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01-26-2005, 12:16 AM
Well said BCF4L, Herrick is a great shooter and should see more action. He was on fire the SF game, gave them great shooting down the stretch.
01-26-2005, 12:35 AM
Well said Thor and welcome to the site
01-27-2005, 04:12 AM
No live baller isnt jealous of osborne know them both pretty good. Ethan is a much better athlete than joe at anything especially basketball and is quicker than joe hes also a better football player than joe to he decided not to play this year but he said he was coming back next year to play football then people will see hes better at football to
01-27-2005, 01:07 PM
Osborne hustles....He is an exceptional defensive player but needs to improve on the offensive side of the ball...he is just a very inconsistent offensive.. Blackburn is the same way at prestonsburg! But the best player coming off the bench IMO is ryan little SF, if he keeps his composure during the game!
01-27-2005, 04:47 PM
"rollmeone" Wrote:No live baller isnt jealous of osborne know them both pretty good. Ethan is a much better athlete than joe at anything especially basketball and is quicker than joe hes also a better football player than joe to he decided not to play this year but he said he was coming back next year to play football then people will see hes better at football to
What a load of BS.. No way Ethan is quicker than Joe.. Ya, he may have the better shot on the bball court. Joe was elusive on the football field. Joe and Wes ran hard and showed no fear on the football field.. Alot of good athletes dont play football because they are afraid..
I challenge you to prove me wrong! Show me some of ethans football stats!!
Joe has proved himself on the football field were Ethan has not..How can you even make an argument that Ethan would be the better football player.. He may be the better bball player.. But this doesnt make him the better athlete.. There wont be a backfield like SF had last year for a long time.
If Ethan could put up numbers like this and help lead SF football team to their best season ever then well talk about him being the better athlete..
Joe is also going on to play at the next level. This alone says alot about Joes academic ability and athletic ability..
Alot of good athletes just end up playing ball at the park or in an old abandon gym like Melvin Grade School after they finish HS.. Seen it happen too many times..
01-27-2005, 06:18 PM
rollmeone, seems like you have had to many now. You must not be seeing clear. See here is the problem, for some reason people like you talk to much trash and never back it up. I can sit here all day and say a bunch of BS, but does it really matter. Johnson is a good b-ball player I will give him that,not taking nothing from that kid. You need to go to play at a college to really brag I would think. SF has had no one that I know of to go play football and stick with it, but then again how would I know I have been gone for a while. While I was gone though I did see some good football players that Joe played with Fred Russell last year led the big ten in rushing, Chester Taylor now plays in the NFL. Who have you been playing with.
This is not a thread about who is better than who at SF. It is best bench players in the 15th. PM me if you need.
This is not a thread about who is better than who at SF. It is best bench players in the 15th. PM me if you need.
01-27-2005, 09:37 PM
PC has some good players off the bench, such as-Channing Thacker, Eric Slone, and Brandon Charles
01-28-2005, 01:05 AM
"Wildcat_19" Wrote:Two good players coming off the bench for Pikeville are 8th grader Matt Clevenger who comes in to help bring the ball up and add some shooting...and 9th grader Tim Honaker comes in with good activity on the defensive end
Tim plays good defense but at times its out of control. He hacks people and racks up fouls quickly. His shot is coming along nicely though as he four threes against Betsy Lane. Clevy is good but he needs to have more courage.
Don to me is the best bench player on Pikeville but I believe he should be starting. But then again I dont really agree with any of Thomas coaching decisions.
01-28-2005, 02:29 AM
ethan is faster than joe ive watched them run and joe has quicker feet but only has a jump then ethan out runs him ..... there for ethan is faster than joe ....they have ran against each other and ethan has beat him
01-28-2005, 11:30 PM
OMG, either the people that keep bragging on Ethan are his flunkies or maybe it is Ethan needing to brag on himself. Do we really care who is faster, is he trying out for the Olympics. People really need to get over themselves. Joe must be a very good athlete for some kids to keep trying to tell everyone they are better than him. I guess he meaning Joe is the higher standard at SF for everyone to keep comparing others to him. If you really want to compare things, try grades hear Joes grades are pretty high. Are you trying to achieve thoses goals also. Please get over you fascination with Joe. Im glad he moved here for people to finally have a role model.
01-29-2005, 12:12 AM
Tim Honaker was playing really well of the bench and hes working himself up to the starting line-up for the Panthers
Keep it up Honaker
Posted Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:19 pm:
I agree with you on this one. I think Don should be starting also, but he doesnt so he is a very effective player off the bench. Tim Honaker and Clevenger are both great players, especially for their age, but they do lack the high school experience that Halloway has. Also, when Sword isnt starting, hes very good off the bench. But people question Thomas's coaching decision every day, and i mean everyone, but the players and him have put something together the past two games...cant wait to see how the south floyd game turns out!
Keep it up Honaker
Posted Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:19 pm:
"youknowwhoibe" Wrote:"Wildcat_19" Wrote:Two good players coming off the bench for Pikeville are 8th grader Matt Clevenger who comes in to help bring the ball up and add some shooting...and 9th grader Tim Honaker comes in with good activity on the defensive end
Tim plays good defense but at times its out of control. He hacks people and racks up fouls quickly. His shot is coming along nicely though as he four threes against Betsy Lane. Clevy is good but he needs to have more courage.
Don to me is the best bench player on Pikeville but I believe he should be starting. But then again I dont really agree with any of Thomas coaching decisions.
I agree with you on this one. I think Don should be starting also, but he doesnt so he is a very effective player off the bench. Tim Honaker and Clevenger are both great players, especially for their age, but they do lack the high school experience that Halloway has. Also, when Sword isnt starting, hes very good off the bench. But people question Thomas's coaching decision every day, and i mean everyone, but the players and him have put something together the past two games...cant wait to see how the south floyd game turns out!

01-29-2005, 03:03 AM
ethan and joe are both great athletes. don't really see why anyone would want to compare the two?..
01-29-2005, 01:01 PM
Thank you . Well said live baller
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