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BigJ I thought you switched to our side last week.
JackFrost Wrote:BigJ I thought you switched to our side last week.

Nope, he is a Cowboy....Big Grin
phoeniXX Wrote:We'll see Sunday when the truck unloads with some of the meanest, badest, head of the hollar som ******* you've ever seen..All jaws will hit the ground when they see these crazy Pompey and Marrowbone F******.:eek: :eek:

:****happe If you think you can, you can and if you think you can't, your right:bounce:
:kneel: A brid does not sing because it has an answer. it sings because it has a song :wenumber1
:Hammer3: Yella bellys do it everyday. they talk to themselves..... they see
themselves as they'd like to be , they don't have the courage you have
sniper to just run with it. its getting exciting now the collapse of the yella bellys
Cowboys, I think we might need to let the yella bellies win one game this weekend , If we dont we might have to split our team up and play each other just to get a game, Dont seem like the Yella bellies want to fight anymore.

Sounds like we’re cooking tonight brother! WHOOO!!!!!!!

That’s just the way the Sniper likes --- no loves it!


The Sniper made the trip down to Lex-town today boys and made a brand new purchase for Sunday’s festivities. That’s bad news fella’s if your belly is yella WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Sniper wanted to make sure he welcomes our new friends in just Right! So come Sunday brother, the Sniper is going to do the same TWO THINGS the Sniper does every Sunday.

1. Chew bubble gum
2. Kick @$$

And it seems like the Sniper always forgets that bubble gum!

WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Big Grin
Q and X, first let me say the Cowboys are all about class and sportsmanship as evidence be last week when we loaned the yella bellys some people to make it even ( and we still stomped them into the ground, it’s all about skill and the Cowboys have got it). What you two don't know is the yella bellys until a month ago always out number and had better equipment than the Cowboys and never offered to even up team. And the yella bellys were the first to intercept communications. They also started the communications after being put out of a game. The yella bellys went as far a month ago to put a child in a vehicle to radio the Cowboys location. So you want to talk about low down and dirty, well you are on the team that invented it all. On your visit you just saw the wrath of the Cowboys after those dirty deeds of the yella bellys. And by the way after you visit you must have noticed the Cowboys did not have a letter of intent for you to sign. The Cowboys win with style and class all the way, brother.

As for all your sass mouth, all I can say is it means nothing to the Cowboys. We don't even no Q & X even exist. Brother until you walk that isle in Death Valley and accomplish something the Cowboys know you both are just blowing hot air. And you two blow enough hot air to send a balloon around the world. Come on down and walk the walk and the Cowboys will send you right back out of Death Valley with your heads between your tail just like the rest of your yella belly crew.
You better believe, come Sunday, the Sniper WILL BE STYLIN & PROFILIN LIKE NEVER BEFORE!!!!! :muscleman

So you yella bellies get on the phone, the internet, get a truck, get a bus, you can even get a plane, and recruit from all over Pike County and the four corners of the earth brother!


Because the Sniper grew up in the last house on bad street, in the BADLANDS OF WAYLAND KY brother!:letsfight The Sniper has whipped, kicked, or killed just about everything that’s ever walked, creped, or crawled at one time or another, so it doesn’t matter if a yella belly is from Martin or Marbone, if they get in the Sniper’s way they WILL BE TAKEN OUT! --- plane & simple. Straight talk is easy understood boys! :flame:


So come on down Sunday, and walk that isle leading up to Space Mountain brother! And you’ll find out what most already know --- The Sniper --- IS --- THE --- MAN!!!!!! :kneel:


And for all you “NEW” Yella Bellies, the Sniper has just one thing to say, just --- one --- thing! [SIZE="5"]“YOU CAN’T BE FIRST, BUT YOU --- CAN --- BE --- NEXT!!!!!

only a couple of more days for QQ and XX to apologize for all their sass mouth remarks, or they are gonna regret it......... The Sniper will be a dead eye this Sunday...... Well I guess that is a Given though as he always Dominates the Yella ones while Stylin and Profilin every Sunday.....

Its almost battle time......
Gobble Gobble
TATE_64 Wrote:only a couple of more days for QQ and XX to apologize for all their sass mouth remarks, or they are gonna regret it......... The Sniper will be a dead eye this Sunday...... Well I guess that is a Given though as he always Dominates the Yella ones while Stylin and Profilin every Sunday.....

Its almost battle time......


phoeniXX Wrote:We'll see Sunday when the truck unloads with some of the meanest, badest, head of the hollar som ******* you've ever seen..All jaws will hit the ground when they see these crazy Pompey and Marrowbone F******.:eek: :eek:

Now that is funny. Marrowbone, isn't that close to Vagina over there in Pike County. Let me tell you brother, you could take all of Pike county and not find a sum bit_h as mean and bad a$$ as the Cowboys. The Cowboys have recruited from the badest of the bad in the meanest areas of Floyd County and we all know Floyd Co. has the badest mothers f***ers in the world. We have the badest men from the badlands of Weeksbury, Wheelwright, McDowell and Wayland. The Devil :devilflam himself could not find men this bad behind the gates of ****. So bring your wanna be's on they may not want to return after they get a taste of how bad a$$ed the Cowboys are.
Iguana Wrote::kneel: A brid does not sing because it has an answer. it sings because it has a song :wenumber1

Words to live by my invisible friend! Big Grin
Calamity is calling out Johnny Tyler the Mad Cap to a duel, that is if you are not to afraid of getting beat by a girl
Calamity Jane Wrote:Calamity is calling out Johnny Tyler the Mad Cap to a duel, that is if you are not to afraid of getting beat by a girl

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO................How bout that Mad Cap....skin that smoke wagon & see what happens.:popcorn:
This is a Video of Wyatt talking to Ref37 about Sunday's upcoming battle in Death Valley!

