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wow not a single word out of the Yella Bellies tonight not a peep. awful quiet in here.

I will give credit to the Yella Bellies that showed up today when they new they didnt have a chance. Your team really left you all hanging, I have a lot of respect for RN09 for calling out his own teammate and to mongo for standing up to the Great one when you knew you didnt have a chance.LOL

If in fact your team had shown up team would have been pretty much even. Amun Ra, Ref, Ringo and benedict had a spine you guys might have had a chance today, oh **** I must have bumped my head cause what am I thinking you guys didnt or wouldnt have had a chance. Next Sunday cant come quick enough
How many were there today? I might miss next week too. Might be outta town.

Bill I broke my gun down and it still fired like it did last week. I dunno what is going on with it. I asked a couple of guys on a paintball forum. Just waiting to see what they say.
It was 12 to 9, we loaned them one of ours....

The Sniper was stylin and profilin today as usual...

Yeah RN09 definitely has some guts...... AmunRa is definitely yella
TATE_64 Wrote:It was 12 to 9, we loaned them one of ours....

The Sniper was stylin and profilin today as usual...

Yeah RN09 definitely has some guts...... AmunRa is definitely yella
You guys gonna get ya tank filled?
Amun-Ra Wrote:How many were there today? I might miss next week too. Might be outta town.

Bill I broke my gun down and it still fired like it did last week. I dunno what is going on with it. I asked a couple of guys on a paintball forum. Just waiting to see what they say.
Is it still choppin paint? that sucks , hope you get it worked out cause your team def. needs you.
Amun-Ra Wrote:You guys gonna get ya tank filled?

Gonna go this week and get another tank and switch out the one I already have so I can have 2 at all times.
TATE_64 Wrote:It was 12 to 9, we loaned them one of ours....

The Sniper was stylin and profilin today as usual...

Yeah RN09 definitely has some guts...... AmunRa is definitely yella

We only had 8
No, you had 9....

Chester, Cordell, Mongo, Calamity Jane, You, Remorceful Raider, Raider Nation 09, Jacolby, and the Kid...
The Kid was twice the player than any they had and three times better than some zero niners. That should count as ten. Jack Frost got nipped in the bud early one game however with all fairness he was checked and there was only a dot of paint , very small like the brain of an :ref2: OR maybe an :ape: so he was ruled back in because it was on the outter part of his tank. The Sniper is experiencing internet problems once again because of his local hookup and is still calling for the 26th time to get it fixed but he will eventually get back on and very humbly have a few things to say. The Colonel and Sniper charged the hill in the last game and while getting shot and giving some back they diverted the attention span ( very small window here ) of the Yella's for the rest of us to demolish them. 3-0 with the lopsided duel and the streak is on. Johnny Ringo, The Ref, Amun-Ra you better get the guns fixed and the women happy cause it only will get a little bit downhill for you the rest of the way. I find it funny REF that you stay home in bed supposedly sick but have the energy to play cards last night until the wee hours. I think that sets a bad example for someone as impressionable as RN09 when he tries to be just like you.:blondnurs
Amun-Ra Wrote:How many were there today? I might miss next week too. Might be outta town.

Bill I broke my gun down and it still fired like it did last week. I dunno what is going on with it. I asked a couple of guys on a paintball forum. Just waiting to see what they say.

What kind of gun do you have?
he has a tippmann x7
WHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Momentum of the paintball war has “DEFINITELY, WITHOUT A DOUBT” swung in the direction of the Cowboys who are 6-1 over the last two weeks. :letsparty

Amun Ra and Johnny Ringo realize this and are running scared :eek:


The Cowboys where in the zone yesterday brother, going 3-0 against the cowardly yella bellies. The ol’timers dished out a magnanimous frenzy of demolition, obliteration, and annihilation to the lowly, devastated, mortally helpless yella bellies! Death Valley lived up to its name yesterday. There were yella carcasses in lying in ditches, washed up in the creek, beside bushes, hanging from trees, and rotting under rocks. It was a thing of beauty! :1: :wenumber1 :1: :wenumber1
Tape of the duel between the Sniper & MONGO.

The duel turned out to be an astonishingly one-sided thrashing for yet another yella belly, but this time MONGO was at the receiving end of the Snipers whipping stick. Much like the duel with RN09, the Sniper took MONGO out behind the woodshed, bent him over the Sniper’s knee, and spanked MONGO’S bottom good & proper. Well, just watch for yourself!

