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ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions
Any info
Someone came into the LC girls game and said that LC won the 7th game pretty easy!!
There was a group that saw it on a sports ticker that Lewis won the 7th and lost the 8th. There is a lot of good things being said about the 7th grade group. I hope they win it all this year. Good job guys keep it up.
LC lost by 9. To many hope shots on the 3 pt. line. No teamwork in to the big guys under the basket. LC needs to revamp their game so the guards dont play the game, no sense having 4 big boys under the basket if you dont get the ball into them.
truth be told Wrote:LC lost by 9. To many hope shots on the 3 pt. line. No teamwork in to the big guys under the basket. LC needs to revamp their game so the guards dont play the game, no sense having 4 big boys under the basket if you dont get the ball into them.

AMEN, I COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF!!!! The 8th grade team would be SO much better, if the starting 5 played the ENTIRE game, if possible.:Thumbs:
truth be told Wrote:LC lost by 9. To many hope shots on the 3 pt. line. No teamwork in to the big guys under the basket. LC needs to revamp their game so the guards dont play the game, no sense having 4 big boys under the basket if you dont get the ball into them.

Please , don't talk about the kids! If you have problems go see the coach, but, don't bring the kids into it, I have watched a couple games this year and you should know more about the game before speaking!! :lmao:
ukfanatic_37 Wrote::notworthy

AMEN, I COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF!!!! The 8th grade team would be SO much better, if the starting 5 played the ENTIRE game, if possible.:Thumbs:

Please tell me your joking.
ukfanatic_37 Wrote::notworthy

AMEN, I COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF!!!! The 8th grade team would be SO much better, if the starting 5 played the ENTIRE game, if possible.:Thumbs:

Who are the starting five?? I know that the two 7th grade gaurds should start, I am not sure if they did against us or if they do every game, but you all are talking about getting it inside, and not playing gaurds, you should think your gaurds for helping get your inside guys open. Don't know what game your watching? Rolleyes
Some need to be a fan instead of a parent that talks about kids in middle school, to talk about kids at that age is about as low as you get!!!! The thing is you don't even know what your talking about!!! I have saw your team play and your gaurds are the ones that make things go!! When you played West, our coach said that if Lewis had not played the 7th graders that he could have won!! Be a Lewis fan and not someone that bashes kids and coaches on forums.:Thumbs:
ukfanatic_37 Wrote::notworthy

AMEN, I COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF!!!! The 8th grade team would be SO much better, if the starting 5 played the ENTIRE game, if possible.:Thumbs:

One Question about what your talking about does the coach play the 7th grade boys (coaches son) alot?
ky wildcats Wrote:One Question about what your talking about does the coach play the 7th grade boys (coaches son) alot?

If he doesn't play alot, he should!!!!:thumpsup:
Comet08 Wrote:Some need to be a fan instead of a parent that talks about kids in middle school, to talk about kids at that age is about as low as you get!!!! The thing is you don't even know what your talking about!!! I have saw your team play and your gaurds are the ones that make things go!! When you played West, our coach said that if Lewis had not played the 7th graders that he could have won!! Be a Lewis fan and not someone that bashes kids and coaches on forums.:Thumbs:

:thumpsup: You are right on with your entire post Comet. :Clap:
ky wildcats Wrote:One Question about what your talking about does the coach play the 7th grade boys (coaches son) alot?

Sounds like a LC parent trying to stir a little!!
riverrat11 Wrote:If he doesn't play alot, he should!!!!:thumpsup:

He does play a lot, and as you said he should. He is a very good player and is starting to get some minutes on the JV team.
So Lewis 7th beat Elliott 7th?? EC is very good, Lewis must be good also, I was going to watch them play McKell back in Dec. and it got called off for bad weather. I am going to watch them when they come here and play McKell next week. I have a nephew that plays for McKell. Congrats to Lewis if they beat EC 7th.
lcalum Wrote:Sounds like a LC parent trying to stir a little!!

Not a parent for LC that kid for LC is the best 7th grader in the 16th region imo..............
ky wildcats Wrote:Not a parent for LC that kid for LC is the best 7th grader in the 16th region imo..............

Yeah, I wasn't saying you were, I was saying you sounded like some of them!! Sorry it come across the wrong way.
ok i accept.Smile
ky wildcats Wrote:Not a parent for LC that kid for LC is the best 7th grader in the 16th region imo..............

