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01-20-2009, 11:44 PM
Mongo Wrote:I would like to point out the courage the young guns showed by being out maned and putting up the fight they did. You old guys had us out numbered and still couldn't get us out till we started runnin low on air.
I know it was a long three hours ago but YES, YES you did say something about being out numbered. Are you confused or is your head still ringing from the left eye, right eye, forehead, chin shots you took straight from the Sniper?
And just to set the record straight brother, no matter how many yella bellies you go out and bring into Death Valley, brother, the Cowboys will always have you little pistol whippers OUT Man[SIZE="4"]ned[/SIZE]. :beer:
01-20-2009, 11:53 PM
Wyatt Earp Wrote:It takes forever because you Yella's run all over three counties to try and get away. I will give you some credit however, You did make a stand that last game when we outflanked and took over. There is no reason for Cordell to drive to Ashland for work because he is over half way there running away from us. I don't know how you could count 220 wins when the new season just got under way.irateSho
Wyatt, I think you are givin toooooooooo much credit to those YB's. They had to make a stand........ they were surrounded by Cowboys and had no where to run. So they started acting like they were running out of air. :Shaking:
01-21-2009, 01:16 AM
Well I Have a Big Announcement for Wyatt & Company BigJ will be stylin and profiling this Sunday in Death Valley not at Work
01-21-2009, 01:20 AM
New season or not the overall total is in our favor and it will stay that way.
I am not complaining about being out manned, we just wanted to give you all a fighting chance.
I am not complaining about being out manned, we just wanted to give you all a fighting chance.
01-21-2009, 01:27 AM
BigJ Wrote:Well I Have a Big Announcement for Wyatt & Company BigJ will be stylin and profiling this Sunday in Death Valley not at Work
Did the Iguana get his gun ordered????

01-21-2009, 01:41 AM
Good to see you are coming back BigJ. We really need your expertise in the mountain fighting because you can catch them where they try and run to hide. My goodness, Calamity climbed to the top of Mt. Everest the other day when me and the Judge chased her down and forced her to run out of paint.:1:
01-21-2009, 03:08 AM
Colonel Kill Wrote:Well RINGO, glad to see Wyatt worked out something with Mrs. Ringo. So do tell what did it take to get you to finally come out from hidiing? :freezing:
I think you might want to look back over some of the yella belly threads to find any excuses on here brother. I think you will find things like........ my mommy won't let me play, I'm REALLY Sick, My teammate challenged me to a duel and I'm scared, Then his brother called me out, My gun won't fire (and by the way I don't think your guns work very well if you are shooting them while trying to run away), I am going to be out of town, My woman won't let me play, I'm afraid the Sniper will get me, etc...
Right on the money brother!
Wyatt Earp Wrote:Yb's are not goona respond Colonel. They won't until they are told to do so by their mastemind that works in Ashland. I figured out that they don't make a move unless he gives the go ahead. He stays in the background and plans their ever little move and then during the week regulates what and when they can do as far as replying and planning. I though for awhile that The Ref was being simple minded and acting like he was just an innocent one that shot 4 paintballs ever now and then but was the boss. The Ref is of course simple minded but not the head honcho. That be the Mr. Cordell Walker. We told you boys that the Manhattan Project was in the plans and we have some news on that little surprise, found out today!!!!! The Baby is born!!!Oh Yes, yes it is. Bring the white towel sunday Ringo.:igiveup:
:yes: It's on Sunday!
Mongo Wrote:I never said a word about being outnumbered just thatwe put up a lot more fight than you old farts.
MONGO you are delusional! Seriously you need help! You Yella bellies really don't even fight at all!
TATE_64 Wrote:With 3 or 4 wins every Sunday that shouldn't take to long Mongo....
The reason we only got 2 games in this past Saturday is because you all wouldn't engage in the first game, instead you all ran to the top of the hill on the other side of the hollow like a bunch of cowards....Instead we had to chase you all when you all were supposed to be taking HeartBreak Ridge from us.....
From now on if you don't engage on the ridge the game should be called, for the fact that you all won't fight....
Colonel Kill Wrote:I know it was a long three hours ago but YES, YES you did say something about being out numbered. Are you confused or is your head still ringing from the left eye, right eye, forehead, chin shots you took straight from the Sniper?
And just to set the record straight brother, no matter how many yella bellies you go out and bring into Death Valley, brother, the Cowboys will always have you little pistol whippers OUT Man[SIZE="4"]ned[/SIZE]. :beer:
They are definately out [B]Manned[/B]