[YOUTUBE="Duel between the Sniper & MONGO"]hNRWIh_ZWwI[/YOUTUBE]
Where are all those yella bellies? Seems like Ringo has lost control of his young pups. I guess this was another OK Corral with no show Ringo and a yella belly destruction. Brother, yesterday the Cowboys just took those low down worthless yella bellies out behind the wood shed and gave them a real old fashion butt whipping Confusedinglepar . Ringo you would have loved it..... When your yella bellies tried to take heartbreak ridge Earp's gang not only stood strong but chased your pups up the other side of death valley to hunt them down and took them out from hiding when they were to engage. And then when your pups with leader Mongo was to defend the Ridge, myself with Sniper and Mick out smarted (pretty easily I might add) your entire team when we flanked them and the rest of our team annihilated the yella bellies charging and taking the Ridge, Brother. What a day for the Cowboys, total domination, AGAIN. :letsparty

And as for the duel, Sniper just done what Sniper does best, destroy the enemy with his signature head shots. And all while stylin and profilin, brother!!! You yella bellies must admit, the Sniper is the best going today!! Whoooooo!!!! :champ:

The Cowboys continue getting stronger while the yella bellies.......... well they are just that yella bellies. You best call in all the troops that you can or at least the ones the don’t have whinny, cryin, sickly, my gun don’t work, I don’t want to duel because my teammate called me out, my lady won’t let me play excuses not to show up..... but wait I think they were all there yesterday. Some advice to you yella bellies that do decide to come back for another thrashing..... eat your vitamins, say your prayers and train hard and maybe one day (MAYBE ONE DAY) you can compete with the likes of the Cowboys, brother. :closed:
Whyy wyatt whats up with all the accusations , i really am sick if i wasn't i wouldn't have missed yesterdays games for nothing cause theres nothing like ta king your trashing talking a** out first. Me and skeans have been in training the last couple of days mastering the art of ninja moves that will have us hiding in tops of trees and dodging paintballs like on the matrix all i can say is you thought you went out early before you haven't seen nothing yet. So talk all the trash you want , next sunday when our entire team is back its gonna go back to the way it use to be you and your sorry scum sucking bunch wont win a game , so just go ahead and gloat about this weekend cause it ends next sunday i promise you that. See ya sundayConfusedinglepar
The Sniper Wrote:Tape of the duel between the Sniper & MONGO.

The duel turned out to be an astonishingly one-sided thrashing for yet another yella belly, but this time MONGO was at the receiving end of the Snipers whipping stick. Much like the duel with RN09, the Sniper took MONGO out behind the woodshed, bent him over the Sniper’s knee, and spanked MONGO’S bottom good & proper. Well, just watch for yourself!

[youtube="Duel between the Sniper & MONGO"]hNRWIh_ZWwI[/youtube]

That is some funny stuff.... Definitely the way it happened....:Clap:
THE REF 37 Wrote:Whyy wyatt whats up with all the accusations , i really am sick if i wasn't i wouldn't have missed yesterdays games for nothing cause theres nothing like ta king your trashing talking a** out first. Me and skeans have been in training the last couple of days mastering the art of ninja moves that will have us hiding in tops of trees and dodging paintballs like on the matrix all i can say is you thought you went out early before you haven't seen nothing yet. So talk all the trash you want , next sunday when our entire team is back its gonna go back to the way it use to be you and your sorry scum sucking bunch wont win a game , so just go ahead and gloat about this weekend cause it ends next sunday i promise you that. See ya sundayConfusedinglepar

I doubt that Ref..... Are you gonna step up and duel with Amun Ra or are you gonna let Little Brother take up for ya?
Big Grin
THE REF 37 Wrote:Whyy wyatt whats up with all the accusations , i really am sick if i wasn't i wouldn't have missed yesterdays games for nothing cause theres nothing like ta king your trashing talking a** out first. Me and skeans have been in training the last couple of days mastering the art of ninja moves that will have us hiding in tops of trees and dodging paintballs like on the matrix all i can say is you thought you went out early before you haven't seen nothing yet. So talk all the trash you want , next sunday when our entire team is back its gonna go back to the way it use to be you and your sorry scum sucking bunch wont win a game , so just go ahead and gloat about this weekend cause it ends next sunday i promise you that. See ya sundayConfusedinglepar

Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah........We heard all of the last week when you got bashed and you yella bellies got even more afraid to show up Sunday and got destoyed again this week. And no matter who you get to show up next week, it will be more of the same.................................COWBOY DOMINATION, BROTHER!!!!!!:rockon:

