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Paintsville 49 - Shelby Valley 42
Shelby Valley 6 11 16 9 42

Paintsville 12 14 10 13 49

Shelby Valley (15-5) -- Perkins 3, Swindall 10, Sawyers 6, Coleman 21, Cantrell 2.
Paintsville (16-5) -- S. Carroll 3, Adams 4, Vanhoose 4, L. Carroll 22, Chaffins 16
WTG Ladies!!!
Congrats Lady Tigers!
Congrats to Paintsville!!
this was the worse game call by a ref i seen in a long time.
I heard this was a poorly called game. Does anyone have any details?
Refs miss calls all the time, but the one critical call was right in front of him when Brittany was going for a layup was obviously fouled and it ended up tied up PHS got the ball back and it snowballed from there. The ref should not have called the second T or the 1st for that matter. He missed the call or just didn't want to make the call.
From what I hear, the 2 t's were called by differents refs. No matter the situation, sometimes the coach can say those "magic words" that are automatic.
No magic words were used. The ref that missed the call had a personal reason for not calling it and everyone knew that. He knew and when it was called to his attention he didn't like it. Bottom line if SV would have played the first half like the second they would have won by ten.
hootie Wrote:No magic words were used. The ref that missed the call had a personal reason for not calling it and everyone knew that. He knew and when it was called to his attention he didn't like it. Bottom line if SV would have played the first half like the second they would have won by ten.

What would that personal reason be?
Shady Grady Wrote:What would that personal reason be?
They were 3 people in the area of the missed call Brit, the girl that fouled her and the Ref. He couldn't not see the foul, he was looking directing at the play. We have to play more consistent. Laura and Mini have to score. Brooke Coleman had a big game.
Is Coleman the lefty? If so, she's a nice player. But I'm still wondering what was the personal reason for the non call?
hootie Wrote:No magic words were used. The ref that missed the call had a personal reason for not calling it and everyone knew that. He knew and when it was called to his attention he didn't like it. Bottom line if SV would have played the first half like the second they would have won by ten.

Everything goes back to a personal reason. What on earth could have been a personal reason for the ref to not make that call? You do know that coaches can scratch referees don't you? So if there is this personal issue that people know about, Coach Rowe should have scratched this ref. You know why he didn't, because there is no personal issue!

I was at the game. I do know that a coaches box has been enforced this year. I also know that Rodney was out on the floor when he got his first T. I don't know why he got it. The second T was because Coach Rowe so professionally gave the other ref the "choke" sign. That is an automatic T. Try it with anyone. But to Coach Rowe's defense, maybe he just realized that he was the one who choked and the official took it the wrong way.
catfanatic Wrote:Everything goes back to a personal reason. What on earth could have been a personal reason for the ref to not make that call? You do know that coaches can scratch referees don't you? So if there is this personal issue that people know about, Coach Rowe should have scratched this ref. You know why he didn't, because there is no personal issue!

I was at the game. I do know that a coaches box has been enforced this year. I also know that Rodney was out on the floor when he got his first T. I don't know why he got it. The second T was because Coach Rowe so professionally gave the other ref the "choke" sign. That is an automatic T. Try it with anyone. But to Coach Rowe's defense, maybe he just realized that he was the one who choked and the official took it the wrong way.

I've seen Coach Rowe get pretty animated a few times!! After a tecnical, I kinda doubt the ref took it the wrong way.Big Grin
msg1996 Wrote:j v game paintville had one foul no turn over the complete game all call where against sv jv this explain the varsity game bad call

What in the world does the jv game have to do with the varsity game?
catfanatic Wrote:Everything goes back to a personal reason. What on earth could have been a personal reason for the ref to not make that call? You do know that coaches can scratch referees don't you? So if there is this personal issue that people know about, Coach Rowe should have scratched this ref. You know why he didn't, because there is no personal issue!

I was at the game. I do know that a coaches box has been enforced this year. I also know that Rodney was out on the floor when he got his first T. I don't know why he got it. The second T was because Coach Rowe so professionally gave the other ref the "choke" sign. That is an automatic T. Try it with anyone. But to Coach Rowe's defense, maybe he just realized that he was the one who choked and the official took it the wrong way.
I to was at this game,whether personal or not i don't know nor do i care.I do know that the foul was not called,and for what reason who knows.This was a very exciting game till the last min of play,and for the most part called fairly even till the end and for him to not call nothing on that foul was very poor.

