistakes but I do not think the majority of officials make calls to influence a winnier of a game.

I will admit I was at one time pretty tough on officials but then once I started going to games as a fan of basketball and not a particular team then things looked a lot different and you hear fans say all sorts of thing about officials to put the blame on someone for the loss or bad game.

Like everything else , a few bad ones make the rest look bad.
fanatic11 Wrote:everybody really needs to give refs a break. it is harder than everybody thinks to ref a basketball game. Refs try their best but nobody is perfect everyone of them is gonna miss a call every once in a while. every person who is brave enough to go out and ref a high school basketball game, i wish you the best
:Clap: :Clap:

Great post!
I, too, used to be hard on officials when I coached. Then I took time to get to know them and realized they were all good guys who sometimes missed a call, or I was just looking at things one sided. But anybody who thinks it is easy should just try to officiate a little league game or a junior high game. A lot tougher job than it looks. I even see college and pro refs miss some calls, so should we expect more from a high school ref? These guys have jobs and are away from their families a lot during the season, probably because they enjoy it and like to stay close to the game.
I think that refs should be punished but it's got to be something drastic, not because they missed a call or you wanted one. Some refs do blow games for others because they have bets on those games, and I know a few of those refs, real bad in the 14th Region by the way. I think if a ref is caught gamblin on high school games they should be banned, thats about it though other than the rules they already got.
FAST_EDDIE_FELSON Wrote:I think that refs should be punished but it's got to be something drastic, not because they missed a call or you wanted one. Some refs do blow games for others because they have bets on those games, and I know a few of those refs, real bad in the 14th Region by the way. I think if a ref is caught gamblin on high school games they should be banned, thats about it though other than the rules they already got.
What rules? I can't really see that the refs are held accountable to anyone or for anything? They show up, get paid and go to the house. I mean, some places you see the same crew of refs making the same terrible calls game in and game out and nothing is every said or done... been that way for years.
Good God, people actually think Refs blow games on purpose, sad state we are all in then. There may be bad refs, they may miss calls, but to insinuate that they blow games on purpose, pathetic!
The point of this thread is if the refs KNOWINGLY make bad calls what should happen!!!!!

If a ref intentionally cheats a team and it can be proven then they no longer need to be doing the job. But if we are talking missed calls or makes a call that upsets some that is a different story all together. It is a hard job and most try their best to do a good job at it.They are only human like the rest of us and desereve a break.

Stardust you need to simmer down before you start breaking out the Bionic Elbow.:biggrin:
Stardust Wrote:Good God, people actually think Refs blow games on purpose, sad state we are all in then. There may be bad refs, they may miss calls, but to insinuate that they blow games on purpose, pathetic!

Some refs are bribed.Plain and simple.No need to reply but I know since you know everything you will anyway.
Creeker Wrote:What rules? I can't really see that the refs are held accountable to anyone or for anything? They show up, get paid and go to the house. I mean, some places you see the same crew of refs making the same terrible calls game in and game out and nothing is every said or done... been that way for years.
Why dont you get your license and show them how to do it then?
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Referees around here need more MANDATORY instructional clinics. The rating system by coaches SHOULD BE kept between the assigning secretary and the coaches but has never been and nevre wil be.
Some refs are good and some are terrible, BUT almost all that I have seen are at least fair most of the time. Everyone is correct, it is much harder than it looks or would seem to be. And if we were at a game as a neutral party, it would never appear as bad as we think. But getting to the point of the post, I think that any ref who intentionally calls an unfair game to benefit another team, that ref should be banned from officiating. But seriously, this would be very hard to ever prove and while I'm sure it may exist, it is rare.
Not mentioning no names but me and one of my buddies was at the Expo watching the Shelby Valley game against Walton, GA and set directly behind two officials that ref a lot of 15 region games. During the game there was a couple of badly missed calls during this game, in which on the next couple trips down the court the refs made calls that seemed to be make up calls. I personally ask the refs in front of me if they thought the calls on the court were bad or missed calls. They both said they sort of thought that a few of the calls were bad and that the calls on the other end were probably just make up calls, after hearing their answer I said, you guys probably don't miss many calls do you and if you do you sure don't make them up on the other end do you(laughing) and surprisingly both of them looked at each other and said I quote ALL OF THE TIME. especially if it is a close one, but they wouldn't have in this game because of the margin of the score and a couple of missed calls wouldn't make much difference in this one. That's when I told them well I hope SV's not in any real close ones and you too are calling the game (they laughed) and one of them said well I think I've got their game Monday.
Creeker Wrote:What rules? I can't really see that the refs are held accountable to anyone or for anything? They show up, get paid and go to the house. I mean, some places you see the same crew of refs making the same terrible calls game in and game out and nothing is every said or done... been that way for years.

Agreed, I have seen that alot over the years. I don't know if they take a test every year or not, but I have seen them call things that aren't even in the rules.
Stardust Wrote:Good God, people actually think Refs blow games on purpose, sad state we are all in then. There may be bad refs, they may miss calls, but to insinuate that they blow games on purpose, pathetic!
Stardust , if you are in a sad state move to OHIO , its a happy state lol
There are a few in the 14th region that need to retire !!!
the old WASP Wrote:Stardust , if you are in a sad state move to OHIO , its a happy state lol

Been there, done that, not a very "happy" state if you ask me, lots of murders and gang violence.
There are a couple of refs that ref in the 15th, and from what I've heard they are brothers. You can mark it down,etch it in stone that if you go and watch a ballgame in the 15th and these guys or either one is a ref in the game, you will see some of the most absurd calls made in a game of ball. The older one is the worst I ever witnessed. These guys should not be able to wear the stripes of an official. MY OPINION
Salimander Wrote:Referees around here need more MANDATORY instructional clinics. The rating system by coaches SHOULD BE kept between the assigning secretary and the coaches but has never been and nevre wil be.
This sounds like an excellent idea.
Well a couple of years ago, KCC played LCC and that was when the Wright boy was playing and it was at their place and guess who was one of the refs? The Wright boys brother, or so I was told. Sure, he wasn't biased at all. lol. I don't know his name but he a little on the chunky side, but if he was his brother, he shouldn't have been one of the refs.
boogieman Wrote:Well a couple of years ago, KCC played LCC and that was when the Wright boy was playing and it was at their place and guess who was one of the refs? The Wright boys brother, or so I was told. Sure, he wasn't biased at all. lol. I don't know his name but he a little on the chunky side, but if he was his brother, he shouldn't have been one of the refs.

These guys are HALLS
EOE Wrote:These guys are HALLS
Yeah. And one was voted by his peers to be the assigning secretary of officials in the 15th and the "older one", as you call him, has been on the crew that's been consistently graded as the #1 crew in the 15th for the last couple years.

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