11-24-2008, 12:35 PM
bluegrassballa Wrote:Agreed. Crowe and Hawkins were a big part of this team. And without them, they will have a tough time winning. Hawkins and Crowe both love the game of basketball. They would never quit without a good reason.
true that man, they are both a vital part of the team and believe me they will be missed dearly, but i dont blame them a bit for quiting i know how they feel!
11-24-2008, 12:36 PM
Droppin'Dimes34 Wrote:what was the reason?
I would asume Bad Coaching is the main reason.
11-24-2008, 01:07 PM
UKLover Wrote:You know, I totally agree with courtdog. This may be the best thing to happen to this team. If this turns out to be true and both Hawkins and Crowe have quit then I would not allow them back. They both can be great athletes but they both have attitude problems and will bring the whole team down. They have always had this issue and if they can't grow up and take a loss like men then they don't need to be playing anyway. I think this will be the best senario for Coach Hall and he can use this season to start building on the future. They may take some beatings this year but with a bunch of young guys we can look later down the road. Someone also mentioned Brewer not being on the team and this is one of the exact reasons he left was because of crap like this going on. Smart move on his part.
11-24-2008, 01:11 PM
Bad attitudes has a huge amount to do with this issue. I know for a fact that after this summer just before Coach Lively announced his resignation that he was not going to keep Hawkins on the team because of his attitude. Let me just say, bad coaching or not this group of players can NOT take criticism, they get mad at each other if they don't touch the ball more than they think they should, they get mad when they get down in a game and quit, they get mad if they are taken out of the game and they are not a team and haven't been since middle school. There are too many differences on this team and with these two gone it helps out this issue tremendously. If these two want to play at the college level, they better check their attitudes at the door or they won't last long.
11-24-2008, 01:35 PM
Coach Hall has moved more than any coach around here in a while. That is only true for one of two reasons, he is trying to make his resume better by coaching in as many schools as he can or he is not getting the job done and is getting released! My vote is for the ladder. He does know basketball, but getting the knowledge that he has to his players seems to be a trouble spot for him. He knows what he wants them to do, but can't get them to do it. It's kinda like he wants to be their friend instead of their coach. He lets them do whatever it is they want. Not a good way to coach in my opinion. he needs to change something if he wants to last at this job more than a year. Powell likes to win and if they don't they change coaches, so he may already be on the way out if something doesn't change.
11-24-2008, 01:54 PM
All of this talk about Coach Hall is ridiculous considering they have only played two scrimmages so far. We are assuming all fo these things about him and basing them on one scrimmage game. I did not see the game against Menifee so I don't know the circumstances as far as playing time goes, but I do know that most coaches are not concerned with winning a scrimmage but more concerned with working on different aspects of the defense and offense as well as playing different groups of players to find the right combination of players who will be the best on the floor. For these guys to get mad about playing time in a "scrimmage" is childish and pathetic and for everyone to start bringing down coach Hall based on one scrimmage is insane as well.
11-24-2008, 03:06 PM
UKLover Wrote:Bad attitudes has a huge amount to do with this issue. I know for a fact that after this summer just before Coach Lively announced his resignation that he was not going to keep Hawkins on the team because of his attitude. Let me just say, bad coaching or not this group of players can NOT take criticism, they get mad at each other if they don't touch the ball more than they think they should, they get mad when they get down in a game and quit, they get mad if they are taken out of the game and they are not a team and haven't been since middle school. There are too many differences on this team and with these two gone it helps out this issue tremendously. If these two want to play at the college level, they better check their attitudes at the door or they won't last long.
crowe and hawkins shouldnt ever be taken out of the game they r the best players and should have stayed in the whole time :ChairHit:
11-24-2008, 03:51 PM
BAMA#1 Wrote:So goodguy did you happen to watch these two in the summer games? Well if you missed out those two were the only two players that keep the games close and scored most of Powells points, speaking of stars hawk and crowe are the stars of powell county and coach hall doesnt know what he's doing. He Knows ball But cant teach it.
No, I didn't see them play. I was not saying they were not good players. I was saying if they want to play on the PCHS basketball team, they have to do what the COACH wants them to do and play when the COACH wants them to play.
11-24-2008, 03:51 PM
He set two different teams up to play and the teams didnt go well together.
11-24-2008, 04:00 PM
GotMoney#1 Wrote:Wow goodguy then you dnt know how good those two are, Crowe had 14 in the first half and the coach wouldnt put him in the second half.
This was a scrimmage game, maybe the coach wanted to see what the other players on the team could do. No one said why they quit before I posted earlier. However, you "finish what you start" unless it's over something unethical or blantant mis-treatment, not because the coach took you out and didn't play a player as much as they thought they should be playing.
