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Johnthon Ferguson
Scored his 3000 pt last night at morgan, And can someone tell me why MSU has not tried to sign him or the twins? MSU must not know what it could do for their attendence!
Congrats Ferg on the amazing accomplishment, and for MSU, DT must have lost his mind not to recruit JF. Not only is he a heck of a player he would pack the house at Ellis T. Johnson Arena.
Congrats to Ferguson. What a career at Elliott!
Congratulations to a great kid and a fine ballplayer.
Congrats to a great kid and a great ball player.
Wow 3000
Great career. How tall is Ferguson?
MSU recruits girls from our area but not boys. What gives. The same could be said of Marshall. Ferg could play at either one.
Congrats, 3000 points is an incredible feat
slugger35 Wrote:Great career. How tall is Ferguson?

On Elliott's roster it list's him at 6'2"
Nice..Not many people even get close to 3000
3000 is amazing
Congrats Ferguson
goooood job!
wild sky Wrote:On Elliott's roster it list's him at 6'2"

I would say 6'0" would be more accurate.
Congrats Ferg! He is about 6'1 or 6'2. He is a great shooter but thats about all. You ask why MSU or MU is not recruiting him its because there is more to the game than shooting. I agree he is a heck of a ball player but there is much. . . much more to the game than shooting. Yes, he could probably come in a game and knock down a three, but when players are 6'6'' and athletic you have to be able to do more than shoot. To end on a positive note though again, congrats Ferg you have accomplished something only an elite few ever do!
Dfenz Wrote:Congrats Ferg! He is about 6'1 or 6'2. He is a great shooter but thats about all. You ask why MSU or MU is not recruiting him its because there is more to the game than shooting. I agree he is a heck of a ball player but there is much. . . much more to the game than shooting. Yes, he could probably come in a game and knock down a three, but when players are 6'6'' and athletic you have to be able to do more than shoot. To end on a positive note though again, congrats Ferg you have accomplished something only an elite few ever do!

This is the bias in Kentucky. People think if a guy can knock down threes that UK should be all over him. I'm sorry, but the NCAA is not the NBA, you have to be able to play some defense if you're going to play in college, just knocking down an open jumper isn't going to get you far.
[quote=PC_You_Know]This is the bias in Kentucky. People think if a guy can knock down threes that UK should be all over him. I'm sorry, but the NCAA is not the NBA, you have to be able to play some defense if you're going to play in college, just knocking down an open jumper isn't going to get you far.[/QUOTE]

Do you remember a guy named Chris Lofton? I believe there was a coach at UK that thought the same thing about him, and I think he did quite well for himself don't you?
racer4life Wrote:[quote=PC_You_Know]This is the bias in Kentucky. People think if a guy can knock down threes that UK should be all over him. I'm sorry, but the NCAA is not the NBA, you have to be able to play some defense if you're going to play in college, just knocking down an open jumper isn't going to get you far.[/QUOTE]

Do you remember a guy named Chris Lofton? I believe there was a coach at UK that thought the same thing about him, and I think he did quite well for himself don't you?

Yep, he was the top scorer in college basketball, what's he doing now, struggling in Europe?

Yep, he was the top scorer in college basketball, what's he doing now, struggling in Europe?[/QUOTE]

I could stand for that kind struggle a few hundred grand a year playing basketball isn't to shabby.

Congratulation to Ferguson on his accomplishment.
Great Accomplishment JF!
PC_You_Know Wrote:This is the bias in Kentucky. People think if a guy can knock down threes that UK should be all over him. I'm sorry, but the NCAA is not the NBA, you have to be able to play some defense if you're going to play in college, just knocking down an open jumper isn't going to get you far.

I have seen the Kid play and he can flat light it up. I have also seen him play defense and holds his own. The games I have seen him he is guarding a bigger player and they dont usally get more then 10 points. Where did UK come in this Thread? MSU is a good school I have heard they are bigger schools then MSU all over him.
FBALL Wrote:I would say 6'0" would be more accurate.

I would closer to 6-2 then 6-0

I heard he was measured at 6-2 with shoes and that is how they play the game
The usual suspects come in to tear down a players thread that isn't from Pike county.Rolleyes
Dfenz Wrote:Congrats Ferg! He is about 6'1 or 6'2. He is a great shooter but thats about all. You ask why MSU or MU is not recruiting him its because there is more to the game than shooting. I agree he is a heck of a ball player but there is much. . . much more to the game than shooting. Yes, he could probably come in a game and knock down a three, but when players are 6'6'' and athletic you have to be able to do more than shoot. To end on a positive note though again, congrats Ferg you have accomplished something only an elite few ever do!

Either you haven't saw him play or you are just being sarcastic.Rolleyes He almost always guards a bigger player 6-4 6-6 and they seldom get out of single digit's. You probably haven't saw him guard the other teams guards much because Elliott alredy has good defenders doing that, but the teams he does defend out front he causes them problems also.
How many years has he played HS? 3,000 points is amazing. He can flat out shoot the ball. Elliot is really fun to watch. I hope they get to play SV in the All A. It should one of the best matchups in the tournament.......if both teams take care of business.
wild sky Wrote:Either you haven't saw him play or you are just being sarcastic.Rolleyes He almost always guards a bigger player 6-4 6-6 and they seldom get out of single digit's. You probably haven't saw him guard the other teams guards much because Elliott alredy has good defenders doing that, but the teams he does defend out front he causes them problems also.

I have seen Ferg play numerous times! Not taking anything away from the kid. He is a heck of a shooter (3000 pts.) But i almost always seem him run to the corner or wing and wait for the Faulkners to penetrate and kick it out to him. And almost always guards players 6'6'' lol. . come on now they play in the 16th!! The only player that tall in the 16th is on Elliott Co. Im not bashing Ferguson at all I think he is a heck of a kid. The question was why arent colleges knocking down his door. This is my opinion. . .he will have trouble creating his own shot in college and he is not fast enough defesively to keep up. Take my opinion for what its worth but thats what i think. I have also heard that he does not want to play college basketball.
TheRealVille Wrote:The usual suspects come in to tear down a players thread that isn't from Pike county.Rolleyes

I said not one bad thing about the kid, I know he can play ball, he's one of the best players in the Eastern part of the state. But it's a little overheard to think he'll have a great career in college just because he can shoot. Landon Slone could light it up, but he was also a really good defensive player, and that is why he has gotten in the game at Kentucky on occasion, because of his defensive presence.
Wow, 3000 is an unbelivable accomplishment. Congrats!!
PC_You_Know Wrote:I said not one bad thing about the kid, I know he can play ball, he's one of the best players in the Eastern part of the state. But it's a little overheard to think he'll have a great career in college just because he can shoot. Landon Slone could light it up, but he was also a really good defensive player, and that is why he has gotten in the game at Kentucky on occasion, because of his defensive presence.

Landon didn't know what defense was in HS. Don't think he can play D now, especially where he is. He's not been in one game that wasn't or should have been a 30 point victory.
Ferguson is a much better athlete and player than Slone. Hope he goes somewhere his talent will allow him to play and not settle for just a cameo apperance in games at the start of the season.
Amazing accomplishment! Congratulations.

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