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Sarah Palin Responsible for Death Threats against Obama
Beetle01 Wrote:No because she doesn't pal around with extremely shady characters, some of whom are terrorists anyway you look at it. Who even as recently as 7 years ago said they regret nothing which they did back in those days.

Am I saying they drink tea and talk on the phone everyday? No.
But how many of you are even acquintances with terrorists, or would even consider being their friend. I would whip Ayers butt if given the chance for stuff he did way way way before I was born. Just because he needs it. Its not somebody I would even be okay with being around. If I was on a board for an organization and he was on it. I would either be saying get rid of him or I'm gone. If they chose him then so be it. It shows the character of those people. Just as we see the character of Obama by who he keeps in company.

So, you are willing to use violence in response to perceived injury? Isn't that what motivated the 9/11 hijackers? Violence in return for perceived injury?
thecavemaster Wrote:Can you give an example of inflammatory rhetoric used by Obama or Bident as directed at Governor Palin?

Yes, you just don't hear all the dang whining. Can you give me an example of anything Palin said about Obama that isn't true???
thecavemaster Wrote:So, you are willing to use violence in response to perceived injury? Isn't that what motivated the 9/11 hijackers? Violence in return for perceived injury?




Why would you roll out a big ol' can of Whoop Butt? What is your motive? Isn't it outrage over perceived injury? Anyone who would kill another human being in order to advance a cause or to make a point or to protest a policy could be farily characterized as a "terrorist." In the same way, those who would use non-lethal violence to make a point have the spirit of the terrorist, if not the deed.
thecavemaster Wrote: In the same way, those who would use non-lethal violence to make a point have the spirit of the terrorist, if not the deed.

Good Lord.RolleyesSmile
jetpilot Wrote:Good Lord.RolleyesSmile

If such a person as jesus existed, he equated anger in the heart with murder, didn't he? Is that because he was a "good lord"?
thecavemaster Wrote:If such a person as jesus existed, he equated anger in the heart with murder, didn't he? Is that because he was a "good lord"?

If you don't know if he existed, how do you know what he equated?Smile
jetpilot Wrote:If you don't know if he existed, how do you know what he equated?Smile

I think jesus supposedly equated that in the sermon on the mount... matthew 5 (not sure verses the 40's I think). Just like on here, we can only gage each other's words.
So I guess you consider our founding fathers terrorists?
Beetle01 Wrote:So I guess you consider our founding fathers terrorists?

Was anyone killed at the Boston Tea Party? In a sense, all war is a crime against humanity. Isn't it? However, within the "just war" theory, a war waged for freedom or for self-defense or for justice would not apply to the word "terrorist" in conventional use.
thecavemaster Wrote:Was anyone killed at the Boston Tea Party? In a sense, all war is a crime against humanity. Isn't it? However, within the "just war" theory, a war waged for freedom or for self-defense or for justice would not apply to the word "terrorist" in conventional use.

It depends on who's eyes your looking through. They believe they are fighting for their freedom and self preservation of their religion and way of life. They see the Israeli's and the West as the enemy and corruptiong their youth from their strict Islamic ways.

Not all war is a crime against humanity. We warred against the Japanese and Germans in WW2, were we commiting crimes against humanity?
thecavemaster Wrote:Why would you roll out a big ol' can of Whoop Butt? What is your motive? Isn't it outrage over perceived injury? Anyone who would kill another human being in order to advance a cause or to make a point or to protest a policy could be farily characterized as a "terrorist." In the same way, those who would use non-lethal violence to make a point have the spirit of the terrorist, if not the deed.

So, in the same way, Obama's affirmation and condoning of partial birth abortion and infanticide would be considered terrorism. Right? According to your post, this must be so.
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:So, in the same way, Obama's affirmation and condoning of partial birth abortion and infanticide would be considered terrorism. Right? According to your post, this must be so.

What are you trying to do, get Obama murdered? Please cut out the inflammatory rhetoric.Big Grin
Beetle01 Wrote:It depends on who's eyes your looking through. They believe they are fighting for their freedom and self preservation of their religion and way of life. They see the Israeli's and the West as the enemy and corruptiong their youth from their strict Islamic ways.

Not all war is a crime against humanity. We warred against the Japanese and Germans in WW2, were we commiting crimes against humanity?

In a sense, yes, as were they. To the Palestinian, Israel is a terrorist state. To Osama bin Laden, the United States is a terrorist nation. To kill another human being for the "glory of god," for the sake of a cause, etc. etc. is terroristic in nature.
Beetle01 Wrote:It depends on who's eyes your looking through. They believe they are fighting for their freedom and self preservation of their religion and way of life. They see the Israeli's and the West as the enemy and corruptiong their youth from their strict Islamic ways.

Not all war is a crime against humanity. We warred against the Japanese and Germans in WW2, were we commiting crimes against humanity?
Some historians suggest that the bombing of Berlin was a crime against Humanity others would say the same about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I'm not one of them but they are out there.

Remember, "Its all about perception". Right?
jetpilot Wrote:What are you trying to do, get Obama murdered? Please cut out the inflammatory rhetoric.Big Grin

Just asking a simple question for a clarification, sounds like DW definition fit to me. Not to mention I doubt anyone who reads this blog plans any harm to Obama.
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:So, in the same way, Obama's affirmation and condoning of partial birth abortion and infanticide would be considered terrorism. Right? According to your post, this must be so.

This subject/question has been and is being debated on the abortion thread. I do not consider a fertilized egg an already existing human being in the same fashion as an already existing human being. "Infanticide" is, of course, inflammatory rhetoric.
DevilsWin Wrote:Some historians suggest that the bombing of Berlin was a crime against Humanity others would say the same about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I'm not one of them but they are out there.

Remember, "Its all about perception". Right?

Well not everyone agrees on everything. There's always going to be different views on everything. So is dropping the bombs to end the war worse than sending millions to die on the beaches of Japan? Not in my book. Do I honestly care if anyone says it was a crime against humanity. Nope. It saved American lives, and I gotta draw a line somewhere, and that line begins with protecting Americans first. So if we have to bomb an entire country into the stone age to save American lives, then I'm okay with that. If the war is brought upon us like Japan did.
thecavemaster Wrote:This subject/question has been and is being debated on the abortion thread. I do not consider a fertilized egg an already existing human being in the same fashion as an already existing human being. "Infanticide" is, of course, inflammatory rhetoric.

You are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. You can choose to be wrong if you wish. I call 'em as I see 'em.Big Grin
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:You are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. You can choose to be wrong if you wish. I call 'em as I see 'em.Big Grin

"You're entitled to be wrong"... Blah. Blah. Blah. Same old smug attitude passing itself off as a straight shooter who speaks ultimate truth.
Just some crazy Democrats rubbing it in is all

Sarah Palin wouldn't make the effort to do such. I can almost guarantee she went back to Alaska after Barock won
thecavemaster Wrote:"You're entitled to be wrong"... Blah. Blah. Blah. Same old smug attitude passing itself off as a straight shooter who speaks ultimate truth.

Did we hit a nerve!?Big Grin
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:Did we hit a nerve!?Big Grin

Never... I enjoy debate...a little railery adds some spice. My value as a human being is not wrapped up in my opinions. I don't have nerves to hit in this area, just opinions and beliefs I hold, in the same way you hold yours.
thecavemaster Wrote:Never... I enjoy debate...a little railery adds some spice. My value as a human being is not wrapped up in my opinions. I don't have nerves to hit in this area, just opinions and beliefs I hold, in the same way you hold yours.

Good. I too, like a bit of spice.:Thumbs:

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