02-07-2009, 04:10 PM
king360 Wrote:Small joke
He doesn't look too small to me!
02-07-2009, 04:11 PM
Blocked Shot Wrote:He doesn't look too small to me!
But you did say it was muscle..lol
02-07-2009, 04:12 PM
Knott County Is On A Roll! They Looked Great Last Night
Pcc Got Out Rebound And Let Knott Be More Physical With Them
Kcc Applied Great Ball Pressure All The Way Around For 4 Quaters
IMO I Think Knott Would Have Been Up At The Half And Put Them Away Earlier If Mullins Wouldnt Have Been Hitting Them Jumpers. Not A Shot He Makes Alot
And No King360 And Aslan I am NOT Hating On Tyler Mullins.
Pcc Got Out Rebound And Let Knott Be More Physical With Them
Kcc Applied Great Ball Pressure All The Way Around For 4 Quaters
IMO I Think Knott Would Have Been Up At The Half And Put Them Away Earlier If Mullins Wouldnt Have Been Hitting Them Jumpers. Not A Shot He Makes Alot
And No King360 And Aslan I am NOT Hating On Tyler Mullins.
02-07-2009, 04:13 PM
king360 Wrote:But you did say it was muscle..lol
Solid muscle from Beaver........... Beware the next game............
02-07-2009, 04:13 PM
SteppUp Wrote:Knott County Is On A Roll! They Looked Great Last Night
Pcc Got Out Rebound And Let Knott Be More Physical With Them
Kcc Applied Great Ball Pressure All The Way Around For 4 Quaters
IMO I Think Knott Would Have Been Up At The Half And Put Them Away Earlier If Mullins Wouldnt Have Been Hitting Them Jumpers. Not A Shot He Makes Alot
And No King360 And Aslan I am NOT Hating On Tyler Mullins.
:confused: ..What
02-07-2009, 04:14 PM
king360 Wrote:But you did say it was muscle..lol
For You Or Any1 To Sit Here And Say Milk Is Fat Or Weak You Are Insane
I Would Be Willing To Bet You Dont Weight 110 Pounds And Bench PhoneBooks.
Just Because He Is Stronger Than King All Mighty Klay
02-07-2009, 04:15 PM
king360 Wrote::confused: ..What
Did I Spell Somthing Wrong
02-07-2009, 04:17 PM
Blocked Shot Wrote:Solid muscle from Beaver........... Beware the next game............

02-07-2009, 04:18 PM
king360 Wrote::nope:...umo:
I really don't get this? Is that supposed to be king klay in the sumo diaper?
02-07-2009, 04:18 PM
SteppUp Wrote:For You Or Any1 To Sit Here And Say Milk Is Fat Or Weak You Are Insane
I Would Be Willing To Bet You Dont Weight 110 Pounds And Bench PhoneBooks.
Just Because He Is Stronger Than King All Mighty Klay
You have to be kiddint me?..i would tell you what kind of strength buttermilk has if i would'nt get suspended
02-07-2009, 04:19 PM
SteppUp Wrote:Did I Spell Somthing Wrong
How can you say Tyler does'nt hit that shot a lot
02-07-2009, 04:19 PM
PATS2011 Wrote:is that king klay in the sumo diaper?
Thats the milk
02-07-2009, 04:22 PM
king360 Wrote:You have to be kiddint me?..i would tell you what kind of strength buttermilk has if i would'nt get suspended
I Would Hate For You To Get Suspended!
02-07-2009, 04:22 PM
king360 Wrote:Thats the milk
well.. i doubt Klay could take down a sumo wrestler so you aren't really saying anything? :confused:
02-07-2009, 04:24 PM
king360 Wrote:How can you say Tyler does'nt hit that shot a lot
The Same Way I Did A Minute Ago.
Tyler Mullins Dont Normally Hit That Shot!
If Every1 Was Locked Down All Night And They Gave Tyler That Shot Pcc Would Never Win A Game IMO
He Hit More Jumpers Last Night Than He Has The Whole Year Combined
02-07-2009, 04:25 PM
PATS2011 Wrote:well.. i doubt Klay could take down a sumo wrestler so you aren't really saying anything? :confused:

02-07-2009, 04:25 PM
SteppUp Wrote:The Same Way I Did A Minute Ago.
Tyler Mullins Dont Normally Hit That Shot!
If Every1 Was Locked Down All Night And They Gave Tyler That Shot Pcc Would Never Win A Game IMO
He Hit More Jumpers Last Night Than He Has The Whole Year Combined
I guess your just a god with your 3's there aint ya..your nothing even worse than your brother..and thats saying something
02-07-2009, 04:30 PM
king360 Wrote:I guess your just a god with your 3's there aint ya..your nothing even worse than your brother..and thats saying something
That Makes No Since.
Did you get signed to a d-1 but this isnt about clark becasue your name and his shouldnt be used together
and you call the knott fans babies. listen to you all!
this is the 2nd game in a row that klay hasnt be dominate
he didnt want anything to do with brent hall or milk.
he had good #'s last night but they was his normal
but kcc and pcc is over until after district you need to get back in the gym and worry about hhs before you think about anything else or it could be a short trip out for ya
02-07-2009, 04:35 PM
jump_shot5 Wrote:I only seen him fall once or twice and everytime he fell it was because he was hit. If you don't know but in basketball sometimes you have to sale the move to the ref. If you get hit on a shot and sometimes if you fall afterwards you may get the call 8 times out of 10 it doesn't happen but there is the chance it will. He definately got some attention though, from Amis that is. Poor kid was tore completely up. Throwing punches at Stuart and at Tate. What did Tate do them other than score 29 points. Including the 4 point play.
