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Breathitt Co. 14 - Belfry 12
i figured that it would be a close game
phs1986 Wrote:Could you please show some class in your posts? There has not been one Belfry fan get on here and say one word derogatory towards Breathitt. All they have given to them has been congratulations and well wishes for next week against Lou. Central. If possible, please congratulate your team, as they came and got the job done and do not turn this thread into a "bicker" fest....

Congrats Breathitt....

Actually phs there was this one person that posted something that was very bad but it was done deleted awhile ago.
BatCat11 Wrote:Actually phs there was this one person that posted something that was very bad but it was done deleted awhile ago.

Yep... my point... It's not going to go on in this or any other thread. We mod's and admins are working overtime here!!! LOL.... :p

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
phs1986 Wrote:Yep... my point... It's not going to go on in this or any other thread. We mod's and admins are working overtime here!!! LOL.... :p

Understood, I hope your belfry senior boys the best from on with what every they do with their future.
BatCat11 Wrote:Understood, I hope your belfry senior boys the best from on with what every they do with their future.

Thank you very much and the best of wishes to the seniors with your team.

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Two legendary teams, only one winner. Congrats Breathit, bring home the title!
phs1986 Wrote:Thank you very much and the best of wishes to the seniors with your team.
Is Ivan playing basketball this year?
Belfry_99 Wrote:**** Right!! Go Bucs.. I am proud to be a Pirate...We are very fortunate to have what we have on Pond Creek! Everyone loses and it is how you take it, with class that speaks volumes of your character.

Well said, I also am proud to be a PIRATE!
BatCat11 Wrote:Is Ivan playing basketball this year?

UM.... I don't know. He runs track but that won't be until the end of the year or so.... I know Corey Coleman and Andrew Elkins both will be playing though...

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
I LOVE IT! Way to go BC! Good Luck BC at Papa John's!
Good game BC, good luck at papa johns. Would like all the pirate players and coaches to know we have really enjoyed every game this year and cant wait for next season. PIRATES will be back strong next year. Again SO PROUD OF ALL YOU GUYS!!!! Thanks for giving us a great season of PIRATE FOOTBALL.
Well simply out the belfry fans got on here throwing up last years game and you c wat it got them. I knew all along breathitt would pull this game out. Now does anyone believe that Fugate is the best back in the state. too much Fugate and there is gonna be too much Fugate for Central next friday ill be there to support my BOBCATS.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:Breathitt simply was the better prepared team who executed better. The Pirates made too many costly mistaked and missed opportunities.

Championship teams make plays.. tonight Breathitt proved they were a Championship team. My hats off to the Bobcats and Coach Hilton.. fantastic gameplan! You earned the victory tonight.

Coach Holcomb;Hilton is a Bell Bobcat and former Breathitt Bobcat coach.Holcomb was his assistant at Braethitt 26+ years ago.Both going to state this year.
How many yards did the Fugate kid have in the second half and for the entire game I know at half time he had like 190 some of something like that.
I just got home folks.My hats off to you Belfry players.You are one tough bunch.That was a heck of a game you gave us .Both teams should be proud tonight.
It's Now Time For The Bobcat Tailgating!!!!!!!!!
belfryrocks Wrote:That was the worst playcalling, haywood should retire. or however you say it.

dblg11 Wrote:WOW..the way the pirates played this game they have no right to play in the state championship game. This was pitiful Belfry. The worst play calling by Haywood I have personally ever seen. They run the dive with a 5'8" back who is 150lbs soaking wet and toss the ball to Lee who played like he was scared to death and couldn't even think about getting outside. If Lee had as many positive yards as he had east and west yards then Belfry would have won by 50. The entire Belfry team played scared except the smallest guy out there in Varney. Belfry came out and just expected Breathitt to just hand them the game and a trip to Louisville. Breathitt came out on fire and just simply shut down the pirates. Great job bobcats, you have done something no other team could do this year. You guys deserved it tonight. As for all the other Belfry fans who will get on here and go on about the refs and god knows what else, I want to appologize in advance for them. It was obvious Belfry was just outplayed. Good luck Breathitt and bring home the title.Big Grin