Now when you bring up the coaches box,both had been out of it pretty much all night and earlier in the game,i had made reference to paintsville's coach shouting at the ref's and out on the floor(not in the box) and never seen a warning or T given.
Thought Coach Rowe done a very good job of coaching in the second half and made the adjustments to win the game,any coach would have been upset about the NO call,so as far as him choking,your comment about that doesn't hold water.
I hate that a very good game by both clubs ended the way it did,win or lose but hey thats life in the girls 15th region.

As far as Perkins or Cantrall they shot poorly,but both played good defense and perkins passed the ball very well,got to stay strong down low and rebound the ball.I thought sawyer played great D on chaffins in the second half.Both carroll & chaffins are very good players,congrats paintsville on the Valley let's move on to the next one and get ready for region :Thumbs:
catfanatic, maybe coach Rowe was taking up for his players. If the ref did not make the call on the break-a-way foul then he choked.....just like coaches choke and many players choke. Unfortunately fans cannot choke, they can only critique the game. I do not re-call Coach Rowe saying there was a personal issue so why the comments about this? Have you ever played sports? If so I guess you never choked,missed a shot or ever had any turnovers. I love it how people are the best coaches ever while typingWink

The first was called for saying "a sucky call" not a coaches box violation so watch the game closer next time and you wil be more credibleRolleyes
Good luck to both teams.Must have been a good game.
new o Wrote:catfanatic, maybe coach Rowe was taking up for his players. If the ref did not make the call on the break-a-way foul then he choked.....just like coaches choke and many players choke. Unfortunately fans cannot choke, they can only critique the game. I do not re-call Coach Rowe saying there was a personal issue so why the comments about this? Have you ever played sports? If so I guess you never choked,missed a shot or ever had any turnovers. I love it how people are the best coaches ever while typingWink

The first was called for saying "a sucky call" not a coaches box violation so watch the game closer next time and you wil be more credibleRolleyes

It is also true that maybe, just maybe two people (the ref and the coach) saw it play out differently. But u r right, no one has ever made a mistake coaching or reffing from the bleachers, or while typing
Most of the people typing were not good enough too playBig Grin
I agree with new o, how do you know if it was a personal issue or not? It seems that ever time something goes wrong it is the coach's fault on here. I guess the refs in this region have never made a bad call. Like new o said everyone chokes in a game, even the refs.
new o Wrote:catfanatic, maybe coach Rowe was taking up for his players. If the ref did not make the call on the break-a-way foul then he choked.....just like coaches choke and many players choke. Unfortunately fans cannot choke, they can only critique the game. I do not re-call Coach Rowe saying there was a personal issue so why the comments about this? Have you ever played sports? If so I guess you never choked,missed a shot or ever had any turnovers. I love it how people are the best coaches ever while typingWink

The first was called for saying "a sucky call" not a coaches box violation so watch the game closer next time and you wil be more credibleRolleyes

Let me address a couple of things. Making a mistake doesn't necessarily constitute choking. Maybe the ref missed the call. Maybe from his point of view there was no foul. I've always been told that it's not a foul unless the whistle blows. Doesn't mean there was a choke. I don't recall starting the crap about personal issues. Yes I have played sports and no I don't recall choking. I recall making mistakes and missing shots. Talk about being credible. If you will read my post, I said I don't know why he got the first T. It was a possibility it was because he got out of the box. Just a possibility. But if he said "you suck" or "sucky call", he should have gotten a T. It was said the people always blame the coach. No, people always blame the ref. When coaches and fans won't acknowledge that maybe the coach didn't have the team prepared, maybe the coach didn't make the right adjustments during the course of the game, maybe the players didn't get enough sleep the night before, etc. the easy thing to do is blame the ref. For the life of me, I have never understood how one call, one turnover, one missed shot can lose a game.