You were to sick to get shot up on the paintball field but played cards all night. I guess that doesn't hurt as bad when you lose. Try and take care of yourself Ref, we wouldn't want you to have a backset with your sickness oh say close to Sunday......but wouldn't that be convenient for you AGAIN!!!
Everyone knows Wyatt has been ailing lately and not quiet 100%. Why Wyatt’s been so ill it’s a testament to his courage and character that he even manages to carry himself onto the battlefield every week. Knowing of Wyatt’s condition that dastardly, knuckle-dragging, opportunist MONGO has been constantly challenging Wyatt to duel :Shaking: And while Wyatt would like nothing more than to blast that pig toed, sewer rat MONGO his health simply won’t allow it! The Sniper’s personally had to talk Wyatt out of dueling MONGO several times. So yesterday when that nose picking, diseased camel, began to antagonize Wyatt again :blabbermo MONGO heard three simple words he didn’t want to hear. However, they didn’t come from Wyatt, and MONGO’S mouth dropped open wide when he heard the Sniper say, “I’m ya Huckleberry!” :bigeyed: At that moment MONGO’S fate was sealed and he knew it. Considering the situation The Sniper knew he had to fight in his old friend Wyatt’s stead. I know Wyatt would have done the same for the Sniper. That’s just the way we Cowboys roll. Truth be told the Sniper was glad to do it Wyatt! Cool
Just like RN09 after you took him behind the old woodshed, Mongo seems to have fallen of the face of the earth after his total humiliation. :lmao: But then again Sniper what could he possibly say. I mean, brother even Calamity did not even give him a vote when asked who won.:BigLaugh:
Eagle42 Wrote:What kind of gun do you have?
I have an X7. First problem I had with was I shredded some paint at the bolt. I had to remove my barrell and clean it.
Second problem I had was different. My gun would shoot then, I would have to recock the bolt because it had jammed. It did that over and over till finally a ball got stuck in my cyclone right where the bolt picks them up. I freed it and it shot well for about a second and then I had to recock it again.
THE REF 37 Wrote:Whyy wyatt whats up with all the accusations , i really am sick if i wasn't i wouldn't have missed yesterdays games for nothing cause theres nothing like ta king your trashing talking a** out first. Me and skeans have been in training the last couple of days mastering the art of ninja moves that will have us hiding in tops of trees and dodging paintballs like on the matrix all i can say is you thought you went out early before you haven't seen nothing yet. So talk all the trash you want , next sunday when our entire team is back its gonna go back to the way it use to be you and your sorry scum sucking bunch wont win a game , so just go ahead and gloat about this weekend cause it ends next sunday i promise you that. See ya sundayConfusedinglepar
I would say you and Benedict Skeans were mastering the art of Ninja crying the way both of you were when I took on 12 of you in the creek that day and Benedict was screaming crawlin on his back to get away and you were crying out for Calamity to try and run over to help out. Stay bedfast all week Ninja Ref and hopefully Momma will let you out next week. I saw the Matrix and the girl in there did resemble the way you ran from the Sniper that day.:igiveup:
Amun-Ra Wrote:I have an X7. First problem I had with was I shredded some paint at the bolt. I had to remove my barrell and clean it.
Second problem I had was different. My gun would shoot then, I would have to recock the bolt because it had jammed. It did that over and over till finally a ball got stuck in my cyclone right where the bolt picks them up. I freed it and it shot well for about a second and then I had to recock it again.

The first problem you have was RN09 challenged you to a duel. You ran scared and was a no show. Now you have to take a CSF :eek:

The second problem you have is the Cowboys are dominanting at the moment TongueirateSho and you cant do a thing about it brother.

I've also noticed Amun-Run-Away & Johnny Bravo have seemed to be rather silent lately Confusedhh:

:Clap: :wenumber1 :Clap:
The Sniper Wrote:The first problem you have was RN09 challenged you to a duel. You ran scared and was a no show. Now you have to take a CSF

The second problem you have is the Cowboys are dominanting at the moment TongueirateSho and you cant do a thing about it brother.

I've also noticed Amun-Run-Away & Johnny Bravo have seemed to be rather silent lately Confusedhh:

:Clap: :wenumber1 :Clap:

Problem number three ........................ Amun-Ra is on the yella belly team!!!! :baby:
Run Silent Run Deep but they are running. The old Clark Gable movie gives a title that has true meaning for the YB's. Two words from the Judge:devilflam :yes: for the little boys in yellow. MANHATTAN PROJECT!!!!!!!
Wyatt, Sniper, Tate, Bill....... I guest the yella bellies have nothing to say because the last couple of weeks they have come to realize that the Cowboys are the very best goin today, brother, and there is nothing and I DO MEAN NOTHING THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT!!!!!! The Cowboys will continue to strut into death valley dominate the paintball war all while stylin and profilin, brother!!!

I at least expected some type of meaningless, good for nothin, made up story excuses from those no good, worm eatin, low down, worthess, thumb suckin yella bellies. I guess in yella belly tradition they have tucked their head farther between their tails hoping that their women will protect them. And Ref when I say women for you I mean MOMMY.
Nice post and very true Colonel. Sometimes I feel as if we are too kind to the YB's.
Colonel I bet Wyatt will be getting a call from Mrs. Ringo begging for Wyatt to call off the Cowboys this week.
The Sniper Wrote:Tape of the duel between the Sniper & MONGO.

The duel turned out to be an astonishingly one-sided thrashing for yet another yella belly, but this time MONGO was at the receiving end of the Snipers whipping stick. Much like the duel with RN09, the Sniper took MONGO out behind the woodshed, bent him over the Sniper’s knee, and spanked MONGO’S bottom good & proper. Well, just watch for yourself!

[youtube="Duel between the Sniper & MONGO"]hNRWIh_ZWwI[/youtube]

**** I didnt know anyone was in death valley filming that duel, but you see it for you rown eyes folk it was a total beat down
Wyatt Earp Wrote:Nice post and very true Colonel. Sometimes I feel as if we are too kind to the YB's.

I've felt that way before too! Maybe we should be harder on them Big Grin

Billnz28 Wrote:Colonel I bet Wyatt will be getting a call from Mrs. Ringo begging for Wyatt to call off the Cowboys this week.

I'd say your right Billnz Wink
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