BigJ Wrote:Well I Have a Big Announcement for Wyatt & Company BigJ will be stylin and profiling this Sunday in Death Valley not at Work
Welcome back Big J!!! make sure the iguana plays too!
Mongo Wrote:New season or not the overall total is in our favor and it will stay that way.
I am not complaining about being out manned, we just wanted to give you all a fighting chance.
You are complaining or you wouldn't have mentioned it! & the Cowboys are in the lead for 2009!
01-21-2009, 03:48 AM
We may have about 3 new guys coming out this sunday for the young guns.
01-21-2009, 10:56 AM
JackFrost Wrote:We may have about 3 new guys coming out this sunday for the young guns.
That's good JF, bring'em on & let's get this steamroller going. Nothing's gonna stop us. Hopefully I can get my remodeling work finished up by Sunday so I don't have to miss again.
01-21-2009, 11:18 AM
Johnny Ringo Wrote:That's good JF, bring'em on & let's get this steamroller going. Nothing's gonna stop us. Hopefully I can get my remodeling work finished up by Sunday so I don't have to miss again.The YB's are not the same with Cordell leading and Mongo using every excuse in the book that was autographed and written by the Ref. I'll get the Sniper and we will finish the job for you Ringo, That's just how we float mister. We are very good carpenters.:flame:
01-21-2009, 05:09 PM
Wyatt Earp Wrote:Where have you been Ringo? Haven't heard from you in a couple of days.
Some people would refer to it as the calm before the storm.:popcorn:
01-21-2009, 06:00 PM
Oh yes it is definitely the calm before the storm ringo. Its not gonna be pretty sunday for the old farts, especially for wyatt and colonel sanders its about time to shut them up for awhile . I ordered me an tippman x7 today hopefully it will be here by sat. , i cant wait to test it out on wyatt.

01-21-2009, 06:20 PM
Well the Iguana ordered him an X7 today it is suspose to be here Friday or Saturday also
01-21-2009, 07:19 PM
THE REF 37 Wrote:Oh yes it is definitely the calm before the storm ringo. Its not gonna be pretty sunday for the old farts, especially for wyatt and colonel sanders its about time to shut them up for awhile . I ordered me an tippman x7 today hopefully it will be here by sat. , i cant wait to test it out on wyatt.You have to play in order to test a gun Mr. Ref 37 and that has eliminated you. I am afraid the X7 is a bit too much gun for you however. The calm before the storm-I don't think so Yellas. If you see a huge mushroom looking cloud tomorrow coming from the Valley after about 1 o' clock then you probably need to be very concerned with SUNDAY only a few days away or just enough time to make the wife make you work or tell Momma that you feel a bit tiddly winkly sick and stay home again. I won't even mention a scratch on the Amun-Ra gun and it won't work staying away because the other half says you can't play we have plans excuse. You Yellas have to be a men about taking your medicine or keep with the flow and your Yella Belly colors and stay low down frog eatin snake crawlin dirty skunks.:blondetea Here's todays lesson Mongo.irateSho
01-21-2009, 09:07 PM
THE REF 37 Wrote:Oh yes it is definitely the calm before the storm ringo. Its not gonna be pretty sunday for the old farts, especially for wyatt and colonel sanders its about time to shut them up for awhile . I ordered me an tippman x7 today hopefully it will be here by sat. , i cant wait to test it out on wyatt.irateSho
That High Dollar Gun aint gonna help your cowardness.....:lmao: :howdy: Hopefully mommy will let you come out and play....... We'll show ya who the daddy is even with your new gun...