Stuart fell down after every shot he shot. For no reason too. He trys to act like he gets fouled. Its really rediculas. BTW IF Deron threw a punch I'm sure it was cus Stuart started it. Tell him he's not hot sauce jump_shot. thanks :thumpsup:
02-07-2009, 04:36 PM
SteppUp Wrote:That Makes No Since.
Did you get signed to a d-1 but this isnt about clark becasue your name and his shouldnt be used together
and you call the knott fans babies. listen to you all!
this is the 2nd game in a row that klay hasnt be dominate
he didnt want anything to do with brent hall or milk.
he had good #'s last night but they was his normal
but kcc and pcc is over until after district you need to get back in the gym and worry about hhs before you think about anything else or it could be a short trip out for ya
:lmao: ..Listen to us?..what are we doing besides defending our team here..and you get on here and start talking crap and no one cares what you little punks from JBS have to say..your always bashing Tyler when in reality he is 5x the player you are..and you're always calling out me and Aslan..you did'nt have to bring us into that post you put up there but you did and you cause a lot of trouble on PCC threads by Bashing
02-07-2009, 04:37 PM
boogieman Wrote:PCC was ahead 4pts at the half and only scored 15pts in the 2nd half of the game. And you talk about calls being questionable, both had 6 fouls and then it went back and forth until KCC had 7 fouls on them and were ahead of them by 4 or 5 pts, thats when PCC started fouling at the end of the game and Stamper went to the ft line and he missed 1 but made the others. We were already ahead by 4 or 5 pts, so don't even say it was the calls we had 7 and I think PCC had 10 by games end.
They were some questionable calls but the game should have never been that close. KNOTT BEAT PERRY. CONGRATS. Thats the 3rd time.
02-07-2009, 04:38 PM
SteppUp Wrote:That Makes No Since.His normal numbers are better than anything JBS has.
Did you get signed to a d-1 but this isnt about clark becasue your name and his shouldnt be used together
and you call the knott fans babies. listen to you all!
this is the 2nd game in a row that klay hasnt be dominate
he didnt want anything to do with brent hall or milk.
he had good #'s last night but they was his normal
but kcc and pcc is over until after district you need to get back in the gym and worry about hhs before you think about anything else or it could be a short trip out for ya
02-07-2009, 04:42 PM
king360 Wrote::lmao: ..Listen to us?..what are we doing besides defending our team here..and you get on here and start talking crap and no one cares what you little punks from JBS have to say..your always bashing Tyler when in reality he is 5x the player you are..and you're always calling out me and Aslan..you did'nt have to bring us into that post you put up there but you did and you cause a lot of trouble on PCC threads by Bashing
I Love This Lol
You Get Mad When Some1 Says Somthing About Pcc But When You All Say Somthing About Kcc We Are Crying Haha
and if you can read go back and look what i said..i said not hating its the truth!
and when pcc beat kcc i remeber you post somthing that said where is pats2011 and vertical and the rest of the knott county people
so if you are goin to dish it better be able to take it..
the only thing i am bashing is you and aslan because you talk about stuff you know nothing about
02-07-2009, 04:44 PM
boogieman Wrote:PCC was ahead 4pts at the half and only scored 15pts in the 2nd half of the game. And you talk about calls being questionable, both had 6 fouls and then it went back and forth until KCC had 7 fouls on them and were ahead of them by 4 or 5 pts, thats when PCC started fouling at the end of the game and Stamper went to the ft line and he missed 1 but made the others. We were already ahead by 4 or 5 pts, so don't even say it was the calls we had 7 and I think PCC had 10 by games end.
BTW PCC DID lead this whole game. Stop acting like it was the other way around. Knott took the lead late and hit there fts.
02-07-2009, 04:44 PM
JOBAKKA Wrote:His normal numbers are better than anything JBS has.
Not Brent Hall
King All Mighty Klay Didnt Want Any Part Of Brent. So Try Again
02-07-2009, 04:45 PM
boogieman Wrote:Look again, I believe in post 100 you said the calls were questionable.....EXCUSE #1.
They were but it didnt cost PCC the game. Thats not an excuse. I'm not like you guys.
02-07-2009, 04:45 PM
Who Is The Only Team To Beat The Top 5 Teams In The Region
Just Wondering
Just Wondering
02-07-2009, 04:47 PM
boogieman Wrote:Chris Noble never missed so many shots in his life....EXCUSE #2
I'm just saying he played horrible. But I'm happy he's taking more shots, miss or make, cause Perry needs him to shoot. Thats not an excuse its a fact. Perry should have won this game anyway. Your just mad cause were NOT coming up with excuses.
02-07-2009, 04:48 PM
boogieman Wrote:see who is trying to start trouble. you have to be a ******** all the time.
Name calling? Real mature. I hope your a kid and have an excuse unlike an adult who should know better.
02-07-2009, 04:49 PM
The Only Excuse You Could Use Is Knott Is Better!
Go Ahead I Know There Is Some Coming
Go Ahead I Know There Is Some Coming
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