So what if the ref did miss the call. Refs, coaches, and players make mistakes every game with coaches and players probably making the most. What's getting lost here is the act of unprofessionalism exhibited by Coach Rowe. If in fact he did say "sucky call" that's not very nice language to use in front of young ladies. The "choke" sign, also not a very good example. Coach Rowe should be a little more concerned with setting a proper example and being a better role model.
And something else, I know this may be a shocker to most of you, but just because Shelby Valley said it was a foul doesn't mean it was. I spoke to a person who watched the film and said there doesn't seem to be contact. It's just your opinion.
catfanatic Wrote:And something else, I know this may be a shocker to most of you, but just because Shelby Valley said it was a foul doesn't mean it was. I spoke to a person who watched the film and said there doesn't seem to be contact. It's just your opinion.
I have to ask,was the person watching the film from paintsville you talked to?It might be a shocker that the camcorder wasn't in the position to see the foul like most did on that end of the court,so that doesn't mean it wasn'tWink .It was a foul, the ref seen it and never called it,big deal it's over and as said earlier,if Valley would have had a better first half this discusion wouldn't even be taken place but they didn't and lost.
paintsville is a good team,who knows if the foul had been called,they may have still won or not.
I'm more puzzled at why the ref at the far end of the court was the one that called the T and not the one Coach Rowe was talking with during the time out.Also am i wrong in thinking the same Ref called both T's from the far end of the court.
catfanatic Wrote:And something else, I know this may be a shocker to most of you, but just because Shelby Valley said it was a foul doesn't mean it was. I spoke to a person who watched the film and said there doesn't seem to be contact. It's just your opinion.

It was a foul and that wasn't the only call they missed . . . and I had a parent from Paintsville tell me how horrible the refs were at this game . . . and they felt the same refs had caused Paintsville to lose a previous game. As for Coach Rowe . . . our girls couldn't find a better role model. He teaches them sportmanship (and what's wrong with standing up for what is right when you KNOW it is right) . . . and of course he was mad and probably shouldn't have done the choke sign. But when the refs make bad calls (or no calls - in this situation) it's very disappointing to the girls who have played their hearts out and have a game taken from them. I'm glad Coach Rowe stood up for the Valley girls. If the refs missed a call as obvious as this they should think twice about wearing a whistle. But this game is over and nothing is going to change the outcome. Congrats to Paintsville . . they have a great team.
Wow the Lady Tigs are doing well.

What's their record?
Poor ole' catfanatic never will understand. You claimed to have played but I am betting you never blamed a coach or ref when you played. I never blamed the ref for anything. As a matter of fact I never blamed anyone. YOU blamed the coach. SV lost and Paintsville won. NO big deal because its only a game and both teams will move on. Where did you play anyway? I have been around for quiet awhile so I probably got a chance to see you play.
Coaches need to be role models. Getting thrown out doesn't make you a bad role model.Bad calls happen all the time.I will not comment whether it was a foul or not.[not at game]Move on and get ready for the next game.I will also say refs need more work to get better.Many refs these days do not know all the rules.
BASICBALL Wrote:I have to ask,was the person watching the film from paintsville you talked to?It might be a shocker that the camcorder wasn't in the position to see the foul like most did on that end of the court,so that doesn't mean it wasn'tWink .It was a foul, the ref seen it and never called it,big deal it's over and as said earlier,if Valley would have had a better first half this discusion wouldn't even be taken place but they didn't and lost.
paintsville is a good team,who knows if the foul had been called,they may have still won or not.
I'm more puzzled at why the ref at the far end of the court was the one that called the T and not the one Coach Rowe was talking with during the time out.Also am i wrong in thinking the same Ref called both T's from the far end of the court.

The technicals were called by two different refs. Looking at earlier posts, evidently coach rowe said something to the effect of "sucky" and one ref called a T. After that, coach rowe gave the choke sign to the ref at the other end. That is why the second ref called the second T.

Just because you stand up for what is right doesn't justify acting like a child. My point is, how can one call lose the game? How many free throws were missed? How many turnovers were committed? How many missed defensive assignments were there? The list could go on and on. New o should probably stop blaming refs every time something doesn't go his way.
Where did you play again?:confused: Big Grin

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