[YOUTUBE="Wyatt talking to the Ref Saturday night before Sunday's battle"]ynKoZD-sFi4[/YOUTUBE]
That was it Sniper. The Ref is gonna get that whistle shot out of his mouth.:devilflam
I see that the Mad Cap has been challenged but does he have it in hiom to show up. He gets on here and says things like he he plays weekly but no one has seen him in weeks.
Calamity Jane Wrote:Calamity is calling out Johnny Tyler the Mad Cap to a duel, that is if you are not to afraid of getting beat by a girl

:eek: Cowboys are not hairstyles for women. but if you need little color in
your hair cowboys would be more than glad to put some pink stripes in it
for you. calamity :goofy:
A yella belly has challenged the Mad Cap! and I know the Mad Cap don't take sassmouth from no one! Wink so woman or not, when the Mad Cap see's that ------ IT'S ON CALAMITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TongueirateSho TongueirateSho TongueirateSho
The Sniper Wrote:You better believe, come Sunday, the Sniper WILL BE STYLIN & PROFILIN LIKE NEVER BEFORE!!!!! :muscleman

So you yella bellies get on the phone, the internet, get a truck, get a bus, you can even get a plane, and recruit from all over Pike County and the four corners of the earth brother!


Because the Sniper grew up in the last house on bad street, in the BADLANDS OF WAYLAND KY brother!:letsfight The Sniper has whipped, kicked, or killed just about everything that’s ever walked, creped, or crawled at one time or another, so it doesn’t matter if a yella belly is from Martin or Marbone, if they get in the Sniper’s way they WILL BE TAKEN OUT! --- plane & simple. Straight talk is easy understood boys! :flame:


So come on down Sunday, and walk that isle leading up to Space Mountain brother! And you’ll find out what most already know --- The Sniper --- IS --- THE --- MAN!!!!!! :kneel:


And for all you “NEW” Yella Bellies, the Sniper has just one thing to say, just --- one --- thing! [SIZE="5"]“YOU CAN’T BE FIRST, BUT YOU --- CAN --- BE --- NEXT!!!!!


Johnny Ringo Wrote:WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO................How bout that Mad Cap....skin that smoke wagon & see what happens.:popcorn:

Big talk there johnny bravo....being that you could not take the Mad Cap, send out someone else to do it for you.....I agree that Calamity will be a much more difficult challenge than you, but Sniper is correct.....Woman or not, Calamity can not sassmouth the Mad Cap and can not go gently into that good night, (that comes from a poem "Mongo"loid). I will be there Sunday. BTW "Mongo"loid, you can not attest to my presence if you are not there, (that means you missed about 3 weeks in a row and dont know if I was there or not). You are zero for the century and maybe your female companion can instill some success for your family since you have failed so miserably (that means, since you cant win, maybe your girlfriend can, so she is not so embarrased).
phoeniXX Wrote:WAYLAND!!!!:lmao:

You should visit it sometime! Big Grin Under the Sniper's protection of course!Wink
Johnny Tyler Mad Cap Wrote:Big talk there johnny bravo....being that you could not take the Mad Cap, send out someone else to do it for you.....I agree that Calamity will be a much more difficult challenge than you, but Sniper is correct.....Woman or not, Calamity can not sassmouth the Mad Cap and can not go gently into that good night, (that comes from a poem "Mongo"loid). I will be there Sunday. BTW "Mongo"loid, you can not attest to my presence if you are not there, (that means you missed about 3 weeks in a row and dont know if I was there or not). You are zero for the century and maybe your female companion can instill some success for your family since you have failed so miserably (that means, since you cant win, maybe your girlfriend can, so she is not so embarrased).

The Sniper Wrote:You should visit it sometime! Big Grin

Been there many of times...Talked to the cop/securityguard/gas attendent/barber/mayor many of times..He's a pretty nice guy..But haven't really seen anyone else. :Thumbs:
phoeniXX Wrote:Been there many of times...Talked to the cop/securityguard/gas attendent/barber/mayor many of times..He's a pretty nice guy..But haven't really seen anyone else. :Thumbs:

Trust me you haven't seen it all brother! Big Grin
Take the Snipers word XX, I think one is better off at the Valley but if you decide to venture that way and explore the back streets of Wayland then make sure that you don't exceed the speed limit which is enforced very strictly. Sometimes there is much more handed out than a paper ticket.:igiveup:
Well it looks like Calamity is tired of seeing her man get embarrassed in every duel so to try and save face she has gone and called out Mad Cap. I know for certain that the Mad Cap don't put up with sass mouth just ask Johnny Bingo as he was put in his place just a few weeks ago by the Mad Cap. Woman or not, Mad Cap will send any yella belly back to the herd with a hard lesson learned.
Wyatt Earp Wrote:Take the Snipers word XX, I think one is better off at the Valley but if you decide to venture that way and explore the back streets of Wayland then make sure that you don't exceed the speed limit which is enforced very strictly. Sometimes there is much more handed out than a paper ticket.:igiveup:

HEEY! HEEEEY!!! ------ OH-GOD!!! OH-GOD!!!!!!!! OH-GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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