If he played the first half, maybe he should be glad he played that much. I'm sure there were other players on the team that didn't play an entire half.
Most coaches use the scimmage games to see what their players can do in a game situation when the game doesn't count.
11-24-2008, 04:19 PM
This is the funniest statement I have ever heard. I don't care who plays on a team, how good they are, even if they are division I material which these two are not, there are always times when you take players out of a game. I love how so many people get on here and have not clue what they are talking about. An the fact that you think they are the best players is very argumentative, if you know what that means.
11-24-2008, 04:31 PM
Many of the posters on this board know these guys personally. You should probably get their side of the story before all this speculation. You should also try and get Coach halls side too. I doubt we'll ever know the real reason.
I quit my Sr. season of basketball at Gilbert, WV. It was the 1st time I ever quit anything. It was a huge mistake. I went to Coach Smith & apologized & the team also. When I quit, that left our team at 7 players. He let me back on the team, after a lot of running. In the end, I learned that the Coach had the betterment of the team in mind. The team was bigger than just me or my playing time. Once I got back on the team, I learned where my place was and the season ended up being a pretty good one. I wish them the best of luck!
I quit my Sr. season of basketball at Gilbert, WV. It was the 1st time I ever quit anything. It was a huge mistake. I went to Coach Smith & apologized & the team also. When I quit, that left our team at 7 players. He let me back on the team, after a lot of running. In the end, I learned that the Coach had the betterment of the team in mind. The team was bigger than just me or my playing time. Once I got back on the team, I learned where my place was and the season ended up being a pretty good one. I wish them the best of luck!
11-24-2008, 04:54 PM
all i no is.... its not hall he's a great guy and coach... they just didnt respect him... they talked bout him behind his back all the time.... this is the best thing that could happen 2 powell.... they also made creech play like****.... they picked on him in the loocker room... and plus they still have Arvin, Rice and conley... there good big men down low.... and Arvin can step out and hit three's... he's the best player now... so he's got 2 step it up.....
11-24-2008, 05:06 PM
I don't know the reason why the quit, nor do I honestly care. What I don't get is, this is a SCRIMMAGE people, they take TONS of their best people out and put others in, it doesn't count for the season and it gives the coaches time to see who ELSE they could start if something should "happen" to their best players they'll know who else they could possibly play, and it's not easy to tell during practice, and it's better to put them in a GAME and see how they react to it. I don't know the coach or anything about him, or the boys, so I'm not making any judgments on them. However, IMO if you're a REAL leader you stick by your team through thick and thin no matter what, no matter how sucky the coach is or how bad you can't stand playing for them, or not getting to play yourself, you stick by your team and you do what you can do; PERIOD. If you're a real leader and you love the sport of basketball you'll stay on a team winning or losing, because you'll want to be there for your teammates and lead them on and help them get better as well as yourself. I mean really, its childish and ignorant IMO; however I don't know the real reason they quit so I can't say much for them. But thats just my take on it all.
11-24-2008, 05:13 PM
they quit B/C they had 2 set alil in a PREREASON GAME... i think they need 2 grow up and move on...
11-24-2008, 05:18 PM
bobcat034 Wrote:they quit B/C they had 2 set alil in a PREREASON GAME... i think they need 2 grow up and move on...
Thank You!:rockon:
11-24-2008, 05:23 PM
Now, everyone needs to chill out on coach hall. this is his first year at powell county and he is a good coach. It will take time for him to learn his players and his players to learn his system. anytime a new coach comes in it is hard for the junior's and seniors to adapt to a new coach and a new system. usually you do not see the coach's work until the second year they have been at a school. as for powell county there should not be 2 star players also, if they did turn in their uniforms they should not be able to return. this is not fair to the other players who stay with the team. if you let them return you set the tone for everyone to quit and want to comeback and the coach does not have a dedpendable squad. young players or not coach hall should say no thank you if they offer to return and use his young players this year get them expierence. yes they may thake some bad loses. but, next year they will be ready.
11-24-2008, 08:35 PM
Ky313 Wrote:Powell has no fans NOW! Thanx Coach hall
Were did all the fans go? I know Powell Co and the fans will be there pulling there team on.
11-24-2008, 09:06 PM
yes the fans will always be there who cares if there gone... they still have 2 move on with out them... they still have a ok team.... now they got the star Will Arvin... thats goin 2 step it up... and Reed and Creech 2 help him out and all three of them are comin back next year........
11-24-2008, 09:33 PM
bobcat034 Wrote: yes the fans will always be there who cares if there gone... they still have 2 move on with out them... they still have a ok team.... now they got the star Will Arvin... thats goin 2 step it up... and Reed and Creech 2 help him out and all three of them are comin back next year........