01-21-2009, 09:22 PM
THE REF 37 Wrote:Oh yes it is definitely the calm before the storm ringo. Its not gonna be pretty sunday for the old farts, especially for wyatt and colonel sanders its about time to shut them up for awhile . I ordered me an tippman x7 today hopefully it will be here by sat. , i cant wait to test it out on wyatt.irateSho
You better see if you can order some guts! or some nerve! or a backbone! for YOU & your YELLA TEAM! Come on down & walk that isle brother! instead of running out of the holler!

You have no idea just how BIG the storms going to be either!!!!! The dastardliness that awaits the yella bellies this week is unimaginable! It can only be compared to what happened at Nagasaki & Hiroshima toward the end of WWII.
01-21-2009, 11:08 PM
THE REF 37 Wrote:Oh yes it is definitely the calm before the storm ringo. Its not gonna be pretty sunday for the old farts, especially for wyatt and colonel sanders its about time to shut them up for awhile . I ordered me an tippman x7 today hopefully it will be here by sat. , i cant wait to test it out on wyatt.irateSho
First you can't even stop your yella belly teammates from cyber pimp slapping you so there is no way, NO WAY, you or any other yella belly can shut up the likes of the COWBOYS, brother!!!!
I am very glad to see you are getting an X7, I just hope you purchased that five mile barrel at the same time, because that is as close as you will get to an actual battle. And just for the record, isn't that the same gun Amoon-Away uses? It has not seemed to help him, he has been AWOL for 2 weeks now.
By the way, I guess mommy is gonna let you come out Sunday. :Clap: :Clap: :Clap:
01-21-2009, 11:14 PM
BigJ Wrote:Well the Iguana ordered him an X7 today it is suspose to be here Friday or Saturday also
Now that is a gun that will be put to great use, takin out plenty o' yella belly.
01-21-2009, 11:18 PM
JackFrost Wrote:We may have about 3 new guys coming out this sunday for the young guns.
Good, there will be some fresh yella belly blood to spill SUNDAY

01-22-2009, 12:12 AM
This is how it's going down Sunday girls get used to it[YOUTUBE="Young Guns"]xreJQwi2AiI[/YOUTUBE]
01-22-2009, 01:04 AM
Colonel lets get something straight , no one cyber slapped me , me and amnu ra have been friends for a long time and have always talked trash to each other. You and the sniper are the ones that tried to make this into a big deal , i just wasn't dumb enough to fall for it like my brother. You old farts talk all the trash you want you all have a couple loses coming to you sunday it don't matter who you have on your team or what kind of guns you have. all you need to know is that the young guns are sending an a** kicking your way sunday.
01-22-2009, 01:07 AM
THE REF 37 Wrote:Colonel lets get something straight , no one cyber slapped me , me and amnu ra have been friends for a long time and have always talked trash to each other. You and the sniper are the ones that tried to make this into a big deal , i just wasn't dumb enough to fall for it like my brother. You old farts talk all the trash you want you all have a couple LOSES coming to you sunday it don't matter who you have on your team or what kind of guns you have. all you need to know is that the young guns are sending an a** kicking your way sunday.
How do we have loses coming at us? Do you mean losses????

01-22-2009, 01:09 AM
Johnny Ringo Wrote:This is how it's going down Sunday girls get used to it
It usually goes more like this Ringo! Cause unlike the YELLA BELLIES us [SIZE="5"]Cowboys ALWAYS charge! [/SIZE][YOUTUBE="Just the way us Cowboys Roll!"]wYDhAmjmxYk[/YOUTUBE]
Just like in the video most of the YELLA BELLIES won't fight!!!!!!!