Days of our LivesBig Grin Big Grin or As The World Turns Cool :howdy: Big Grin Wink
I think it is in extremley bad taste to talk about a middle school aged child. Especially one that is very talented and has played basketball since they could walk. If you have a problem with the coach go talk to him and see what a child needs to work on to get better. You can't blame the coach if a player doesn't work on things at home. The middle school coach has proven he is a winner and has a understanding of the game. He does a great job and if your child is the one having problems I am sure he would stay after practice time permitting or come in on weekend's and work with your child. All you have to do is ask and quit gripping about it.
As for the guard comment, It doesn't matter how many big men you have if you don't have the guards to get it up the floor . And for the selfish comment only the starting 5 should only be the one's playing, What about the other 10 or so kids on the bench? Do they not come to practice and work like the starters do? Aren't they part of the team?
Now I have a question, Why are the same poster's who claim to be from other school's always on Lewis threads trying to cause trouble? We obviously have our problems without outside sources that keep stirring it up.
Are all of you people so NAIVE and STUPID not to notice when someone is just jerking your chains to get you to play their game?????? None of you are any better than the person who replies to these ridiculous threads.

Get a life people, all of this crap means nothing.........................Bahahahahahaha
Some need to re read the post. Were any kids bashed?????????? NO they were not.were any coaches bashed????? NO they were not. The coaches were not mentioned or were any kids. POSITIONS were mentioned and like everyone else on here it is an opinion in which everyone is entitled to. Must not take much to get a GOB dander up.
truth be told Wrote:Some need to re read the post. Were any kids bashed?????????? NO they were not.were any coaches bashed????? NO they were not. The coaches were not mentioned or were any kids. POSITIONS were mentioned and like everyone else on here it is an opinion in which everyone is entitled to. Must not take much to get a GOB dander up.

Kids were bashed, when you specifically call out "Gaurds", that is a group of players, saying they shouldn't play. That is degrading that group of kids. About as low you get. There is no "truth to be told in you"!!! PARENTS Confusedhh:
Again some people cannot read. And it is spelled Guards, just to help u out. By the way the reason west lost was because the west coach did not start his starting 5 until the end of the 2nd quarter, they were being punished for not hustling in practice and the lc coach played his 2nd string half of the game, so no one playing a certain postion won the game for lc it WAS a team effort,but I'm sure u knew all this being the expert u are. My apology for offending u. I never realized West was so concerned about the program in lc
Let's all just support these boys and be kind to one another. We have a whole lot of talent in this age group of 7th and 8th graders. I have been around them for over 7 yrs. and they are good in all sports! It is a great gift to this group of boys. I look forward to High school ball. It will come down to WHO practices with heart, soul, and body! Good luck to all the players.
truth be told Wrote:Again some people cannot read. And it is spelled Guards, just to help u out. By the way the reason west lost was because the west coach did not start his starting 5 until the end of the 2nd quarter, they were being punished for not hustling in practice and the lc coach played his 2nd string half of the game, so no one playing a certain postion won the game for lc it WAS a team effort,but I'm sure u knew all this being the expert u are. My apology for offending u. I never realized West was so concerned about the program in lc

Not concerned about LC, just don't like parents bashing other kids.:dontthink As far as the game, I was not there, I am stating what the WC coach stated, but I should have realized you know more about basketball than the coaches.:lmao:
wow:flame: Here we go again:argue: :argue: . This is getten good.:Cheerlead
WOW!!! I need toTongueuke:
LCproud Wrote:Let's all just support these boys and be kind to one another. We have a whole lot of talent in this age group of 7th and 8th graders. I have been around them for over 7 yrs. and they are good in all sports! It is a great gift to this group of boys. I look forward to High school ball. It will come down to WHO practices with heart, soul, and body! Good luck to all the players.

Thank you!!!!!!! This should have been the last post on here.
This is the way I see it. If anyone thinks there are to many 3pt shots being taken simply say there are too many 3 pt shots being taking. Don't single out a position because that is about the same as naming a player or players .Keep stats then post them without names that that will get your point over and it will be a fact not just an opinion and it will not be degrading and or people cannot accuse anyone of degrading a player.

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