The star Will Arvin? We must not have watched the same Will Arvin, because i seen him miss at least 7 layups in the scrimage. I feel sorry for powell fans this year. If they have a coach that will run their most talented players off it will be a long season. IMO it must be the coach's fault. If a player that loves the game will play for three years and throw away their senior year it must be because of a coach. NOT A SILLY SCRIMMAGE GAME!!
but i could be wrong...
11-24-2008, 11:04 PM
If they loved the game so much they would have stuck it out no matter what the coach did or said. But its over now the team needs to move on, Billy RIce needs to step up and take a leadership role. Goodluck to the Pirates and Goodluck to David Crowe and David Hawkins. They have been fun to watch the last couple of years. I hope they don't regret this decision down the road.
11-24-2008, 11:49 PM
I think that without Crowe and Hawkins then the team will suffer a little bit but all the blame is on the 2 that quit... It's not the teams fault on the behalf that two players quit because they didn't play... One reason why they didn't play is because of their attitudes... If they learn how to control their self then they would be playing instead of sitting the bench.. I think that Coach hall is a good coach and he plays by the rules that is why everyone don't like him... Just because he won't put up with thier attitudes isn't his fault.. And Crowe did have a mouth on him that game he deserved to be benced it is only fair...Because if he does it and gets away with it then the whole team is going to start doing it and expect to get away with it... What's fair is fair...
11-24-2008, 11:58 PM
I guess they think that working hard isn't an option that they want everything thier way and that is getting everything handed to them when they want it and when they found out that it wasn't going to happen that way they got mad and decided to walk away.. If that's the case how are they going to manage after high school... They have to work their way to the top just like everyone else does... You have to work hard for everything... If they don't want to work hard to play and earn their playing time then let them walk...
11-25-2008, 03:38 PM
The_Balla Wrote:I guess they think that working hard isn't an option that they want everything thier way and that is getting everything handed to them when they want it and when they found out that it wasn't going to happen that way they got mad and decided to walk away.. If that's the case how are they going to manage after high school... They have to work their way to the top just like everyone else does... You have to work hard for everything... If they don't want to work hard to play and earn their playing time then let them walk...
FYI, David Hawkins worked his *** off. There wasn't a practice or a minute that this kid didn't work his *** off. He was one of the hardest working players if not the hardest working. To say that he didn't work hard is stupid!! He was always talking about how hard he practiced and how much he put into it.
11-25-2008, 03:45 PM
Protect_This_House26 Wrote:FYI, David Hawkins worked his *** off. There wasn't a practice or a minute that this kid didn't work his *** off. He was one of the hardest working players if not the hardest working. To say that he didn't work hard is stupid!! He was always talking about how hard he practiced and how much he put into it.I find it interesting it was the player himself who claimed how hard he worked , sounds like alot of me,me,me complex. He is expected to work his butt off, so no cookie for Hawkins
11-25-2008, 04:07 PM
JOBAKKA Wrote:I find it interesting it was the player himself who claimed how hard he worked , sounds like alot of me,me,me complex. He is expected to work his butt off, so no cookie for Hawkins
Very well said . me me me is what has hurt Powell for years.
11-25-2008, 06:09 PM
UKLover Wrote:Thank You!:rockon:
I will third that quote! :howdy:
11-26-2008, 12:34 PM
Yea, I know how hard he worked. He sat out all of the preseason conditioning and open gyms because he claimed to have had an injury to his leg but as soon as the games began he was fine. Like we have never heard of that move before. I'm not saying he wasn't injured, but the injury sure got better at the right moment. Lets just face it, these two are gone and I still believe it will be what is best for this team and the future. They can now concentrate on playing as a TEAM and get away from those distractions. One player has said that practices have been MUCH better since they left. Also they can work for the future with the younger players getting some playing time. Good Luck Pirates!
11-30-2008, 12:40 AM
piratefan2007 Wrote:there are a few powell players that have a habit of "quitting" after a bad game, but they usually come back over and over.. i don't understand it but its happened over and over through the years
Powell County is notorious for this. Crowe quits football everytime he doesn't get his way and never has any consequences for it from what I hear. I say good for this coach for teaching these kids some consequences. It's about time someone does! They are long overdue, IMO! :Clap: Aren't school athletics supposed to be about teaching/encouraging discipline, hard work, teamwork, respect and leadership?!?!?!
11-30-2008, 12:44 AM
KYHeavyLifter Wrote:Powell County is notorious for this. Crowe quits football everytime he doesn't get his way and never has any consequences for it from what I hear. I say good for this coach for teaching these kids some consequences. It's about time someone does! They are long overdue, IMO! :Clap: Aren't school athletics supposed to be about teaching/encouraging discipline, hard work, teamwork, respect and leadership?!?!?!
Crowe has never quit football.
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