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Best MLB player of all-time?
Barry Bonds IMO. Let the contraversy begin.
no contest....Ted Williams
you want controversy they I would say Pete Rose but i dont agree with that or Barry Steroid Bonds. I would give a vote to Hank Aron who broke the babes record in a period where baseball was much tougher than back then.
ok no player should be on this list who we all know "juiced"... Bonds is/was a great player, but he is an asshole to everyone and he def used steriods.
the Babe, Rose, Willie Mays prolly the best ever.
No order:

"Vincent Vega" Wrote:ok no player should be on this list who we all know "juiced"... Bonds is/was a great player, but he is an asshole to everyone and he def used steriods.
the Babe, Rose, Willie Mays prolly the best ever.

Bonds will break Aaron's record next year if he plays the whole season, wait and watch. Look what he's already done, played 5 or 6 games, sat out the whole year, and has already hit 4 homeruns. He has the purest swing that baseball has ever seen.

Like it or not, baseball nowadays is a whole new era than back in the 1950's, 60's, and earlier times. The competition is a lot more competitive and the athletes are bar none better.
yea athletes may be better but Bonds, Big Mac, Giambi, Palmero and many more were juiced... no way would they have been producing the numbers that they have been without steroids. i just think it is a black eye on the sport. and for that i despise them all.
and as for pure swing.... Griffey Jr, Ted Williams, Tony Gwynn had pretty good swings too. pure swing or not Bonds dont hit 55, 60, 70, 73 homers without juice. never did before in his career. but after he turns 38 and gains 25 + pounds of muscle and has roids running through his system, he hits a hella lot of em.
Good points VV,...... I'll have to agree with Mr. I - Ted Williams.
Nolan Ryan
pitchers should have their own catagory becuase in the Majors they are not "ball players". they only play maybe 2 a week if that... and that usually isnt for a whole game. plus they are never in shape ( David Wells, who i like). they might have been players before the pros but now they aint.
"Vincent Vega" Wrote:pitchers should have their own catagory becuase in the Majors they are not "ball players". they only play maybe 2 a week if that... and that usually isnt for a whole game. plus they are never in shape ( David Wells, who i like). they might have been players before the pros but now they aint.

But a pitcher with a perfect season can singlehandedly lead to the winning of 20-25% of a team's total games. Not likely to ever happen but a nice thought.
IMO Babe Ruth and Ted Williams are the top 2 baseball players of all time....
"tomcat68" Wrote:But a pitcher with a perfect season can singlehandedly lead to the winning of 20-25% of a team's total games. Not likely to ever happen but a nice thought.
when it happens that guy will be best ever
"Vincent Vega" Wrote:when it happens that guy will be best ever
No doubt about that
As bad as I hate to say it im gonna have to say Babe Ruth because before he set the homerun records (he was hitting 50 while the next closest was hitting 20) he was a brilliant pitcher. That and not to mention he would routinely down 2 beers and 6 hotdogs before each game. He just made it seem like slow-pitch softball
Babe Ruth dominated the game when nobody else was even close to him in his era. Nobody has ever done that before, even when McGwire broke the record there were ppl that were competing with him. When Bonds broke the record there was people he played against that ppl could make an argument about being as good if not better than he was, nobody was even close to competing with the BABE.
Barry Bonds might be the best juiced player. i ll go w/ Ted Williams was the best all around player.
but Babe Ruth is the best homerun hitter of all-time.He would party all night and he still hit 714.
Barry Bonds
just look at his credentials...
500/500 club...we will never see anyone ever do that again
and i dont wanna hear he uses steroids cuz that has been the excuse everyone uses
cant ppl just face that we have quite possibly the best baseball player of all time in our life time?
"dirty30" Wrote:Barry Bonds
just look at his credentials...
500/500 club...we will never see anyone ever do that again
and i dont wanna hear he uses steroids cuz that has been the excuse everyone uses
cant ppl just face that we have quite possibly the best baseball player of all time in our life time?

those numbers dont mean anything if they have been tainted.
in Track & Field records cannot be broke if they are wind aided. He broke records by using steroids.
No contest.....Babe Ruth.

Two hardest things to succeed at in Baseball, hitting and pitching.

Babe Ruth .342 BA, 714 HR, and 2213 RBI.

Pitching statistics...94-46 with a 2.28 ERA, are you kidding me? This guy is BY FAR the best player of all time.

Won 20 games twice and 18 once.
yea the Babe was def a great one.

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