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What are your tattoos?
It's been a while since we had this thread and I've got new ink since then so post what yours is. Pictures are even better if you can.

Real ones or fake ones Smile
REAL ones. I've seen the picture, haha.

My real ones.. From my right elbow down has three in large greek font, that reads, Gage, Greyson and Amanda. I have QQ tattooed on the back left tricep. I also have a cross and rose on the side of the left side of my bicep. I have barbwired around the right arm.. I am going to get it covered up with something else soon. I really don't like it. It was my first tattoo and I didn't have much money back in college. I have several large stars on my outer forearms as well. I am going to sleeve the left arm when my tattoo gun comes in.. I want to have some work on my back sometime down the road.
God said to not desecrate the body!!! Well I can use that as my excuse to offset my fear of needles!
I have several wizards, dragons and castles on my back and shoulders.
I don't have any yet, but i want to get the UK symbol or something UK related to show my love for the cats!
QQ and Mid, I would LOVE to see pictures of these.
I don't have pictures of all of mine but I'll work on that. Mine are: a tribal sun on my right shoulder, 4 Chinese symbols down the top half of my spine, a sparrow on the back of my left arm, the letters J E T on the outside of my left ankle, and a skeleton/antique key on the inside of my left ankle. Going to have a half sleeve done as well as some work on my ankles.

QQ, tattoo gun?! You are getting into doing them or?

thetribe Wrote:QQ and Mid, I would LOVE to see pictures of these.
I don't have pictures of all of mine but I'll work on that. Mine are: a tribal sun on my right shoulder, 4 Chinese symbols down the top half of my spine, a sparrow on the back of my left arm, the letters J E T on the outside of my left ankle, and a skeleton/antique key on the inside of my left ankle. Going to have a half sleeve done as well as some work on my ankles.

QQ, tattoo gun?! You are getting into doing them or?

Well here is a couple of pics. Hope your not expecting much between all the hair and the almost impossible task of trying to take pictures over my shoulder in a bathroom mirror.
I have my shoulder covered in tribal and some chinese writing that could probably get me into trouble.Wink
The two that I have pictures of already.

Definitely post your ideas for tattoos that you would LIKE to have as well.

I'm getting the Hurley Brand sign on my back shoulder soon, since Hurley is my last name.
That's really awesome. Just solid black, a color, open with a design, what? Seriously, REALLY good idea.

thetribe Wrote:That's really awesome. Just solid black, a color, open with a design, what? Seriously, REALLY good idea.

I was thinking about just solid black but then maybe a dark blue or something. I'd like to have something coming out from it, but not sure yet. But it's going to be nice when i get it done.
Post pictures when you get it.

I will for sure.
if this thread is still open by then!
If not just create your own. I am all about seeing some tattoos.

haha yeah, didn't think about that.
but yeah, for sure getting it done.
Chinese symbol for strength on my left arm, and then BKW is Brian and Kenny Williams- both my cousins but Kenny was also my Godfather and fell off an overpass when I was in 2nd grade and was in a coma til my 5th grade year when he died, so I was really close with his brother Brian (who also has the same birthday as me), and he died in the World Trade on 9/11. Then the Superman symbol is on my chest, and I'd like to get a Phoenix on my back that's colored in with Bengals stripes, and the date of the wreck under it (a symbolic thing).
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Good ones Fritz and the phoenix would be awesome.

thetribe Wrote:Good ones Fritz and the phoenix would be awesome.
Thank you, and I agree that the Phoenix will be awesome.

I'd like one like this, but maybe without the spiked wing tips just because that much detail over and over would make me cry like a 12 year old girl.

And the color would just be solid black with orange Bengals stripes.

I have a picture of what I want on my other computer (without the stripes), but I'm entirely too lazy to go send it to myself.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I get the idea, it's really cool.

down one os my sides on the ribs starting at under my arm pit and working its way down to hip I want to get stars and moons all the way down intertwining and such sort of like a sleve its hard to explain, but I think it would look cool...Also I want to get full length tatered angle wings on my back
I want the wings to look realistic though like they are actually there and not just pasted on lol
Well here is one of mine

My other one is just a large "R" on my left shoulder.
I want one really bad but parents wont ill have to wait..
I want a small tattoo on my foot. Maybe a star or something meaningful. But my sister and I are going to get matching heart tattoos on the inside of our wrists. Something meaningful to us both that we'll always have.
I have a cross with tribal designs in behind it in the ceter of my upper back (by Lady Luck).
I have my kidz names with the chinese symbol for family in between them on my upper right arm (by Tattoo Charlie).

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