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Will Anyone Be Able To Beat Shelby Valley In 15th Region?
I can't see any team from the 15th giving SV any trouble unless they have a really off night.
Pikeville doesnt seem to be as strong this year, Paintsville as well, Johnson Central returns a lot, I love East Ridge but they just don't have that kind of firepower. Yeah, but I don't think SV will go undefeated in the Region, I just get the feeling one team will get to them. I can't tell you who that team is though.
Now What Wrote:Johnson Central might be able to make another run if the brackets fall right.

I have not seen any teams play yet and from what I hear SV is outstanding. I have heard that JC has several football players out who are athletic, have decent size and are physically strong. Could this this create any matchup problems for SV? When will JC and SV play in the regular season?
MonsterMan Wrote:I have not seen any teams play yet and from what I hear SV is outstanding. I have heard that JC has several football players out who are athletic, have decent size and are physically strong. Could this this create any matchup problems for SV? When will JC and SV play in the regular season?

A slow athletic team will get ran to death by Valley, so if JC is a bunch of thick muscular football players, a game against Valley could turn ugly.
Well boys, Valley looked great last night from what I hear. Elisha went 4-4 from 3, that's not a good sign for teams to come if E is strokin the 3 this early in the season.
I don't know why this thread is still open and has so many posts, because the simple answer to the thread question is NO!! There is no 15th Region team that can stay within 10-15 points of Valley on an average night. It would take a total meltdown of Valley to lose to any 15th Region team this year.
PC_You_Know Wrote:A slow athletic team will get ran to death by Valley, so if JC is a bunch of thick muscular football players, a game against Valley could turn ugly.

I would agree but the kids who came out are atheletes and have great speed. Ian Welch is a milti sport player and as good as anyone in the region. These are not thick linemen but quick skill players that could mix it up good inside and play some tough defense on the outside. Still probably not enough for JC to beat SV, but could cause some matchup problems and play more physical.
I agree with Sportster. It should be Valley and JCHS if draw is right.
Diogenes Wrote:They're the only team in the 15th that stands a chance of winning a game at Rupp, that much is for sure.

They have the size in Hatfield and Adams, and that's something that most 15th Region teams never have. That size makes a huge difference at state. Size is how Paintsville won in 1996. Size is why the 15th teams usually get destroyed on the boards at Rupp. The 15th Region teams are usually more sound, better shooting, and better coached than their opponents, but they're just too slow and too small. SV is neither.

In fact, this is the one of the few years that the 15th and 16th actually stand a chance to win state, and it'd be a very realistic chance if the KHSAA didn't allow Team Toyota to take the floor.

I love it! Good post. Adams transfering was a great move. If Clevenger would have came along too who knows what that teamwould have done... Im putting my faith in Elliot Co. I believe the confetti will be falling on them as the champs this year at Rupp!
Mr.Mister Wrote:I love it! Good post. Adams transfering was a great move. If Clevenger would have came along too who knows what that teamwould have done... Im putting my faith in Elliot Co. I believe the confetti will be falling on them as the champs this year at Rupp!

HAHA, are you serious!!!
I agree with Sportster as well, dont no why this thread is still goin on. No team in the 15th wont have a chance at beating Valley, unless Valley is doing awful that night. Even without Justice for now Valley still will not lose a game in the 15th, their to good. So this thread really does need to be closed cause we all know the answer!!
SV is the best in the 15th and I don't think any other team has a shot. I think this valley team has a shot at doing some good things at the sweet 16.
Valley has had a couple losses lately but they have been in tournaments to mostly out of state teams..i think as the year goes on they will be unstoppable and i see them makin a run at rupp
from what i have seen they are the best team in the 15th and have a chance to play deep in the state
bucslover68 Wrote:In one word No. However, like last year, injuries can derail a team. If they have the Newsome kid, I don't think they get beat in the region. A lot of basketball is to be played, but they are as big a favorite to get to Rupp as this region has had in a long time.

I have to agree with this comment 100%. I was so positive they would win the region, I would have bet my house. I am so glad I am not homeless and did not bet.
No one will even come close.
As long as Valley keeps a level head and keeps playing ball - noone can beat them.
SV is a good team...& they look really good in the 15th....take them out of the 15th and.....well you know what happens....the get stumped on....sorry cats but its true
No one knows who will win the 15th region....maybe SV, maybe not...dont count your chickens before they hatch....

Sv is the favorite team in the 15th...but have you ever heard of an UPSET....they can happen i promise u!! not saying one will happen this year but anything is possible.....
if SV goes into the tournment with the so called "BIG HEAD" they will get beat when they least expect it.....

Keep ur heads on striaght boys or u will go home losers.......
Shelby Valley will not get beat by another 15th Region team. See you at the Sweet 16. Good luck boys.
goodguy Wrote:Shelby Valley will not get beat by another 15th Region team. See you at the Sweet 16. Good luck boys.
I guess we shouldn't even waste the money playing these games then. The economy is bad, just send them straight to State. I hope the players don't have your attitude, somebody just might slip up on them. I remember a team a couple of years ago that were a "shoe-in" to win the region and go to state, they got beat the second game at regions by a team that "couldn't" beat them, if I remember correct.
TheRealVille Wrote:I guess we shouldn't even waste the money playing these games then. The economy is bad, just send them straight to State. I hope the players don't have your attitude, somebody just might slip up on them. I remember a team a couple of years ago that were a "shoe-in" to win the region and go to state, they got beat the first or second game at regions if I remember correct.

cough cough, Paintsville?
PC_You_Know Wrote:cough cough, Paintsville?
No. I'm a huge Paintsville fan, but I don't think they will ever get the chance to play Shelby Valley. Not this year. I do know one thing, I haven't saw SV play this year(only last year at regions), but I have saw EC, if they meet EC down state, they better have their ducks in a row. The SV I saw can't beat EC. I realize this is a 15th thread, just saying.
warriors_45 Wrote:Pikeville doesnt seem to be as strong this year, Paintsville as well, Johnson Central returns a lot, I love East Ridge but they just don't have that kind of firepower. Yeah, but I don't think SV will go undefeated in the Region, I just get the feeling one team will get to them. I can't tell you who that team is though.
I think JC has the best chance. SV is way ahead of the rest but, it can happen on an off night.
PC_You_Know Wrote:cough cough, Paintsville?
Last year was our year to knock out SV, somebody else can have a turn.
yea if valley gets beat
it will more than likely be by JC
Pikeville has already played Valley good, real good for 3 quarters, so all it takes is for Valley to take someone lightly and it will happen. Valley only lost to Pikeville in the all A and Paintsville in the region last year. They shouldn't lose 1 this year, but we better stay on our game.
TheRealVille Wrote:Last year was our year to knock out SV, somebody else can have a turn.

I was referring to Paintsville supposed to win 2 years ago and was knocked out in the first round or so.
PC_You_Know Wrote:I was referring to Paintsville supposed to win 2 years ago and was knocked out in the first round or so.
I thought you were taking a shot at how weak Paintsville is this year, not being able to slip up on them. Actually the team I was referring to was an "unstoppable" girls team, but the same thing happened to Paintsville boys the same year. If Paintsville was picked to win the boys 2 years ago and didn't, that should make you realize that the favorite CAN get knocked out.

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