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Sebastian Middle School BCI Middle School State Champs
Congrats!!! Way to go. Like I said before This team could beat alot of High Schools. I cannot wait to see you all at breathitt.
What grade was this BCI tournament and where was it played?
Congratulations to the young Bobcats.
Way to represent Breathitt county!!!!
who won the 7th grade tournament?
This is why the Nobles said that Doug should have the Breathitt job, what a joke. Noble will hurt these middle school boys when they get to the high school, they will not learn anything.
I saw some of these games and i like the Cox kid and the Hamilton kid real well. I hate that Noble is the high school coach for them, you can tell by watching him that he is lost.
Cox kid took apart A B combs with long range three pointers scoring 13 points in fourth quarter, it was a two point game until he took over, best shooter coming into highschool at that age ever, in this region.
Farmer and Cox could shoot it pretty good in the 13th.
cox has to grow some to be a threat at the high school level which i hope he does if so he will be the opposing coaches nightmare
congratulations SMS. I believe Doug Noble will be fine at Breathitt if the people will give him a chance.
slugger35 Wrote:congratulations SMS. I believe Doug Noble will be fine at Breathitt if the people will give him a chance.

Noble is coaching foolishly, look at the game its definitely a failure investment.
Anyone that knows anything about basketball has my recommendation to watch this man coach,he is lost. Breathitt County is in for some gloomy days and at this point how gloomy is uncertain.
I dont even know Doug Noble but I can tell by your posts Legislature that you are obviously someone who has been run off or someone that Doug Noble would not let help the team. Stop being jeolous of him and support there team. People like you bring down a program. This is the first year Doug has coached the boys at Breathitt and he is doing fine. He needs some experience so give him some time. Banks didnt do anything with Breathitt last year so why are the expectations so high at this FOOTBALL SCHOOL anyway? At least give Noble 3 or 4 years and see how he does. Just anybody cant come up and win at the high school level. Everyone is getting better and better now. Even when Big Breathitt schedules little Buckhorn and Cordia, thats not guaranteed wins anymore. Buckhorn and Cordia play big time ball now as well. Coaching is not an easy business so cut the man some slack.
Who did they beat in finals? and score?
Sebastian defeated Hazard in the Championship of the 8th grade by 15 points +\-. The final 4 had 3 14th region schools (Sebastian, Hazard, and AB). Sebastian beat AB in one semi and Hazard beat from what I heard was the best MS team in Northern KY on the otherside. RW was beaten out by Hazard in the quarters, or who knows, could have been an all 14 th final four. That is how talented the MS teams are in this area. The 14th region should be proud of these kids.
Hitman7 Wrote:I dont even know Doug Noble but I can tell by your posts Legislature that you are obviously someone who has been run off or someone that Doug Noble would not let help the team. Stop being jeolous of him and support there team. People like you bring down a program. This is the first year Doug has coached the boys at Breathitt and he is doing fine. He needs some experience so give him some time. Banks didnt do anything with Breathitt last year so why are the expectations so high at this FOOTBALL SCHOOL anyway? At least give Noble 3 or 4 years and see how he does. Just anybody cant come up and win at the high school level. Everyone is getting better and better now. Even when Big Breathitt schedules little Buckhorn and Cordia, thats not guaranteed wins anymore. Buckhorn and Cordia play big time ball now as well. Coaching is not an easy business so cut the man some slack.

I am neither one and its for sure that the game has passed you by as well,just watch him coach and you will see he is ready for retirement. My brother son played for him at the middle school and he never did anything to improve him i know what i have seen.
Hitman7 Wrote:I dont even know Doug Noble but I can tell by your posts Legislature that you are obviously someone who has been run off or someone that Doug Noble would not let help the team. Stop being jeolous of him and support there team. People like you bring down a program. This is the first year Doug has coached the boys at Breathitt and he is doing fine. He needs some experience so give him some time. Banks didnt do anything with Breathitt last year so why are the expectations so high at this FOOTBALL SCHOOL anyway? At least give Noble 3 or 4 years and see how he does. Just anybody cant come up and win at the high school level. Everyone is getting better and better now. Even when Big Breathitt schedules little Buckhorn and Cordia, thats not guaranteed wins anymore. Buckhorn and Cordia play big time ball now as well. Coaching is not an easy business so cut the man some slack.

Hitman if you dont know Noble how can you forecast anything? Also if you son would have played for him you would know what i am talking about. By the way Hitman its people like Noble that really brings a team down the hard way.
Hitman7 Wrote:I dont even know Doug Noble but I can tell by your posts Legislature that you are obviously someone who has been run off or someone that Doug Noble would not let help the team. Stop being jeolous of him and support there team. People like you bring down a program. This is the first year Doug has coached the boys at Breathitt and he is doing fine. He needs some experience so give him some time. Banks didnt do anything with Breathitt last year so why are the expectations so high at this FOOTBALL SCHOOL anyway? At least give Noble 3 or 4 years and see how he does. Just anybody cant come up and win at the high school level. Everyone is getting better and better now. Even when Big Breathitt schedules little Buckhorn and Cordia, thats not guaranteed wins anymore. Buckhorn and Cordia play big time ball now as well. Coaching is not an easy business so cut the man some slack.

I did not like Banks technique but he did win 25 or 26 games his first year. Banks problem was that he thought that he was coaching in the army, not in high school he was a crazy man. The fact is we dont have 3 or 4 years to lose again, Noble is lost when it comes to coaching. We need a man like Kyle Lively that has proven to get the job done.
legislature we get it you dont think that coach noble is a good coach and to be honest i think there is better out there also but the thing is he is the coach so you might as well hope for the best out of these kids and i know he has some assistants that know the game very well so keep positive its almost like you have a personal issue with coach noble
I dont know what Coach Noble is supposed to do with the Middle School kids you are referring to. Im sure he worked as hard as he should for a $800 middle school paycheck. Didnt his Middle School Team win the State Tournament also? Heck he must of been a pretty darn good coach. Heck he might be horrible, I dont know. I coach and I hate seeing people get criticized all the time when they are doing there best. Everyone isnt blessed with athletes galore like Al Holland at Hazard, Hatcher at PCC, and other places where basketball coaches are worshiped like gods. Doug Noble coaches at a Football School, everyone knows who the god is there. Mike Halcomb baby. Anyway, my hats off to the Bobcats football team. You guys are awesome. I just think if all the parents would just leave things alone and let there kids play decide on who gets the playing time then Breathitt will be just fine. I guarantee that they are right in the thick of things come tournament time. Good luck Coach Noble, sounds like your going to need it. As for Kyle Lively, I know him personally and he hasnt done crap. He took Shannon Hoskins team at Jackson City and had success with them. What has he done since then besides quit those kids at Powell. Kyle is selflish.
Legislature Wrote:I did not like Banks technique but he did win 25 or 26 games his first year. Banks problem was that he thought that he was coaching in the army, not in high school he was a crazy man. The fact is we dont have 3 or 4 years to lose again, Noble is lost when it comes to coaching. We need a man like Kyle Lively that has proven to get the job done.

ok what ever you want to say about banks but h was the best coach i have ever played for and many people dont think it but he is a great guy to.
worst thing breathitt ever done was get rid of chris baker or brian hall
Breathitt County has a head coach in 2-years of coaching high school basketball 1-at Owsley he won 5-games. Now at Breathitt he has won 6-games and lost -8 with as much talent as anyone in the region. Also Noble head assistant coach is Larry Hensley that has never coached or played basketball at any level why in the world would you hire a man like that? What is breathitt thinking?
well arch turner likes political favors thats why he's got it and banks had it

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