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New York Splash Landing
Much has been made of the heroic job of Pilot (Captain) in how he brought the plance done in the icy Hudson. His incredible resolve ensure that, amazingly, not a single life was lost. However, I have yet to hear much about another group of hero's that deserve mention.

let us not forget the flight attendants that train extensively for just the emergencies that we witnessed on Thursday. They (tongue in cheek) call it crash and burn training, while all the time take it very seriously and constantly live in fear that it may not ever happen. But when it does, those very cool professionals handle what we all take for granted.

The least we could do is thank them for doing their job the next time we board the plane. For that matter, try to make their job a little easier by not whining about anything. They deserve more than a smile and a simple thank you.
I agree,everyone involved from the pilot the atendants and the rescue teams and some civilians I've heard, are all HEROES. They put their lives on the line every day. I'm sick and tired of all these sports casters and sports talk show host calling every good athlete a hero, and hearing phrases like going to war to describe a game. I didn't see or hear about one single pro athelete helping in the rescue of this crash. And Ive never seen or heard of a player in any sport having a land mine go off while playing their particular sport. So please, lets everyone remember what and who our real heros are.
mightydog Wrote:I agree,everyone involved from the pilot the atendants and the rescue teams and some civilians I've heard, are all HEROES. They put their lives on the line every day. I'm sick and tired of all these sports casters and sports talk show host calling every good athlete a hero, and hearing phrases like going to war to describe a game. I didn't see or hear about one single pro athelete helping in the rescue of this crash. And Ive never seen or heard of a player in any sport having a land mine go off while playing their particular sport. So please, lets everyone remember what and who our real heros are.

Great post mightydog :rockon:
Your point is well stated and these people should be mentioned. But you have to remember that the pilot had to control the plane and protect the passengers and the crew. If the plane had landed wrong or hit a building it wouldn't have made much difference what the flight crew was doing. So while their jobs are certainly important, the real HERO was the PILOT!!
Amazing skills from the pilot, that's all I have to say.
guyfawkes Wrote:Amazing skills from the pilot, that's all I have to say.

I agree, and my point is that it was amazing skills by others once the plane was down
Here is a photo that has not been shown on any of the news channels it was sent to a guy in Louisa.

The above was a copy of the article that was in the Levisa Lazer.
Big props to the pilot, co-pilot, and the flight crew.

The only thing that's irked me about this whole coverage is the media calling it a "crash" or saying it was a "crash landing into the Hudson." This, IMO, is not giving enough credit to the aforementioned crew who landed this plane.

This, in fact, was not a crash. It was a "forced aquatic landing" and the pilot did a fine job of landing this plane instead of crashing it!

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