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One thing you will remember most about 2008.
My baby girl was born in May..
Tebow proving everyone wrong, once again.
That my retirement age went from 60 to.....well, I that I guess I can never retire.
Being laid off.
I found BGR.
It was the year that I graduated from high school.
Got married.
Afternoon_Delight Wrote:Got married.


Same here... Got Married.....
My son was Born
getting my braces off.
Going into business with my Mom. It had always been her dream to have her own store and to be able to witness it was something Ill never forget.
When my teammates and I made history at Powell.
When the Phelps Hornets won the 60th district. Amazing night at Hornetville.
I found someone special.
Delaying obedience is disobedience. God demands our obedience and I was running away from that. Lets just say some stuff happened and my eyes have been opened.
Graduated from high school.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Graduated from high school.

Same Here.
Finally run my ol lady off.
The Steelers great season.
I became an uncle for the first time to a beautiful baby girl....she was only 26 weeks when she was born and had to stay at UK for over 3 months. I only made it down to see her once then due to work and coaching baseball, but when she came home and I laid eyes on her my heart melted. Needless to say, I'm a proud uncle Big Grin
TATE_64 Wrote::Thumbs:

Same here... Got Married.....

My niece was born born in May, and I moved back home.
My nephew was born in April---(photo attached), my niece started kindergarten (god help her teachers), my youngest son started high school and my eldest child suddenly became more independent!! YEAH!!!!

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