Not sure if my last post made it but anyway..........
:rockon: :devilflam Cool :eek: Big Grin
That's the way to play BOBCATS........GREAT GAME!!!
Congrats to Breathitt! Great season for Belfry! Two great football programs that the rest of us can hope to emulate.
Sorry but I don't feel like reading the thread really, but it would not be good if I didn't congrats Breathitt.
You guys played a great game and deserved to win.
Last year you guys turned it over too much and this year it was Belfry. Fugate is a great back and you can't hit him around the shoulder pads, but you must hit him low, Belfry did better at that in the second half.
They were some things you can question about Haywood in this game, but who are we to question him haha, it wasn't his fault.
But Breathitt congrats you played a good game and once you guys started to wear down, which I knew would happen, you still found a way to win and that is what good teams do, good luck guys.
One last thing, to all the Pirate seniors I want to say thanks, you guys have had a special run and to the underclassmen, keep working becaus you have a ton of talent coming back.
Belfry fans please don't down your coach.He is one of the best in the state and he is the main reason your at the level you are at today.
Congrats to the Breathitt Co. Bobcats. They came out fired up and never gave in even when the Pirates showed a glimmer of how they could play Breathitt never backed down. They hit the holes and tackled like you're supposed to. It was a great display of team effort. Breathitt wanted this game more and my hat goes off to them.

As for Mr. Fugate. Son, keep your head on right, understand that you have been given a talent but you can't do it on your own. Thank your front line that makes your holes for you to run. You are an amazing player, don't allow it to go to your head, play with heart and determination and you will go very far. You are the real deal.

Now for my Pirates. I know how it feels to play that final down in the Red and White. It is the worst feeling in the world. It was about 12 years ago when I walked off of Vipperman Stadium for my final game. It hurts, but it will get better. You may not play another down but you will always be a Pirate. Once it's in your blood, it never leaves, ur always a Belfry Pirates no matter where you go in life. ALWAYS!!!

As for people on here downing Coach Haywood, grow up. The man is an icon. He is a great man and a great coach. Yes, I have made crazy remarks over plays he has called but it's different when you're on the field. The man knows what he is doing and I for one hope that he is back for many years to come. He is one of the best and he's ours. Don't banish a man because he had a 13-1season be thankful that we have such a great man that teaches our boys how to play the game the right way with the right fundamentals and class that the game should be played with.

Players, keep your heads up. I Know it feels like the end of the world but it's not. Life will go on. New teams will take the field and you will join the rest of us in the stands cheering them on like we did you and those in the past cheered us on. You may have not made it to the State Championship but as long as you left it all on the field you have nothing to regret. When you give it all you have in your hearts and your bodies you can look back and understand that even with this loss you learned a valuable lesson that you will take with you the rest of your life.

Someone has to loose and someone has to win. Tonight Breathitt won the battle. I hope that they go to Louisville and represent the Mountains like true Champions.

As for our Pirates, I have no doubt that our Tradition of Champions will continue on next season and for years to come with different faces and different names. Even though you may never play another down of football in your life in that Belfry Red and White, Seniors, you will always be a Pirate. You will always remember what it was like running through that tunnel or how it made chills run up and down your spin when the crowd roared as you ran onto the field or you heard another Pirate Touchdown blasted over the loud speakers. You'll never forget touching the sign that reads, "Play like a Champion Tonight, as you ran out of the locker room" and you'll never forget that final play. You don't have to win a Championship to be a Champion. You are a Belfry Pirate, you are a Champion, win or loose, and you always will be.

Congrats on an outstanding season and thank you for the new memories you've given us.