01-22-2009, 01:14 AM
THE REF 37 Wrote:Colonel lets get something straight , no one cyber slapped me , me and amnu ra have been friends for a long time and have always talked trash to each other. You and the sniper are the ones that tried to make this into a big deal , i just wasn't dumb enough to fall for it like my brother. You old farts talk all the trash you want you all have a couple loses coming to you sunday it don't matter who you have on your team or what kind of guns you have. all you need to know is that the young guns are sending an a** kicking your way sunday.
No need for the explanation!!! JUST SAY YOUR A CHICKEN $#!* AND BE DONE WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :igiveup:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
01-22-2009, 01:50 AM
Old guys go ahead and enjoy the rest of the week cause come sunday order will be restored in the world. Once order is restored that oh so familiar feeling you boys are acustom to will return and you will once again be a bunch of old losers.
01-22-2009, 02:00 AM
Mongo Wrote:Old guys go ahead and enjoy the rest of the week cause come sunday order will be restored in the world. Once order is restored that oh so familiar feeling you boys are acustom to will return and you will once again be a bunch of old losers.
They aren't so old anymore...... The only order that will be restored is you will get the name right from here on out yella bellie.... Its Cowboys now, no longer old guys.... Copy that Mongo?:ape: Or do you need The Sniper to draw it out for ya....:Thumbs:

01-22-2009, 02:19 AM
Rest assured Mongo that the only order to be restored will be which of you low down Yellas will be taken out 1st,2nd and 3rd with one shot. You thought last week was bad then you certainly have another meeting with DESTINY ( that's what The Judge named it I think ). I believe I would try and get a few more than 3 recruits if I were you Jack Frost because it is gonna get messy in the valley. Temperature 37 which is perfect. RN09 quit posting for The Ref because he knows better than call us out.

01-22-2009, 02:21 AM
Mongo Wrote:Old guys go ahead and enjoy the rest of the week cause come sunday order will be restored in the world. Once order is restored that oh so familiar feeling you boys are acustom to will return and you will once again be a bunch of old losers.
Hey MONGO, let the older, wiser Sniper help you out. Heres a few rules, or life lessons, MONGO needs to live by & remember because they are as certain as the fact God makes little green apples.
1. Water's wet
2. The sky's blue
3. Women lie
4. Everyone pays taxes
5. Sooner or later everyone dies
6. Give the Cowboys too much sassmouth and the Sniper will take you out behind the woodshed, bend you over his knee, and thrash the ever loving, mortal life out you like its nobodies business, and the good lord himself couldn't save you.
Because the Sniper cares MONGO, the Sniper suggest MONGO pays particular attention to rules # 1-5 and MONGO'S life will go much smother.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
01-22-2009, 02:58 AM
Sniper do you swear that 1 - 5 is true, no one would have ever guessed any of those were true. To listen to you sacks of hot air talk you would have thought you all had won the world siries. Or maybe it's due to the fact that you just haven't never won at paintball.
We know that you cowardly cowgirls want to run your mouths cause you have been waiting so long to say we won, we won. The young guns are realistic and we knew that we wouldn't win every week cause even the great teams lose every now and then. Know that we have lost a game or 2 we gona take our rightful spots on top of the paintball world and but your cowardly bunch back at the bottom of the hill.
We know that you cowardly cowgirls want to run your mouths cause you have been waiting so long to say we won, we won. The young guns are realistic and we knew that we wouldn't win every week cause even the great teams lose every now and then. Know that we have lost a game or 2 we gona take our rightful spots on top of the paintball world and but your cowardly bunch back at the bottom of the hill.
01-22-2009, 03:05 AM
The cowgirls are kinda like the Cubs of paintball, they are the loveable losers. Just when the Cubs think they have a pretty good team and will make a run at the championship they start to fall apart. Every now and then the cowgrils look somewhat impresive but just like the Cubs something goes wrong and you wont hear nothing from them till next year. The cowgirls ray of light has shown through but it is starting to fade already.
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