Good luck Bobcats! Bring another Championship back to the Mountains. I know this member of the Pond Creek Nation will be behind you!
Well Breathitt Co. came and did what they had to do. Channing Fugate is a big time player. There wasn't one player who could handle him. We looked soft, and scared. I can see why BC fans referred to him as the team, the kid was like a man among boys. I was dissapointed in a few of our players, who seemed like they played with no heart. I'm not sure if it was lack of heart or just being scared and shocked. Either way, we simply got beat by a more balanced team, and they are probably a better chance to take down Central. Congrats to the Pirates for a good season. Sad thing is, I believe Breathitt Co. will only get better.
congrats bobcats,your defence was better than last year,and fugate is the man,hope you bring home the title,but belfry gave the game away..
king360 Wrote:The bobcats defense won the game tonite they shut down lee which was a big difference..varney is good but lee is the heart and soul of this team..the D is why they won, Plus the 200+ yards of channing fugate

i dont agree with you about him beening the heart and soul of this team,a leader dont lay down in big games,he did it last year in the finals and tonight,looked like he didnt want to be there,you cant do that and expect to play college ball.. good year pirates,proud of you guys down here in tn..
HarleyD Wrote:Congrats to the Breathitt Co. Bobcats. They came out fired up and never gave in even when the Pirates showed a glimmer of how they could play Breathitt never backed down. They hit the holes and tackled like you're supposed to. It was a great display of team effort. Breathitt wanted this game more and my hat goes off to them.

As for Mr. Fugate. Son, keep your head on right, understand that you have been given a talent but you can't do it on your own. Thank your front line that makes your holes for you to run. You are an amazing player, don't allow it to go to your head, play with heart and determination and you will go very far. You are the real deal.

Now for my Pirates. I know how it feels to play that final down in the Red and White. It is the worst feeling in the world. It was about 12 years ago when I walked off of Vipperman Stadium for my final game. It hurts, but it will get better. You may not play another down but you will always be a Pirate. Once it's in your blood, it never leaves, ur always a Belfry Pirates no matter where you go in life. ALWAYS!!!

As for people on here downing Coach Haywood, grow up. The man is an icon. He is a great man and a great coach. Yes, I have made crazy remarks over plays he has called but it's different when you're on the field. The man knows what he is doing and I for one hope that he is back for many years to come. He is one of the best and he's ours. Don't banish a man because he had a 13-1season be thankful that we have such a great man that teaches our boys how to play the game the right way with the right fundamentals and class that the game should be played with.

Players, keep your heads up. I Know it feels like the end of the world but it's not. Life will go on. New teams will take the field and you will join the rest of us in the stands cheering them on like we did you and those in the past cheered us on. You may have not made it to the State Championship but as long as you left it all on the field you have nothing to regret. When you give it all you have in your hearts and your bodies you can look back and understand that even with this loss you learned a valuable lesson that you will take with you the rest of your life.

Someone has to loose and someone has to win. Tonight Breathitt won the battle. I hope that they go to Louisville and represent the Mountains like true Champions.

As for our Pirates, I have no doubt that our Tradition of Champions will continue on next season and for years to come with different faces and different names. Even though you may never play another down of football in your life in that Belfry Red and White, Seniors, you will always be a Pirate. You will always remember what it was like running through that tunnel or how it made chills run up and down your spin when the crowd roared as you ran onto the field or you heard another Pirate Touchdown blasted over the loud speakers. You'll never forget touching the sign that reads, "Play like a Champion Tonight, as you ran out of the locker room" and you'll never forget that final play. You don't have to win a Championship to be a Champion. You are a Belfry Pirate, you are a Champion, win or loose, and you always will be.

Congrats on an outstanding season and thank you for the new memories you've given us.

Good luck Bobcats! Bring another Championship back to the Mountains. I know this member of the Pond Creek Nation will be behind you!

Good post!!
Congrats to the Bobcats.You guys went into the belly of the beast and came out victorious.My hat is off to you guys and good luck against Central and bring home your 4th title.

Belfry you had a great season and it was a pleasure to trade jabs with everyone of you.Hopefully I will make it down that way check out the great stadium that everyone says you have.Plus try some of your tailgating grub. You have a great program that is worthy of everyone's respect.
Anyone on here who dares to bash Coach Haywood should be barred from Pond Creek. I will back up from another post, he is a ICON.
Congrats BCHS! I hate to say this but the success has always been at Belfry. That makes everyone and the staff set the bar high. Anything less than a state championship is not a good season at Pond Creek, but that is not a bad thing. Hard work, and high expectations is why they have been so successful. Congrats to both teams for great seasons.

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